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After learning what is happened in the madurai palace. Our hero started his journey to Thanjavur to inform the princess and escort her safely to Capital city.

As he entered into the city. The city is celebrating Navaratri. It's day of Durga Puja. As he was about to enter into the palace a solider drags him out.

Karthikeya: Why are you all not allowing me to enter into palace. I was sent by Emperor and Crown Prince.

Saying he tried to wiggle from their grip but they didn't allow him to get soon solider speak up.

Solider: You young man wait here there orders from the commander and Lord of Malayaman Clan.

Karthikeya: Why?

Solider: Don't Know now come with us.

Karthikeya: Okay I will follow you but leave me as I don't like to be hold as Slave.

Solider left his hand. Our hero started following like good boy. That's what they thought but suddenly he started running fast.

He jumped on to walls to escape from them. Soliders are following him like wolves and our hero is escaping like Rabbit who doesn't come under them.

Soon he saw some people are getting ready for a play. Soon he to changed himself into Kamsa. Soon there came the princess. Who is watching everything with so much anxiety.

Soon the play got completed out princess to left the place. Now our hero is hiding in palace.

Now it's night everything is dark soon he felt some drag him as he turned he Nambi.

Karthikeya: Nambi what are you doing here?

Nambi: I know you came to meet Princess and Malayamam clan  Soliders stopped you.

Karthikeya: How do you know?

Nambi: I know everything come with me I will take you to Princess.

Karthikeya followed the Nambi. Even tho he doesn't trust Nambi still he wanna meet Princess and explain the conspiracy.

They saw a small boat. Karthikeya is afraid of water as he was grown up in dry area.

Nambi: Don't worry nothing will happen to you.

Karthikeya: Who said Iam afraid of water Nambi. Saying he tried his best to control his emotions.

Soon the boat reached into end of the small lake and it looked like dark forest.

Soon arrow came in their way soon Karthikeyan took his sword started dodging all the arrow. The arrows rain got stopped.

They saw a beautiful lake and in between mini palace. He was Wondered who lives in that palace.

Voice: Finally you reached here prince of Vallam Clan. Saying a girl came out. She is carrying a bow and arrow. Asked Aiming to him.

To say the prince of Vallam Clan lost his heart to this beautiful princess.

The princess left the arrow but our hero catch it before it can hurt him.

Soon giggles left from princess beautiful lips. With a smile she looked at him.

Our Nambi nudged prince he came into senses. Nambi left the place leaving them alone.

Karthikeya: Pranam to Princess of Chola Dynasty.

Krithika: No need of this much respect prince of Vallam. Reason behind your arrival?

Karthikeya: Devi you know that your brother Aditya getting married to Devi Nandini. Emperor wants your presence there and prince Aditya is not willing to listen to anyone. He will you listen to you only Devi. And Devi in Madurai Palace many noble lords gathered and chera king also came there. They all wants Prince Vijayendra to be the next emperor and they all are planning to kill your brother Aditya.

Listening to this krithika expression are normal. She turned to Karthikeya and said

Krithika: I want you to inform this to my brother RajaRajan. Ask him to come to Gangaikonda Cholapuram fort as soon as possible. Can you do it?

Karthikeya: Devi Iam sorry but I promised to your brother Aditya Chola that I will bring you safely to the kingdom here what happened you know. Still I wanna complete my responsibility and the promise which I gave to your parents and brother.

Krithika just looked at him and said. I know but I want you to inform these all to my second elder brother who is in fight with chalukyas.

Nambi came back to inform that commander is searching for them.

Nambi: Amma Commander and his soliders are searching for him if they find this boy you know what can Malayamam Commander will do and Devi Kundavai and Devi Vanathi are waiting for you.

Krithika: Ayya bring this prince to where my Patti's are waiting for me. Don't let anyone know about him. Secretly as I wanna discuss a few matters with them in the presence of the Prince of Vallam.

Nambi: Sure Devi as you wish.

Saying both left the place in secret way. Krithika to came into palace soon she saw the commander and his soliders.

Commander: Princess what are you doing outside at this time?

Krithika: Dalapathi Mahavarman can't I roam in my palace and why should I fear when my palace is getting protection from Malayamam clan Soliders.

Mahavarman: You are correct Devi but still there is a spy roaming in the city.

Krithika: How can you say that person is spy?

Mahavarman couldn't answer because there were no proofs which can prove Karthikeya as spy. To recuse the commander a maid came.

Maid: Princess Devi Kundavai and Devi Vanathi are waiting for you.

Krithika: Iam coming. She took her leave from Commander who is burning in angry.

Soon she entered into grand palace there two ladies are waiting for Krithika. Krithika took their blessings.

Kundavai: Where you went krithika after play?

Krithika: I went to meet messanger whom emperor sent asking our presence in Aditya wedding.

Vanathi: Krithika you know what happened with grandfather Aditya Karikalan still your brother is adamant to get married to a Pandyan princess. Said in angry voice.

Krithika: Patti you know that my brother having many similarities like my Grandfather Karikalan. But still Iam with him and about nandini we can't say anything because I know they are planning something and Pandyans are using nandini to get information. Till iam alive I will not let anyone harm my chola dynasty.

Kundavai smiled at Krithika and said. Vanathi I thought I will be the only chola daughter whom everyone remember but your granddaughter is giving tough competition now I understand why your husband loves this girl more than us or anyone else.

Listening to Ponniyin Selvan name krithika eyes filled with tears. As whole Kingdom knows how much this granddaughter and grandfather loves eachother.

Vanathi wiped tears of Krithika and said. Akka say to this girl that my husband hates tears he loves his petti smile not tears.

Soon the palace filled with laughter of the ladies.

Mahavarman. Commander of Thanjavur Fort. Hates krithika and cholas but never shows on his face. Planning behind their back.

Devi Kundavai. No need of intro.

Devi Vanathi. No need of intro.

Hello Everyone hope you all liked the chapter. In this chapter I used many pics.

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