chapter twenty-three: take care of each other

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"Remarkable." Norman breathed, watching Peter working on Octavius' chip while you helped him. "The technology and the two of you."

Peter slightly stuck his tongue out in focus while you pointed where to place the last part of the chip. Your finger was slightly shaking while your heart started pounding. "When all this is over..." Norman continued. "...if you two need a job and you're willing to commute to another universe..."

You quickly moved away, walking near the door, and pressed your hand to the wall. Peter instantly sat up and removed his goggles, walking towards you while Norman followed. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

"Pills." You breathed out. "I-I haven't taken them."

"Pills?" Norman asked. "Whatever for?"

Peter quickly shot a web to your bag and pulled it towards him, searching for pills. "Uh, I don't know what pills you need, (Y/n)—"


Peter looked for a yellow container and soon, he found it. He popped the lid open and gave you one pill. "May, water!"

May didn't need to be told twice and rushed in with a glass of water. You drank the pill with water, finally relaxing you. "Are you okay, sweetie?" May asked worriedly.

Peter helped you walk and sat you down just beside Dum-E. "I think you need to rest for a bit." Peter looked at his aunt. "Can you look after her for a while?"

May nodded. "Of course." Peter placed a kiss on the side of your head before heading back to the storage room. Norman lingered before following Peter to help him finish Octavius's cure. May sat next to you and let you place your head on her shoulder. "I've noticed some things, (Y/n)..."

"Hm?" You hummed.

"You're scared... of Norman." You clenched your fists at the mention of his name. "Peter told me. Your birth mother's boyfriend was quite abusive to you, and his name's the same as the man who's with Peter right now."

You shook your head. "I-I don't know if this Norman is worse or better than the Norman I've endured before."

"Well, whatever happens..." May ran her fingers through your hair in comfort. "I want you and Peter to promise me something."


"Take care of each other. You and Peter." May told. "No matter what happens, okay?"

You nodded. You thought of an idea, and you looked at May. "Can I borrow a pen? I want to write something."

A few minutes later, after finishing what you were doing, you jolted up when you heard Peter's voice of excitement. "It worked. That totally worked!" He left the storage room and slid across the room in excitement, showing you and May what he accomplished. "(Y/n). We did it! We got it!"

You chuckled lightly. "No, Peter, that was all you." Peter, in excitement, threw his goggles over the kitchen counter. "Sorry! Will you send him up?"

May nodded and stood up to press buttons on the device controlling Octavius' mechanical tentacles. "Yup. Here we go." You and May watched as Octavius was lifted up to the second floor while Peter hurriedly ran up the stairs. "Hold on, Doc."

Norman exited the storage room and looked up at Octavius. "All of these humiliations never cease," Octavius spoke. When Peter finally arrived on the second floor and was behind Octavius, the older man complained and protested. "You! Keep your science fair project away from me!"

"Hey, it will work." Norman scolded. "Have faith."

"Says the reckless fool who turned himself into a monster," Octavius squabbled.

You noticed how near Norman was to you. You moved a bit further away from fear while Norman's expression changed after hearing Octavius' words. Octavius noticed how you shifted. "See? Even your own daughter is scared of you."

May immediately ran to your side for comfort as your hands began trembling. Peter sighed in frustration when Octavius continued squirming. "Please stop. Hold still." He told politely, but ended up grabbing a handful of the man's hair to keep him steady.

"Don't you dare! I swear... when I get out of this wicker, I'm going to..." Peter managed to place the device on Octavius's fried chip causing Octavius to slump down. You blinked in surprise while Peter's eyes were wide in shock. "Doc?" Peter asked. "Doc?" He asked in a softer voice, his heart hammering in nervousness. "Doc? Dr. Octavius?"

Octavius gasped for air, surprising Peter. Otto breathed deeply and thought for a moment. "It's so quiet... those voices... inside my head..." Otto choked into tears. "I'd almost forgotten..."

"Otto." Norman breathed out.

"Yes. Norman." Otto chuckled as he used his mechanical arms to lower himself down. When his foot was entirely on the ground, Otto smiled. "It's me."

Peter jumped down, facing Otto. "Would you look at that..." Flint smiled in astonishment.

Peter began controlling Otto's mechanical claws one last time to give him back the nanotech around it. The nanotech upgraded Peter's suit, and you watched in bewilderment. "I'm grateful, dear boy," Otto confessed as he shook hands with Peter. "Truly."

"Yeah." Peter smiled. "You're welcome." Peter and Otto pulled their hands away. Peter turned to you, and you immediately attacked him with a hug. "You did great, love."

Peter chuckled as he hugged you back. "Love? I've never heard you call me that before."

"To be fair, we still don't have any pet names for each other." You stifled a laugh.

You and Peter pulled away and faced Otto, who was still smiling. "So, how can I help?"


You began working on Max's cure while Norman worked on his own with Otto. You glanced at Norman, who was busy answering formulas until you noticed how dark it was on the apartment. It was night, and you didn't even realize.

"How does it feel, Norman?" You heard Otto ask, catching Norman's attention. His voice was much calmer and softer, and you were glad he wasn't the shouting grumpy old man he was before. "You're about to become whole again. No more darker half. Just you."

Norman froze for a moment. "Just me." You noticed his tone was quite sinister, and it sent chills down your spine. Norman turned around to see a smiling Otto, and he returned it with a smile as well.

You quickly got out of the storage room, wondering how you managed to stay in a room with Norman Osborn without Peter. You gave Peter the energy siphon based on Tony's Arc Reactor, and he started adding a few things from his laptop. "Okay. Um..." Peter placed the device on Max's chest, just sitting in front of him. "It just goes right here. That should be drawing power now."

Peter took a deep breath while you were just behind him with your hands on his shoulders. "I'm gonna come back in a second just to check on it, but..." Peter pointed at the device. "Keep an eye on the lights. When they're all green, it means all the electricity in your body's dissipated. Well, not all the electricity. I mean, obviously, you know you need electricity for your brain to function... your nervous system is..."

Peter realized he was rambling, so he stopped while you smiled. "I'm not really sure why I'm explaining electricity to you." He told Max.

"Can I ask you a question?" Max asked.


Max motioned his head to the unfinished LEGO Death Star set. "Are these your LEGOs?"

Peter hesitated to answer, but a beeping noise saved him from the fabricator. "We gotta go. I'll be back." You and Peter walked away to check what was happening.

Peter turned to you and held your hands. "(Y/n), you have done wonderfully well with helping me..."


"...but I think you should check on Ned and MJ."

You sighed. "Peter..."

"I'm serious. I don't want you getting tired an—" Peter froze when he started sensing something wrong. Otto and Norman noticed Peter. "Peter?"

"What's wrong?" You asked, concerned as to why Peter was tensed. He walked away to find out what was going on. "I don't know. May?"

You, Otto, and Norman followed Peter to the living room while May walked down the stairs. "What is it, Peter?" She asked.

"What's up, Peter?" Flint asked when he noticed Peter was in the center, searching for what was wrong. Norman walked further away and close to the deactivated Dum-E, not too far from you. Peter stared at Max. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Max questioned.

Peter closed his eyes to focus on what was wrong, and May moved to the side. You and the others waited for Peter until Peter snapped his eyes open, firing a web towards Norman's hand onto Dum-E. You flinched in surprise as Norman stared at his stuck hand. "That's some neat trick." He began to talk, his voice becoming raspy and more sinister. Your eyes widened as you slightly stepped back. "That sense of yours."

"Norman?" Otto asked.

"Norman's on sabbatical, honey." The man told Otto with a wicked smile.

"The hell?" Max asked in confusion.

"Goblin." Peter scowled, glancing at you and May. May glanced back and sneakily took your hand to bring you towards her.

"No more darker half?" Goblin mocked. "Did you really think that I'd let that happen? That I'd let you take away my power just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?"

"You don't know me," Peter responded while you and May walked to the storage room.

"Don't I?"

You and May started collecting the cures for the villains and stuffed them in a small bag.

"I saw how she trapped you." Goblin stated. "Fighting her holy moral mission."

You nodded at Peter, giving him the knowledge that you and May got the things needed. You and May left the storage room and looked back at the Goblin monologuing. "We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed."

Goblin turned to Max. "These are not curses. They're gifts."

"Norman, no." Otto shook his head.

"Quiet, lapdog." Goblin hissed.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Peter glared.

"I watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes," Goblin told Peter. "Struggling, to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose."

You heard a noise from the device on Max's chest, almost finished to take his powers away from him. Goblin grinned wickedly. "We take."

"May, (Y/n), run!"

You and May immediately ran away, and you patted your chest to feel your necklace. It was gone. "Wait!" You tried to run back, but May pulled you. "No time! Come on!"

When May tried to spam the elevator button to work, the lights flickers. "Stairs." You stated as you pulled May to the stairs. Both of you ran down the stairs in a hurry. Soon, you and May managed to arrive at the lobby, but the ceiling broke, revealing Peter and Goblin. Max, Flint, Connors, and Otto were nowhere to be found.

Your eyes widened as Goblin started strangling Peter with his own hand. You were about to attack Goblin, but May pulled you back one last time and gave you the bag while she took out Goblin's cure. "(Y/n), I need you to run."

"May, I'm not leaving you and Peter here."


Peter managed to look at you and gave you the slightest nod to run. You choked into tears and embraced May before running away. "Your weakness, Peter... is morality." Goblin stated to Peter, completely clueless that you had escaped and May was approaching behind. "It's choking you. Can you feel it?"

May charged towards Goblin and injected the serum into his neck, causing Goblin to let go of Peter. Peter gasped for air, and Goblin pulled the syringe out of his neck; nothing happened to him. "It didn't work." He growled. "Norman was right."

Goblin stared at May, who grabbed a weapon, ready to fight him. "He got it from you." Peter tried crawling away, but Goblin stomped his foot onto his back and slammed Peter's head to a huge rock. "That pathetic sickness!"

Grabbing a handful of Peter's hair, Goblin crouched down and stared right into May, showing her injured nephew. "You tried to fix me..."

"May, go..." Peter pleaded. "May..."

"Now, I'm gonna fix you."

"May, run, please..." Peter begged. Suddenly, Goblin's glider crashed onto May. "May!"

Goblin left Peter alone and hopped onto his glider, placing his hood up. "Peter, Peter, Peter..." He grinned. "No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later." Goblin glanced at May, who was lying on the ground, injured.

Peter's eyes widened when Goblin activated one of his pumpkin bombs.

"No!" Goblin threw the bomb towards May, and Peter jumped up to catch it. Goblin turned around to escape and threw another pumpkin bomb at one of the police cars. Everything exploded, causing you to freeze and turn back to the building where Peter and May were.

"Peter..." You were about to head back to the building, but you saw Goblin stopping by as if he was looking for someone. Reluctantly, you turned around and ran away, heading to Ned's house where Michelle and Ned were. Goblin turned to his side and spotted you. "Pretty, pretty girl."

You glanced back and saw Goblin flying towards you. "You left a little early back there, missy!" You were lifted up the ground with Goblin's hand gripped onto your throat. You gasped for air as your free hand tried to push Goblin's hand away. "Poor little (Y/n). Can't escape any Norman Osborns who come to her life." He mocked.

Goblin ignored your struggles and cries for help. "You can never escape, sweetie." He hissed. "I've seen how you quiver whenever you see this face or hear Norman's name. And your fear will never go away. No matter how hard you try. You will always be terrified and miserable."

"Fuck... off!" You yelled and managed to punch his cheek. Goblin groaned and brought you back down. Goblin has released you and you gasped for air. Right before you stood up, Goblin tackled you on the ground and threw a punch on the side of your head, wounding you. You cried out as more of your painful memories resurfaced.

"I didn't mean to! Stop hurting me!"

You fought back by pushing his arms away and kicking his stomach while tears endlessly streamed down your face. Goblin was stronger and began to suffocate you with his fingers around your neck once again. 'How did he get so freakishly strong?'

"Mama, help me!"

"Your mother isn't here to help you now!"

You held Goblin's wrists and the bag that May had given you were just beside you. You reached out for anything to defend yourself but your eyes were getting heavy and starting to roll back. Your mouth opened but no screams were heard. Your fingers began to feel numb but you didn't give up on reaching for something to hit Goblin.

You managed to get a hold of his empty syringe and stabbed his arm causing Goblin to yell in pain. You gasped for air and instantly stood up, grabbing the bag and the syringe, and ran away before Goblin could have the chance to chase you. You quickly hid on a dark alleyway and waited for Goblin to leave you alone. When you heard him leaving, you dashed out of the alley to get to Ned's house.

Peter groaned as he got up to see May standing. "May?"

"Peter..." May called out softly as she looked for Peter.

"May, May... I'm here." May followed Peter's voice and eventually spotted him. "I'm here." Peter finally stood up, ignoring his own injuries and pain to embrace May. "Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh." May nodded. "Uh-huh."

May almost fell, but Peter managed to catch her. "Really?"

"Yeah." May stifled a laugh while smiling at Peter.

"It's okay," Peter reassured. "We're okay, right?"

"Yeah. Knocked off my head."

"Yeah, me too."

"That's all."

Peter groaned in pain. "I think I broke my ribs." May placed her hand on Peter's back, rubbing it in comfort. Peter sighed heavily. "This is all my fault, May. I should've just listened to Strange and let him send them back..."

May shook her head. "No, you did the right thing," May assured as she forced Peter to look at her. "They would have been killed. You did the right thing."

Peter looked down and shook his head. "It's not my responsibility, May."

May stared at him for a bit. "Oh, what Norman said? My moral mission. No." May shook her head once again. Peter tried to reason with May, but May interrupted him. "No, Peter. Listen. You listen to me. You have a gift. You have power."

May placed her palm to his chest as she stared at her nephew. "And with great power, there must also come great responsibility."

Peter stared back at May, slowly nodding. "Yeah. I know." He whispered. May nodded back. "And Peter?"


"Take good care of yourself and (Y/n), okay?" May reminded. Peter nodded in understanding and May sighed in relief. "Let's get out of here."

"Okay, let's go." Peter was about to leave with May following behind, but May placed her hand on his shoulder, noticing blood all over her palm. Peter looked back at May, who was shaking until she collapsed. Peter crouched down on the ground and helped May to lay down. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, you're okay," Peter assured May. "What happened?"

"Just have to..." May breathed out while giving him a weak smile. " catch my breath..."

"Okay. Well, catch your breath. I'm right here." Peter gently combed his hand down on May's hair to soothe her. "We're gonna take our time, you catch your breath, and... and we'll take you to a doctor, okay?"

Peter froze when he moved a bit further away to see her side. He moved his hand up to find her blood on his hand. Peter's eyes quickly filled with tears as realization struck him that his aunt was in a fatal condition. May, however, did not realize this quickly. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Somebody help!" Peter yelled to anyone who was outside. "I need an ambulance! Please, somebody..."

"What happened?" May asked.

"Nothing. You're okay." Peter cupped her cheeks with his other hand, reassuring her. "You're okay."

May weakly nodded. "I'll just... catch my breath..."

"Okay. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm right here." Peter fought the urge to cry in front of his aunt to help her feel okay. "We're okay. Just me and you."

May started breathing slowly until Peter heard her last breath and her eyes staring out of nowhere. "May?" Peter asked. "May? Will you look at me, May? Please?"

Peter tried shaking her gently to wake her up while her eyes were still open. "May? May?" Peter asked. "What are you doing, May? Please, will you just wake up and talk to me, please?"

Happy, who was on his way back to his apartment when he found out Peter had brought some strangers in, has finally arrived and parked right outside the entrance and in front of the Damage Control agents. Happy saw Peter inside, cradling May's lifeless body. Peter looked at Happy then to May as Happy came to a realization.

Happy raised his hands in surrender as the Damage Control agents opened the door and handcuffed him. "Peter!" Happy yelled.

Peter, who was still inside, cried his heart out as he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He repeated the exact words over and over again, placing a long kiss on top of May's forehead.

"Run!" Peter heard Happy's voice from outside. "Alright, Parker! Come out with your hands up! Come out right now, or we will open fire!"

Peter shut his eyes close, reluctant to leave May. The agents started shooting, and one managed to hit Peter's shoulder. Peter cried out in pain before forcing himself to flee the scene, unable to witness May's eyes shedding one last tear.




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