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17 year old Allison wakes up 11 year old Alex sleeping next to her,Allison gets out of bed careful to not wake Alex and goes to the bathroom showering and changing into a black tank top with a white crop top and some jeans with sneaker and she goes down stairs seeing her uncle passed out and she drags him upstairs to his bed and cleans the living room of beer bottles,cups that had bourbon in them and food.She feeds her animals and checks on her sleeping aunt and leaves



She walks up Salvatore boarding house and knocks to see her best friend Damon Salvatore "Hey Damon"and he smirks "Hey Al"and she walks in and goes to there kitchen and gets the donuts that she suggested (forced) the Salvatore's to get and Damon tries to get one and she slaps his hand away "What was that for"he asks "Stop trying to take my donuts bitch"and he steals one and she dramatically gasp and he Vamps out.Allison waits for him to come in and she has a pencil ready to throw it at him,He eventually walks in and peeks his head in to see her glaring daggers and he walks in and she throws the pencil at him but he catches it "That's for stealing my donut and she stomps on his foot "And that's for dodging my pencil.She walks out sitting on the couch when Caroline comes inside"Damon!"Damon rolls his eyes "Great what does Blondie want now"and Allison slaps him on the back of the head "In here Care"and Caroline walks in with a scared look Allison frowns "What's wrong?"Caroline replies "I saw Katherine"


Damon hands her a glass of blood "In still shaking"Allison ribs her back and Stefan walks in "What happened"he asks and Caroline explains Allison tunes it out knowing everything already


Allison goes home and sees Alex "Hey Alex"And Alex hugs her "Thank goodness you're home"and Allison looks at her worried "What's wrong"and Alex sits on the couch "Dad left again"and Allison sits next to her "Well I'm going to be gone for a while you okay by yourself?"She asks "Yes"Allison kisses her head and goes to get a dress.After she goes backs to the Salvatore house


She walks in and sees everyone but Elena and they talk "Are you sure
you don't want me there?"Alaric asks "No. Stay with Elena.I don't want her to know about this."Stefan tells him "Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight"Alaric tells them"All right. If anybody wants to back out,I'll understand."Stefan says wanting to make sure everyone's okay "Cold feet, speak now.I don't want this going wrong because someone chickens out.
Caroline?"Damon says"I won't. Look, she killed me.Fair's fair as long as
there are no werewolves running around."Caroline says and Allison is proud of her "I'm with Caroline"She tells them"Oh, I took care of Mason"Damon says "as long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone,he won't turn"Jeremy says"Bonnie?You with us?"Bonnie looks unsure as first "But no one gets hurt"Bonnie says "Except Katherine"and Damon replies to that"Tonight, Katherine gets a stake through her heart"And Allison smirks


Allison goes home and gets ready for the ball and drives to the ball and sees Bonnie and Jeremy and goes with them "Hi guys"and they turn around "Hey Allison"Bonnie says and Jeremy gives her a Hey and they do what they need to and they see Elena and go over to her

"You guys are trying to kill her here?"Elena asks "We saw an opportunity"Allison tells her"We had to take it"Bonnie says "Stop with the "we." Are you crazy?"Elena says"You're gonna get yourselves killed."Allison rolls her eyes though Elena doesn't see it"We know what we're doing."Jeremy says"How am I supposed to feel
if you guys get hurt because of me?"Elena asks"It's not just you anymore"Allison says "She's messed with
all of us. She has to be stopped."Jeremy says.Suddenly Elena screams in pain and they see blood on the side of her hip"Elena,Elena"Allison says holding her up "What is it?What is it?"Jeremy asks "What's happening?"Jeremy asks "Jeremy, it's Katherine She's linked to Katherine.Get them to stop. Now!"Bonnie says realizing and Jeremy runs to stop Stefan and Damon "Bonnie, it hurts."She says hoping she can heal her or something "I can't break the spell, Elena. I'm sorry,But I can try to take
some of the pain away. Okay? Okay?"Bonnie says "Okay"Elena says and Jeremy runs back next to Elena"Are you okay"He asks "Are they?"She asks"They're stuck in there with her"He tells them "You were right.Katherine had a witch link Elena to her."He tells Bonnie "That girl I saw.The one inside. Stay with her.Keep pressure on her shoulder."She tells him leaving "Where are you going"Allison asks "There's a witch here. I'm gonna find her."She says and Allison nods "You'll be okay Elena"Allison says gently.Jeremy tries to get her to take his ring but she keeps denying and eventually a witch comes help and Allison had made her uncle drive her and she's about to go home when she passes out and Elena is dragged away

Finally finished Chapter 1 and I can't wait to write Care's and Allie's relationship.Elena and Allison will be friends but they'll have their bad moments
Allison's uncle<<<<<

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