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After leaving the Salvatore boarding house, the Sommer's girl dropped both herself and Elena off at school before the two girl went their separate ways. Lizzie held her books to her chest as she made her way towards the school but her cousin and Jeremy caught her eye who was walking a little ahead in front on her.

"Hey, guys" Lizzie greeted the two with a beaming smile on her face as she linked arms with the Bennett witch before glancing between her cousin and Bonnie with a smirk on her face and mischievously asked, " So, what's going on with the two of you?"

Bonnie eyes widened slightly sending a look to the blonde as she stuttered, "N-nothing. Just we're going to the Grill after school, you wanna come?" Lizzie stifled a laugh glancing between the two seeing how awkward one of her best friends was being and softly answered, " Sure, I have nothing else to do."

"Yeah, that's if you count aunt Jenna forcing you to watch what ever girly movie she picked out just so she can keep an eye on you" Jeremy resorted causing Lizzie to raise her eyebrows as she softly nudged him with her shoulders.

Bonnie chuckled shaking her head at the bickering cousins when suddenly a voice called out causing the three of them to turn around, " Hey, excuse me. Do you guys know which way the office?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, through the double doors,straight ahead, quick left and then your first right. You must be new here" Jeremy stated as he turned to face the new guy who nodded his head and responded, " Yeah, I am. It's kinda hard to hide it. My name's Luka"

Jeremy had a friendly smile on his face as he shook Luka's hand before he spoke up, " I'm Jeremy, this is Bonnie and my cousin, Lizzie" Luka smiled in acknowledgement glancing between the three of them but his eyes lingered on Bonnie causing the blonde to send Jeremy a look who looked annoyed as he saw the exchange between the two.

"Anyway, I'm headed in that direction. Why don't you follow me, it can get confusing" Jeremy offered with a forced smile causing Luka to nod his head with a grateful look on his face as he said, " Okay. Thanks, man. It's nice to meet you, Bonnie"

The two girls watched the new guy follow after Jeremy causing Lizzie to let out a laugh as she raised her brows at Bonnie and teased her, " Look's like the new guy has the hots for you" The Bennett witch let out a scoff as she turned her attention to Lizzie rolling her eyes and commented, " what? No, nothing will happen anyway"

"Why, because you got a thing going on with Jeremy" the blonde teased with a smirk on her face causing Bonnie to gasp in surprise before taking Lizzie's arm and started dragging her into the school trying to change the subject, " come on we're going to be late for class"


Elizabeth was minding her own business as she walked down the corridor of Mystic Falls High, after she had English class, oblivious to the attention she was receiving as everyone's eyes was on her. The blonde was the type of person everyone wanted to be around as she was kindhearted, funny and bubbly who always had a smile on her face.

"Hey, Ty" Lizzie greeted with a sympathy smile on her face as she decided to speak with him after Caroline had informed her that her ex boyfriend had triggered the werewolf curse on the night of the masquerade party.

The blonde knew that Tyler was going through a hard time accepting that he had triggered the werewolf curse seeing as the next full moon he has to break every bone in his body and while the two are no longer together she cared about him as a friend since she's known him when she was a child when her mother used to visit her sister quite a lot.

"Hey, Lizzie" Tyler muttered with an confused look on his face as he turned around to face the blonde. The two haven't talk that much since they broken up a couple of months ago as Tyler was still nursing a broken heart as Elizabeth meant a lot to him but she just didn't think things would work out between them.

Elizabeth sighed as she raised her eyebrows with a sad smile on her face and commented, " Look, I know things have been weird between us since the breakup but you're one of my closest friends and I don't want to lose you because things didn't work out between us"

"Lizzie, it's okay, I understand. Sometimes relationships just aren't meant to be" Tyler assured with a nod of his head knowing that you control your feelings and can't exactly blame Lizzie as the two acted more like best friends than anything that shared a kiss or two.

Lizzie had a bright smile on her face as she sighed in relief before taking his hand and leading him into one of the empty classroom's so they could speak privately without anyone eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Caroline told me what happened to you the night of the masquerade party" Lizzie exclaimed causing Tyler eyes to widened in shock before it vanished quickly and told her, " I have no idea what you're talking about"

Lizzie raised her brow looking at Tyler with an unimpressed look and spoke, " Really? Are you kidding me? Playing dumb, look I know about you triggering your curse. Caroline phoned me last night and told me she thought that you might needed a friend"

"You know about werewolves and vampires?" Tyler questioned with a bewildered expression on his face causing Lizzie to let out a sigh as she muttered, " you have no idea. Wait, how do you know about vampires?"

Tyler shrugged his shoulders in response as he eyed the blonde in front of him wearily and explained, " Caroline kind of told me that she one. Are you... you know a vampire?" He questioned gazing at the sommer's girl with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh, God no" Lizzie exclaimed with a shake of her head, "I'm one hundred percent human" Tyler nodded his head in acknowledgement tilting his head to the side as Lizzie continued speaking, " I know you going through a lot but I just wanted to let you know that Caroline and I will be here for you"

" Thanks" Tyler trailed off with a frown on his face," but why would you and Forbes even want to help me. I mean, I get why you do but Caroline and I have never been that close before" Lizzie had a sympathetic look on her face and explained, " Caroline was all alone when she turned into a vampire. She had me but we don't want you going through what she went through"

Tyler stared at the blonde in front of him for a moment before bringing her into a hug causing her to wrap her arms around his neck as she muttered comforting words to the newly triggered werewolf assuring him that she would be there for him every step of the way.


At Mystic Falls high, Lizzie was walking with Caroline across the courtyard who looked at her best friend with a hesitant look on her face as she said, " I don't think I can do this, I'm a terrible liar and you know this"

Lizzie let out a sigh as she squeezed Caroline's hand in reassurance as during lunch Elena had rang her cousin pleading with her to distract Stefan with Caroline while she tries to get answers from Kathrine regarding Klaus and to get more information about the sacrifice.

"I know but trying to persuade Elena to do one thing only drives her to do the opposite" Lizzie told the blonde vampire with a roll of her eyes before dragging Caroline over towards Stefan who was walking towards the school, " Stefan, Hey" Lizzie called out with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey, guys" Stefan responded as he glanced between the two best friends with an confused look on his face seeing the looks on their faces as Caroline sighed before speaking, " um, we need to talk to you. Where are you going?" She curiously questioned raising her eyebrows at the youngest Salvatore.

Stefan adjusted his bag on his shoulder as he glanced between the two blondes and informed them, "Well, Elena went home sick. I wanna go check on her" Elizabeth and Caroline shared an alarming look before the Sommer's girl teasingly called out, " Ditcher"

"I'm kind of worried about her" Stefan muttered with an concerned look on his face causing the Forbes girl to let out a sigh as she shook her head and said, " you know what, of course you are. Go ahead, I-I, we can talk later"

Caroline took Elizabeth hand as she started to drag her away hoping that she would catch Stefan's attention who stopped the two girls as he took a step forward and curiously asked, " Uh, talk about what?"

"So, Caroline might of done this thing" Lizzie began to say as she trailed off with an awkward look on her face as Stefan stared at the two girls silently telling them to elaborate, " she told Tyler that she's a vampire"

Stefan scoffed with a frustrated look on his face as he narrowed his eyes at the blonde vampire and exclaimed, " You did what?" Caroline crossed her arms over her chest letting out a sigh and explained, " Look, he cornered me about being a werewolf it kind of slipped out"

"Come on, we'd talk about this at the grill." Stefan told the two girls as he followed them towards Elizabeth's car with a suspicious look on his face knowing that there hiding something from him and knew that this had Elena written all over it.


Elizabeth, Caroline and Stefan were now sat inside the grill at one of the tables, the Sommer's girl was drinking a Peanut butter blast, whipped cream on the bottom milkshake while Caroline was stuffing her face with food causing Stefan to let out a heavy sigh as he glanced between the two girls with an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry to drag you here, but if I don't eat, I get those kill-innocent-people urges" Caroline stated discreetly before her eyes widened pointing her fork at the youngest Salvatore brother, " Tyler totally has those, too, by the way"

Stefan rolled his his eyes at he narrowed his eyes at the blonde vampire and questioned, " Yeah, what else did you say to him?" Lizzie took a sip of her milkshake before answering for Caroline, " she didn't tell him much, just that she was the only vampire in town." Seeing the looks she was receiving from them both she explained, "What, he told me when we talked earlier on"

"Are you mad?" Caroline asked seeing the look on Stefan's as he ran his hand through his hair and muttered, " Yes, Caroline. As a matter of fact, I am a little mad. I mean, you put yourself at risk, if Damon finds out..."

Lizzie eyes widened as she leaned across the table knowing how reckless Damon could be and what he would do if he found out that Tyler knew about vampires, " you're not going to tell him are you?" She exclaimed with a disbelief look on her face.

"No, of course not. He would kill Caroline" Stefan assured with a nod of head causing the Forbes girl to smile brightly as she remarked, " always looking out for me" Stefan glanced between the two girls with a small chuckle and responded, " Yeah, well, you don't exactly make it very easy on me"

Caroline had a smile on her face as she shared a look with Lizzie trying to distract Stefan as she questioned, " then why do you do it? Why are you such a good friend to me?" Stefan shrugged his shoulders with a fond expression as he told her, " I don't know. I guess you, Uh, remind me of someone. My best friend, Lexie"

"Wait, you have a friend?" Caroline asked in disbelief causing Lizzie to chuckle as she remembered the vampire that visited Stefan on his birthday and how heartbroken he was when Damon killed her.

Stefan raised an eyebrow and sarcastically commented, " you say that with such a discouraging amount of surprise, Caroline" Caroline had an amused look on her face as she spoke, " No, I just, sorry, I just, tell me about her"

" I will, some other time, I gotta go" Stefan told the two girls glancing between them suspiciously when Lizzie frantically called out, " Wait..." Stefan let out a sigh as he stared between the two blonde and firmly told them, " No, No, No. you both have two seconds to come clean"

Caroline eyes widened in alarm as she avoiding eye contact and decided to play dumb as she asked, " what do you mean?" Stefan scoffed rolling his eyes at the two girls and said, " I'd believe the whole innocent act a little bit better if I didn't know how good you both were at providing a distraction on demand. Now, where's Elena?"

Elizabeth stayed silent for a moment with a hesitant look on her face before letting out a breathe and muttered, " I can't tell you." Stefan leaned back in his chair with an irritated look and exclaimed, " you guys can't tell me. Are you kidding me?"

"We're sorry, but we can't tell you" Lizzie told him with an sympathetic look on her face causing Stefan to scoff as he stared at the Lizzie and frantically said, " Elizabeth, both you and Elena were kidnapped. You both could of been killed are you seriously not gonna tell me where Elena is"

Caroline rolled her eyes at the youngest Salvatore brother and exclaimed, " she's not in any danger. I would of not have let her put herself in danger" Stefan had an confused look on his face as he said, " put herself in danger where? What are, she's with Damon isn't she?"

Lizzie and Caroline both looked at one another with an disgusted look on their face before shaking their heads, " then where is she? Listen, if you're my friends like you've said you are then you'll tell me where she is" Stefan demanded glancing between the two girls.

"Stefan, you're one of my best friends but Elena is my family and I'm sorry but i promised I wasn't going to tell you where she is" Lizzie softly told him as Stefan glanced at Caroline but she shook her head silently agreeing with Lizzie causing him to let out a sigh of disbelief as he stood up and walked away from the two.

Caroline and Elizabeth looked at one another with a guilty look as they knew how much Stefan loved Elena and how he's willing to everything he can to protect Elena but it didn't take him long to figure out where his girlfriend had gone causing anger to run through his veins knowing that she had gone to Kathrine to learn more about the Petrova bloodline and her history with Klaus.

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