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Y/n's parents have always been abusive towards her and her siblings, unfortunately for her, all her siblings are older, and all moved out, so she was stuck with her abusive dad and drunk mother.

Y/n stood in her room aggressively packing a bag as tears ran down her face while trying to block out the noise of her mother and father arguing in the living room. Y/n wanted to leave. No not that she wants to leave. Y/n needs to leave.

She couldn't stay there with them arguing all the time, especially not with all of the abuse. Y/n swore her parents fought more than anyone she had ever met before, and she couldn't stand it.

She needed to get out of there and get help, a therapist maybe. She didn't know and she didn't care, she just knew that she needed to get out and get help, and the only person she knew she could go to for help was... yeah, Katherine, Katherine Walter.

Katherine and Carol along with Angelica Howard were all best friends when they were younger, and they still are except now that Angelica is gone Carol has been acting out and going crazy with the drinking. She didn't know how to cope so she went back to the thing.

Her thing that she used to do before she had five kids. Carol was always a drinker, except it wasn't as bad as it is now, she used alcohol as a coping mechanism and stuck with it.

Derek, on the other hand, has always been abusive, in fact, Angelica was the only one other than Katherine who tried to help her get out of her toxic marriage, even though the three lived so far away from each other and didn't have much time to meet up and hang out they still tried to help Carol especially but now that she's gone Carol doesn't care anymore.

Now she just lets it happen.

Y/n grabbed her last shirt and shoved it into her bag before taking a long deep breath, listening to her parents slam each other against the wall, more like her mom getting slammed into the wall. Y/n knew her mother wasn't doing well, and she didn't want to leave her behind with her father, but she didn't want to stay a risk of getting hurt again. She had no choice and the both of them knew it.

Y/n walked over to her window taking one last glance around her room one last time. Y/n sighed and headed out of her window before making her way down the tree next to her bedroom window and out of that hell hole.

She went off on her bike and rode until her legs couldn't anymore. Y/n stood on the side of the road taking deep breaths and drinking water as it started raining, she let out a loud groan before pedaling on and not stopping until she arrived at the Walter household, praying that she didn't slip and crash.

Y/n knew that there were so many people living in the house already, but she didn't know anyone else she could ask to stay with, not anyone she trusted anyway.

Once Y/n reached the house she stared at the house and slowly got off of her bike, gently placing it on the muddy ground, she slowly walked to the front door and hesitantly rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later the door opened revealing George's face with their dog Albert following behind. "Hi," Y/n breathed out with a shaky breath, "Oh my goodness come on in, let me get you a towel," Geroge said bringing the soaked girl inside. Y/n patiently waited for George to come back and once he did, he wrapped her up in the towel and brought her into the kitchen where she sat on the island while he made her a cup of hot chocolate.

"What brings you here at... ten o'clock," George asked stopping to check his watch as he continued grabbing a cup for the hot chocolate "My parents were fighting again and I didn't know where else to go-" Y/n explained through her tears, "You're always welcome to stay here," he nodded cutting her off, understanding what happened and what she needed, "Here you go, I'll go get Katherine and I'll take this," George said placing the hot chocolate in front of the soaking wet girl and taking her bag and placing it by the steps to take it off of her hands, "I'll be right back, make yourself at home," Y/n nodded as George went upstairs.

Y/n sat in the kitchen awkwardly drinking her hot chocolate as she waited for Katherine and George until someone came inside, she slowly turned around to Alex, Issac, and Lee.

The three boys looked at each other confused about why one of their best friends was sitting in their kitchen soaking wet at ten o'clock at night. Alex decided to sit next to her and ask, "What are you doing here?" as Isaac grabbed an apple, "I-I, uh..." Y/n stuttered praying that someone else would come in, so she didn't have to answer, but she did anyway, "My parents, um, they're, uh, fighting again," Y/n answered.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked with a very concerned tone, "Yeah, I'm fine," Y/n lied trying to hold back her tears, "Are you sure?" Y/n couldn't answer so she just simply nodded.

Alex didn't quite know how to comfort her and neither did Issac and Lee, Alex gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder causing her to lean her head on his shoulder. The four of them sat in silence as Issac placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as they waited for Katherine and George.

After a few moments they came in causing the four of them to sit up, as soon as they walked in Katherine spoke, "George told me what happened and you can stay with us as long as you want," as George nodded in agreement.

"But I would like to talk about what happened and what made you run away," Katherine added making the guys look at her in shock, they always thought that she had a perfect family, but they never knew that it was bad, especially this bad, they thought everything was perfect.

"Why don't you boys go to your rooms," Katherine suggested, "No, it's okay they can stay," Y/n interjected, "They should know too, they are my best friends,"

"My dad has always been abusive, and my mom has always been a drinker, but it was never this bad until Jackie's mom died, they were best friends, and she didn't know how to cope so she turned to drinking and when my dad would hit me she didn't care," Y/n explained causing the five of them to look at her wide-eyed, "And tonight it was terrible, they were fighting, physically and I didn't want to be a part of it so while they were distracted I ran, and I came here because I didn't know where else to go," Y/n cried as Alex and Katherine tried to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n, I wish you had told us sooner, we could've helped you," Katherine said as she tried to soothe her with the help of Alex.

The six of them continued to talk not knowing that Cole was listening by the door. He knew he needed to do something to make her feel better, so he did. He had a surprise that he knew she would love.

After the six of them talked about how they could Y/n, she decided that it had been a long night and all she wanted to do was sleep, except she had no room, so Cole offered for her to stay with him.

"You can stay in my room," Cole offered stepping into the kitchen, "How long have you been listening?" Y/n asked with a quirked eyebrow, "Not too long," Cole lied and it was pretty obvious.

"No," Katherine sternly spoke, Y/n knew exactly what she was thinking, "If you think I'm going to let your son try and flirt with me, I'm not," Y/n told Katherine, "I still don't like it," she hummed, Y/n turned to Cole who was smirking at her, "The "Cole effect" doesn't work on me," Y/n added pointing at Cole, "We'll see about that," Cole muttered.

"The what?" Katherine and George asked in confusion, "Never mind," Y/n sighed, "Katherine, George, I promise you, nothing is going to happen," Y/n promised but little did they know that her fingers were crossed, "I don't like it, but I believe you," Katherine sighed.

"C'mon Y/n," Cole said, "Good night, guys," Y/n waved goodbye "Good night, Y/n," Alex said with a small smile, as Y/n followed Cole to his room, Y/n smiled back even though he couldn't see her.

"So, the Cole effect doesn't work on you?" he asked as they made their way up the stairs, "No it doesn't," Y/n lied, "If you say so," he shrugged.

"I do say so," Y/n replied as they entered his room, Y/n was surprised to see dozens of candles lit all over his room. "Did you have a girl over or something?" Y/n asked, jealousy filling her tone, "You jealous?" Cole teased, "No," Y/n sternly lied.

"Sure," he teasingly muttered, "I'm not," Y/n lied again, "Let's just go to sleep," Cole suggested, "Yeah,"

"You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor," Cole told her as he grabbed a pillow and a blanket, "Cole." "Don't sleep on the floor,"

"No, it's fine you can take the bed," he shrugged as he made a little bed on the floor, "I mean don't sleep on the floor because I wouldn't mind some company," Cole smiled to himself knowing that the "Cole effect" did in fact work on her.

Cole picked up his blanket and pillow and laid down, right next to Y/n as she stared at the sealing. The two lay in silence, Y/n wanted to cuddle with Cole, and Cole was waiting for her to break, which she did.

She turned to face Cole who also turned to look at her, the two stared into each other's eyes, neither looking away, Y/n was blushing, and Cole was softly smiling, "I thought you said the Cole effect didn't work on you" Cole said with a very questioning tone, "It doesn't," Y/n lied slightly shrugging her shoulders.

"So, if I were to kiss you right now what would you do?"

"I don't know," Y/n shrugged as Cole started to lean in. Once Cole's lips touched Y/n's she immediately kissed back, she'd been wanting to kiss him for a while. Even though Alex is her best friend, and she would never date any of his brothers, she really needed this right now, she didn't want to think about her mom or dad, she needed a distraction and right now this was perfect.

It was also the perfect opportunity to confess her feelings for him.

After a few seconds Cole pulled away, "I thought the Cole didn't work on you," he teased, "Maybe it does,"

"I knew it," he smirked, "Are you going to keep talking or are you going to kiss me?" Y/n asked getting impatient, missing the feeling of his lips on hers.

"Someone's eager," he teased before bringing his lips back onto hers, their lips moved in sync until Y/n pulled away climbing on top of Cole, "I thought you promised my mom and dad that nothing would happen between us?" Cole questioned, "I might've had my fingers crossed,"

"Of course, you did,"

Y/n pulled him back into a kiss as his hands roamed her body before stopping on her hips. Y/n made her way down his neck, sucking on him leaving hickeys, causing him to squeeze her hips.

"Take off your shirt," Y/n demanded pulling away as she took off her own, Cole did as told and took his shirt off. Y/n looked mesmerized at the sight, "Like what you see?" Cole asked with a smirk, Y/n nodded.

"So do I," he said sitting up and kissing down her neck and chest. Y/n held back a moan as he kissed her, and before you knew it, he was on top of her, kissing her.

"W-We can't," Y/n breathed out as Cole continued to kiss down her neck, "Why not?" Cole asked slightly out of breath, "Not here, there's a house full of people,"

"Yeah, and most of them are sleeping," Cole added in between kisses, "Cole," but he didn't stop, "Cole." Y/n said with a stern tone, "Not today,"

"Fine," he groaned, before pulling her into a passionate kiss and letting her melt into him, "You never said we couldn't make out," he said with a smirk slightly pulling away, so his lips were still on hers, "That is true," Y/n nodded pulling him back into the kiss.

"So, tell me, did you do all of this for me?"

"Maybe," he shrugged, "Tell me," Y/n demanded "Yeah, I did," Cole nodded with a sigh, "Why?" Y/n asked, "I heard what happened and I felt bad, I wanted to do something special,"

"Cole Walter being nice? you're not Cole, where is he and what have you done with him?" Y/n joked, "Ha ha, very funny," Cole said rolling his eyes unamused.

"No, it's sweet, I like it, thank you," "Well, I'm glad you like it,"

"What did you hear?" Y/n asked, "Everything," Cole replied, "Oh," "But it doesn't change the way I think of you," Cole reminded the girl lying on his chest as he played with her hair, "What do you think of me?"

"I think that you are smart, kind, caring, beautiful, sarcastic, very funny, you know how to lighten up a bad mood, you're a great kisser, a good friend, great sister, and you've been through a lot,"


"Yeah, let's get some sleep okay?" "Yeah, okay," Y/n nodded as he placed a kiss on her forehead as the two drifted off to sleep.

Audrina speaks!

ย First one done (been done, all I did was copy and paste from Tumblr, lol) hope you guys like!

2325 words!

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