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umich's finest

kassie <3
should i get alcohol?


kassie <3
we're going to a party tonight


kassie <3
ugh ofc youd ask for those

wait what party

kassie <3
a lake house party
so wear a swimsuit

it'll be fun

whos party tho

easy e

kassie <3

dude now she wont go

i wanna go
i just don't want to go uninvited
lemme text luke and make sure hes
fine with me coming

well thats a twist

kassie <3
no fr
whos this and wheres olive

easy e
its ollie not olive

kassie <3
no fr
ollie is so nice


kassie <3
your different personas
olive: normal, bitch, my bsf
ollie: nice, a blast
liv: the one youd bring home to momma

liv is a personal favorite

yall make me sound crazy

kassie <3
are you not?

alright luke said its fine if i come
as long as im nice to jack
and his friends

Olive was nervous, like the same nervous she got before performing or taking a test in any maths. Her heart was pounding and she'd been overthinking. She didn't know how good of an idea it was that she actually attended this party, one run by three brothers who didn't entirely like her at the moment.

She still hadn't text Jack, well, he still hadn't texted her. Either way, it was going to be a little weird between them when she showed up.

Yet, Olive had a good poker face.

When Kassie picked her up, joined by Ethan and Mark, the thought of her being anxious didn't cross their minds. She was good at hiding herself, always had been. Rather than telling them, she took a few shooters that her best friend provided with her fake ID.

The drive to the lake house was only about thirty minutes, but Olive had already gotten a buzz in the backseat. Her and Mark had filled her phone with selfies, her hands shaking the entire time—they all came out blurry.

"This it?" Kassie pointed to the house.

It was huge, especially for a lake house. Olive hadn't expected any less though, as the Hughes seemed to be a big name in the hockey world. It was a party, party, only their friends had been invited.

But they had a lot of friends.

As the four stepped out from the car, Olive took hold of Kassie's hand and the blonde could feel the sweat that had formed in her palms. Kassie turned suddenly, an 'are you okay' look in her eyes and Olive merely smiled. They followed the boys, since it was more their friends than the girls.

They didn't bother going inside, following the noise to the back of the house. They were met with a group, maybe twenty guys, all who undoubtedly played hockey.

"Hey!" Luke greeted them, waving them over to the small fire pit. "You guys made it."

"And we brought drinks." Kassie stated proudly, pointing to the bag that Ethan had been carrying.

"Sick!" A boy, who Olive had never seen in her life exclaimed at the sound of drinks. Kassie squeezed Olives hand as he ran up to them, his dark blonde curls bouncing everywhere. He hadn't been wearing a shirt—in fact most of them weren't.

Olives nose scrunched at the boy, eyeing him up with a disturbed look that she couldn't hide. He looked like every other fuck boy she'd met in her life. From the silver chain around his neck to the tattoo on his forehead. Though, Olive was a sucker for tattoos and knew when she was drunk enough she'd be asking him about them.

"Olive." Her glare on the boy broke as Luke stepped behind her, nudging her shoulder with his elbow. "Remember what I said?" Luke asked and she let out a sigh, nodding forcefully.

"Fine, but do I have to talk to him?"

"Trevor? Actually, I'll give you a pass on him. He's definitely going to hit on you and Kas all night." Luke said with a light laugh, she put her attention on Trevor who was already pulling Kassie away from her.

"Kassie is gonna tear him alive." Olive laughed, knowing that this guy was just her type.

"Ollie, want a drink?" Mark asked, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder as he flashed a quick smile to Luke.

"Not right now, I might go find a corner to smoke in or something so—"

"You can smoke on the dock, just yell if the guys are bothering you." Luke told her, she nodded, digging into the pockets of the sweatshirt she wore for the small container and lighter she brought. She made sure to roll at least three joint's before Kassie got her.

Olive kept her head down, avoiding the group as she snuck past them. She wasn't up for introducing herself yet, far too sober to actually consider not shitting on all their pride ridden smiles.

She made herself comfortable at the edge of the dock, legs crossed as she shivered in the breeze. It was still warm but Michigan nights by the lake were always windy—chilling the humid air. She struggled getting her lighter to ignite, the wind blowing it out even with her hand covering it.

"Fucking hell, I swear to—" her frustration was stopped as a set of large hands cupped over her lighter and joint. She didn't look to see who it had been, lighting up quickly before the flame went out.

"Thanks." She mumbled, puffing out the smoke that had final filled her lungs. Olives chest burned, noting the familiar face now sat beside her.

"Sure." Jack let his feet dangle off the dock, his attention far from the girl beside him.

"Do you want.." she offered the joint but he shook his head. "Okay." Olive's eyes rolled back, she was trying to be nice but he wasn't making it very easy.

They sat in silence as she smoked, neither saying a word but Jack didn't dare move. She found it odd, how he'd sat beside her but didn't bother speaking. She saw his hands fidgeting though, it wasn't hard to notice that he seemed off.

"Are you okay?" She asked, tossing the roach into the water. Jack let out the loudest sigh, which made her almost want to take back her question.

"Why'd you come? You don't even like me, yet you're at my party." He asked, his words word fast, and a tad aggressive, like he was actually angry with her.

It took her by surprise, "um, Luke invited me." She told him, though, technically she asked Luke if she could come.

"Yeah, well.. whatever." He shoved himself up from the dock, shaking his head at the girl.

"Good talk!" She shouted after him, getting up to follow him back up to the yard. "Real nice, just walk away and—"

"What?" Jack spun around quick, they were only halfway up the dock. "It's fine when you're a-when youre mean to me but the second I return the energy there's a problem?"

"I was trying to be nice!" Olive scoffed, arms crossing tight over her chest in attempt to restrain herself. Be nice, be nice, be—

"Great attempt, really fooled me. You take acting classes or something?" Not bad, Hughes. Olive thought herself to be fucked in the head, because this side of Jack, it was attractive. Maybe that was the vodka and joint though, she could've been going insane too.

"I'm being serious, Jack." Her voice lowered, if Luke caught them arguing he may have dragged her out by her hair.

"Why? Why the hell would you suddenly want to be nice to me?"

She tried to come up with a better answer than, you're brother made me. "Be-because I realized I had no reason to be mean in the first place."

Jack laughed, "no shit!" She didn't know what else to say, and Jack realized it. "We done with this?"

"Yup." She nodded and he continued back to the yard.

Olive went straight for the drinks, now ready to down whatever alcohol Kassie had bought. She looked at the options, but decided it wasn't a hard liquor night—too many idiots around her. She sighed, grabbing a lime whiteclaw and popping it open.

"Sweet tats." She heard as she backed away from the cooler. Her arms were covered, but she was wearing shorts.

"Thanks." Olive turned, met with a dark haired boy, he had a few tattoos as well, but they all clearly had more meaning than any of hers could ever. She let out an unimpressed laugh, "do any of you own a shirt?" She asked, taking a drink from the gross tasting alcohol.

"You don't like what you see?" Despite her comment, he was still grinning proudly.

"I've see better." She shrugged, moving to step away but he stood in front of her.

"Where? Here? Or—"

"Oh, yeah, here alone I've seen better." She rolled her eyes, brushing him off as she spotted Mark talking to another guy she hadn't met.

"Who?" The dark haired boy asked, she couldn't help but to smirk.

"Marky!" Olive called out, waving to the boy who cluelessly waved back.

"Hey, Turcs and.." it was the guy from earlier, Trevor.


"Those are gross."

"You're gross." Olives brain wasn't running on full force, her comeback dry.

"Man, she says she's seen a better body than mine." Turcs (which Olive automatically assumed was a nickname) said, and Trevor laughed.

"She's seen mine man, look at this—"

"Bone and no muscle? C'mon bud, you sure you're a hockey player? You look like every other freshman basketball player." Olive spat out, Turcs slapped a hand over his mouth, trying to contain his laugh.

"Yeah? At least I don't look like a-a my chemical romance groupie." Trevor seemed proud at his comeback, smirking like a fool.

"Was that supposed to offend me? I'd love to be a groupie for Gerard Way!" She shouted the singers name loudly, her words followed by a shout.

"Olive!" Kassie yelled, running over to the three by the cooler.

"What?" Olive asked innocently as her best friend came to her side.

"What are you doing?" Kassie looked to the two with apologetic looks, though neither seemed to be upset.

"Uh, professing my love for Gerard Way?" Olive answered dumbfounded, bumping her hip into Kassie's.

The blonde looked to her with suspicion, "you were totally being mean, weren't you?"

"To be fair, he pretty much asked for it." Olive pointed to Trevor accusingly. "He said he had a nice body, and I disagreed."

"I think they've got great bodies." Kassie was now eyeing the two.

"You're so gross. I'm finding your brother and telling him you're being a perv." Olive slipped herself away, knowing her best friend was about to pull out her best flirt game. She didn't want any part of that, especially with them.

"You rip Zegras a new one?" Olive was stopped as she tried to find Ethan.


"The blond, y'know that was trying to hit on you with Alex?" Quinn said, and she let out a short laugh.

"They seriously wanted me to compare their abs." She told him and his face scrunched with disturbance.

"They're idiots." He shook his head, letting out a chuckle as he went to sip his beer. "Hey, are you and Jack okay? I saw things get a little heated on the dock earlier."

"Eh, Jack doesn't like me, I don't really like Jack, it's whatever." Olive shrugged. Suddenly the whiteclaw didn't feel like enough anymore. "Wanna take a shot with me?"

So, one shot turned into several as a game rallied around it. A few of the guys, which Olive had finally learned most of their names, they'd joined in. Suddenly, it was a full on competition over who could take the most without tapping out.

Olive wasn't nearly as good of a drinker as she was a smoker. She was small too, got drunk fast, so, after four or five shots titos, she was high on life. Olive didn't exactly like her drunk self, always talking and acting like the same type of people who annoyed her the most.

She had taken to Marks side, clinging to his every move. He hadn't mind though, as each time he'd make a step, he'd always check to see if she was there. Yet, he hadn't been paying enough attention to her and she was beginning to get bored.

The fire looked warm, the midnight air colder than before. She was regretting the shorts but the alcohol warmed her up.

"Ope—" she stumbled as she tried to sit in one of the beach chairs. Fortunately, she'd been caught before falling face first into the flames. "That would've sucked." She stared at the flames as her body was being steadied.

"How much have you drank?" She heard, her eyes finally meeting her savior and she frowned.

"Don' know." She stayed in his hold, even as she found her balance. "You're kinda cute." She blurted, staring at his every glowing feature from the fire. His cheeks were red from the sun, hair curling just past his ears. And his eyes, they were such a deep blue she couldn't help but get lost in them.

"Yeah, you've definitely had too much." Jack stated, she could feel tips of his fingers trace over her arms.

"Or you just haven't had enough." Olive retorted, taking a step closer. They were already closer than they'd ever been, but his body was so warm and she was still so cold.

"Jesus, you're freezing." Jack muttered, his eyes flickered behind her giving a quick nod.

"Wha—" she turned, seeing Mark watching them and she let out a groan. "Do you have sweats? My legs are so cold."

"Yeah, yeah, c'mon, let's get you into something warmer." Jack let an arm go around her, making sure she didn't fall as he lead her inside. They must've been spotted though, earning an array of hoots from some of the guys. "Ignore them, Trevor can't keep his dick in his pants for shit." Jack muttered and she laughed.

"He tried me." She told him and Jack raised a brow, letting out a laugh of his own.

"Surprised he's alive." He made sure to close the slider door behind them, flipping of the guys as they continued to cheer. "Do you want water?" Jack asked as they walked past the kitchen.

"Maybe after I get changed, yeah."

Jack nodded, opening a door to one of the rooms, "here, you can sit, I'll find something." He told her and she fell back onto the bed.

"Living luxuriously." She sang out tiredly, her eyes closing the second she hit the mattress.

"Ah, ah, no sleeping." Jack called out, rushing to find a pair of sweatpants that would fit her best. "Okay, here."

"Oh! Devils, is this cause I'm so evil?" She teased when she saw the team name on the pants.

"It's my team." Jack responded dryly, tossing the pants over to her. Olive didn't wait for him to turn before stripping from her shorts, Jack, however, let out a surprised noise, spinning around quickly.

"Dude, I'm wearing a swimsuit. Don't act like you've never seen a girl in underwear before." She said, and then she laughed at her own thoughts. "Unless you're a virgin." She joked, because there was no way that Jack Hughes was a virgin.

"Says you! I heard Kassie at the beach."

"Yeah, so? Believe it or not I'm waiting for the right guy."

"And maybe I'm waiting for the right girl." Jack stated, turning to face her and her heart sped up.



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