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🤍 liked by markystopah and 32 others
besthughes43 they were arguing for like ten minutes and then it got quiet.. looked back and saw this

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markystopah rip luke, cause of death: posting this picture
besthughes43 brb blocking olive from the spam

sassykassie WAS IT A DATE??
besthughes43 100%

duckduckzegras THATS MY BOY

dukerdyl malive
nuttyrutger jollie
duckduckzegras idk what malive is but jollie all the way

easyeeee they're so couple goals
besthughes43 no
besthughes43 never

jhugs86 dude delete this 😭
besthughes43 nah

Olive woke up to her body being moved, gentle hands around her as she was held in the arms of another. She stirred slightly, eyes forcing open to see who had been carrying her. It was Jack, he seemed to be doing it effortlessly too.

"You can go back to sleep." He told her, his voice soft as she dug her head into his shoulder.

"What about your parents?" She mumbled, though she was too tired to actually move.

"They're asleep already." He assured her, someone had opened the door for him and they were walking into the house. Jack walked through the hallway, her eyes falling heavy again. "Do you want something else to wear?" Jack asked, adjusting her to open the door to his room.

"'M fine." She mumbled, her body was being lowered, back touching the soft comforter on what she assumed to be his bed. "Where're you sleeping?" Olive asked as he let her go, she kicked her shoes onto his floor, making herself at home in his blankets. They smelt like him, his expensive cologne, the lake water, it was nice.

"Probably in Lukes room." He told her, taking out a pair of athletic shorts to sleep in.

"Stay in here." She mumbled, Jack seemed to freeze, his back facing her but she noticed the tension at his shoulders. "If you want to. I mean, it's your room and—"

"Are you fine with that? I could sleep on the floor—"

"On the bed is fine." She assured and Jack bit into his bottom lip. "Just get changed and come to bed." Olive mumbled tiredly, rolling to her side and pulling the blankets over her head.

She listened to the rustling of him changing quick, moving over as the bed dipped beside her. He kept his distance, but faced her. She could feel the heat of his body already and the sweatshirt suddenly felt too hot. Olive sat up, taking it off and tossed it on the floor beside her shoes.

As she laid back down, she opened her eyes to be met with Jack. He was looking at her, even through the dark she could feel the burning gaze of his weary eyes. Olive moved closer, her knees pressed against his thighs.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Olive swore her heart stopped. Her eyes burned too, because that compliment wasn't one she'd received often. She'd gotten hot and pretty, nearly daily but beautiful that was new.

"I-I don't think so."

"You are, Olive. You're so beautiful." It was his turn to move closer, his hand brushing against her stomach. "Is this okay?" He asked, nerves choking his voice and she nodded.

The porch light glowing through his window was enough to allow them to see each other. Not enough though that Olive good see the rosiness of his cheeks as his hand met her waist.

Olive couldn't stop herself as she brought a hand up, pushing back the hair that had fallen over his forehead. He leaned into her touch, eyes closing softly as they breathed in together. Neither knew what they wanted, but there was a thought lingering in their minds.

She decided to ask the burning question in her mind, "was today a date?"

Jack seemed to be caught by surprise, "um.. do you want it to be?"

"I don't know. I'm so confused by you." She mumbled, she could see him trying to understand her words but never getting what she meant. "I think I'm still just trying to understand how I feel about you." Olive confessed, she didn't understand any of it and it was so frustrating.

"Yeah, me too."

Olive woke up to the weight of a hundred and seventy-five pound hockey player on her. His arms were completely wrapped around her body, holding her close to his chest with his legs tangled in her own. He was practically a human heater, which made her feel sticky from the heat of summer poking through the windows.

"Jack." She grumbled, doing her best to push him off. "Jack, wake up." She jabbed a finger into his ribs and he groaned.

"Don't wanna." Jack mumbled, somehow managed to pull her in closer. "Go back to sleep."

"I gotta pee and I'm super hot, please, let go." Jack sighed, letting her go and rolling over. "Jack, I don't know where your bathroom is and your parents are here and—"

"Jesus, okay. I'm up." He kicked his feet off the bed, walking towards the door. Olive stopped, looking at herself in the mirror. Her makeup that covered the hickeys was completely gone now, and her cropped shirt was way too inappropriate to be meeting his parents in.

"Do you have—"

"Shit, yeah." Jack's eyes widened as he realized what she was getting at. He grabbed a t-shirt and tossed it over, she pulled it over her own. It didn't cover the hickeys but made her look a little more presentable—thats a lie. Olive probably looked like some girl Jack brought home to sleep with; the both saw it too.

"Jack, I cannot meet your parents like this."

"Um.. lemme text Quinn." He ran over to the night stand, sending a quick text to his brother. Within seconds he was letting out a relieved sigh. "They're not home, they went out to the golf course." Jack told her and Olive's anxiety washed away.

They exited the room, Jack pointing down the hall to the bathroom. She stopped as she was halfway there, "can you get my purse from the car? My car keys should be in there and if you could get into my car for my backpack, that'd be awesome."

"Yeah, sure." Jack held a lazed thumbs up, leaving her to do as she asked.

When Jack came back inside, he walked to his room with her bag, hearing her talking. She sounded upset and that worried him. Had he done something? They were so good all day yesterday, what if she didn't feel the same today and—

"I'm not your fucking girlfriend." She was livid, the sound of her voice making him scared for whoever was on the other end. "So what? I never asked you to. It's not my fucking fault you're possessive as fuck and don't—no, Cameron, don't you interrupt me when I'm—"

Jack walked into the room, and although she sounded confident and like she was in perfect control—she was curled into his blankets, tears streaming down her face. She didn't stop as he came into the room, too focused on the man at the other end of the phone. Jack didn't know what to do, setting her bag down and he did what he thought was best.

He made his way onto the bed, positioning himself behind her and let his arms hug around her. She relaxed at the contact, letting her hand clutch his forearm as she shook. Cameron was yelling, screaming into her ear.

Jack wasn't sure what he was all saying but he was sure he heard the word 'whore' thrown in there. He didn't like that. He thought this Cameron guy was a fucking coward, saying these things over the phone when he knew she was with Jack. He'd never met him, but if he were to, he wasn't gonna let this slide.

Olive shook as he continued to yell, pulling the phone from her ear and she placed it on speaker. Jack wasn't sure he wanted to know what Cameron was saying because he was already angry.

"—and that fucking hockey team of yours? You sure they're just your fucking friends? Don't they know that your mine? That your mouth touches my cock only—" Jack really didn't like that, "or are you such a fucking whore that you're ready to open it up to whoever? Look at that fucking thigh, look who's name is in it—"

"We were drunk! I didn't know what the fuck I was doing!" Olive cried out, Jack held her to his chest, hands rubbing up her arms.

"You were coherent enough to—"

"Fuck you, Cam." She hung up, unable to take any more of his shit. "I'm so-I'm so sorry." Olive cried out, she tried to wipe away her tears, to hide the anxiety rushing through her veins.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, you're okay." Jack's voice was so comforting, so inviting that Olive stopped trying to hide. She just broke, in his arms, knowing she was safe there. "Has he ever hurt you?" He asked, he felt her body shutter at the question.

She didn't say anything and he took that as an answer in itself. Fuck this Cameron guy.

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