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- Daddy Issues

Night had not long fallen upon Mystic Falls as Lizzie, Jenna and Alaric all entered the Mystic Grill; finding a table near the bar as they ordered themselves some food and drinks waiting for the waitress to arrive with their order, " I can't believe it. Elena is my sisters husband's brother's daughter and her mother is my boyfriend's deceased wife. You can't make this stuff up..." Jenna softly spoke shaking her head as she placed her cup of coffee on the table.

It took a couple of days for Jenna to progress the fact that her boyfriend wife is in fact Elena birth mother and that John Gilbert is her biological father which is why she stayed at college for a couple of days to get her thoughts together. Elizabeth understood why her mother was so hurt by the fact they didn't tell her but Jenna is the only parent figure she had in her life and didn't want her mother to be involved in the supernatural as it would put her on target and she wouldn't be able to survive if anything did happen to Jenna.

"It's, uh..definitely a little overwhelming" Alaric trailed off exchanging an awkward look with the blonde teen who turned her attention down to her food and began eating her chips. " I can't believe that you and Elena kept it secret" Jenna began to say as she looked between her daughter and her boyfriend, " how is it even possible to keep a secret like that?" Elizabeth let out a heavy sigh as she turned to face her mother, " we just wanted to protect you. We didn't want to keep it secret but Elena was still getting used to that aunt Miranda and uncle Grayson isn't her bio parents and that he who shall not be named is"

Jenna stared at her daughter for a moment before letting out a groan in annoyance at the sight of John who just walked into the grill, " speak of the actual devil" she muttered under her breathe as John approached their table placing a smile on his lips and asked, " Hey, you three. You think I can, Um, join you?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes in annoyance shooting him a look with a fake smile as she sarcastically questioned, " do you have to?"

"I guess I don't have to but might as well" John shrugged his shoulders before he noticed Elena and Damon walking through the doors, " Look who's here" Elizabeth sighed in relief at the sight of her cousin and Damon and quietly spoke , " Oh, thank god" Alaric sent the blonde an amused look as Damon walked over to the table and greeted the girl's uncle John, " John, buddy. How have you been"

Elizabeth smirked into her drink noticing the annoyed look on John face at the presence of Damon as he replied, " I've been all right, Damon. It's good to see you" Damon nodded his head gesturing for John to follow him leaving Alaric, Elena, Jenna and Lizzie to watch the two men as they walked across the grill speaking to one another quietly.

A couple of moments later Damon walked over towards Elizabeth and Elena with a pleading look on his face, " we need to talk. I just had a very interesting conversation with Stefan" Elena and Lizzie shared an alarmed look before following after Damon who led them towards the girls bathroom, " why am I just finding out about this now" Elizabeth knew that this had something to do with Tyler knowing about Caroline, Stefan and Damon being vampires, " Stefan was worried that you'd..."

"That I would what? I would kill him?" The raven haired vampire interrupted Lizzie with a look of annoyance on his face, " Well, of course. That's what needs to happen" he had a determined expression on his face as he was about to walk out the bathroom only for the blonde girl to grab his arm stopping him as she shook her head frantically, " No, Damon. Not Tyler. We need to do everything in our power to get Caroline back but leave Tyler out of it, okay?"

Damon groaned rolling his eyes at the two girls as he looked between the two of them and resorted, " Why? He's a werewolf. He needs to die. I'm willing to kill. It's a win-win." Elena sighed as she placed her hand on his arm with a pleading look on her face, " Damon, please. Okay, too many people are dead." The eldest Salvatore brother narrowed his eyes at the doppelganger clenching his jaw in anger and hissed, " you need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Elena frowned with an confused look on her face turning to face Elizabeth who shrugged her shoulders in response. " assuming that I'll play the good guy because it's you who's asking" Elena took a step back as she removed her hand from his arm and muttered under her breath, " be the better man, Damon" suddenly the door slammed open only for it to be John who looked between the two girls and the vampire, " do you mind?" Damon sarcastically questioned shooting the brunette's biological father an irritated look.

"What's going on?" John curiously asked ignoring Damon as he turned his attention to Elizabeth and Elena who both replied in simultaneously, " nothing" John scoffed in disbelief not believing a word either of the girls were shaking and commented, " it doesn't look like nothing" Damon who kept his eyes directly on Elena called out, " Well, guess what, John? Trust works both ways. Get out"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes folding her arms across her chest and snapped, " stop it, the both of you. We don't have time for this. We need to get Caroline back" Damon shook his head frantically not wanting to put either girls in danger because of the lengths Jules would go just to get Tyler, "we don't need to. I'll take care of it. First dad duty, ground your daughter and niece. Keep them here"

"Caroline is my best friend. I'm coming with you and no one is going to stop me" Lizzie spoke walking past John who grabbed her arm, " No, I'm with Damon on this. You're not going anywhere" the blonde glared at John in distaste ripping her arm out of his grip, " you are not my father so you don't have any say on what I will do or where I go. I'm going to help save my best friend!"


A little while later, Stefan, Damon and Lizzie made their way through Wickery Falls with Tyler to meet with Jules as while the blonde had met up with her mom and Alaric at the grill to get some food Stefan had failed to talk some sense into Tyler as the newly turned werewolf didn't want to know especially since Damon is the reason that his uncle is dead.

During, attempting to speak with Tyler; Jules had called and revealed that she had kidnapped Caroline and that she wanted the Lockwood teen in exchange for the blonde vampire and as soon as Elizabeth found out she was furious and refused to even look at Tyler as she wasn't sure if he was behind the fact that Caroline had been kidnapped and was currently getting tortured from the werewolves.

As they came near to where the werewolves were at, Stefan nodded his head towards the trees, making sure that they were hidden so they could scope out any potential danger. Elizabeth glared at Jules when she noticed the she-wolf pacing back and forth in front of an RV and a parked truck that was next to it. The blonde women folded her arms looking around her surroundings when she heard a noise, " I know you're out there" Jules called out into the trees causing Stefan, Tyler and Elizabeth to step out of their hiding places since they cover was blown because of Tyler who stepped on a broken twig.

"Where's Caroline?" Elizabeth demanded trying to keep her anger at bay as she glared at the women hatefully. Jules smirked tilting her head to the side as her gaze fell on the fiery blonde girl standing next to Tyler and replied, " Locked up tight" Elizabeth clenched her jaw as she took a step forward only for Stefan to stop her taking a hold of her arm and pulling her behind him protectively, " let her go and I'll release Tyler" Stefan ordered keeping a grip on Tyler with his other hand though the Lockwood teen made no movements to fight of Stefan's grip.

Jules had an nonchalantly expression on her face as she continued to stare at the vampire not showing any emotions, "It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy Jules" Stefan finished shrugging his shoulders causing Jules to scoff in disbelief raising her brows at the vampire not believing a word he was saying and remarked, "It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?"

Stefan shook his head slightly as a small sigh escaped from his lips, "You need to leave town. no one else has to get hurt" he ordered finely as the blonde women continued to glare at the vampire holding her ground and harshly snapped, "I'm not leaving without Tyler" Lizzie scoffed deepening her glare on the women and resorted, " Tyler is free to make his own decisions, as soon as you release Caroline"

Tyler frowned as he looked between Lizzie and Stefan, then back towards Jules not knowing which side he was on as both Caroline and Lizzie lied to him but they did it to protect him and the people that they love but Jules was the only one offering help in embracing his werewolf side seeing as he can't exactly turn to his uncle as Damon had killed him. Before Tyler could say anything Damon came out of hiding walking to join his brother and Elizabeth with a smirk on his face, "My brother, the peacemaker"

"Since Stefan got here before me, I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So, give us Caroline" Damon remarked, smirking at the blonde woman. Jules narrowed her eyes, looking between the two vampires anxiously before standing her ground and ordered, "let go of Tyler" Damon sighed in annoyance as his patience was running thin, "give us Caroline. Without a full moon, it's not an even fight and you know it," Damon warned the wolf with a smirk, "we will take you."

Jules smirked in amusement with a wicked glint in her eyes tilting her head to the side, "I'm not so sure about that, tough guy" the blonde spoke before whistling loudly alerting her pack who came out of their own hiding places holding various weapons that could kill a vampire; including stakes, crossbows, and a flame thrower, "Let's try this again," Jules smirked as she knew that she had the upper hand, "give us Tyler"

Damon clenched his jaw, looking around his surroundings before turning his attention to Tyler and ordered, "you heard her. Go. Get over there" Damon nodded towards Jules causing Tyler to furrow his brows as he shot Elizabeth a look before slowly walking over towards Jules side. "Which one of you killed Mason?" Brady called out narrowing his eyes dangerously at Stefan and Damon who was standing in front of the blonde human girl protectively.

"Uh, that'd be me," Damon admitted as he held up his hand with fake sympathetic look on his face causing Lizzie to elbow him in the stomach as he wasn't helping and was only going to make the werewolves more angrier. Brady growled under his breathe and hissed, "boys, make sure that one suffers," the wolf ordered as he pointed his stake in Damon's direction.

Elizabeth frowned as she looked around at the wolves that surrounded them, "We can take them," Damon shrugged as he looked between Lizzie and Stefan, earning looks of disbelief from the two in response, "Yeah, I don't know about that," the Sommers teen retorted truthfully as she caught sight of a wolf closing in on them. " Well then..." Damon trailed off rushing towards Jules who flipped onto the side of the RV and behind Damon as Tyler rushed into the RV to save Caroline.

As Jules and Damon started to fight the rest of the wolves tried to burn Stefan and Elizabeth but before the wolf that was holding a flame thrower could even think about setting fire to either one of them Stefan sped over to the wolf gripping him from behind as he used him to burn the other werewolves that also had the flame thrower.

One of the other werewolves tried to jump from the RV roof on to Lizzie but Damon quickly ripped his heart out mid-air before he could even think about touching the blonde girl. Elizabeth looked at Damon with a grateful look on her face sending him a small smile before focusing back on the fight using her training that she had with Alaric to protect herself knocking a Wolf unconscious before another quickly came up behind her putting silver on the cheek causing her to struggle against his grip, "I'm not a vampire, you idiot!" Twisting his arm catching the stake in his hand and embedding it into his chest.

Stefan was fighting with a different wolf who attempted to stab him in the heart with a shake but due to his enchanted speed he was able to overpower the wolf and stab him in the heart before catching an arrow that was seconds away from embedding itself in his eye. Stefan clenched his jaw before throwing it back at the werewolf, hitting him directly in the heart.

The youngest Salvatore brother let out a loud groan when another wolf appeared behind him and drove a stake into the vampires back falling to the floor as the werewolf removed the stake causing the vampire to knock the wolf's legs from underneath him ripping out his heart. However before he went to help his brother who was fighting with Brady, Elizabeth suddenly felt a pain in her chest, groaning, falling to her knees clutching her chest, breathing heavily, groaning in pain as they felt as her bones were shifting and breaking inside her body.

Elizabeth lifted her head, her green eyes where now glowing a bright yellow only for Jules to look at at the blonde girl in shock and surprise before shooting Damon who was about to kill Brady causing the raven haired vampire to fall on the floor. Jules was about to walk over to the blonde girl as she knew what it felt like to kill someone and then have all her bones break on the night of the full moon especially since the blonde girl didn't even know that she was a werewolf and she won't be prepared for what will happen on the next full moon.

Suddenly, Caroline appeared in the doorway of the RV, however before she could leave, Jules grabbed her and pushed her face-first against the RV whilst placing a gun to her back as Tyler rushed out of the RV, noticing Caroline being held by gun point and instead of helping her he just stayed frozen where he was standing.

Jules and Brady both screamed out loudly when a searing pain began that form in their heads, all werewolves apart from Tyler and Elizabeth began to clutch their their heads as they screamed in pain, falling to their knees screaming loudly in agony. Tyler frowned as he looked around watching the werewolves began to all fall unconscious, "what the hell is going on?"

Jonas Martin appeared from behind the trees, walking forward with his hands held out as he cast a pain infliction spell on the werewolves. Stefan pulled himself into his feet before making his way towards Elizabeth who had just broken her werewolf curse, helping her stand as she groaned painfully with an confused look on her face as she had no idea that she had the werewolf gene she didn't think it was possible but the more she thought about it she knew it was probably passed down from her father.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld," Jonas announced as he looked between Elizabeth, the two Salvatore brothers and Caroline, "You need to go. Get out of here. Now" Lizzie sighed shaking her head as she looked at Tyler who didn't even help his friends and just stood their like a coward allowing the werewolf's to harm them and potentially kill then if it wasn't for Elijah.


After breaking her curse in the woods, Elizabeth returned home to get a shower and gather her things for the sleepover tonight. She felt guilty about taking w life but because of her attempt to save her best friend she will now have to spend every full moon turning into a wolf. She had no one to turn to as Boone will know what it's like and right now she doesn't want to speak with Tyler after he was going to allow Jules and her pack to kill then.

Elizabeth had healed thanks to Stefan who had given her his blood to heal faster but right now she didn't want to think about it and wanted a distraction which is why she was happy to be out the house and enjoy her time with her friends before it sinks in she no longer human and her whole life is about to turn upside down.

At Caroline's house, Stefan was stood on her porch as he had just knocked on the door and a couple of moments later, the blonde vampire had opened the door, dressed in her bathrobe showing her wounds have healed from after being tortured by Brady for information, "Hey," the blonde greeted with a small smile, " Hey" Stefan replied causing Caroline to furrow her brows in confusion as she pulled her bathrobe tighter around herself.

"What's going on?" the blonde asked wondering why Stefan was head as she really just wanted to be alone after the day she had, " "I was a little bit worried about you after everything you went through tonight" Stefan spoke with an sympathetic look on his face. Caroline shook her head with a fake smile and assured, "I'm fine" Stefan shot her a look like he didn't believe a word she said and commented, "Good, but just in case, I brought some backup"

Stefan stepped to the side only to reveal Lizzie, Elena and Bonnie who came out of their hiding places as the Sommers teen smiled bringing her best friend into a hug, " we're gonna slumber it" Elena and Bonnie smiled at one another with the Bennett witch adding in, "We haven't done it in ages," Elena nodded her head in agreement as Caroline laughed tearfully bringing her friends into a tight embrace thankful to have her Friends with her after everything she had been through tonight not noticing Stefan left; leaving the girls to enjoy their girls night.

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