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Two and a half years ago

Aleta Correia sat in the Mess Hall with Raven Reyes, Sarai Davenport, Freya Sorenson, and Elijah Kingston. It had been almost three weeks since she met Bellamy. He was currently the topic of discussion among the five. "Okay, so why am I now just hearing about this boy?" Elijah asked.

"I would like to know that too," Freya said raising her hand and Sarai nodded in agreement. Aleta rolled her eyes. "Because it wasn't important," she answered simply.

"Um, some jackass disrespecting my friend is something that I would like to know. Now I have to find him and give him a piece of my mind," Elijah said. He tried to sound angry but Aleta couldn't take him seriously. "What're you gonna do Eli, sit on him?" Raven asked in a mocking voice causing Elijah to nod sarcastically and stick his tongue out at the girl. "Very mature," Raven said.

"Was he cute?" Freya asked suddenly. "I bet he was very cute," Sarai responded, wiggling her shoulders. "Cool it. He's Aleta's," Elijah joked. She gave him an annoyed look. "He's not 'mine.' I don't even like him. He's a jerk," she said.

Sarai was looking around the Mess Hall when her eyes landed on someone. "Now he's hot," she said. The other four follow her gaze and see a tall figure. His handsome face was in a pout as he walked over to a table. "Oh no," Aleta mumbled before hiding her face in her hands.

"Is that him?" Freya asked in shock. "Okay, he is beyond hot," Elijah said and Freya smacked his shoulder. "What? He is," Elijah defended. Bellamy didn't notice the five of them staring at him and Aleta was grateful. "Do not do or say anything," Aleta warned. "What're you gonna do?" Raven questioned.

"I'm gonna make a run for the exit," she answered. Sarai laughed, "What for? Why don't you just talk to him? Go introduce yourself." Aleta shook her head. "No. I don't want to. He's mean and I'd rather avoid him," she replied. And with that she noisily sprinted toward the exit. She tried to discreetly slip past the boy but things didn't go her way.

"Hey." She heard a deep voice call from behind her. She stopped in her tracks and sighed, turning around. "It is you," he said as he walked towards her. "Me?" She asked, feigning confusion. "From medical. You gave me stitches," Bellamy responded. "Right. Yeah, I did," Aleta confirmed awkwardly. The two stood in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like forever.

"It was really cool running into you and everything but I gotta go," she lied turning around and walking away from him as fast as possible. "Hey, wait," he said but she didn't stop walking. Bellamy contemplated on following after her but decided against it.

Aleta stopped walking and turned back toward the direction she came from. "Wow, I'm rude," she mumbled to herself. She looked down at her watch and sighed before heading in the direction of the Go-Sci Station. When she arrived at Ark Station Medical, she walked up to Jackson. "Hey Jackie," she greeted.

Jackson rolled his eyes. "I told you not to call me that," he said, continuing to type notes into his tablet. "But it's cute," she answered causing Jackson to scoff. "I disagree completely," he replied, finally looking up at her.

"So, what do you have for me?" She asked, changing the subject. "Where's Clarke?" He asked instead of answering her question. "I'm sure she's on her way," Aleta answered just as the blonde ran in." I'm here," she said out of breath. "Did you run here?" Jackson asked her and Clarke nodded.

"Okay, well today is going to be an easy day for you two. You'll be updating patient files. All of the information you need is here," Jackson said, handing the girls files and tablets. "Transfer the information from the files to the tablet. Simple enough?" Jackson finished.

"Simple and boring," Clarke muttered and Aleta nodded in agreement. "You won't always get to do the 'fun' stuff," Jackson replied. "Now get to work."

The two girls walked to a table and sat down in the chairs. They worked in silence as they updated the files.

After around thirty minutes, Aleta groaned. "I'm so bored," she complained. "Me too," Clarke responded. The two sighed deeply. "I'm gonna go take a break or something," Clarke said standing up. She walked away from the table and Aleta glared down at the papers and tablet in front of her.

A person clearing their throat in front of her caught her attention. She looked up and there stood Bellamy. "Hey, again," he awkwardly greeted. "What are you doing here?" Aleta questioned, eyes narrowed in confusion. "It's been three weeks," he said. "What?" She asked, still confused. "Since I got my stitches. You said I should come back in a week or so to get them removed. It's been three," he explained.

"Right. Well, I can go get Jackson or someone else to remove them," Aleta said pushing her chair back and standing. "Why don't you just do it?" Bellamy asked in confusion. "Because I have a lot of boring work to do," she answered, tilting her head to the side. "It shouldn't take that long, should it?" Bellamy asked.

Aleta released a breath, "No, it shouldn't." Bellamy smiled slightly. "Then let's get this over with," he said. Aleta looked at him as if he were stupid. "Did you not hear what I just said? I have work to do," she said. "Yeah and you also called that work boring," Bellamy pointed out.

"So?" She questioned. "So, I think that removing my stitches would be less boring. Don't you?" He said. She released a breath and thought over his words. "I'll go get some scissors," she muttered and walked away from him.

When she returned, she led him to an empty bed and he sat down. She dragged a stool over to the bed and sat in it. She carefully unwrapped the gauze from his arm. "Who wrapped this?" Aleta asked curiously. "Me. Why, is it good?" Bellamy questioned. She laughed, "No, it's terrible. But 'A' for effort, I guess." His eyes narrowed. "It's not like I'm trained in this," Bellamy defended. Aleta looked at him, "No need to get defensive."

"I'm not getting defensive," he said. Aleta rolled her eyes at him. "Have you been using the antibiotic?" She asked as she removed the bandage from his arm. She examined the area which looked healed, in her opinion. "Yes, I have," he confirmed. Aleta nodded and began cutting away the stitches and pulling the thread out of his arm. "I never got your name," Bellamy said suddenly, his eyes trained on her face. Aleta looked down at him again. "Why do you wanna know my name?" She questioned.

"You know my name, it's only fair if you tell me yours," he replied. Aleta went back to removing his stitches and Bellamy sighed softly in defeat. "Aleta," she finally said. Bellamy's head snapped up in surprise, "What?" He asked and she sighed . "My name. It's Aleta," she answered, eyes trained on his arm.

"That's so beautiful," Bellamy blurted out, instantly regretting it. He felt heat creeping up his neck and mentally cursed himself. Aleta chuckled softly. "Thanks," she replied. She let a genuine smile grace her features and he couldn't help but smile too.

It was silent for a while and the dark haired girl enjoyed it. But the boy in front of her decided to break the silence, causing her to sigh in slight aggravation. "I'm sorry," Bellamy said after a while. "For what? Interrupting that peaceful silence?" Aleta questioned looking at him curiously.

"No. For that day. When I came in to get stitches. The way I acted, it was really uncool. I was just upset and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. And I'm sorry," he apologized. Aleta nodded and smiled, "Apology accepted." Bellamy smiled.

"You should smile more, it looks good on you," Aleta told him. A faint blush tinted his cheeks at her comment and he looked away from her. "I think I smile a good amount. You just haven't seen me," he replied.

"Well, maybe we can change that," she suggested nonchalantly. For some reason, a smile, even bigger than before, began to grace his features at her words."Yeah, maybe," Bellamy replied. Aleta pulled out the last suture and ran her hand across his arm where the wound previously was. Bellamy shivered when she did, her hands were cold again.

"All done," she said, standing from the stool. "Cool. Thanks," Bellamy said and Aleta just nodded. "Hey, so uh, I was wondering if, uh. Can we start over?" Bellamy asked somewhat hopefully. Aleta pursed her lips and thought for a moment before nodding. "I guess that would be okay," she answered.

"I'm Bellamy Blake," he introduced, sticking out his hand for her to take. She took his hand and and shook it. "Aleta Correia," she told him. "Correia? Is your dad Damon Correia?" Bellamy asked curiously. Aleta nodded grimly. "It's just, sometimes he assists with guard training so I was just curious," he explained. "Ali? What are you doing?" Clarke asked from somewhere behind her. Aleta turned around and faced her. "Nothing, I'll be right there," she replied to the blonde. Clarke eyed the two and smirked before looking away.

"Ali, huh?" Bellamy asked with a cheeky smile.

"One of my many nicknames. My friends call me Ali or Al, sometimes Leta. My best friend Raven calls me Leti. But you can call me Aleta," she said to him. "Why can't I call you Ali?" He asked her. "Because we're not friends," she responded. "Not yet anyway."

"Once we are, you can call me Ali," she adds. "No, I like Leta," Bellamy says. "No no no. I hate that nickname. Ali or Al, that's it," Aleta replied. "What about Leti?" He asked. "Nope, only Raven can call me that. It's off limits," she replied.

"We'll see." Bellamy shrugged. The two looked at each other for a while. "I should get back to work," Aleta said, breaking their gaze. "Yeah, of course," Bellamy responded. "I'll see you around?" She asked. "Definitely," he answered with a smile.

She walked away from him and back to the table where Clarke sat alone. "What was that all about?" Clarke asked once Aleta sat down. "I'll tell you later," Aleta mumbled. Bellamy had his eyes trained on Aleta for a while. He then looked away and walked toward the exit.


Hey guys, long time no see. Yes, I know it's been a while since I've updated this book (or any book) but I've been busy with school and haven't had the time. School is more important to me than writing so I had to focus on that. It's Christmas/Winter break so I will be updating more. Just don't expect a lot of updates because I do want to relax and have fun during my break. Anyways, here's chapter four. Not that different from the original. Hope you enjoyed.


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