3 | Making Good Connections

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The sounds of clinking chips, electronic music and drunken cheers fill the casino floor as I walk to the elevators. Another business we oversee is the Jinx Casino and it's adjoining hotel. It's a few hours drive away from where my family and I live but we go there to meet Uncle Jack for business.

The elevators I wait at are reserved exclusively for the High Rollers, the gamblers that bet tens of thousands of dollars in one night. I check my Rolex watch for the time, conscious that Uncle Jack didn't like to be kept waiting. Being a High Roller has its perks, you basically get free drinks, you get a private room to gamble and the social aspect is extraordinary. Imagine playing poker amongst some of the richest people in the world? You're bound to make some good connections.

In the elevator with me is a short Asian man in a hideous plaid suit who introduces himself to me as Hung. I introduce myself to him as Tom. He gasps and bows to me, knowing who I was just by my first name. Most of the high rollers are corrupt businessmen, so they know of our family.

I'm greeted at the high rollers level by two women in stylish casino uniforms, offering to take my coat and escorting me to one of the private rooms in which I was meeting members of The Family. I am offered either still or sparkling water, yet I ask for a whiskey on the rocks. They do as I say.

Opening the doors I see the seat to the right of Uncle Jack is vacant for me, and on his left was my best mate Harrison. Haz was a cheeky little cunt, but nevertheless still a loyal bloke. Mum was down the other end, Harry and Sam in between the gaps. I apologise for being late and sit down, the casino employee placing my glass on a fabric coaster and leaving.

Uncle Jack nods for his bodyguard to exit and lock the doors before turning to me and grinning.

"You're looking fit Tommy, the ladies must be all over you when you've got a body like that," He joked, turning to Haz and telling him he should copy my work out routines. Haz scoffs.

Uncle Jack isn't wrong, not in the slightest. I work out almost every day, I stick to a relatively healthy diet and the women are definitely all over me. Although I haven't tied myself down to a committed relationship yet, I have more than enough experience with women to make up for it. Plus it hard to date when you're one of the countries biggest criminals.

"I think we all know why I called you guys here. Dom was convicted for multiple counts of racketeering and has been sentenced to thirty years without parole. Honestly, we expected longer but his attorney is pure gold; he reckons Dom might be out in fifteen. Regardless, he will be just as active in The Family as he ever was, and I will be conducting business as usual," Jack begun, sipping his drink.

Jack was a scary fucking dude. He has lost count of his body count with both sex and murder, and he won't hesitate to get his hands dirty. Usually the higher up in the hierarchy you get, the more power you have to delegate the dirty crime to the underlings. Whereas Jack enjoys getting messy.

"Our boy Tommy is heading into the WITSEC program  tomorrow afternoon and like always, will conduct his usual duties from there. None of us will be able to visit him, none of us will be able to know his location. His overseeing officer is one of the guys we have on the inside so any and all communication to Tom must go through him. Any questions?" Jack smiled.

"How long is my baby going to be away from us?" Mum asked, worried for my well-being that I wasn't protected by The Family anymore, I was protected by the government.

"Nikki, the kid will be fine. It'll be three months tops. He gets to keep his name, he's picked a house and he gets to live life normally. The feds have given him an alibi and he has memorised it by heart," Jack said turning to me.

"I'm Tom, I moved here because I wanted to get out of the city, I work from home as a strategic planner for a small tech company," I said monotonously, annoyed that my new life made me sound so boring.

"See? The kid is a natural. He can still come and see us we just can't convene at any known crime spots. So no casino, no bordello, no car wash, no nightclub. And definitely no personal homes," Jack threatened.

"Why can't we come see you?" Harry asks gruffly.

"Because that's defeating the purpose of Witness Protection you fuckwit," I groan.

"Can you drink alcohol still? What about like coke or something?" Sam asked cocking his head to the side, making me squint and glare at him.

"It's not fucking house arrest man, I don't have an ankle monitor that tests my blood or anything like that," I snap, for asking such a dumb question.

"What about women?" Haz asked intrigued.

"What about women?" I retaliated.

"Well can you like, bring girls back to your house and fuck them and stuff?" Haz shrugged.

Fucking hell why is everyone so stupid today? I am not in the right mind set to be answering these. Especially in front of my mother, she doesn't need to know the ins and outs of my avid sex life.

"Yes Harrison, I'm still completely living the same life except I live an hour away. Jesus fucking Christ," I sigh, holding my head in my hands as the questions get dumber and dumber.

"I don't know what I'd do if I had to move away from Robyn, I would tear my fucking hair out," Haz sighs, looking at me as if I was supposed to give him some sort of sympathy.

Haz has only been dating this girl Robyn for about three months, yet they both talk about each other's relationship as if they're going to get married and live happily ever after. It's weird how infatuated with each other they are. I guess most mafia guys live like that though, they spend a few years being whores when they're young and then they settle down and start a family. But Haz and I are 25, fuck getting married any time soon. She's nice though, I like her. She's hot too, I would have tried to get with her if Haz didn't. Oh well.

"Well lucky for me I'm not moving away from the love of my life," I taunted, kicking Haz under the table for being a simp. Sam scoffs at my comment which makes me snap my head towards him and glare.

"You don't even have a love of your life to move away from, youre going to be stuck fucking suburban teens and soccer mum milfs," he taunted.

"I will fucking hit you I swear to god. One, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping with teenagers. Two, soccer milfs can't keep up with me in bed anyway," I sigh, rolling my eyes at him before getting a glare from Mum. Sorry Mum.

"Back to business, Tom will be off the grid tomorrow when he moves and we should expect him to be back working the following day. Understand? Okay dismissed," Jack said getting up from the table and leaving the room.

"Do you at least have a pool in your boring suburban home?" Haz asks quietly as we all walk back to the elevator.

"Of course I have a fucking pool."

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