chapter ten: illusion

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"Is there anything you want to tell us about your girlfriend?" Fury asked with his arms crossed.

When you were the first person that came to mind, Peter turned red a little. Hill noticed Peter's reaction. "He's talking about E.D.I.T.H."

"Look, I know I made a mistake, and I'm sorry, but he is not who you think he is," Peter said, causing Fury and Hill to exchange looks. "Beck is a liar. Mysterio, the Elementals, it's all fake. He has some sort of illusion tech, and that's how he tricked you guys and he tricked me into giving him E.D.I.T.H."

In order to give them a better look, Peter set the projector down and slid it in their direction. "It's a projector. I pulled it off the fire monster in Prague."

"So all that death and destruction we witnessed was created by this?" Fury questioned, getting more confused.

Peter shook his head. "No, not just this. I think he's using the drones."

"Well, if this is true, then Beck's very dangerous, and we need to be smart," Fury said, glancing at Hill, who walked away to let out a sigh and looked at the view in fear. Fury turned to Peter. "Who else did you tell about this?"

But Peter failed to listen or respond. His spider-sense was tingling. "Parker? Parker!" Fury called out. Peter turned to Fury and closed his goggles. "What's wrong?"

"It's Beck," Peter informed. "He's here."

Fury furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He looked around and noticed that the projection of the whole building was fading away, as was Hill. "Hill?"

"No, it's just an illโ€”" Peter tried to notify Fury but was cut off by a gunshot. Fury was shot. "Fury!" Peter exclaimed.

"Wow, Peter. Wow." The vacated building echoed with Beck's voice. As Peter turned to face the drones, he saw that they were all pointed at him. "I thought we were close."

"Fury always had to die. But not you."

"Stop hiding, Beck!" Peter shot a web at a drone, but it turned out to be an illusion.

"I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this." Peter noticed that his surroundings had become his school. As Mysterio approached, Peter attempted to launch a web at him, but instead, his web-shooters spat forth green smoke. When Peter tried to punch him, he hit a pillar instead. "You told me you wanted to run after that girl."


Peter's eyes widened when he immediately recognized your voice, calling for help. "(Y/n)!"

Leaping through a broken door, he discovered he was perched on the Eiffel Tower. The door tipped over, and he watched it fall. "Peter? What's going on?" When Peter turned to face his side, he noticed that you looked frightened and puzzled.

"I know this isn't real." Peter attempted to approach you in an attempt to console you, but the moon behind you turned into Mysterio. "Do you, though?"

Mysterio grabbed your neck and lifted you, suffocating you. "Peterโ€”" You tried to say anything, but Mysterio dropped you before you had the chance to try and grab Peter, making you scream. "Peter!"

"(Y/N)!" Peter shouted as he leaped to save you. Peter barely brushed your fingertips with his own, but he struck the ground hard instead.

"I don't think you know what's real, Peter." Beck continued as Peter was dragged into a new place. Peter found himself presently in front of a building that had the word QUEENS illuminated on it. Mysterio's massive fist erupted from the entryway of the building and struck Peter.

Peter began to descend, hitting any webs that were in his path until the illusion faded. "You need to wake up!" Peter was thrown out of the abandoned building and crashed into a nearby car. Peter groaned in pain. He looked up to see drones coming after him but became invisible when another illusion appeared.

He was imprisoned in the center by the shards of gigantic mirrors. He peered at himself in a large chunk of mirror. "I mean, look at yourself." When he attempted to touch the mirror, he was attacked by the reflections that were visible surrounding the mirrors.

"You are just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit!" His reflections took his suit off, and now Peter is wearing his first suit. Peter looked around and noticed the fallen statues of Captain America and Iron Man. "I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth! Mysterio is the truth!"

Mysterio appeared and started shooting lasers at Peter. Peter parried his blows and fought back. Peter threw webs at him. Thinking he was able to defeat Mysterio, he took down the webs, only to discover that he had fired something else, which was ready to fall on him. He eventually moved away from his position and took cover.

Peter's heart fell even more when he opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him.ย It was Tony's tombstone. "If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive."

As Peter thought back to how Tony sacrificed his life in order to save the world with a single snap, tears welled up in his eyes. A hand shot out of the dirt, startling Peter. The ruined and shattered Iron Man costume flew in Peter's direction. It had a zombie-like appearance.

Then a spider appeared, and its eyes turned into multiple Mysterios. "Deep down, you know I'm right."

Peter was running away but ended up bumping his head on a glass. He looked around and noticed he was on a snow globe. Buildings from New York started bursting out of the snow. Even the Avengers Tower appeared. "You made your choice. All you had to do was step aside." The snow globe was Mysterio's head all along. Mysterio's hand removed the snow globe from his body. "And now, you haโ€”"

Before he could finish his sentence to threaten Peter, Beck was shot by an injured Fury in reality. Peter found himself on a mountain of small pebbles and saw Fury clutching his wound. "Fury!"

The other agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. aimed their guns at Beck so he wouldn't do anything else. "Beck's people..." Fury said. "We're trying to find everyone who could expose him. Who'd you tell? I know you told someone. So, just tell me..."

Peter panted heavily and could barely focus with all the illusions that Beck gave him. "Okay..." Peter said tiredly.

"Who did you tell?" Fury repeated, his voice rising impatiently. He noticed Peter clutching the side of his head. "Who else did you tell?!" Fury repeated with anger in his voice.

"Just Ned and (Y/n) from my class, and maybe Ned told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it," Peter said quickly since he was starting to feel pressured.

Fury started chuckling, causing Peter to narrow his eyes in confusion. "What?"

"You... are so dumb." Fury laughed as he crossed his arms.

Peter grew more confused. "What?"

"I mean, you're smart as a whip," Fury said as he stepped forward toward Peter and shrugged. "Just a... sucker." Fury's voice changed.

Fury faded into Beck. Beck was pretending to be Fury all this time and tricked Peter. "Now all your friends have to die."

Peter gasped and was trapped in an illusion again, where everything was falling apart. "It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves," Beck told Peter.

Peter continued to step back and dodge some falling objects, which were illusions, at him. "But for what it's worth, Peter... I really am sorry."

As soon as the illusions vanished, Peter stopped walking. He had a feeling that something was off or that something was headed directly toward him. A bullet train struck him as he looked to his side.

Beck watched as Peter was dragged away by the train. Beck huffed. "E.D.I.T.H?"

"Yes, Quentin?" E.D.I.T.H. responded.

"Access files to Peter Parker's class trip," Beck commanded. "I need them to fly home from London."

With a limp, Peter boarded the train and searched for a seat. After locating an open seat, he took a seat. He took off his mask and groaned in pain. Though he possesses extraordinary power, Peter is still a human being.

He coughed out his throat a little and felt his eyesight becoming hazy. He closed his eyes, falling into unconsciousness as soon as his head fell to his shoulder from sheer exhaustion.

Your eyes opened when you felt something. It felt like you were hurt physically. Like a train hit you so hard. You groaned as you sat on your bed. You looked at your watch. 'I must've fallen asleep.'

You looked around and saw that your curtains were still closed. 'I wonder where Peter is...'

You got out of bed and rubbed your eyes sleepily. You heard someone knocking on your door, so you walked towards it and opened it. You saw Michelle.

"Oh, hey, MJ." You greeted with a small yawn.

"Good morning, princess," Michelle smirked. "Are your bags ready?"

You nodded wordlessly and sleepily. Michelle chuckled. "Good. Now, go take a shower."

"Why? We aren't leaving yet."

"Actually, we are leaving." Brad came and leaned on the door. "We're going to London before we leave Europe completely."

"How come you still look pretty even if you just woke up?" Betty asked with a pout.

Ned came as well and stood beside Betty. "Aww, babe. You also look pretty even if you just woke up."

Betty smiled and caressed Ned's cheek. "Thanks, babe."

You playfully rolled your eyes. Ned and Betty left to eat, while Michelle and Brad stayed. "Don't forget to tell Peter," Brad said as he patted your shoulder.

You suddenly remembered the excuse that Peter had. "Oh! Um... about Peter... I think he can't come?"

Brad turned to you with a confused look on his face. "Why can't he come?"

"His aunt said that she wanted Peter to stay with family in Berlin," Michelle told the excuse.

Brad grew suspicious about Peter's excuse. He was hesitating to believe the lie. "He has a family here in Berlin?" Brad asked.

You nodded. "Yeah." You looked down at your watch and pretended to be surprised. "Whoops. Gotta go. I need to take a shower before you guys leave me for London! Michelle, help me pack my clothes." Before Brad could talk, you pulled Michelle inside your room and shut the door.

You sighed in relief and smiled at Michelle. "Thanks, MJ."

"No, problem. It's still pretty shocking that Peter's Spider-Man."

"I know, MJ. I'm glad you're handling it quite well."

"I mean, I was sure he was Spider-Man, but it was only 60% sure. I had my suspicions.

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