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"Ethan, you're gonna burn!" Olive called out, watching the blonde run right to the water without a care. She'd already applied her own sunscreen, along with Kassie's. The wind was strong on the lake but the sun had still been brighter than ever.

"I'll be fine!" Ethan shouted, getting lost into the waves.

"Why'd we bring him?" Olive muttered, laying out the beach blanket.

"He kinda just got in my car." Kassie shrugged, pushing her sunglasses up her nose. "I hope I can get a tan." She said, laying out on the blanket.

"You're not gonna get in the water?" Olive asked, sitting beside her and opening the beach bag. She took out both their water bottles, handing Kassie hers.

"Not yet, I'm get some eye candy first." She lowered her glasses, scanning the beach for all the shirtless guys. "Oh my fucking—" she started to laugh, her eyes landing on her brother who had been stuck in the heavy waves. There was someone with him though, forcing her to squint to see who it was.

"Is that Luke?" Olive asked, eyes wide and she sat up quickly.

"It is!" Kassie exclaimed, "I bet you E's dumbass invited them." The blonde rolled her eyes, shoving her sunglasses back up her nose.

Olive had found her eyes wandering the beach, wondering if Luke had been the only Hughes at the beach. As she was about to give up looking, until a bag was dropped beside her.

"Hey, stranger." A a beach towel was laid out beside her and she glared up at the blond.

"Hey, stalker." Her face scrunched as he invited himself to sit beside her.

"Ethan invited Luke and Quinn and I were bored." He told her and she nodded unsurely, laying back against her elbows. "He may have said you'd be here too." She heard the slyness to his voice and couldn't resist another eyeroll.

"Hey, Jack." Kassie waved, letting her eyes linger on his shirtless torso. "Stayin' fit in the off season?" She was a natural flirt, so Olive didn't think much of it. Not that she had a reason to, she still wasn't entirely fond of Jack.

"Always." Jack had been looking at Olive when he answered, taking note of the disinterest on her face.

"Ignore her, she needs to smoke to be nice." Kassie said, digging into her purse and taking out a dab pen. "Here, I got a new cart yesterday." She held it out and Olive took it, clicking it on and hitting it.

"Jack! You both left me to get all the shit and-" the three turned back as they heard a grunt, watching as a guy (who Olive assumed was Quinn), tripped with two large beach bags.

"Dude! You could've left the balls and shit in the car!" Jack called back, uttering out a few curses as he got up to help his brother.

Olive didn't move, simply placed her sights back on the water, debating on if she wanted to get in. Ethan and Luke seemed to be having fun, but she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with whatever nonsense Ethan would come up with. Jack was on her nerves, simply by sitting by her. Kassie tried to help, letting her keep the pen.

Now, she had to introduce herself to another person. Another person she hadn't invited to join them.

"Where'd Luke go?" She heard the oldest of the Hughes brothers huff as he tossed the bags down.

"In the water." Jack pointed, holding a volleyball in his hands. "Wanna play?" He asked the girls, Olive took a hit off the pen, letting him guess her answer.

"Okay.. Kassie?" The blonde stared at the ball with knitted brows. "Taking that as a no as well." Jack mumbled, turning to his brother who shook his head.

"Fine, I'll just go hang out with Lukey." Jack muttered, tossing the ball down and made his way to the water.

"Mind if I sit?" Olive heard, she looked up to Quinn and shrugged. "If not that's—"

"You can sit." Kassie answered, nudging Olive with her elbow.

Olive took in Quinns appearance, he was definitely older than them but not by much. He looked a lot like both Jack and Luke, but had the makings of a beard coming in. His eyes were tired, like he hadn't slept much, but she could somehow tell it was his natural look.

"You smoke?" Olive offered the pen and he half smiled.

"Thanks." She knew Jack was right, she'd already liked Quinn more than him. He was a man of few words and he hadn't shown any interest of hitting on her.

"Cam's mad." Kassie said, letting out a wheeze as she read the texts on her phone. "Uh, oh, you're a hoe." The blonde laughed harder and Olive took out her own phone, struggling to read the texts as they came through the bands group chat.

"Dude, he lives two hours away, how's it my fault he's not here?" Olive grumbled, turning off her phone, not bothering to reply.

"I think he's just jealous you're surrounded by guys." Kassie said, texting quickly before putting her phone into the bag.

"You've got a boyfriend?" Quinn asked, a brow raised as he glanced over to his brothers.

"She doesn't. Our drummer is just like madly in love with her." Kassie stated, grinning as Quinn took a subtle hit off the pen. He passed it back and the blonde took it.

"So, what's wrong with him?"


"Your drummer, if he likes you, why don't you date him?" Quinn asked, laying back alongside the girls.

"Godd question, Quinny." Kassie chuckled, wiggling her brows at her bestfriend.

"If we date and break up, the band breaks up." Olive answered but the two saw past the excuse, "and he's not really my type."

"And your type is?" Kassie asked, Olive rubbed her hands over her face with a groan.

"When did this become an interrogation of my dating life? Why don't we talk about yours." Olive retorted, jabbing her finger into Kassie's side.

"Hey, I know what I want. You're the one who's picky. They can't be misogynistic, but not too nice. Has to be funny but not so funny they're obnoxious. They can't get offended by your bitchy-ness and—"

"Kas, shut up." Olive muttered, sitting up and kicking her feet into the sand.

"Isn't like.. no misogyny a given though? Or do some girls really want a guy to just make them feel like shit?" Quinn questioned quietly, adjusting the sunglasses on his face.

"Some girls are straight up weird." Kassie said, reaching over for the volleyball. "Red flags are all around, but this one never looks for the green ones."

"If you see any, let me know. Cause for all I care, you're having the same amount of luck that I am in the boyfriend department. At least I'm somewhat realistic."

"How is my type unrealistic?" Kassie defended herself with a gasp.

"I have to learn about whatever hot new hockey player you're crushing on like—"

The blonde tossed the ball she'd been playing with, jumping up to tackle the other girl. She pinned Olive beneath her, covering her mouth with one and and using the other to put pressure on her chest.

"Shut the fuck up before I—ow! You fucking bit me!" Kassie cried out as Olive shoved her off, forcing her into the sand. "I swear I'm gonna-oh, no, you're fucking terrifying!" Kassie laughed throher fear as Olive glared. The natural blonde was up in a second, racing through the sand as Olive jumped up after her.

They'd made it to the shoreline, where Kassie had run out of places to go with the other girl hot on her tail. As Olive was prepared to shove her into the water, she'd been grabbed. Kassie laughed, taunting her as Olive fought against the strength of the other.

"Let me just hit her once!" Olive shouted, kicking her feet into the thighs of the tall boy. He'd lifted her off the ground, significantly taller and stronger than she was.

"Ollie, as much as I'd find joy in you hitting my sister, we can't have a full on cat fight at the beach." Olive only fought harder when she realized it was Ethan who grabbed her.

"It's not that serious!" Kassie exclaimed, earning a middle finger from her best friend. "I'm sorry I shoved you."

"Fuck off, you're just mad I was right!"

"And you're a virgin!" Kassie retorted, Olive rolled her eyes, her legs finally stopping. "Sorry, that one was—"

"Campus slut!" Olive shouted, and then, they were laughing. The two girls who'd wanted to fight each other for something stupid, we're laughing manically beside the water. Ethan still hadn't let her go, despite their obvious makeup.

"Okay, virgin and slut, are we good?" They stopped laughing at Ethan's question, both glaring at the boy and he'd dropped Olive in a second. "So you can say it to each other and the fights over but when I—okay, I'm shutting up." He threw his hands up in surrender, and Kassie punched his shoulder.

"Hey, Olive." Her eyes closed, hoping that when she opened them the boy would be gone. He was still there, though.

"What do you want?" She asked, walking back up the beach. He followed her every step, trailing behind like a lost puppy.

"Just wanted to see if you still hated me, looks like you still do." Jack let out a light laugh, seemingly unfazed by her attitude. She grabbed the pen off the blanket, turning back to Jack as she hit it.

"Here." She let out a puff of smoke, offering it out to him.

Olive made herself comfortable on the blanket, Kassie now struggling to shove her brother into the water. Jack seemed hesitant to hit the pen, taking a small hit and the girl laughed.

"Dude, if you don't want it, it's fine." Olive said, breathing in slow as her body began to relax.

"Nah, I do." Jack sat beside her, taking a bigger hit this time.

They sat in silence, Jack wanted to speak, he wanted to talk to her, get to know her. But she was impossible. She'd given him such mixed signals, between now and their texts. One second they were fine and the next she couldn't stand him.

He hated that he liked that about her.

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