xxxviii. π“π‡π„π‘π€ππ˜

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ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛšΛš ΰΌ˜β™‘ ⋆q*ೃ༄
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Β  Β  Β  IT HAD BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE THE ALL VALLEY. Miguel and Hollis forged a pact, escaping to Mexico together in pursuit of the elusive truth about their fathers. In an unexpected twist, their journey revealed a shared connectionβ€” their dads were best friends.

Meanwhile, a different kind of journey beckoned Marisol. She felt a pull to revisit her father's dealership. Stepping into the familiar space, her presence elicited glances from the employees. Among them, Jason Winslow recognized her with astonishment. "Marisol Cervantes, is that you?" he called out. Marisol, caught off guard, parted her lips, a mix of surprise and recognition in her eyes. Jason, making his way toward her, answered her unspoken question, "Since when have you been working here?" The reunion marked the convergence of past and present, unraveling threads of history Marisol hadn't expected to find within those dealership walls.

Jason chuckled, "Your dad brought me on board a few weeks after Soph's death. How did you not know? I'm the Manager now," he said, furrowing his eyebrows as Marisol stood there in disbelief, her expression a mix of surprise and realization.

A wave of realization crashed over Marisol. How could she not have known? The dealership held a flood of memories, and she hadn't set foot in there since the past she was trying to escape. Jason's revelation hit her like a ton of bricks.

As Jason raised a curious brow, genuine concern etched on his face, Marisol struggled to steady herself. "Are you okay?" he asked. Marisol took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to regain her composure.

"Yeah, uh... it's been a while. H- How are you?" Her words stumbled, carrying the weight of untold stories and the unexpected rush of emotions from the past. The atmosphere in the dealership became charged with the unspoken echoes of memories long buried.

Jason's grin broadened with genuine enthusiasm. "Good, actually! I'm in the second year of college, and I have an amazing wife and daughter," he shared, the pride evident in his voice. Marisol's eyes widened, absorbing the unexpected turns Jason's life had taken since their paths diverged.

Clearing her throat, Marisol pressed on with curiosity. "Um, w- who is your wife?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of disbelief and a touch of vulnerability, her head tilting as she tried to reconcile the past with the present. "Allison Riggs. Why?" Jason responded, unknowingly opening a window into a chapter of his life that Marisol hadn't been privy to.

Recognition dawned on Marisol as she recalled the connection. It was the same girl Sophie had expressed worry about. Her eyes bore into Jason's as she demanded, "How old is your daughter?" Her words carried a sharp edge, a blend of anger and disbelief, causing Jason's initial grin to wither.

The air thickened with tension as Marisol, fueled by a surge of emotions, confronted Jason. "She's five years old?" he admitted, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the charged atmosphere between them. The past collided with the present, unraveling a thread of narrative Marisol hadn't anticipated.

A scoff escaped Marisol's lips, laden with scorn. "You lying, cheater! You cheated on my sister and got two girls pregnant at the same time? Especially the one you said not to worry about? Screw you. I thought you were a good person, but no. You're just like any other guy in this world," she seethed, her words cutting through the charged air.

Fueled by a mix of anger and betrayal, Marisol couldn't contain herself. With a forceful shove, Jason staggered backward, landing on the ground on his side. The impact echoed the emotional tumult that had unfolded. In response to the commotion, her dad rushed out, drawn by the intensity of the confrontation playing out before him.

George's expression contorted into one of stern disapproval. "What the hell, Marisol!" he yelled, the frustration palpable in his voice. Marisol, unfazed, rolled her eyes dismissively, an air of defiance about her.

"Did you know?" Marisol confronted her dad, rage burning in her eyes. George, choosing silence, exchanged a telling look with Jason, who confirmed Marisol's suspicions. "You knew," she scoffed with a head shake, attempting to hold onto some semblance of composure.

The desire to exit calmly clashed with the tumult of emotions within her. Flipping off her dad and Jason, Marisol stormed out, leaving behind a charged atmosphere fraught with the weight of revelations and the bitter taste of betrayal.

Terry Silver ambled down the street, catching sight of the unfolding events. "Marisol Cervantes," he smoothly pronounced, his gaze following her every move. As she traversed the sidewalk, the familiarity of that voice tightened her fists by her side. "Terry Silver," she responded, meeting his smirk with a steady gaze.

He casually questioned, "Still in Eagle-Fang?" A skeptical brow arched on Marisol's face as she crossed her arms defensively. "Why do you have an interest in that?" she quizzically shot back, her tone a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Standing firm, she awaited his response, challenging the implications behind his inquiry.

Silver's eyebrows ascended in response to the unfolding situation. "I witnessed the whole ordeal at your dad's dealership," he noted, gesturing towards the scene, causing her to briefly glance in that direction before locking eyes with him. "So?" she retorted with a hint of sass. Silver quirked a brow, acknowledging her attitude with a nod.

"Well, that attitude might just be an asset for Cobra Kai," he suggested, his tone carrying a subtle intrigue. Marisol burst into laughter, slapping her hand on her leg in amusement. "You're quite the comedian!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes playfully before turning around. "What if there's a chance for you to be a part of both Eagle-Fang and Cobra Kai?" Silver's proposition hung in the air, leaving a moment of contemplation for Marisol.

Braking her stride, Marisol pivoted, a quizzical look in her eyes. "How?" she pressed. Silver unfolded the plan, "You've hit the limit at Eagle-Fang, but at Cobra Kai, you can continue your training and still be pals with the Eagle Fangs and Miyagi-Dos. Just keep our secrets to yourself." As she mulled it over, Marisol pursed her lips, weighing the options, before finally shrugging her shoulders. "So?" she challenged, a raised brow demanding more from Silver, seeking a compelling reason to consider his proposition.

A sly grin played across Silver's face, casting an unsettling atmosphere. "Well, Marisol, if you decide against joining, a small issue may arise. I won't hesitate to dispatch another one of my students to challenge Hawk once more, or perhaps this time, set sights on Samantha LaRusso," he declared with a veiled threat, leaving an ominous undertone hanging in the air.

A heavy weight settled in Marisol's chest as the prospect of endangering Eli and Sam loomed large. She couldn't bear the idea of putting Eli through more turmoil, and considering Sam's past, she couldn't fathom anything happening to her either. Resigned, Marisol sighed, "Fine. Just, please, give me your word that no harm will come to Eli." Her plea carried a mix of vulnerability and concern, seeking assurance in a tense moment.

Silver took mental note of her omission regarding Sam. "Excellent. Let's proceed. Tory will be your guide," he smirked, leading Marisol to the recently established Cobra Kai dojo conveniently positioned near her dad's dealership. Upon entering, all eyes gravitated toward her. It was a dedicated training dayβ€”no formal classes, just an atmosphere of focused practice.

Addressing the assembled students, Silver declared, "This is Marisol Cervantes, our new member, known as The Firecracker. Treat her with respect." His eyes scanned the room, scrutinizing each student. Among them, Tory's gaze shifted to Marisol, her eyes widening with a mix of surprise and curiosity, creating a charged moment in the dojo.

Silver entered his office, leaving Marisol to ponder her decision. Tory, sensing the weight of the situation, approached with a concerned expression. "Marisol, this isn't a good idea. You're better off at Eagle-Fang," she prodded, hoping to dissuade her from diving deeper into the Cobra Kai world. Marisol, however, scoffed, challenging Tory with a hint of defiance, "Why? Scared I'm stronger than you?" Her biting retort hung in the air as Tory shook her head, a disbelieving look etched on her face.

"No, it's not about that. Cobra Kai... it's bad. I'm realizing I can't get out; I'm their poster child for winning. You need to find a way out as soon as possible," Tory pleaded, her voice carrying the weight of regret and caution. The gravity of the situation unfolded in the charged exchange between the two, highlighting the complexity of Marisol's decision to align herself with Cobra Kai.

Marisol's gaze lingered on Tory, caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions. Trust had eroded, especially when it came to Terry Silver. Amidst the chaos of her circumstances, all she craved was a sense of empowerment. She didn't want to be defined by societal labelsβ€”whether it was being the girl with bipolar disorder, the one with a mother in prison, the partner of someone marked by a scar, or the girl with a matching scar from a previous encounter with Sam.

In the depth of her soul, Marisol yearned to shed these identities and simply exist as Marisol Cervantes. The struggle lay in deciphering the essence of that elusive identity, a quest made even more challenging by the complexities of her past and the uncertain path she was currently navigating.

She parted her lips, a moment of vulnerability exposing her inner turmoil. "Tory, I don't know what to do anymore, okay? I don't even know who I am. Maybe Cobra Kai is a way for me to find that out," she admitted, her arms thrown out by her sides as if searching for answers. Tory responded with a knowing look, realizing the depth of Marisol's struggle.

"I get that, butβ€”" Tory stammered, grappling with the right words as Marisol furrowed her eyebrows, impatient for a solution. "Can you just help me gather my stuff? I don't care about your opinion," she insisted, rolling her eyes and breaking the tense moment. Circling around to the smoothie bar, Marisol's request for practical assistance hinted at a need for stability in the midst of her internal chaos.

Tory turned her head to look over her shoulder as Marisol reached for a cup, firmly placing it under the strawberry flavor dispenser. Marisol indulged in a sip, relishing the taste. "Ah, I love strawberry flavors," she remarked, closing her eyes and tilting her head back in a moment of simple pleasure. Tory laughed, prompting her to ask, "Like any? Candy? Drink?" Leaning casually against the counter, Marisol nodded, offering a playful yet uncertain response, "Uh, yes?" Their exchange unfolded with a shared giggle, briefly suspending the weight of the decisions looming over them.

Tory's smile widened as she divulged, "Personally, for me, it's the apple flavor," accompanied by an honest tongue click. Marisol shot her a bemused look. "What? I have never heard anyone say that. Like, no one," Marisol exclaimed, her tone laced with genuine surprise, highlighting the unexpected nature of Tory's preference. Their exchange carried a lightness, providing a brief respite from the weightier matters at hand.

Tory sucked in her teeth, a contemplative expression crossing her face as she leaned her head into her hand. "Yup. My mom likes it too," she said, chuckling lightly. Marisol nodded, intrigued, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "What's your mom like?" she asked. Tory's lips formed a thoughtful frown as she delved into the past. "I don't really remember. I was young when she got sick... now I just take care of my little brother and make sure she's okay," she shared, her words carrying a weight of responsibility and a hint of longing for memories faded by time.

Marisol reciprocated the frown, a shared understanding passing between them. "Oh. I'm sorry. To some extent, I understand," she admitted, shoulders lifting in a subtle shrug. Her gaze drifted to her smoothie, stirring the straw pensively. Tory's eyebrows raised in curiosity, a silent invitation for Marisol to share more of her own story. "Really?" Tory prompted, intrigued by the potential connection between their experiences.

Marisol emitted a contemplative hum, her head nodding subtly. "My mom is a bipolar mess. I've never really witnessed the good side of her. She's always been challenging, and sometimes that makes me question if I'm the same. I worry that my friends might perceive me in a similar light. She's a mess, someone who never truly cared about her kids," she shared, laying bare the complexities and insecurities tied to her relationship with her mother. The weight of her words hung in the air, revealing a vulnerability that transcended the surface.

Tory scoffed dismissively. "She sounds like my aunt. All my aunt wants is my disability money. She's a damn methhead," she stated, her tone laced with a mixture of frustration and disdain. The weight of her words hinted at a difficult family dynamic, revealing the challenges and hardships she faced outside the dojo.

Marisol's head shook subtly. "I wouldn't be surprised if they know each other. My mom used to deal crystal meth when I was eight," she admitted, a bittersweet laugh escaping her as she took another sip from her smoothie. The weight of her past lingered in the air, a shared understanding woven into the conversation.

Tory responded with a nonchalant shrug. "Maybe. Sorry to ask, but isn't your mom incarcerated?" she queried, her tone carrying a blend of curiosity and sympathy, gently probing into Marisol's experiences with a sense of shared vulnerability.

Marisol released a heavy exhale, her shoulders drooping under the weight of her words. "Yeah, she is. That's another long story..." she trailed off, hinting at the complexity and depth of her mother's situation. Tory, attuned to the sensitivity of the topic, narrowed her eyes with understanding. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me," she offered, acknowledging the unspoken boundaries and providing a comforting space for Marisol's emotions.

Marisol locked eyes with Tory. "Yeah, I don't really want to talk about it. It's... it's traumatizing," she admitted, the raw emotions echoing in her voice. A poignant silence hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of Marisol's unshared experiences. As the weight of the conversation settled, her phone chimed, introducing a brief respite from the heavy subject matter.

Mila: marssssss
can you drive me to lias? nat is at court for a case and dads at dealership.

Marisol seized her phone, her gaze fixated on the screen, a sigh escaping her lips. Tory, noticing the shift in demeanor, inquired, "Is everything okay?"

Marisol looked up, a warm smile gracing her lips. "Yeah, my sister wants me to drive her over to her friend's," she chuckled, sharing a brief moment of familial responsibility. Tory responded with an understanding 'ahh' sound, acknowledging the familiar dynamics of family life. "Okay, gotchu. I'll catch up with you later," Tory said, their interaction concluding with a casual yet friendly farewell.

Marisol flashed a grin. "Alright. See you later!" She waved, a casual and friendly farewell marking the end of their conversation.

Stepping out of the dojo, she walked down the street toward her car nestled in her dad's parking lot. Unbeknownst to Marisol, Daniel had driven past Cobra Kai, his gaze catching her exit. A sense of foreboding settled – trouble awaited her, and she remained oblivious to the watchful eyes that had observed her departure.


ash speaks!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter for season five!! I'm so depressed. Season six is the last and idk when it will be out sooo.. that means I'm close to be done with this book until then.

I really wanted to write out story and Marisols friendship this season as well. Season six, I'm gonna try to make it around everyone, cause I realized she has barely had an interaction with Demetri or Robby☠️ I feel so bad.

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