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The group continued walking for hours until eventually the sun came up. As Aleta walked over the rocky terrain, she desperately tried to keep herself from falling. Finn sighed in defeat, "I got nothing. We lost the trail."

"Keep looking," Bellamy commanded. Everyone continued looking around. Roma walked over to Aleta and tapped her shoulder. Aleta turned her head and gave the girl a look of both curiosity and annoyance. "How do you know Bellamy?" Roma asked. "What's it to you?" Aleta replied. "I'm just curious, that's all," she replied with a shrug.

"Well, it's not really any of your business," Aleta snapped, the bandana around her face muffling her voice slightly. Roma let out a chuckle before sighing. "I take it you two have some sort of deep history together," the girl said. "Look, I don't know you and you don't know me. My past isn't really any of your business," the dark haired girl said. She kept her eyes straight ahead as she continued walking. "Was it serious or something? Were you guys best friends until he ditched you for someone else?" Roma pried and Aleta contemplated slapping the girl in the face.

The dark haired girl rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance. "We used to date. There, are you happy?" Aleta answered. "So you are the girl," Roma said quietly in confirmation. "What girl?" Aleta asked in confusion. "When we first came down, I wanted to hook up with Bellamy. A lot of the girls in camp did. But he didn't want to because he said there was a girl that he really cared about that he's not completely over. Now I know for sure that it's you," Roma explained.

"I don't see why he wouldn't move on. He broke up with me," Aleta replied, her eyes falling to the uneven terrain. Roma rolled her eyes. "So? That doesn't mean that he doesn't still have feelings for you," she said. "He doesn't. He told me that he didn't," Aleta quietly replied. Roma frowned, "Look, I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have said what I did. And, I'm sorry. I just really like Bellamy."

"It's fine. Apology accepted," Aleta said as the two continued walking. Roma looked at her in surprise, "Just like that?" She asked. "Uh, yeah. It wasn't that big of a deal. And, I don't like holding grudges. Although I will if I feel it's necessary," Aleta answered.

"Oh and a word of advice, unless you want to get your heart broken, I suggest you find another boy to fawn over. Because Bellamy Blake isn't worth it and no one deserves to go through something like that," Aleta added. Roma nodded slightly before turning her head to look at Aleta's face. "Bellamy is an idiot for letting someone as pretty and nice as you go," Roma said. Aleta blushed lightly at the compliment, her heart fluttering in her chest. But before she could respond, Roma continued, "But I still think he's so hot." At that, Aleta rolled her eyes.

"Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should backtrackโ€”" Finn began, pulling the girls out of their conversation. Bellamy abruptly cut him off. "I'm not going back," he said with finality in his tone.

"Hey, where's John?" Roma asked suddenly. Elijah walked closer to Aleta and stood by her side. "Who's John?" She asked aloud. "I just saw him a second ago," Jasper answered quietly. "Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far," Bellamy told them. Right after he said that, the body of a boy landed in front of Aleta. She let out a shriek and Elijah pulled her backward and away from the body on the ground.

His throat was slit and there was a lot of blood. Aleta knew that he was dead and that there was nothing that she could do to save him. Finn and Bellamy run over to his body and look at it. "They use the trees," Finn quietly realized. "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary," a boy, whose name Aleta didn't know, said. "Now can we go back?" Roma questioned, her voice wavering in fear.

"There," Jasper whispered pointing at a figure in the distance. "Another one," the other boy said. Aleta began looking around in fear. They were all going to die. "We should run," Finn said. No one had to be told twice and they all started running.

Aleta ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She was quickly growing tired because she wasn't used to all of this physical activity. She never ran nearly as much on the Ark; the few times she did run. She began to fall behind the others and felt her legs begin to wobble. Bellamy noticed her fall behind and quickly went to her. "Come on. We gotta keep moving," he said as he took ahold of her hand and pulled her along.

"What are we gonna do? They keep heading us off," a voice called. "Just keep running," Finn said. "I can't run much longer," Jasper complained. Bellamy turned to Aleta, who was struggling to keep up, and began to slow down. "I'm not stopping for him," the boy from before said as he ran past the group. "I'm sick of running anyway," Bellamy said. "Hey, what are you doing?" Finn asked. "They know where she is," Bellamy responded.

"Diggs, where are you?" Roma called as she began running again. Aleta assumed that the boy who had run off was Diggs. "Roma!" Diggs called back. "Roma! Wait!" Aleta yelled as she began chasing after the girl, a rush of adrenaline surging through her veins. "Aleta!" Elijah, Bellamy, and Finn yelled. Aleta heard the girl scream and ran faster. Her heart was beating hard in her chest and her legs felt as though they would give out any second.

Aleta slowed slightly as she saw Diggs who was impaled by some contraption, blood pooled out of his mouth. She gasped and looked around erratically, trying to find Roma. She began running again. "Aleta, wait! Stop!" Bellamy yelled. The brunette girl continued running, looking in every direction for Roma. She heard her scream and tried to run in the direction that it came from.

"Roma! Roma where are you?" Aleta yelled. She continued running until she reached a tree where she could see a shoulder. "Roma," she whisper shouted, running up to the tree. When she circled around the tree, she abruptly stopped. Aleta shuffled backwards and tripped, falling on her butt, and dropping her knife in the process. Roma was impaled to the tree by a spear and she was dead too. Aleta quickly stood up and looked around.

She heard a branch snap behind her and whipped her head in the direction of the sound. No one was there and terror began to creep back into her body. "Oh God. I'm gonna die," she whispered. Another branch snapped and she took off running again. She heard footsteps behind her and turned her head only to see, what she assumed to be a grounder, chasing after her.

Aleta screamed and turned back around trying to pick up her pace. Adrenaline continued to pump through her, which was the only way that she could keep going without collapsing. She was afraid to turn around again and focused on not tripping.

She turned in different directions, trying to get the grounder off of her trail. As she ran around a large tree, her body slammed into someone else's. They clamped their hand over her mouth before she could scream. She began to squirm in their grip and tried desperately to break free.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's me. It's Bellamy," the boy whispered. Aleta looked up and relaxed slightly when she saw that it was, in fact, Bellamy. She quickly turned her head around and searched for the grounder, but there was no one in sight. She relaxed even further into his grip and hugged him. "Don't ever run off like that again," he said as he held her tightly and she nodded into his chest.

The others ran up to them and Aleta reluctantly pulled away from his warm embrace. Elijah grabbed her and squeezed her as tightly as he could. "You moron. Why did you run like that? Don't ever do that again. Especially not in grounder territory. I should kill you," he said and then pulled away, "You're an idiot."

"You okay?" Finn asked as he walked over to her and she nodded. "Roma's dead," Aleta muttered. "We know," Elijah said softly. "They're playing with us. They can kill us whenever they want," Finn said. Suddenly, Jasper started shouting. "Then they should get it over with! Come on! We know you're out there!" Jasper yelled.

"Jasper, shut the fuck up!" Elijah hissed. "They're coming," a girl with a braid yelled. Aleta really needed to learn names. Multiple grounders came in all directions and blocked any way for them to escape. Aleta was breathing heavily and looked around the woods.

Bellamy backed up next to her and grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly as he pulled her closer to his body. She pulled her hand out of his own and clenched her hands into fists before unclenching them. Something she did when she was nervous.

A horn sounded in the distance and the grounders stopped. They then turned around and ran in the opposite direction of them. "They're leaving," Bellamy said. "That horn. What does it mean?" Jasper asked. "Acid fog," Finn replied.

"Acid fog? What the hell is acid fog?" Aleta questioned. "It's an acidic yellow fog. That burns. And kills," Elijah said as Finn began pulling out a parachute from the bag he carried. "We have to run," the girl with the braid said. "There's no time," Finn responded.

He opened up the parachute and motioned for them to get under it. Aleta's breathing was labored and she tried to slow her heartbeat. "How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper whispered. "Will this even work?" The girl with the braid asked. "We'll find out," Finn answered.

"No we won't," Bellamy said and he began to lift up the parachute. "Bellamy, what are you doing?" Aleta hissed. He lifted up the parachute completely and stuck his head out from underneath it. "There's no fog," he informed. Aleta sighed in relief and lifted the parachute over her head. They all stood and Aleta glanced around. "Maybe it was a false alarm," Finn suggested. "They're coming back," Bellamy warned.

"I think he's alone," Jasper whispered. "Now can we run?" The girl with the braid asked quietly. "He doesn't see us. I'm going after him," Bellamy said in a whisper. "And what? Kill him?" Finn questioned. "No. Catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him," Bellamy answered before walking after the grounder. Aleta shook her head and reluctantly followed after him.

The group followed after the grounder in silence and wound up at a cave. Aleta entered, albeit very reluctantly, as well as everyone else. When they walked in, the grounder was unconscious on the floor of the cave, and Octavia was chained to the wall. "Bellamy?" Octavia whispered in disbelief when she saw him.

"Octavia," he muttered in relief and he rushed over to her. "Get the key," Octavia said and Bellamy obliged. He quickly began unlocking the chains. "Monroe, watch the entrance," Bellamy commanded the girl with the braid. So that was her name. When Octavia was free, she threw herself into his arms. The two hugged and Aleta smiled slightly at the sight.

"How did you guys find me?" Octavia asked as she hugged Jasper. "Followed him," Jasper replied, pointing at the grounder. She looked over his shoulder and her jaw dropped. "Aleta?" She asked in disbelief. Aleta nodded and her smile widened. Octavia limped over to the girl and hugged her tightly. "How are you here?" She questioned.

"It's a long story," Aleta replied, pulling away from her. "We should go. Now. Before he wakes up," Octavia suggested. "He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy said as he walked over to a wall. He picked up a spear and walked toward the unconscious grounder. "Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Let's just go," Octavia pleaded.

"Bellamy, come on. You can't be serious. Let's just leave while we can," Aleta added as she looked up at him. "I am serious. I kill him and we have one less grounder to worry about," he responded.

Aleta moved closer to the grounder and examined him. He was bald and his head was bleeding. He wore thick clothing that looked warm. Finn crouched down next to him. "They started this. Finn. Move," Bellamy said, raising the spear. "Fog horn," Finn whispered.

The next thing Aleta knew, the Grounder was awake and stabbing Finn with a knife. He swept Aleta's feet out from under her and she hit the ground, hard. She groaned and rolled onto her side. When she looked up, Bellamy and the grounder were fighting and Bellamy was losing.

Bellamy was now on the ground and the grounder was holding the spear and pushing it down toward Bellamy's throat. The boy was desperately trying to keep the tip of the spear away from his throat. "Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia screamed in fear.

Aleta stood and successfully tackled the grounder. They both landed on the ground and Aleta quickly scooted away from him. The grounder stood and started for her but Jasper hit him in the head with something. Aleta released a breath before turning her attention to Finn. She crawled over to him and examined his wound.

"We should take out the knife," Jasper said. Aleta quickly shook her head. "No. We shouldn't. We need to get him back to camp," she informed. "Are you sure? I don't think it's a good idea to leave it in," Jasper objected. "I know what I'm talking about, Jasper. My mom's a doctor and I was studying to be one. We need to get him to camp. Now!" Aleta responded. Bellamy and Elijah lifted Finn off of the ground and they all quickly exited the cave and headed toward camp.


They finally arrived back to camp after a long walk and Jasper began calling for Clarke. "Hey. I'm here. What's up?" Clarke said as she approached them. When she saw Finn she ran toward him and started to freak out. "Don't worry. He's alive," Aleta assured.

"Aleta wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper said. "No, that was a good call. Get him to the dropship now. Go!" Clarke ordered. "Clarke, Aleta, can you save him?" Raven asked in distress and Aleta then noticed her presence. The two girls looked at each other, their eyes wide. "No. Not us. We need our mothers. We need to talk to them," Clarke replied.

"There's still no radio," Raven told her. "Raven, fix it! Go!" Clarke exclaimed. Raven took off and Clarke went to Octavia. "Hey, you okay?" She asked and Octavia nodded. "Yeah. Just go," she said. Clarke nodded and ran towards the dropship. Aleta looked at Octavia and gave her a small smile before quickly walking in the direction of the dropship.

Hopefully Raven could fix the radio fast enough. Finn's life was on the line.


That's the end of this chapter. Sorry I haven't really been updating this book. I just wasn't in the mood and nobody really reads this book anyways. *sigh* Oh well. I still hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Vote and comment and have a good day.

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