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- By The Light Of The Moon

After leaving the Gilbert's, Damon had dropped off Elizabeth outside of the old Lockwood cellar, knowing that Caroline and Tyler would already be down there. The blonde thanked Damon before making her way down the broken steps, hearing muffled voices from Caroline and Tyler who were speaking from inside the cellar.

" tell me you brought the wolfsbane" Tyler pleaded as be looked over at Caroline with a pleading look on his face only for the blonde vampire to shake her head on response with a Sheepishly expression in response as she had forgotten.

Elizabeth entered the cellar holding out a plastic bag with wolfsbane inside and called out, " No, but Caroline called me this morning to get some" Tyler couldn't help the smile on his face as he turned towards his ex girlfriend as he was grateful Caroline had insisted on helping him, he knew he wouldn't be able to go through the transition without Elizabeth by his side as even though there not together they've been a lot together and are still best friends.

"Hey, Care" the blonde greeted pulling her best friend into a tight hug as Caroline smiled hugging Elizabeth just as tightly as she's missed her these past couple days with everything that happened with her being kidnapped and trying to stop Elena from handing herself over to the original vampire who wants to sacrifice her so he could break his curse.

The two girls acted more like sisters than friends, they shared everything knowing they could confide in one another without being judged. Elizabeth pulled away from Caroline handing Caroline the bag of wolfsbane and told her, " can you mix this into Tyler's water bottle" nodding her head towards the water bottle that was on the floor.

Tyler frowned as he moved towards Elizabeth grabbing a hold of the wolfsbane with his hand causing him to wince painfully dropping the plant back into the plastic bag as it burnt his skin causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes at the Lockwood boy and scolded him, " What? I said Caroline?"

Tyler huffed in annoyance at the two blonde girls who chuckled in amusement as he rubbed his palm before Caroline grabbed the wolfsbane and mixed the herb into the water for the newly turned werewolf. " You don't have to be chained up you know." Lizzie told him watching as he chained his feet tightly on the hooks on the wall.

"Yeah, I know but I can't control it yet" Tyler responded with a nervous expression on his face as Elizabeth helped him fasten the chains on his wrist, " it's just a precaution. I don't want to hurt you or Caroline" Elizabeth nodded her head in a understanding sending him a small smile in encouragement.

This was Tyler's first time into transforming into a wolf; Mason had told Elizabeth that it was painful and that when he turned into a wolf he couldn't control himself and would kill anything in his way. Elizabeth had always wondered why Mason had told her this as she wasn't a wolf but he was intrigued by her especially when he noticed her birthmark on her shoulder.

" you don't have to be here you know" Lizzie told Caroline as the vampire made her way over to her best friend handing her Tyler's wolfsbane flavoured water with a small smile on her face, " I know but I promised I'd be here" she replied as her gaze shifted to Tyler's.

Elizabeth couldn't help the amused smirk that appeared on her lips at the look on her best friends face as it didn't take a genius that Caroline is into Tyler not like the Sommers girl minded as things ended between her and Tyler a long time ago and just wanted her friends to be happy even if that's with each other.

"Besides, I promised Damon and Elena that I won't let anything happen to you" Caroline remarked as she turned her gaze back to Lizzie, trying to hide the fact she was just openly checking out Tyler who was now just in his underwear as he has taken his clothes off getting ready to transform into a wolf.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her cousin and the raven haired antics who was just looking out for her, " They worry way too much" the blonde stated causing Caroline to smile on amused and told her, " it's because they love you and you know somehow you always seem to be in danger"

Lizzie scoffed in disbelief nudging her best friend with a mock look of offence causing the vampire to laugh with a shake of her head when Tyler spoke up interrupting the girls conversation and firmly told them, " Just, make sure you both stay behind the gate. Both of your mothers would kill me if anything happened to you both"

Caroline and Elizabeth exchanged a look before turning to face Tyler with a nod of their heads as Lizzie pulled out her phone when it vibrated in her pocket only to get a message from Alaric, 'Damon picked a fight with the werewolf girl in town. She's going to kill him - Ric'

Lizzie's eyes widened in surprise rolling her eyes at Damon's idiotically knowing he probably agtagonized the werewolf causing her to threaten to kill him. The blonde let out a small sigh looking up to see Caroline and Tyler talking quietly to one another.


Elizabeth, Tyler and Caroline waited for the moon to hit its apex; Lizzie and Caroline didn't want to leave the Lockwood boy until they were sure they would be in be danger and only then will they lock Tyler into the cellar. The sommers girl had a troubled look on her face as she wanted to help Damon but there wouldn't be much she can do as she is only human.

Elizabeth decided to stay with Tyler and find out what happened with Damon and the werewolf later on as right now Tyler needed her by his side but she also couldn't allow Damon to be bitten as Jules as the Salvatore brothers were like the brothers she's never had and she wouldn't know what to do if she lost them.

The sommers girl life turned upside down when she met the two vampires, but she was better off knowing the truth than being left in the dark even though the Salvatore brothers try their hardest to protect both her and Elena and while at this moment Lizzie was still mad at Damon for killing Mason she would never want him dead and understood he had killed him because he was working with Katherine and because he was a threat to him, Caroline and Stefan.

Suddenly, the blonde girl thoughts were interrupted by Tyler who screamed loudly in agony as he hunched forward on the floor pulling onto the chains that was tightly secure on the wall. " Tyler!" The two girls spoke in simultaneously as they ran over to the Lockwood boy to comfort him.

Caroline was rubbing Tyler shoulder whispering comforting words as Elizabeth frowned with a look of sympathy on her face as she saw the videos of Mason turning and couldn't help but feel bad Tyler has to go through the same thing, " Caroline, Lizzie you both need to go now"

Caroline shook her head in response and told him, " hmm, mmm. Not yet" Tyler began screaming in pain as his bones began to break causing Elizabeth to grab Caroline arm as the two took a step back when Tyler growled laughing himself at the two girls causing Caroline to grab ahold of Elizabeth, speeding out of the room and locking the gate behind them.

Tyler screamed once again, his bones breaking and reforming his eyes flashing a bright golden amber as he ran to the gate at the two girls before breaking off the chains around his ankles that kept him in place before growling at the two girls.

" I'm sorry, Tyler" Lizzie cried out grabbing ahold of Caroline as they made their way out of the cellar trying to ignore Tyler's agonizing screams from inside. After not hearing anything from the cellar for a while, Caroline walked closer to the door only for a large black wolf jumped towards her with its teeth batted ready to attack the two girls.

Elizabeth screamed out loudly as she helped Caroline shut the door shut as she spoke, "
no, no, no! Tyler don't!" Tyler was destroying the door causing Caroline to grab the wood and held it against the door to prevent Tyler from escaping as she picked up Elizabeth bridal style and speeded away far into the woods.

A couple of hours later, Elizabeth and Caroline waited in the woods until the sun rose causing the two girls to slowly make their way back towards the old Lockwood cellar. Elizabeth sent Caroline an hesitated look before making her way down the broken stairs as they tried to listen in but it was extremely quiet.

Caroline removed the piece of wood that blocked the door, as the two girls rushed into the cellar to find Tyler naked on the ground. Elizabeth grabbed the blanket from the floor covering Tyler with it, " Hey, you're okay. You're okay. You made it, you didn't get out. You're okay" Elizabeth softly spoke with a small smile on her face.

Tyler shook his head in denial as his eyes filled up with tears hugging onto Caroline tightly as he cried out, "No, I'm not," Tyler cried painfully causing Elizabeth to frown as she stroked his hair whispering comfort words to him seeing how much agony he was in just to turn into a wolf.

Elizabeth wished they were something she or Caroline could say to make him feel better but knew no words would comfort him for what he had just been through to break all the bones in his body to transform into a black wolf. She was heartbroken for him knowing he would have to do this every full moon.

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