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ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛšΛš ΰΌ˜β™‘ ⋆q*ೃ༄
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Marisol and Mila found themselves stuck in the longest grocery line ever. They had been standing there for what felt like an eternity, a whole fifteen minutes! To make matters worse, there were no other lines open. Marisol's impatience grew as she anxiously tapped her toe and leaned against the cart, desperately waiting for the line to move.

Meanwhile, Mila had a tight-lipped smile on her face, her eyes glued to her phone. Marisol couldn't help but wonder who had captured Mila's attention. She took a guess, thinking it was probably Anthony, the guy Mila had been talking about lately. The situation was a perfect example of the frustration and anticipation that can arise during mundane errands.

Marisol's eyes drifted across the grocery store, and suddenly, she spotted Hawk and his Cobras walking by. Panic instantly surged through her, causing her chest to feel heavy and her lips to nervously lick. Turning back to Mila, Marisol's voice trembled as she made a request. "I-I forgot to grab some soda. Please, can you grab some for me?" She looked at Mila with a sincere expression, hoping she would understand the urgency.

In response, Mila looked up, her face taking on a serious look that made Marisol roll her eyes playfully. Waving her hand dismissively, she urged Mila to go get the soda. Letting out an audible groan, Mila dropped her arms down by her side and stomped away to fulfill Marisol's request. It was a typical moment of sibling dynamics, with Marisol's forgetfulness and Mila's reluctant cooperation during their shopping adventure.

Marisol couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh as she observed those teenagers. With an eye roll, she muttered to herself, "Teenagers." Turning her attention back to the seemingly never-ending line, she blew a raspberry in frustration. It was super long, and her impatience was growing.

Tapping her fingers on the cart, she couldn't shake off the worry that still lingered within her. Wanting to take a moment to calm herself, she closed her eyes briefly. But as she reopened them, she was taken aback to find Hawk and his goons standing right beside her. It was a surprise encounter that caught her off guard, adding a twist to her already eventful trip to the grocery store.

Marisol's breath hitched in her throat as she let out a small gasp, her hand instinctively flying to her chest. "Holy fuck!" she exclaimed, completely taken aback by the sudden appearance of Hawk. With a cocky grin plastered on his face, he greeted her with a casual "Hey, Mars." The sight of him only fueled her frustration, making her want to wipe that grin off his face. "What do you want?" she retorted, her voice dripping with a mix of annoyance and nonchalance.

Hawk's eyes briefly shifted to Rickenburger and Red before locking onto Marisol once again. With a confident yet slightly menacing tone, he said, "Kreese wants us to deliver a message to you, Mars." Marisol's brow furrowed in a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Nervously, she asked, "Why does Kreese want to send me a message?" Her voice wavered slightly, betraying her unease.

"Hear this out, Marisol. Kreese wants you to become a part of Cobra Kai. He believes in your potential," Hawk explained, his voice filled with a mix of conviction and excitement. Marisol's gaze hardened, her arms crossing tightly over her chest as a skeptical expression took over her face. "Are you seriously being deadass right now?" she questioned, her tone laced with disbelief and a touch of sarcasm.

He nodded slightly, his agreement evident. "Yeah," he breathed out, his voice barely audible. Marisol couldn't contain her laughter, her amusement echoing through the air. Unfolding her arms, she pointed directly at his chest, her gesture filled with emphasis. "You seriously think I'm gonna join Cobra Kai after everything I've seen?" she retorted, her disbelief written all over her face.

He let out an exasperated eye roll, his annoyance evident. "I told him you would be a pussy," he gritted out, his voice filled with a hint of frustration. Marisol's anger flared up, her fists clenching tightly by her side. "What the fuck did you just say?" she seethed, her jaw clenched tightly. She shot him a nasty glare, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and disbelief. He knew exactly how to get a rise out of her, aware of her strong dislike for being called names or being berated.

He sent her a piercing glare, his lips curling into a cocky smirk. "I said you're a fucking pussy," he gritted out, his words laced with contempt. Marisol's fists clenched even tighter, her knuckles turning white as her anger intensified. Her chest tightened, making it difficult for her to breathe. She glared at him with a dark, fiery intensity, her eyes burning with fury.

He met her gaze with a cold, challenging look, provoking her further. As she prepared to swing a punch at him, her muscles tense with anticipation, Mila swiftly stepped in, grabbing her fist mid-swing. "Stop it, Marisol!" Mila pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. Hawk and his Cobras laughed, their cruel amusement echoing through the air, as they walked away, leaving behind a trail of taunts. "See you around, Cervantes!" they sneered, their words lingering in the tense atmosphere.

Marisol couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan, feeling the tension in her body slowly dissipate as she moved her clenched fist away and crossed her arms in annoyance. Mila, recognizing her friend's frustration, mirrored her actions and gave her a knowing look, a mix of empathy and concern in her eyes.

"You really need to stop, Marisol," Mila said, her voice filled with sincerity. "He's just trying to get a rise out of you, to prove that your short temper would make you a perfect fit for Cobra Kai." Mila's words hit home, and Marisol couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and resignation. She knew Mila was right, but it was hard to let go of the desire to defend herself.

Marisol couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, frustration evident in her voice. "I know exactly what you mean," she said, her tone tinged with exasperation. "It's like, one moment we're cool, and the next he's doing something that just sets me off. It's like he knows exactly how to push my buttons." She paused, trying to find the right words to express her complex feelings. "I wish I could explain it better, but it's just this mix of anger, disappointment, and confusion all rolled into one. It's exhausting."

"I feel you, Marisol," Mila empathized, her voice filled with understanding. Marisol's gaze followed Hawk as he exited the grocery store, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "I get it, sometimes it's just hard to resist getting caught up in the drama," Mila added. Marisol nodded, reluctantly accepting the situation. As she glanced down at her phone, a text from Sam popped up, inviting her to the courthouse. Her curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but wonder what awaited her there.

Marisol parked her car outside the courthouse, having just dropped off Mila at home with the groceries. Stepping out of her car, she caught Miguel's eye, and they both erupted into laughter. "Did Sam text you too?" they exclaimed simultaneously, their laughter echoing through the air. Marisol wasted no time with small talk, her tone urgent. "We should go inside. It sounded really important," she said, her voice filled with a sense of urgency and determination.

As Marisol and Miguel stepped inside the courthouse, they were greeted with the sight of a bustling meeting. One of the women in the room turned to address Johnny, Kreese, and Daniel, saying, "I gotta hand it to her, she made a damn good case today for why this tournament shouldn't go on." Marisol's eyes widened as she looked at Miguel, a mix of surprise and confusion on her face. She had no idea that the tournament had been called off. It's not like she followed all the karate drama since she wasn't involved in karate at all.

"Wait!" Miguel's voice echoed through the room, causing heads to turn and all eyes to focus on him and Marisol. With determination, they descended the steps towards the stand, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze upon them. Miguel took a brief pause, licking his lips to steady his nerves, before confidently stating, "My name is Miguel Diaz." Marisol leaned towards the microphone, her voice clear and unwavering, as she introduced herself, "And I'm Marisol Cervantes." Their united presence demanded attention and set the stage for what was to come.

"We were actually part of that crazy school fight. You know, the one where I got kicked off the second floor," Miguel explained, giving Marisol a nod of confirmation. Marisol, trying to ease her nerves, rolled her shoulders back and spoke up, "And I was the one who, you know, fell into the computers." Their shared experiences in that chaotic event brought a sense of camaraderie between them.

Miguel's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he caught Marisol's quick change of words. He couldn't help but wonder, "Hold up, who was the one that kicked you into the computers? Was it Hawk? Is that why you two have been going at it non-stop since the school fight?" Marisol attempted to shrug off his inquisitive gaze, but she couldn't deny that he was curious about the truth behind what had happened. The tension between them remained, leaving unanswered questions lingering in the air.

Miguel's voice caught in his throat, his words filled with raw honesty. "You know, uh... I honestly thought I was gonna be paralyzed. It was like starting from scratch, having to relearn how to stand, how to walk," he shared, his voice tinged with vulnerability. Marisol's throat tightened as she absorbed the weight of his words, feeling a mix of empathy and admiration for his resilience.

Miguel's voice grew softer as he continued, "And those stitches in the back of my head? I was worried about dealing with constant headaches. And, well, I've got this scar on my arm from a fight a while back, after my cousin Robby Keene got attacked." Despite their own personal struggles, both Miguel and Marisol shared a common desire to see the tournament continue. "We can't let our own issues get in the way of something that means so much to everyone," Miguel concluded, his determination shining through.

Miguel's eyebrows furrowed, and he shot her a perplexed look, clearly taken aback by the revelation that they were cousins. As Sam watched from the audience, she couldn't help but notice Miguel's expression of confusion. "We're genuinely thrilled to see how far you've both come in your recoveries," Sam started, her voice filled with sincerity. "But I'm afraid there's something important that you may not fully graspβ€”"

Sam stood her ground, her arms falling to her sides. "Yeah, they really do," she asserted, catching the attention of both Marisol and Miguel. Her voice carried determination as she continued, "We're the ones putting ourselves out there, fighting, and getting hurt. Our voices should be the ones that matter the most. We deserve a place where we can compete, where it's fair and safe for everyone." Miguel's smile grew, his gaze softening as he looked at Sam.

Marisol couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, but deep down, she knew that her connection with Sam had faded. It was always meant to be Marisol and Eli, not Sam and Marisol. Their chemistry had changed, and now their love for each other was different, not like the intense feelings they had for Hawk and Miguel.

Miguel turned his gaze towards Counsilwomen Roberts, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and frustration. "You know, when I first moved here, I was the target of bullying," he began. "And let me tell you, there's no escaping it. There will always be that one kid who wants to steal your lunch money, give you a wedgie, or even give you a swirlie." As he listed off these experiences, memories of those difficult times came flooding back.

Curiosity sparked in Counsilwomen Roberts' eyes as she questioned, "A swirlie?" Johnny, eager to contribute, stood up and explained, "You know, when they dunk your head in the toilet and flush it." The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Miguel's words sinking in and reminding everyone of the harsh realities some kids face on a daily basis.

Marisol couldn't help but let out a snicker, covering her mouth with her hand. Miguel shot her a scolding look and waved his hand dismissively. "Sensei!" he scolded, then settled back into his seat. "Gotta admit, it's pretty funny," he murmured. Marisol let out a sigh, her frustration evident. "Instead of ignoring the problem or thinking it'll just go away, we need to teach kids how to stand up for themselves," she asserted. "I mean, I haven't even learned karate, but I've still faced bullying for being attracted to both girls and boys. It's not fair that we're judged for loving who we want. And you know what? It's not just us, it's the adults too."

Sam's eyes filled with sadness as she stared at Marisol, her voice tinged with emotion. "You know, we should teach kids to defend themselves not only physically, but mentally too," she said, her words carrying a weight of experience. "Because sometimes, it's the scars you can't see that hurt the most." Marisol met Sam's gaze, her own expression mirroring the empathy she felt. Her lips curled into a frown as she nodded in understanding, silently acknowledging the shared pain they both knew too well.

"Karate, you know, it's not just about the moves," Miguel said with a spark in his eyes. "It's about so much more. It's about discipline, finding your inner strength, and building confidence. These are lessons that stay with you for a lifetime. And let me tell you, I honestly don't know where I would be today, or who I would be, if it wasn't for my amazing sensei." He shifted slightly, gesturing towards Johnny, encouraging them to direct their gaze towards him.

Marisol turned her gaze back, her eyes filled with unwavering determination. "Look, the tournament ain't just about showboating or making a quick buck," she said with conviction. "It's about standing up to all those bullies out there and proving that we ain't scared. They call it the All Valley 'cause it's open to everyone, giving every single person a shot to show what they're made of, to fight, and to become a true champion. And damn it, we all deserve that chance." With a stern look, she made it clear that she was speaking not just for herself, but for Miguel as well.

Councilwoman Roberts glanced around the room, meeting the approving nods of her board members. Her gaze then shifted back to the three determined kids standing before her. With a slight shake of her head, she mustered up her honesty. "Gotta admit, I don't quite get the Valley's obsession with karate," she confessed. "But hey, if it means the world to all of you and you're willing to sign those waivers, declaring the city's non-liability, then guess what? The All Valley Under 18 Tournament is officially back on!" She punctuated her words with a firm bang of her gavel. "Yes!"

Sam's excitement was palpable as he swiftly wrapped his arms around Marisol, followed by a warm hug for Miguel. A wide grin spread across Marisol's face, her eyes sparkling with a mix of disbelief and pride. She couldn't help but crack a grin herself, realizing the impact she had in making the All Valley a reality once again. It was a moment of triumph and unexpected accomplishment. Who would have thought that they would be the ones to bring it back?


ash speaks!

rahhh we're getting closer to season four !!! two more chapters (possibly one, but we will see) :)))

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