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๐š†๐šŠ๐š›๐š—๐š’๐š—๐š๐šœ: ๐š”๐š’๐šœ๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š-๐š’๐šœ๐š‘, ๐™ณ๐šข๐š•๐šŠ๐š— ๐š‹๐šŽ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐š— ๐šŠ๐šœ๐šœ๐š‘๐š˜๐š•๐šŽ


Y/n is well... a nerd, she wasn't popular, and she didn't care, she didn't go to prom, or dances, or school events, she kind of hated them, especially since she had no to go with. She also didn't care if people called her one unless they kept doing it till it got annoying and rude. She liked doing homework and taking lots of notes, but what she didn't like was when jocks and cheerleaders forcefully made her do their homework.

So, as she stood at her locker going over her notes to make sure she didn't forget anything not noticing that Dylan was walking up to her, "Hi," she heard from behind her, she turned around to see Dylan, "Uh, h-hi," she greeted, well this is unexpected, she thought to herself. "How can I help?" she questioned before realizing.

"Oh, do you need help with your homework, or just today's notes," One thing about Y/n was that she was very sweet, and she loved to help people, sometimes even if they were bad, she liked to see the good in people. "Uh no... I was actually going to ask you if you'd be my date to prom?" he said holding back a chuckle that she didn't hear.

She looked at him confused on why someone like him wanted to take someone like her out, but a cute guy was asking her out, that didn't happen every day, so she nodded, "Yeah sure, sounds nice!" she smiled, "Great!" he said a little too excitedly, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8," she nodded as he walked away and over to his friends.

"Well, that was unexpected," she muttered to herself.



I laughed to myself as I walked over to my friends dabbing up the guys, "Did it work?" Erin asked with a mischievous little smirk as she approached me, "Yeah, she totally fell for it," I laughed holding onto my backpack.

"She's so gullible," Ruby giggled placing her hand on my shoulder as we all laughed at our bet.

Cole then walked over, he didn't know the plan yet but he's my best friend, so I have to tell him so we can laugh about it now and in the future, "What's going on?" Cole asked approaching the group, keeping his distance from Erin since they're on a break again.

"You will not believe what they just bet me to do," I told him with a smile, Cole looked at us weirdly confused but told me to continue.

"You know Y/n Y/l/n, the nerd?" I asked him, "Well... yeah," Cole was hesitant to call her a nerd but that's what the jocks and cheerleaders referred to her as, so he nodded.

"Erin bet me $150 to ask her to be my date to prom tomorrow," I laughed, however Cole didn't laugh till a few seconds later, it was a fake laugh that no one had realized.

Deep down Cole felt bad for her as Dylan started to tell him their plan, it was horrible, they made fun of her all the time, behind her back of course, but they still didn't and once she found out the news, Cole knew she would be heartbroken.

After Dylan told Cole his plan, Cole finished school without a care as he thought about what he should do and how to tell Y/n what was going on, he didn't want to hurt her in any way but now they had this stupid plan and he felt horrible, he felt even more horrible for being the one to tell her.



Cole wondered what she'd do, would she slap him? kick him? punch him in the face? yell at him?

But no, he was wrong, instead she tried to hide her tears.

Cole followed Y/n home without her knowing, he wanted to tell her as soon as possible and he took this as an opportunity to tell her. Once he arrived, he saw her walking to her front porch to go inside so he quickly followed after her, trying his best to run, "Wait up!" he told her rubbing his bad leg in the process.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you need something? Ice? water?" she turned around and offered, feeling bad about making him run, she had heard about his bad leg and how it wasn't 100% like it used to be, so she asked him to come inside, they sat down at her dining table as he drank his water.

"Did you come for something specific?" she asked, "Ohh, do you need help with homework or something?" she questioned, but surprisingly he shook his head, this intrigued her, So, you're not here for homework, what can I help you with? do you need a tutor?" she guessed, "No actually I came here to talk to you," she nodded for him to continue.

ย "I don't know how to put this but, uh, Dylan's playing you," confusion took over expression, "What?" she asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?" Y/n was a pretty emotional person, and this really hurt her feelings.ย 

She didn't know what else to say as Cole continued.

"He doesn't actually want to take you to prom, he's just playing you, so he can make fun of you later when he wins prom king," Cole told her trying to be gentle.

A tear slowly made its way down her face, "Thank you for letting me know," she sniffled, "Are you okay?" he asked her as he saw her eyes start to water up, "Y-yeah I'm fine," she lied standing up immediately not wanting him to see her cry, so she slowly back away from him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "It's okay, it's not your fault," she shrugged as if it didn't matter, "Doesn't matter anymore," she told him, "I'm not going," she shrugged as he slowly stood up.

He walked over to where you stood leaning against the island in the kitchen, he gently lifted his thumb and whipped the tear that fell from her eye, "Do you wanna go to prom with me?" he asked her nervously scratching the back of his head, "What?" she questioned him, genuinely confused.

She didn't want to fall for anymore tricks, but his tone was so sincere when he continued. "I-I don't have a date and you don't have a good one so... maybe?" she smiled up at him as his thumb still laid on her cheek, "I'd like that,"ย 

"Tomorrow? 8 o'clock?" he suggested, she nodded in agreement and sent him a soft smile, she then saw him out, and when he left, she didn't know whether she should laugh or cry.ย 

Of course I got played she thought, who'd ever want me?ย 

A tear rolled down her cheek as she dropped down to the floor against the front door, she just knew it was too good to be true, and she was right, she hated that she was, but she was.

But she was also excited, she was going out with Cole Walter, the hot guy.

She always had a crush on him, no one knew, but she did and now she was going to prom with him?

This was exciting and nerve-wracking for her; she didn't want to mess it up and make him never want to talk to her again.

But she was happy that he even asked.ย 

It was the most unbelievable and most exciting thing that had ever happened to her.


The next day Y/n got ready for prom, she didn't plan on going so she had to buy a last-minute dress, but it was perfect, she loved it, and she couldn't wait to wear it. She put on some light makeup, she was not one to wear makeup, not that she even needed to, as her mom curled and or straightened her hair, (whatever you prefer).ย 

Once she was finished with her makeup and hair, she sat up and looked into her mirror. She loved it, she looked amazing, "What do you think?" her mom asked from where she stood behind her with her hands rested on her shoulders, "I love it, thank you mom,"ย 

Y/n's mom squeezed her shoulder in comfort before pulling away and going over to the closet to grab the light blue dress that hung up on the hanger. "Finally," Y/n sighed, she had been waiting all day to put it on and it was finally time to do so, and she couldn't have been more excited.

She went to her bathroom and quickly changed into her dress. She came out the bathroom and did a little twirl showing her mom her beautiful blue dress.

"You look beautiful honey!" her mother exclaimed with a smile, "Thank you mom," she smiled back, her mother then checked the time and shooed her daughter out the house realizing that she'd be late.

Y/n rushed down the stairs and to the front door revealing Cole who was about to knock. He wore a blue suit (the one he wore to the wedding or whatever you want) he looked amazing, "Wow," she breathed out, "You look beautiful, Y/n," he complimented you as he tightly held onto a small clear box, a beautiful light blue corsage sitting inside.

"You don't look too bad yourself," such a cliche thing to say, but she said it anyways, "Thank you," he chuckled.

"This is for you," Cole said after a few seconds of the two gazing into each other's eyes, Y/n was definitely a big fan of eye contact and she absolutely melted whenever he gave you those eyes, "Thank you, Cole, it's beautiful,"ย 

"Should we get going?" he questioned, just as she was about to respond Y/n's mom rushed out saying that she needed pictures, "Wait! I need pictures of you two first,"

ย "Mom!" Y/n harshly whispered in embarrassment, "What? you guys look adorable in your little dress and tux," Y/n's mom had the biggest smile on her face, "I'm so sorry Cole," Y/n apologized in embarrassment, "It's okay, I don't mind," Cole softly chuckled.

The two took thousands of pictures before finally leaving, mostly because the other Walter's and Garica's were in the car and Isaac was complaining.

The car ride was silent, it was a comfortable silence, there was small talk between Cole, Danny, and Y/n but other than that it was pretty much silent.

Once they arrived Isaac and Lee immediately ran inside, excited for some reason. Meanwhile everyone else waited for their date's, Alex was taking Kiley, Nathan was taking Skylar, and Danny had no one, sadly, but he wasn't the type to date. Meanwhile Isaac and Lee both had random dates, Isaac took a random cheerleader and Lee had taken his crush.

"You ready?" Cole asked, Y/n nodded, "Yeah," taking a deep breath as Cole interlocked his arm with yours. You two walked in with absolutely everyone staring at you, but you didn't care, you had Cole Walter, the most popular guy in school taking you to prom, and it seemed pretty genuine. It felt like he actually wanted to take you.

And little did you know, but he did.

You heard everyone whispering about how you were supposed to come with Dylan. "I guess everyone knew except me then," you muttered to Cole, "I'm sorry Y/n," you sent him a small smile and replied, "It's okay," with a slight shrug, "No it's not,"ย 

"Well then it doesn't matter anymore, I'm here with you, not that asshole," Cole's facial expression changed from a sympathy look to shock, "Did you just curse?" he questioned, "I did," you nodded as you followed him around, "I... didn't know you cursed," his tone was fill with shock, "Neither did I," you muttered, kind of shocking yourself as well.

People continued to whisper and talk but you ignored them as you quietly talked to Cole, you guys talked until Dylan came over with Erin, Ruby, and a few guys on the football team following behind him, "Y/n... I thought we were going to prom together,"

"I already asked her," Cole butted in, "Then why did you say yes to me?" Dylan questioned with a nervous smile, he thought that you knew what was going on and you did but you and Cole decided it would a good idea if you guys didn't tell him yet, "I'm gonna go get us some drinks," you told Cole slowly backing away from the group.

Meanwhile Cole and Dylan talked in private, "Why did you bring her? We had a plan!" Dylan spoke in a scolding tone, Dylan was thinking that Cole told Y/n the plan, or that you had found out, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and continue the prank.

"No, no, you had a plan, a horrible plan really, and I took matters into my own hands because no one should ever be treated like that," Cole told him with a cold tone before patting his shoulder and walking over you.

"What happened?" you asked as Cole approached you, "Doesn't matter anymore," he shrugged while you handed him his drink, "Thanks," he smiled, you guys found a table and sat down, talking while you watched everyone dance and have fun.

Cole abruptly stood up and held his hand out for you to take, "Can I have this dance?" he asked with a cheeky smile, you chuckled at his words and actions, but nodded, "Yeah," you followed him onto the dance floor.

"I do have to warn you though, I do not know how to dance, like at all," you told him, "That's okay, I'll teach you," he assured you, "Well you can sure have fun trying," he then instructed you where to put your hands, you wrapped both your arms around his neck, "Can I?" he asked, you nodded giving him permission to place his hand on your waist.

You shivered at his touch; your spin tickled with joy. He instructed you on what to do with your feet and you eventually got the hang of it, you stepped on his feet a few times, apologizing every time, but after a few tries you got the hang of it and knew exactly what you were doing.

Y/n and Cole danced to the slow music as you quietly talked. You pulled away from leaning your head on Cole's shoulder and looked up at him, he was so close to you, closer than you guys had ever been, he then stopped what he was saying and looked down at you, you glanced up at his lips.

He slowly started leaning in, you wanted to pull away since you've never had your first kiss, but you knew you wanted it to be with Cole, you knew he would've never gone for you, but here he stood right in front of you slowly leaning in, you were scared but if that meant that it happened right now, you didn't care.

You leaned in as well but that was soon stopped when they started announcing prom king and queen. You abruptly pulled away and acted as if nothing happened, you were... embarrassed, you've never had your first kiss, and when you were about to, it got interrupted, but you knew you were to chicken to kiss him anyways.

ย "The prom queen is....," The teacher spoke trailing off for some suspense, "Erin Collins!" Erin squealed in excitement as she ran up to the stage receiving her crown, you slowly clapped unamused, you knew you would never win but you were annoyed that had won, of course she won, you thought.

"And the prom king is... Dylan (whatever his last name is idk)" Dylan looked shocked and high fived his friends before receiving his crown, Erin of course wanted to make a speech but as she stood at the podium a mystery slime poured down on the two causing your mouth to drop in shock, disgusted and laughter.

You quickly slapped your hand over your mouth to contain your laughter, but you couldn't hold it back anymore, you burst out laughing, this was the second-best thing that had happened today, the first was Cole asking you to be his prom date of course.

Erin cried and screamed in frustration and annoyance, and also embarrassment, "My dress!" she gasped in shock, she then ran off the stage with tears in her eyes with Dylan following behind her.ย 

You looked around and saw Isaac and Lee laughing to themselves as they held onto the rope that led to a bucket that spilled out the mystery slime that looked like chocolate and nacho cheese, disgusting yet hilarious.

"They're going to get into so much trouble," you laughed to yourself as Cole stood next you, "Why would they do that?" you asked Cole as if he had the answer, but he surprisingly did, "They did it for you,"


"They felt bad about Dylan being an ass, so we made a plan and that was it, they were gonna embarrass you, so we embarrassed them before they could embarrass you,"ย 

"Seriously?" you asked him in shock.


"Thank you, Cole,"ย 

"It's no problem, really. They deserved it, and no one should be treated like that, especially you." he told her with a sweet smile.

Your heart melted at his words, he was so sweet to you, he was like prince charming, sweet, caring, kind, handsome, charming, funny, loyal, what more could a girl want?


Prom was officially over meaning that it was time to go home, but Cole had other plans.ย 

He dropped his siblings back home and he planned to take you home and he did, but he told you to pack some clothes, you were confused but you did it and told your mom that you'd be back before at least midnight, but she wanted you to have fun and told you to come back whenever you wanted but to text her from time to time.

"So... where are we going?" you asked once you got back into the car, "It's a surprise," he simply replied, "I don't like surprises," you told him, "Well, I think you'll like this one," he glanced over at you, sending you a smile, that you gladly sent back.

He glanced down at your hand, you were kind of nervous for this surprise, so you started fidgeting, but that all stopped when Cole reached for your hand, interlocking his with yours.

Once you guys arrived you saw that he had taken you to his and I quote "Secret spot," the waterhole. He helped you down the big, steep rocks and sat down as you guys watched the water flow.

"This is the surprise?" you questioned, "It's not much, but it's where I go when I need some time to myself" he explained, "I've never actually been here, I've heard of this place, but I've never actually seen it," you told him, "Well here we are,"

"Here we are,"ย 

The two sat in silence until Cole asked if you wanted to go in the water, you told him no and said that you'd go in later, he nodded and started to take of his shirt revealing his abs, you couldn't help but stare, he was in great shape.

"It's rude to stare," he spoke.

"Sorry," you apologized slightly embarrassed, "No need to apologize,"ย 

Right as he was about to get in, he asked one last time, "You coming in?"ย 

"Fine, sure, I'm coming," you then followed him into the water.ย 
You had changed your clothes earlier when he took you home to get some clothes not wanting to sit in a big poofy dress for the rest of the night.

You walked into the cold water and swam over to Cole who was in the middle of just standing as the water moved, he helped you into the water, so you didn't slip, "Thanks," you said as you looked at the stars and the moon.

"Can I ask you something?" Cole asked, after a few moments of silence, "Yeah, of course," you nodded.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he hesitantly questioned causing me to stand up from the water, "What?"ย 

"I asked if you would be-,"ย 

"I heard what you said," you interrupted, "Why are you asking it?"ย 

"Because believe it or not Y/n, but I really, really like you," he admitted, "I like you too," you blurted out, "So, will you?" he asked, you nodded and decided to be bold and pull him into a kiss.

The kiss caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. His lips moved in sync with yours as you guys continued to kiss.ย 

And that was how prom went.

"You know if Dylan and Erin hadn't made that bet, we wouldn't have happened, " you announced, "Well then I'm really glad Dylan and Erin made that bet," he said, I knew he wasn't being serious because it was a horrible thing to do to someone, but I knew that he was happy about us and our kiss considering the smile on his face.

"Me too," you smiled before leaning back into him, his lips attaching to yours as you kissed in the bright moonlight.

Audrina Speaks!


I'm sorry it took so long but at least it's a long chapter, right?

Which one is your favorite so far?ย 
let me know!

how do we feel about long chapters like this one???

I hope you guys enjoyed; I love you all so much!
pls comment and vote

thank you all so much for 37.3k reads, you guys are amazing ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’–
I really can't believe, thank you all so much again<333

Bye see you all in the next one!
please ignore any mistakes or misspellings!

3585 words!

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