chapter twenty-six: battle at liberty island part one

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"Okay, guys. It could be any minute now." Peter told his two variants as he waited on top of the Statue of Liberty. "(Y/n)'s patrolling the city to look for them."

"Yup." The older Peter (TM) informed him as he started setting the anti-serums and cures up for the bad guys. "Almost done."

While waiting, the older Peter (TM) stopped by to be with the other Peter (AG). "You know, Max was like, the sweetest guy ever." The other Peter stated. "Before he fell into a... pool of electric eels."

The older Peter (TM) chuckled. "That'll do it." He started stretching but realized something was wrong with his back. "Oh. There it goes..."

"You okay?" The other Peter (AG) asked worriedly.

"My back." The older Peter (TM) replied. "It's kind of stiff from all the swinging, I guess."

"Oh, yeah, no, I got a little back pain, too."


"Yeah." The other Peter (AG) approached his older counterpart. "You want me to crack it?"

The older Peter (TM) stared at him for a moment, thinking about it. "Yeah." He nodded. "That would be great."

"Alright." The other Peter (AG) walked towards the older Peter (TM) and wrapped his arms around his torso. "You ready?"


The other Peter began (AG) lifting him up and down, stretching his older self's back, and soon, they both heard a crack. "That's good."

"How is it?"

"Wow." The older Peter (TM) smiled as he stepped away and turned around to look at the other Peter (AG). "That's good."


"That's better."



The other Peter (AG) sat down, his wholesome smile never leaving his face. "God, this is so cool." He breathed out. "I always wanted brothers."

The older Peter (TM) smiled down at him until the other Peter's (AG) face lit up as he thought of a question. "So you could like make your own web fluid in your body?" He asked excitedly.

The older Peter (TM) shook his head. "I'd rather not talk about this."

"No, I don't mean toโ€”"

"Are you teasing me?"

"No, no, no." Peter, who was also curious about the topic, intervened in the conversation. "No, no, no. He's not teasing you." He defended. "It's just that... we can't do that, so naturally, we're curious as to how your web situation works. That's all."

The other Peter (AG) nodded, agreeing with his younger self. "If it's personal, I don't wanna pry. It's cool."

The older Peter (TM) sighed. "No. I wish I could tell you, but it's like, I don't do it..." He began to stutter as he didn't know how to explain it clearly. "Like I don't... like, I don't do breathing. Like, breathing just happens."

"Woah." The other Peter (AG) gasped.

"Like, does it just come out of your wrists, or..." Peter hesitated to ask but did it anyway. "...does it come out of anywhere else?"

The other Peter (AG) stared at Peter before tilting his head to wonder. The other Peter (TM) glanced at the youngest Peter. "Only... only the wrists."

"You never had a web block?" The other Peter (AG) asked. "Cause I run out of webs all the time. I had to make my own lab. And it's a hassle."

The older Peter (TM) nodded. "That sounds like a hassle. Yeah. But, actually, as you said that. I was like... I had a web block."


"Existential crisis stuff."

The other Peter (AG) sighed. "Yeah, don't get me started on that."

"Hey," Peter called out to his other two versions of himself. "What are, like, some of the craziest villains that you guys have fought?"

"Seems you've met some of them." The older Peter (TM) replied while the other Peter (AG) chuckled. "That's a good question." The other Peter (AG) added as he thought of the villains he fought.

"I fought a... an alien..." The older Peter (TM) answered. "...made out of black goo once."

Peter gasped. "No way! I fought an alien, too. On Earth and in space."


"Yeah. He was purple. (Y/n) and I hated that raisin dude."

The other Peter (AG) frowned. "I wanna fight an alien." He whined.

"I'm, I'm still, like..." The older Peter (TM) looked up to Peter in shock. "...that you fought an alien in space."

The other Peter (AG) huffed in defeat, slumping down. "I'm lame." He frowned. "Compareโ€”like, I fought a Russian guy in a... like a rhinoceros machine."

The older Peter (TM) looked down at the other Peter (AG) and frowned at him. "Hey, can we wind it back to the 'I'm lame' part?" He asked. "Because, you are not."

"Aw, thanks." The other Peter (AG) replied as he slightly smiled. "No, yeah. I appreciate it. I'm not saying I'm lame."

"But it's just the self-talk. Maybe we should, you know..."

"Yeah, listen..."

"You're... You're amazing. Just to take it in for a minute."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"You... you are amazing." The older Peter (TM) repeated.

"I guess I am."

"You are amazing."

The other Peter (AG) nodded. "Thank you."

"Will you say it?"

The other Peter (AG) thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I kinda needed to hear that. Thank you."

Peter looked around as he started sensing something. "Alright, guys, focus up. Can you feel that?"

The older Peter (TM) nodded. "Yeah." He replied while the other Peter stood up and started sensing something.

You flew by Peter using your suit. "Well, boys, mask up. They're coming." You informed them before flying away to check if more villains would arrive. The other Peter (AG) gasped. "That's (Y/n)? In a suit?"

The older Peter (TM) stifled a laugh. "Damn, that's not something you see every day."

Lightning started roaring up in the sky, indicating Max had arrived. "What's up, Peter?" Peter instantly snapped his head behind him and saw Max with the Arc Reactor in his chest. "How do you like the new look?"

Max slowly approached Peter. "Look, you give it to me; I'm gonna destroy it." He chuckled. "But I'll let you live. Don't make me a murderer, Peter."

Peter wore his mask and jumped out of his position with the ancient box in his hand. "Okay, guys. Here it comes." The two Peter began to wear the mask and got into their position. The other Peter (AG) jumped towards Max. "Hey, Max! I missed you, man!" He immediately dodged a lightning shot from Max.

Peter swung up and saw you just above. "All right, (Y/n), heads up!" He threw the ancient relic towards you, and you managed to catch it. "Got it!"

You started contacting Michelle. "Hey, Mish."

"Yeah, we know, but..." Michelle glanced at Ned. "Ned is still trying to open the portal."

"What? It was open like a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, well, it closed, and now he's trying to open it again."

You sighed. "Alright, I'll try to fly around first so they wouldn't catch this boxโ€”" You cut your sentence off when the voice โ€‹โ€‹in your suit suddenly talked. "Low battery." You huffed. "Yeah, I know, I know."

"Max, Max, Max." The other Peter (AG) tried to calm Max down and talk to him. "Can we just talk for a second? Just you and me, justโ€”"

"Look who showed up!" Max exclaimed. "My old friend Spider-Man."

"I'm trying to save you, Max. That's all I've ever wanted."

"You're not trying to save me."

"I am."

"You ain't even shit no more." Max shook his head, causing the other Peter (AG) to groan. "Don't worry about me. I'll save myself." Max suddenly shot a big electric blast, but the other Peter (AG) managed to avoid it.

"I got his attention, now what?" The other Peter (AG) asked as he swung around to avoid Max's electric shots and blasts.

"Okay, great!" The older Peter (TM) replied, but he looked down to see Connors grabbing his foot. "Uh, just FYI, Lizard-guy is here too." He informed the other Peters while stomping his foot on Connors' head.

Connors and the older Peter (TM) fell on a tower crane. "Guys? Comm check, hello?"

"I need Max's cure." The other Peter (AG) told Peter. Peter nodded. "Yeah. I'm on it."

"Peter!" Peter heard the older Peter (TM) yell. "I need the Lizard's cure."

"Oh, uh, okay! Okay!" Peter ran towards the cure, but he was grabbed by Flint's gigantic sand hand. "Where's the box, Peter?"

"Flint!" Peter shouted. "We can help everyone."

"I don't care!" Flint angrily yelled.

You watched from above to see the three Peters being uncoordinated. Peter shot a web towards the tower crane, but the other Peter (AG) passed it by, breaking Peter's web. The other Peter (AG) shot his web to save himself from falling; however, he hit it to the older Peter's (TM) face causing him to bump his head to the tower crane. "Sorry!" You heard the other Peter (AG) apologize.

The older Peter (TM) tore the web off from his mask. "Gross."

You blinked in surprise. "Unbelievable." You finally saw Ned opening a portal, so you immediately flew towards it and tossed the box to Michelle. "MJ, catch!" Michelle caught it and faced Ned while you flew around to help the three Peters. "Okay, close it!"

Ned nodded. "Okay..." He moved his hand around to try and close the portal, but it wasn't working. "Uh, Ned, it's not closing," Michelle commented.

"I know," Ned replied as he tried to close it again but failed.

"Why isn't it closing?"

"I don't know... I..."

"Have you closed before? No?"

"No. I mean, I have opened some."

Max found the other Peter (AG). "I tried to tell you, Sandman." He told Flint. "Nobody's going home." He was about to shoot towards the other Peter, but he was suddenly blasted from behind. Max turned around and saw you throwing a punch to his face. Max almost fell but managed to catch himself in the air.

You tilted your head. "You have something that isn't yours, Dillon." You told him sternly while glancing at the stolen Arc Reactor. "I'd like it back." You raised your repulsor and shot numerous energy blasts towards him.

Max managed to dodge some and smirked at you. "Careful now, (Y/n). I could easily take the energy out from your suit." He shot a lightning blast at you, and you were almost hit. "I'd like to see you try, lightning bolt."

Just as you were about to hit him with another blast, you saw Connors charging towards you. You flew a few feet away to dodge him but didn't manage to see Max's electric beam shooting towards you. You hit your back at the tower crane and groaned in pain. "Okay, now I'm pissed." You flew towards Max and grabbed the Arc Reactor, ready to pull it out.

"No!" Max yelled before shooting an electrical beam towards you, sending you back again at the tower crane. You looked up to see Max shooting a couple more electric blasts, so you moved away, and it fired right at the tower crane.

The tower crane crashed down onto Flint, freeing Peter from his grasp. The three Peters were at the scaffolding again as Flint formed a massive sand tornado around the Statue of Liberty when he gathered more sand around, blinding you and Max.

You immediately flew to the top to see Michelle and Ned were still struggling to close the portal. You flew towards them and pressed the button to remove your suit. "The suit is out of battery." You informed your two friends. "We have to close the portal."

"I'm trying!" Ned exclaimed as he continued to move his one arm in a circular motion.

Peter gasped as he removed his mask while the other Peter (AG) was not too far from him. "What the hell is going on out there?" The other Peter (AG) questioned as he helped Peter to stand up. "I kept yelling at you, Peter- Two, Peter-Two..." He told the older Peter (TM) who approached him and Peter.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Peter winced from his injuries when the other Peter helped him on his feet.

The older Peter (TM) nodded at the other Peter. "I know, but I thought you're Peter-Two?"

"What?" The other Peter (AG) asked. "I'm not Peterโ€”"

"Stop arguing, both of you!" Peter scolded. "Listen to Peter-One." His two variants looked at him. "Look, we're clearly not very good at this!"

"I know, I know." The other Peter (AG) replied. "We suck. I don't know how to work as a team."

The older Peter (TM) nodded along. "Me neither."

"Well, I do," Peter stated. "I have been in a team, okay? I don't wanna brag, but I will. I was in the Avengers."

The older Peter (TM) gasped. "The Avengers?" He grinned. "That's great!"

"Yeah, thank you."

"What is that?"

Peter's expression changed as his eyes fluttered in utter confusion and bewilderment. "Wait, you don't have the Avengers?"

"I-Is that a band?" The other Peter (AG) asked in delight before gasping. "Are you in a band?"

Peter shook his head. "No, I'm not in a band. No, the Avengers is a... uh, the Earth's Mightiestโ€”"

"How is this helping?!" The older Peter (TM) yelled, stopping Peter from explaining.

Peter slightly flinched in surprise but shook his head. "Look, it's not important. All we gotta do is to focus, trust your tingle, and coordinate our attacks, okay?"

The older Peter (TM) took a deep breath and slowly nodded. "Yes. Okay. Let's pick one target."

"Right." Peter nodded as he pointed at his older self.

"We take them off the board one at a time." The other Peter (AG) added as he pointed at his two different versions.

Peter nodded once again. "Now you got it. Okay..." He pointed at himself. "Peter-One," He told at his older self. "Peter-Two..."

"Peter-Two." The older Peter (TM) repeated.

Peter pointed at the other Peter (AG). "Peter-Three."

The other Peter (AG) raised his arms. "Peter-Three!"

"All right, let's do this!" Peter and the older Peter turned around to take action, but the other Peter (AG) pulled them back. "No, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Peter and the older Peter (TM) stared at the other Peter (AG) for a moment. "I love you guys."

Peter blinked in surprise while the older Peter (TM) slowly nodded. "Thank you." The two of them said in unison. The other Peter (AG) smiled and glanced at Peter, who gave him a smile back. "All right. Let's do this." The three of them wore their masks on. "Let's go."

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