x. ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜€๐—ฝ๐˜†

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"Will? Will?" Mike repeated over and over to get his attention. The smaller boys jumped as he turned his head his way, seeing Jude taking a seat on the other side of Mike as well. "What's wrong? Are you hurting again?"

Will sat up some, Jude scanned over his face, holding his bandaged arm close to his chest as a habit. Will blinked over at the two. "I saw something."

"Where?" Jude leaned forward to ask.

"In your now-memories?" Mike took a breath, speaking a lot calmer then Jude had.

Will nodded, leaning in closer toward the pair. "The shadow monster. I think I know how to stop him."

The doctors had brought the trio into a conference room, laying Wills drawings out across the table. His small finger pointed down onto a black and blue photo. "That's it."

"That's what? What there, Will?" the white haired doctor asked, leaning over Wills shoulder. Jude and Mike sat toward the end of the table, shoulder to shoulder.

"I don't know." Will admitted to him. "I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important."

Jude took a breath, watching as the doctors began to clear out, seemingly whispering and preparing for something. Jude pulled an altoids container from his pocket, catching the odd look one of the nurses gave. "I swear it isn't drugs."

"Jude." Mike looked his way with an odd look, watching him pop the cinnamon mint into this mouth.

"What do you think everyone else is doing?" Jude asked, standing across from Mike as they leaned on the opposite walls together. "How much do you wanna bet Dustin is probably beating on our doors right now?"

"I know he is." Mike cracked a grin. "Or at the arcade, Lucas is definitely with him."

"Probably arguing." the curly haired boy pointed out.

"Definitely arguing." Mike corrected him with a faint laugh. "Think your dads worried?"

"Probably." Jude nodded his head. "But if he shows up at the Byers house, he'll see the note about the camping trip and won't worry so much."

"I wish my dad was like yours." Mikes words made Jude gave a odd look. "I mean, I know Mr.Russell hasn't always been a good guy, but he's gotten so much better. He cares about you, like, he cared about what you do."

"You don't think your dad cares about you?" Jude looked in confusion at Mike, because even though he was bias because both his parents loved him so much, it was hard for him to understand how a parent couldn't care about their child.

"He cares, but not like your dad does." Mike gave a small nod of his head, a minor shrug as he spoke. "It's like he has to care, because i'm his kid. Your dads not like that. Even if you weren't his, he'd still care."

Jude kicked Mikes ankle some. "Well, my dad loves you, and he cares about you."

"I know." Mike smiled slightly. "Like when he came to the science fair, even though you were sick and couldn't come, he still came to see us."

Jude smiled slightly at the thought of his dad, his dad that has done so much for him. "I know I seem ungrateful sometimes."

"I didn't mean it l-" Mike began.

"About my mom. Like, I know I talk a lot of shit on her, even though she's trying and she loves me." Jude gave a small, sad nod of his head. He was picking at the bandage around his arm. "I don't mean to come off that way. I know not everyone's got that."

"I don't think you seem ungrateful." Mike corrected him, Jude met his eye. "It's not your fault you don't feel safe at your moms house and you're angry."

Before Jude could go on, Wills voice rung. "I-I'm sorry."

The pair looked over, Joyce beating them to it as she shook her head down at Will. "What? What-what do you mean, sweetie?"

Will cried as he looked her way. "He made me do it."

They all sat in silence a second before Joyce put an arm around Will. "Who? Who made you do what?"

Jude's heart was in his stomach, him and Mike walking closer into the room to look down at their friend. Will stared at his mom. "I told you. They upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him."

Mikes hand wrapped around Jude's wrist. "The spy. The spy!"

"Mike!" Jude yelled when the Wheeler boy sprinted out of the room, following quickly.

"I need to get through! It's a trap!" Mike yelled as he tried to get past the soldiers, guarding the door. "It's a trap! I need to warn them. It's a trap!"

"Mike." Jude grabbed his arms to pull him back from the soldiers hold.

"Jude, stop, it's a trap!" Mike fought against him. "They're gonna kill 'em!"

Jude looked to the soldiers. "Did you not hear him? Do you want everyone to die?"

"Woah, boys." Bob hurried to pull their shoulders back. An alarm rung down the hallway, Mike and Jude sharing a look. "What the hell is that?"

"We're too late!" Mike yelled, running down the hallway, yanking Jude with him as Bob followed.

"What's going on?" Joyce stopped them at the doorway.

"The labs under attack." Jude breathed heavy as he stared at her. "We need to get out of here or we're gonna die."

"We need to make Will sleep." Mike grabbed the syringe from the near by table.

"What?" Joyce looked in confusion at the pair of boys.

"He's a spy." Mike answered quickly.

"If Will knows where are are then so does the shadow monster." Jude spoke quickly, siding with Mike.

"They're lying!" Will sat up with a yell the pairs way.

"He killed those soldiers. He'll kill us, too!" Mike yelled in panic and in a hurry.

"He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!" Will shouted over and over, fighting against Joyce's hold on his shoulders.

Gunshots fired through the air, Jude grabbing Mikes arm to pull him farther away from the door. Bob looked in shock. "Those are gunshots!"

"He's lying! He's lying!" Will shouted once again.

"Will! Will, will, listen, listen." Joyce grabbed him tightly to calm him down. "Do you know who I am?"

Will stared at her in hesitation. "You're...you're mom."

Joyce looked over, Jude gave a knowing look as the woman nodded her head. "Hold him down."

Jude stepped forward with Bob, the pair grabbing Wills shoulders to hold him down as he shouted, begged, screamed. Joyce apologized, crying, taking the needle from Mikes hands and injecting Will in the arm. Jude flinched at Wills yells, holding him still as he slowly began to fall loosen in their arms, his begs to be let go coming to a quiet end when his eyes fell shut.

Hopper threw the door open, breathing heavy with Wills doctor behind him. A growl came from behind him. Jude's eyes widened, standing up straight. "What the hell was that?"

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Hopper repeated over and over, hurrying toward the bed to pick up Will. Mike grabbed Jude, pulling him back as they stayed close, connected at the hands, following Hopper wherever he went.


kylie speaks

sorry, y'all. ik i
totally suck for
not updating in a
awhile. the new
season of cobra kai
came out and i've got
four books now that i'm
updating with the new
season, plus the five i
was already working on.
i should hopefully get back
on a consistent schedule soon

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