26 | More Comfortable Around You

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Day nine and my girl is walking on her own. She's stubborn so she doesn't ask for help but I know when she's lying or when she's in pain. For example, she got out of bed a minute ago with a bit of a groan and wheeled her oxygen tank with her to the bathroom.

I offered to help, she told me to fuck off and I told her she was a bitch. It was only a few seconds in the bathroom before she poked her head out and asked me if I could help wash her hair. I nodded, knowing that it would've taken her a lot to actually put her ego aside and ask me for help.

"Nothing sexual okay? I just can't reach around and rinse at the same time in this dumb cast," She said frowning and looking at her wrist.

She was right, the hospital didn't let her shower alone yet because standing with the hot water could make her feel faint or out of breath. Last week when she was freshly injured and in and out of consciousness the nurses made sure she was clean; she hated it though, they tried to have small talk with her.

"It's nicer being in here with you Tom, just cos you've seen me naked before and you're not going to ask what I do for a living whilst rubbing my head," she chuckled, holding onto my arm as she stepped into the tub slowly.

"I have to admit I've missed looking at you like this but now it's your turn to have the rule of not getting your heart rate up. The doctors said your lung is healing really well and that you might get the oxygen tube out tomorrow darling," I smiled, helping her sit down in the water and sliding the hair elastic from her ponytail.

"Thank god, it's so uncomfortable when I eat, I can feel it down the back of my throat constantly," she chuckled, sliding down under the water more and humming to herself.

"Not too hot?" I questioned. She shook her head. She had to keep her wrist out of the water which was easy for her, she just rested it in my lap as I squirted some of the shampoo onto her scalp.

"I miss having you at home you know. It's not the same when you make yourself a cup of tea," I laugh, massaging the lather into her hair and watching her close her eyes gently.

"I was um, I was thinking that maybe I could start moving some of your stuff to my apartment. So when they release you I can drive you straight home and you'll feel settled in..." I suggest, my fingers tangling through her hair slowly as she smiled and nodded.

"I think you'll love it. I mean, I don't really know what your style is considering you've been living in a WITSEC house but I uh, I think I know you well enough to know you'll like it," I say quietly.

I have to admit, I was worried that Y/N and I would grow apart once we settled down into our old lives. I'd be back amongst the mafia life and she'd be back in the crime scene. I mean, she's seen me with blood on my hands before so she knows I've done some shady stuff. She knows I've killed people. She knows I'm not afraid to get hit. But I need to protect her now. She's going to be in my life for real now.

I rinsed the shampoo out of her hair carefully and applied the conditioner, stroking her hair as I admired her. She still had her eyes closed and I wasn't admiring her in a 'fuck yeah she's naked' type of way, but more of a 'I'm so lucky to have you' way.

"Hey Tom? Have you talked to the police about when I can collect my stuff? You know, my phone and wallet and jacket and whatever else was in my car," she said opening her eyes and turning to me.

"Yeah, we can go as soon as the hospital release you. Honestly it will be pretty soon once the oxygen tubes are out, you don't have the neck brace anymore and everything else can heal at home.

"I wonder if the donuts got all smooshed," she sighed, causing me to cock my head to the side.

"I bought us a box of donuts to have for dessert that night. I knew you were making dinner and I wanted to contribute somehow... They probably got squished through the windshield," she pouted.

"We can buy donuts when you get out. But I've been meaning to ask you actually. When you get out there's this gala that The Family hold... You wanna come? It's really fancy it's held interstate at one of the hotels we're linked to, like 5 star too. They have live music and everyone wears gowns and tuxedos and shit, we can treat it like a little weekend away together," I smile.

"Will your family be there?" She asks.

"Yeah why?" I question.

"I want to meet them finally, especially considering I got your Dad back home," she smiled, closing her eyes as I rinsed out the conditioner from her hair.

"Of course, they'd love to meet you. My mum is a bit weird with girls I like but don't worry. Oh! Last years gala had that Billie Eilish girl perform. Trust me it's an amazing night, everyone's linked to the crime syndicate one way or another. Turns out our guys help Billie out and she owed us one. What do you say? Haz and Robyn will be there, you two can get all dolled up together?" I grin.

"I think it'll be fun, a little hotel getaway together. Who knows, I might recognise a few people from old court cases," she laughs, puckering her lips for me to lean down and kiss her.

"You'll definitely know people. Anyone who's anyone is going to be there. It's passed off as some charitable cause but it's just a networking event basically. Sometimes enemies show up but everyone is always civil, it's the one event where people loosen up," I smile, helping Y/N out of the tub and wrapping a towel around her.

"And you said Billie Eilish performed last year? Wow, that's insane," she smiled, wiping her face with the towel.

"There's heaps of famous people that go. You'll be surprised who's actually a criminal behind closed doors. Elon Musk has shown up, Machine Gun Kelly made an appearance last year, even Florence Pugh and she's like the sweetest most innocent person ever," I laugh.

"Plus, it'll be nice to show you off on my arm," I smile, kissing the top of her head and hugging her, the towel protecting me from getting too wet.

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