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⠀⠀"Let's go! This is not part of the game! Go, guys! Go!" Gary yelled as he rang the bell.

⠀⠀You and Ziggy immediately entered the Mess Hall. The Hall's lights were on as Shadysiders and Sunnyvalers continued to crowd the place. You frantically looked around while Nick counted the campers inside.

⠀⠀"Five, seven, eight, ten, fifteen, eighteen..." He counted. He looked around and found you. "Nineteen..."

⠀⠀The lights suddenly shut off earning panic screams from the kids and teens inside. "Stay calm! Everything's alright!"

⠀⠀"How many?" Gary asked Nick. Nick turned to him and sighed. "Twenty-three."

⠀⠀"That's thirty missing at least."

⠀⠀"Where's Cindy, Kurt, Joan?"

⠀⠀"I don't know. I haven't seen them." Garry answered. "Or Tommy or anyone."

⠀⠀You approached Keanne who was also looking around. "Where's Edric?" You asked her in panic. Keanne shook her head. "I don't know! He must have run off with his friends. Oh, God..."

⠀⠀The lights went back on earning some sighs of relief from the other campers while Gary and Nick continued to talk. "Maybe they're looking for us," Gary told Nick.

⠀⠀Nick tried calling someone but to his disappointment, no one answered nor was the phone working. He slammed it back to its place in frustration. "It's dead."

⠀⠀Ziggy made her way to the door. "We have to go. We have to warn people."

⠀⠀Nick stopped Ziggy while you approached the two. "Hey, I'm sure they heard the bell." He assured the redhead.

⠀⠀"My sister, she's still out there!"

⠀⠀"The same sister you've hated for so long, hm?"

⠀⠀You pulled Ziggy away from Nick and faced him. "We have to go. My brother and her sister are out there in the woods." You and Ziggy were about to leave but Nick grabbed you and shook his head. "Nick, let go."

⠀⠀"I'm sorry, okay? Gary and I will go."

⠀⠀Gary slowly looked at Nick in surprise and disbelief. "What?"

⠀⠀Nick ignored him. "Just please stay here."

⠀⠀You vigorously shook your head. "I can't stay here and wait for my brother to come! I have to go and get him, Nick!"

⠀⠀"I am not letting you get hurt!"

⠀⠀Ziggy lifted her head up as she glared at Nick while some Sunnyvalers looked at you and Nick in surprise. Gary was furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Nick sighed. "Please, let me do my job. I'm gonna find your brother and Ziggy's sister, okay?"

⠀⠀You still shook your head. "I can't, Nick. You know I can't. Please, just let me find them and I promise we'll get back here as soon as possible."

⠀⠀Nick stared at you for a moment before smiling. "Still stubborn as always." He nodded. "Fine. But you're staying with my side all the time, okay?"

⠀⠀You nodded. Nick walked towards Gary to talk while you faced Ziggy. Ziggy crossed her arms. "Well, that's some chemistry right there."


⠀⠀"I'm coming with you."

⠀⠀You grabbed Ziggy's arms as you stopped her. "Ziggy, I promise I will find your sister, okay?"

⠀⠀"Yeah, together with Nick Goode."

⠀⠀You sighed as you pulled her back again in front of you. "Ziggy, there's nothing going on with me and Nick anymore, alright? And I am not letting you into danger."

⠀⠀Ziggy slightly scoffed. "(Y/n), you know damn well that I always get myself into danger."

⠀⠀"Well not this time, Berman." You snapped earning some looks from Shadysiders and Sunnyvalers including Gary and Nick. "Alright? I don't want to lose you."

⠀⠀Ziggy's stare softened as she blinked multiple times. "And I can't let you into danger as well."

⠀⠀You smiled as you caressed her cheek. "I'll be fine, okay?"

⠀⠀Sheila's friends, Becky and Annie, approached Keanne and nudged her. "You're okay with your best friend talking to the weird girl like that?"

⠀⠀Keanne cocked an eyebrow at them and crossed her arms. "Got a problem with that, bitches?"

⠀⠀Nick tapped your shoulder. "We have to go." You nodded and gave one last look to Ziggy before following Nick and Gary outside. Nick walked beside you and looked towards Gary. "He's going to cabin one. We're going to nine, okay?"

⠀⠀You nodded in understanding and saw him offering you a flashlight. You took it and the two of you continued walking while Gary went the other way. You and Nick looked around the woods. "Edric!" You called out. "Cindy!"

⠀⠀"Kurt! Alice! Joan!" Nick groaned in frustration. "Where the fuck is everyone?"

⠀⠀You snapped your head towards him and slightly chuckled. "Nick Goode swearing? Never heard that one before."

⠀⠀Nick looked at you and smiled. "Never heard you laugh when it comes to me."

⠀⠀Your smile disappeared and looked away. "Well, it was never easy to have a true smile and laugh when you're trying to be Miss Perfect of Sunnyvale."

⠀⠀Nick looked down as you both stopped by a tree. It was weird being alone with your ex-boyfriend. Your painful memories with him would sometimes flashed back before your eyes. He sighed deeply. "I should've been a better boyfriend to you. And... I understand if you won't forgive me."

⠀⠀You nodded wordlessly. Nick opened his mouth to speak but you spoke first. "Nick, I need you to promise something for me."

⠀⠀Nick blinked in surprise but nodded anyway. "Anything."

⠀⠀"Promise me that if anything bad happens, you have to protect and save Ziggy."

⠀⠀Your request took him by surprise. He didn't know what to say. Nick was expecting a different request like him protecting you or him becoming a better man but he was wrong. "Protect and save Ziggy?" Nick's eyes widened. "Is she the reason why we—"

⠀⠀"No, Nick." You interrupted with a groan. "Our breakup has nothing to do with Ziggy, okay? Stop overthinking things, geez."

⠀⠀"Then why are you making me promise to protect and save the girl from Shadyside?"

⠀⠀"Because I love her!" You abruptly confessed causing you to slap your hand to your mouth in shock. Your ex-boyfriend stared at you while you looked away. "She means so much to me, Nick. And I don't even know why I'm telling you this."

⠀⠀When you received no reply, you scoffed. "Let's just look for my brother, Ziggy's sister, and the other counselors and campers out there."

⠀⠀You and Nick looked around the forest for more people who haven't been informed to stay in the Mess Hall. Nick started shouting. "Everyone, listen up! The game is over! Get back to the Mess Hall or I'll dock you a victory point."

⠀⠀You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"

⠀⠀"I'm trying to earn their attention, (Y/n)." He sighed.

⠀⠀"Careful. You might earn the killer's attention instead."

⠀⠀A twig suddenly broke causing you and Nick to point your flashlights to the direction where the sound came from. You saw Edric peeking his head out. "Edric! Jesus!" You gasped in relief and quickly ran towards him, hugging him.

⠀⠀Claire and Freddy, Edric's friends, also came out from hiding. Nick sighed in relief. "Oh, good. Get to the Mess Hall! Come on! Go!"

⠀⠀You kissed Edric's forehead as you hugged him tightly. "Don't go wandering everywhere without my permission, okay?" You scolded.

⠀⠀Edric looked up to you in confusion. "Is the game over? Did something happened?"

⠀⠀Nick placed his hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n), you have to go and take your brother and the kids back to the Mess Hall."

⠀⠀"What about you?" You asked in worry.

⠀⠀Nick smiled. "I'll be fine. I'll look for Cindy and the rest. Stay with the others and Ziggy back at the Mess Hall."



⠀⠀You gave up and nodded. You took your brother's hand, holding it tight, as you both headed back to the Mess Hall with Claire and Freddy.


⠀⠀You quickly entered Mess Hall and looked for Keanne. You noticed more people have been added inside. Edric pointed where Keanne is and you found her pacing around in panic. "Keya!" You exclaimed.

⠀⠀You and your brother ran towards Keanne and Keanne gasped. "Oh, God! You're both okay!" Keanne immediately hugged you and Edric. "You two worried me a lot!"

⠀⠀Edric frowned. "I'm sorry for not telling you guys where I was going. We thought the game was still on and—"

⠀⠀You knelt down and caressed his cheeks. "Eddie, it's fine. You're safe, okay?" Eddie wrapped his arms around your neck and hugged you tight. You smiled and hugged him back.

⠀⠀Keanne looked around and tapped her foot impatiently. "Where the hell is she?"

⠀⠀You looked up at Keanne and stood up, pulling away from your brother's hug. "Where's who?"

⠀⠀"Ziggy," Keanne replied. "She said she has to get Sheila."

⠀⠀Your eyes widened in realization when you remembered that your stepsister was still trapped in the bathroom and the girl your like is out there trying to save her. "Shit." You looked down at Edric and brushed your thumb on his cheek. "Ed, I have to go and get Sheila and Ziggy."

⠀⠀Edric shook his head, wrapping his hand around your arm in fear. "No! You might get hurt! You can't leave!"

⠀⠀You glanced at Keanne before sighing. "Edric, I need you to be brave for me right now, okay? I'm going to need it. Be brave for the both of us, okay?"

⠀⠀Edric started crying causing you to crouch down and hugged him. He laid his head to your shoulder while your hand rubbed his back in comfort. Keanne sighed and patted Edric's head. Edric sobbed and pulled away. "Promise me you'll be back. In one piece."

⠀⠀You chuckled softly and nodded. "I'll try."

⠀⠀Edric smiled, feeling assured, and hugged you once again. "You're the best."

⠀⠀"Thank you, Eddie." You pecked his side of the head before pulling away and turning to Keanne. "You know what to do. You have to be with Eddie all the time and—"

⠀⠀Keanne pulled you into her arms, embracing you. You hugged her back and felt her patting your back. "You have my word, Roberts. Just promise me you'll be back and alive, okay?"

⠀⠀You nodded. "I will. Thank you for being the best friend and best babysitter."


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