3- Hidden wounds

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Warning: Trigger Content!!

"You both already agreed to my condition that I will not marry before next one year, so you will have to let me go. For me my country comes first.. nothing else. I will call you once I reach there. Take care"

Her parents looked at each other helplessly. The noise of her bullet bike rang in their ears as she drove out of the house.


"Feels like home after such a long time" Siddarth exclaimed as they entered the Mahajan mansion. He slumped on the couch and took a deep breath. He badly needed a sleep as his body ached due to the jet lag.

"Looks like you were working on the journey too" Monami spoke as she brought water for everyone.

Siddarth just hummed as he gulped down the water.

"I had no choice. Boss needed the work to be done before I come here for the vacation.. didn't even get to sleep from past 2 days" Sid replied.

"Is everything okay between you and uncle?" Monami asked.

"There should be something left between us to be okay right?"

"He is your father Siddarth" Deepak said.

"A father who cares only about his money.. a father who never asked what his son needs.. a father who had no time for his child and left him alone with the caretakers? I have no hatred for him but I don't love him either. No matter how much I try, I am unable to call him my family. For me, he will always be my boss.. nothing else" Siddarth replied.

Monami and Deepak looked at him with concern. They knew Siddarth had mastered in hiding his emotions. He always used to smile and goof around. Thus people failed to notice the pain he had buried deep down in his heart.

Siddarth looked at the father- daughter duo and sighed.

"Oh come on.. now don't put on those sad faces. I am really hungry.. bring me some food pleaseeeee" Siddarth requested making a cute face.

Monami smiled and walked to the kitchen. Siddarth saw this as an excuse to speak to Deepak.

"Well how's Monami's health now?" Siddarth asked as he settled besides him. He turned to see Monami in the kitchen.

"No improvement" Deepak replied looking dejected. He tried everything he could, but nothing seemed to work. Looking at her condition, he was growing worried for his daughter day by day.

"Did you try talking to her about the psychiatrist?" Siddharth asked. Deepak's eyes widened at his statement.

"Speak slowly! If she hears about this we are dead" Deepak warned. There was no way he would let Monami know about this. But little they did know the damage was already done!

Before Siddharth could reply, they heard a loud crashing noise. They quickly got up and turned to look at the shattered food bowls on the floor. Their eyes snapped to Monami who stood there shocked. Her eyes widened in horror as her mind dwelled on their words. Psychiatrist!?

"Dad.. a psychiatrist?" She fumbled. Deepak looked at Siddarth then at Monami.

"Monami bacha.. we were just joking around. Look your friend thinks I am crazy so-"

Monami's eyes hardened as she glared at them. Her eyes turned red with anger and disappointment.

"Stop it! Please stop it dad! You think I don't understand all this? I told you so many times that I don't want to consult a psychiatrist then why don't you both understand? For god's sake I AM NOT INSANE" She yelled cutting off his words in between.

Deepak sighed heavily. He could see how she was trying to control her emotions. He could see the pain and sorrow she was masking inside.


Monami didn't pay heed to him and turned on her heels to walk away from there. Siddarth quickly ran behind her and got hold of her wrist.

"Stop there Monami.. we are just doing this for you.. it's been 8 years to that incident and no one knows what happened that day except you! The pain you have buried in your heart is killing you.. you need to let it out" Siddarth spoke sternly.

"Sid stop" Deepak warned. He could see Monami panicking at the mention of the incident.

"No uncle how long will she keep running from her past.. she has to face it one day" Siddarth replied with concern. She had her whole life ahead and he didn't want her to dwell in the past. Her past didn't only make her emotionally weak but also physically.

Her health was degrading day by day and it hurt him to see her like that. And he would do everything to make her happy again!

"I have no answers to your questions.. I don't want to talk about that day" she ran upstairs sobbing.

Siddarth and Deepak saw her running to her room from downstairs. They grew worried and followed her.

Monami stumbled as her hand hit the vase on the side table. The vase fell with a loud thud, breaking into pieces. She let out a cry as she felt the piece piercing through her palm. Blood dripped down her palm as she held her wrist.

"Monami!" Sid took hold of her hand as he examined her wound. Deepak rushed to get the medical kit.


Sid looked up at Monami as she whispered. He saw her expressions changing so he immediately palmed her face. He tried speaking to her to distract her from the wound.

"Blood" She again whispered as her eyes widened. She clenched her eyes as flashes of blood appeared in front of her eyes. Her body shook vigorously as she felt pain pumping in her body. She opened her eyes to look down at her palms.

"No.. Nooo!!" She yelled as she rubbed her palms vigorously trying to rub off the blood. Blood dripped down from her palms as she rubbed on her wounds.

Siddarth quickly took hold of her wrists to prevent her from hurting herself. Monami tried to pull her hands back but he gripped it tightly. She cried vigorously trying to get rid of the blood.

"Monu stop.. MONAMI!!" He yelled as she payed no heed to his words. Her movements ceased as she looked up at him. Just then Deepak came running there, listening Siddarth's voice.

"Look at me Monu.. everything is okay.. calm down" Siddarth spoke softly as he wiped her tears slowly. Monami blinked away her tears as she gazed at her injured palms.

"There's blood" She mumbled. Her eyes rolled back as her body turned limp and everything went black around her. Siddarth grabbed her in his arms as he patted her cheeks.

"Uncle.. call an ambulance"


Siddarth looked at Monami who laid unconscious on the hospital bed. His eyes travelled to Deepak who checked her pulse. He looked down as tears welled up in his eyes. His heart ached looking at the condition of Monami. He was solely responsible for her condition. His words trigged her past wounds. How would he forgive himself for that?

Deepak kept his stethoscope aside and sat besides Monami. He held onto her hand softly.

"I am sorry bacha" he whispered.

"Uncle how is Monu now?" Siddarth asked as he walked by his side. Having no response from his side, he kept his hand on Deepak's shoulder. But Deepak slowly removed his hand.

"Siddarth go home" he said with a blank face. He had no energy to answer to his questions. Siddarth nodded as he silently moved out of the room. There was no way he would leave both of them in this condition. But he also knew Deepak was not in the condition to speak. So he decided to give him some space.

He walked out of the hospital to get some fresh air. Everything around him was suffocating him.

He saw a park nearby and sat there on a bench. Everything was okay few hours ago but he ruined everything. Maybe he could have handled the situation more patiently.


"Jai hind sir" the trio wished Colonel Batra. A smile reached his face as he saw his commandos there.

"At ease"

"I am so happy to see my team here after such a long time" he said as he got up from his chair.

Faizi internally rolled his eyes at his statement. Not that he had a grudge against this man, but he ruined his vacation which led to breakup with his girlfriend of two weeks.

"Wish we could say the same" he mumbled. Karan who was standing next to him, shot him a glare gesturing him to shut up.

"Sorry did you say anything young man?" Mr. Batra asked. Faizi gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"I just said that the feelings are mutual sir"

Mr. Batra smiled and nodded. He switched on the projector and started explaining about the mission to the trio.

They looked at each other as he finished. Mr. Batra waited patiently for their response. Finally, Karan spoke up.

"Sir, how can we train civilians?" He asked.

"Why not Shergill?" Mr. Batra asked.

"With all your due respect sir, there's a difference between soldiers and civilians and training them is no less than a punishment posting" Karan reasoned out.

"Shergill every soldier is born as a civilian itself just like us! We would train them and make them efficient enough to protect themselves and the country" Mr. Batra replied.

The trio looked at each other. This was gonna be tough!


Siddarth paced in the hall waiting for Deepak. He rushed to him as he saw him entering the house. Deepak ignored him and walked upstairs.

"Uncle!" Siddarth called out. Deepak stopped in his tracks and turned to him. The dead look in his eyes made Siddarth more guilty. His eyes turned glossy as he looked at him.

"Uncle please atleast listen to me" he spoke softly. Having no response, he decided to continue.

"I just wanted to know how's Monu?" He asked.

"She's stable now. Got your answers! Now leave!" Deepak snapped. It was rare to see him speaking like that. But when it came to Monami, nothing seemed more important to him, not even himself.

"Uncle I was just-"

"I was just what? I had already told you about her condition before you arrived but yet you didn't listen to me and did what you wanted! What do you think I don't care about her? Huh? From past 8 years, I have seen my daughter struggling for her life everyday. From her nightmares to panic attacks I have bloody seen everything! And you think I didn't do anything?" He yelled.

He breathed heavily as his palms gripped the railing of the staircase. Siddarth tried to help him but he raised his palm indicating him to stop.

"She is the sole reason I am alive today.. Juhi left us when Monami was barely 5 years old. And then he-" Deepak clenched his eyes in pain and sat on the staircase. His eyes travelled to Siddarth who kneeled in front of him, holding his hand.

Tears dripped down his cheeks as he looked with guilt and shame. Never in his wildest dreams he thought his actions would led to something like this.

"I am sorry Uncle.. I am very sorry" he cried.

Deepak caressed his hairs. He felt guilty for yelling at him. He knew Siddarth loved Monami as much as he did and he would never do anything intentionally to hurt her.

"Calm down Sid.. I am sorry I shouldn't have-"

"No! You have the right to scold me.. You are my family" Siddarth said. Deepak wiped his tears and softly pulled Siddarth to sit besides him.

"Monu will be fine right?" He asked tearfully.

Deepak nodded.

"Her heart rate is stable now and she will be conscious soon. But-"

"But what?"

"This is the second time she experienced visual hallucinations. Her trauma level is increasing. I am afraid we will lose h-her" he stammered.

"Uncle I don't know much medical stuff but you are a neurologist and you can help her right?" He asked.

"Only if she opens up Sid.. unless she doesn't speak out her pain, we won't be able to help her out."

"So we are back to the square one then" Siddharth sighed.

"Uncle can I ask you something?"

Deepak nodded.

"We don't know what happened there. But you were present in the hospital that day.. you yourself were handling the case so you must know something about the incident" he asked.

Deepak avoided his gaze and turned with his back facing him.

"I don't k-know anything"


Do you think Deepak is hiding something?

(Note- I have decided to take a small break as my exams are nearing. On top of that, I am not keeping well from past few days. Managing studies and health together is taking a toll on me and thus, I am unable to write with a clear mind. I don't want to compromise on the quality of the chapters. For all the readers out there, I am sorry that you will have to wait. I will be back in July. Expecting your patience and understanding in this period. Thank you ❤️)

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and eager for the next one!

Do press the star and let me know your views in the comments below.


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