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"Ethan! Get out!" Kassie threw a shoe, hitting her door which hit Ethan behind it. Olive laughed as Ethan groaned, closing the door and making clear stomps to his room. "Goodness, we should've got Mark to come over to occupy him." Kassie mumbled, sat on her best friends lap as she did her makeup.

"I'm kinda glad Mark isn't here." Olive spoke quietly, eyes focused on the girl in front of her.


"Because, y'know.." they were getting ready for Olive's date with Jack.

Kassie stopped, the brush pulled back from Olive's face. The blonde was taken aback, staring at her best friend with a questionable look.

"I will slap the fuck out of you if you're trying to imply something." Kassie muttered, pointing the brush at the other. Olive didn't say anything, "Olive you're fucking joking. Please tell me you're—"

"I didn't say anything!" Olive laughed nervously, but Kassie's face said otherwise.

"You're going on a date with Jack. You like Jack—"

"I don't even like him like that.. I just can see this changing how I feel about him."

"But now you're saying Mark could be a possibility." Olive's brows knitted together in deep thought. "No? God, Ollie, you're so confusing."

"I'm sorry! You know I'm bad at this. Like the feelings and being able to explain myself its.. hard. Mark is—gosh, Mark is amazing and he's my best friend, that's all it is. I swear."

Olive loved the zoo, so when Jack had put it as an option for their date she was instantly thrilled. Growing up, her parents would get the year round pass to take her. The penguin exhibit had been her favorite, loving the feel of walking through a ship and getting sprayed by the water.

She'd met Jack in detroit, refusing to let him drive the extra hour to get her. A car park a few miles from the zoo. He arrived first, texting her when she was just a few minutes away. She paid to park for the day, unsure of how long they would be gone.

She'd managed to find a spot close to his car, seeing get out as he saw her park. His outfit was different from the last time she'd seen him. The polo shirt was gone, replaced by a black t-shirt and he was wearing jeans with vans. He had a hat on, positioned backwards on his head and she laughed as she got out.

"Went from pro-golfer to douche bag." She teased, walking over to him after locking her car. Jack rolled his eyes, but got a good look at her. She was in a jean skirt, black fishnets covering her legs. Her top was tight and cropped, baby pink with a small mushroom in the center.

"You look like princess bubblegum and marceline had a baby."

She smiled wide at his words, "that comment alone might've just earned you a kiss at the end of the night." Jack's heart pounded, face flushing a deep red and he had to clear his throat to hide his nerves.

"Why don't you just do it now?" Jack took a step towards her, Olive only let out a a giggle, shaking her head at the boy.

"Nice try, bud." She mumbled, patting his shoulder as she went to the passenger door. "Now, can we go see the penguins?" She opened the door and Jack nodded quickly, getting into the drivers seat.

Olive took a look around the car, it was definitely nicer than her old honda civic she'd gotten for her eighteenth birthday. It was spacious, she could even see the hockey sticks poking from the trunk of the suv. Jack seemed to notice her curiosity, her eyes focusing on the backseat.

"It's not as nice as my car back in Jersey but—"

"You have another car?" She asked, "I can barely afford to fill my tank." Jack frowned, suddenly feeling guilt at the mention.

"Why don't you get gigs? Like I've heard your music, I'm sure you could make good ass money off of it." Jack told her, glancing over as he began to pull out of the parking garage. She was picking at her nail polish, head hanging low. "Livvie," he reached over, taking her hand in his and she didn't fight it. "You're incredibly talented, y'know? The world deserves to see that."

"It's hard.. like I can't just join a league and hope that some big time scout discovers me—"

"You can't?" Jack glanced over to her with a raised brow, "go to the right place at the right time, there could be someone big watching. Hockey was my dream, it wasn't exactly easy for me to get where I am. You just need to have a little faith in yourself."

Olive smiled softly, "sorry. I wasn't trying to like.. insult your career. I'm sure you worked super hard for it. I haven't seen you play but I'm sure you're as incredible as everyone says." Jack brought her knuckles to his lips as a thanks. "Thank you for believing in me."

"Always, Livvie."

Their hands hadn't separated in the hour they'd been in the park. Even as they pointed out each animal, filled their hands with snacks, between them, their fingers were intertwined. They smiled through it all, shared giggles at the children running around, the fathers chasing them.

An hour in and they hadn't had a single interruption, until a group of girls saw them outside the polar bear exhibit. Olive didn't realize until she'd gone out with Jack, how known he was. She thought with him being a hockey player people wouldn't know his face as well as they knew his number—but with Jack that wasn't the case.

Olive let her hand retract from Jack's as she noticed the group of girls. He met her eyes, apologizing as if it were his fault.

She watched as they struggled to get pictures with him, "I can take the picture, if you'd like.." Olive offered, two of the girls looked at her in disgust as she spoke. "Or not—"

"No, no! Thank you, that's so sweet." The third girl gave her friends a glare for their rudeness, handing her phone to Olive. Olive was struggling not to laugh behind the camera, watching Jacks uncomfortable face.

"Jack, smile!" Olive teased, he laughed and she got the picture.

"Thank you!" The girl who gave her the phone exclaimed, the other two still preoccupied by Jack. "Your style is so cool, by the way." She complimented, Olive stared back in awe at the younger girl.

"Thank you. I love your necklace, is it amethyst?"

"Yeah, it's—"

"Eva, come on!"

"Hey, it was nice meeting you! Tell Jack thank you!" Olive nodded as the girls ran off, squealing as they stared down at the pictures.

Olive smiled at Jack, though he was frowning, "she was so sweet."

"She was? I didn't know if she was like.. being mean or something." Jack mumbled, Olive reached for his hand and he seemed hesitant. He let out a sigh, accepting it anyway, "thanks for being nice to them, I know it's probably annoying for you but—"

"It's okay, Jack. They're your fans, I'm more than willing to let them have you for a few minutes." Olive squeezed his hand with reassurance.

They finished walking the park in the next two hours, both exhausted from the hot sun but that didn't faze the smiles on their faces. The day would've been longer if Jack hadn't been able to get Olive out of each exhibit. She would've stayed for hours if she could, and he would've let her if the park wasn't closing soon.

They left the gift shop, Olive carrying a stuffed polar bear half the size of her. Jack insisted on paying for it, which she didn't argue since it wasn't cheap. He offered to carry it, watching her struggle with seeing over it but she refused.

"We should name him." Olive stated, walking alongside Jack with the bear now on her back. She was holding the front paws over her shoulders, making sure it didn't fall.

"How bout.. blue?"

Her brows furrowed, "like the bear from jungle book?"

"No, like the best jolly rancher flavor." Jack grinned as her face lit up. If it weren't for the bear on her back and them being in the middle of a crowded parking lot, she may have kissed him right then.

"Watermelon is the best flavor but you're cute so-" Jack's mouth was on hers. Holding the bear up with one hand and her cheek with the other, he was kissing her. Right there, in the middle of the parking lot without a care.

Olive was taken back, unable to move in her shock and he broke away. She stared at him, blinking slow, unable to form a proper sentence. Its not that she didn't want it. It's that she didn't expect it.

"Sorry, you just looked so cute with the bear and your smile—god, Livvie, I love when you smile." She only smiled bigger, but she didn't know what to say. Too flustered to say anything, she pointed out his car. "Right, c'mon." Jack mumbled, leading her to the car as her mind ran wild.

Olive put Blue in the backseat, buckling him in as if it were a real person. Jack laughed as she smiled proudly at her actions. They got into the car, both heart's pounding from what had happened.

Finally, the words came out, "can we try that again?"

"Huh?" Jack was shaking, barely able to look at her, embarrassed with himself.

Olive sighed out, sitting up in her seat and placing a hand to his jaw, lifting his head to meet her eyes. This time, she was the one kissing him without warning. His lips were soft against her own, moving slow as she deepened the kiss.

She wasn't used to it, how gentle his mouth moved with hers. How nothing felt rushed, like they were taking their time to figure each other out. Olive couldn't help herself though, letting her tongue glide over his lips. He excepted it, his hand reaching up to tangle in her hair, pulling her closer.

Olive was now on her knees in the passenger seat, cursing the center console for not allowing her to get closer.

She broke away with a groan, "this fucking thing is pissing me off." Olive muttered, hitting the center console with frustration. She watched as Jack's seat moved back slowly, her eyes widening in surprise.

One hand on her waist, the other on the back of her thigh, Jack was pulling her over. All she wanted was to be closer to him, like this, in his lap, mouth on his, hands in his hair. He was perfect.

Jack broke away this time, his blue eyes glazed, fingers still caugh in her hair. His pink lips were swollen, a lopsided smile formed on his face.

"You're beautiful, Olive." He pressed a kiss to her jaw, "absolutely gorgeous." His mouth trailed around her neck, soft, lingering kisses over her skin until he'd met back to her mouth.

"Jack—" he hummed, "we're either going to traumatize the bear or children. We're still in the parking lot of a family zoo." She ushered out, earning a laugh from the blond beneath her.

"I don't want to leave this moment." He mumbled, she leaned down, planting a warm kiss to his forehead.

"We can have plenty more like this."

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