20 | A Fire of Sacrifice and Grand Gestures

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"You know, I was scared I'd come home and my whole fucking family would be here with balloons and cake and shit. But I'd much prefer this, this is just perfect Darling... Just you and I watching Netflix and eating Chinese food," I said casually, finishing the mouthful of noodles in my mouth as I spoke. Super polite, I know.

"I told them you were getting out of jail on Thursday, just so you have tomorrow to settle in by yourself. I know you're probably overwhelmed coming back to society and having a new apartment and everything," Y/N smiled, leaning forward a little bit to wipe the corner of my mouth with her thumb - kinda embarrassing.

"I wouldn't say overwhelmed as such, I'd just say like, stimulated. Everything is so new and exciting. I missed little things like having long showers and eating whenever I want and wearing my own fucking clothes again," I sighed in relief.

We were watching a show that had been released on Netflix whilst I was in jail which apparently was taking the world by storm. Y/N had already seen it but she said that I had to watch it too because everyone had already watched it and it was so good.

"So... Girlfriend hey? Is that what we are now? We're back on?" I asked nonchalantly.

I wasn't wanting to make a big deal about it, but this woman has gotten me out of jail after I went into jail for her. And huge grand gestures and sacrifices like that usually came from a place of love right?

"I mean, if you want to be my girlfriend you can just ask me Tom. You'd make a very pretty girlfriend," she joked, twirling some noodles between her chopsticks before smiling at me.

"Shut up dumb ass, I meant like, are we dating again?" I laughed.

"I think so yeah, I'll still live at my house though. We can kind of start fresh but still have all our history," she smiled softly, putting the noodles into her mouth and covering it with her hand as she slurped.

When I was told I was leaving prison, I cried. And I cried in front of other inmates. I didn't care, I just couldn't believe that I had only spent about five months in there; it felt like eternity. Turns out, because the cops couldn't get any evidence on me actually killing those guys (which I didn't), Jen my lawyer had gotten me out on a $10 million dollar plea bargain. Basically, I'm supposed to give them information on some case they've been working on forever and somehow Y/N had all the answers to.

And I'm on house arrest for a really fucking long time. I look like a bloody sex offender with this ankle monitor on, it's so bulky and obvious. Why couldn't they make them more discreet? I can however, leave my house for only a few things:

1) Medical attention
2) Attorney appointments
3) Specified circumstances (groceries etc)
4) Counselling

I had a list of which grocery stores I could go to whenever I wanted but I had to get all appointments pre-approved by my parole officer. I felt like a kid again, constantly monitored.

But, anything is better than being locked up in Wakefield so I'm thankful.

"So what information am I giving the courts? Nobody has actually told me yet," I said shaking my head, watching Y/N swiftly get up off the couch and run into my new bedroom. I think... I think the bedroom is in that direction.

"A bunch of important criminals have been getting murdered over the past few months and you my dear friend, know who did it," she called out from the room.

"Do I? Which people have been getting killed?" I called back, watching her walk back into the living room. She came back with a stack of Polaroids and held them in both of her hands as she sat back down on the couch.

"These people," she said holding out the images to me with a deep breath.

Photo upon photo, were the last images taken of multiple dead bodies. Some gruesomely beaten, most just looking like they were asleep. But they were all dead. And there had to be about eight or nine photos here. I recognised a few too; Giancarlo Valecchi, Emily Pottinger, Derek Blanchard, all notoriously big hitters in the crime industry.

"These are Polaroids darling, how did you get these all of these photos?" I asked cautiously, knowing that these would be the only copies of the images.

"I took them right after I killed them," she said quietly, looking at me with direct, dark and sullen eye contact.

I shook my head in confusion, not knowing why these people were all dead or why Y/N had killed them. And if I supposedly had information on their killer, wouldn't that mean I was testifying against her?

"These people are some of the most hunted people on our government lists. And over the past eight months, they've been getting murdered. The government wants to know who's behind it, and you're going to tell them exactly who it is," she explained.

"But isn't it you...?"

"It's some other person that I've framed for it. They've placed hits over the years on all of these people in one way or another. They've tried to hack them, kill them, steal from them, manipulate them... But they always failed. So now, when you give the government hard drives on this mother fucker, they'll be happy to release you," she explained further.

"But you said they've been dying the past eight months... I've only been in jail for five," I said screwing my face up.

"One guy was a hit I had to do for my work so that was kind of a coincidence. The other eight people I killed after you got put in prison. I knew the courts wouldn't release you unless you helped them in a huge way, and as much as my hard drives are very useful, they weren't enough to make the government release you on bail. So, when Jen suggested you become an informant, I had to take matters into my own hands and create the information they would eventually discover they wanted," she said.

"You killed all these people just to help me get out of prison? Do you know how dangerous these people are? Do you know how dangerous it would be if you got caught?" I stuttered.

She nodded gently.

"These guys were showing up dead one after another and some were even appearing in newspapers and on the news. The government would be dying to figure out why and how they were getting wiped out. So, I told Jen that I had a hard drive that would potentially lead to their killer and she could use that information in court. I crafted up a story that this other random person was after them all and Jen bought it. And if Jen buys it, the government will too," she said.

"Jesus Christ I love you darling... I love you, I love you, I fucking love you Y/N," I said over and over again before pulling her towards me and kissing her passionately. I don't know why I found it both deeply romantic and wildly sexy that she had killed people for me, but fuck it, I did.

"So what, we burn these now? It's the only evidence against you right?" I said holding up the photos.

"But don't you want to know what I did to each of them first?" She smirked.

"Oh darling, this is kind of getting me aroused... Tell me every, single, detail," I joked, spreading the Polaroids out on the glass coffee table in front of us excitedly. Here we go:

Emily Pottinger
Daughter of deceased crime boss William Pottinger. Although they weren't technically mafia, they were a very elusive family that had ties to mafia. William was kind of like a consultant to mafia, he gave advice I guess. Y/N killed her in a hotel room with her own pearl necklace and heavy narcotics in her Gin and Tonic.

Giancarlo Valecchi
A rich mafia baby from both Italian and Spanish decent. He was going to take over the Valecchi fortune once his father died but he acted like the boss ever since he was a teenager. Method of murder? Y/N got a letter opener from his desk and severed his carotid artery.

Elias Grantham
Old guy, super rich, and super dangerous like twenty years ago. He's kind of retired now. Y/N suffocated him whilst he slept. How she got inside his house, I have no fucking idea.

Noor Hakim Hassan
Wow, this guy is fucking insane. He's a hit man and the leader of a group that basically sacrifice themselves for the cause. Like, if you wanted to do something extravagant like get a school blown up or burn down a church, Noor would organise it for a shit tonne of money. Y/N blew him up in his own shed, poor guy burnt to death.

Lulu Guo-Xi
Chinese weapons investor. Although not technically a criminal, she dealt to crime rings exclusively. She was the heiress of a large Chinese fortune, despite living here in London. Y/N ran her down in her car whilst Lulu left her side pieces house. Imagine that, you're casually just cheating on your husband, you go to fuck the new young rich boy toy, and bam, you get run over.

Derek Blanchard
I don't know this guy at all. Apparently he was an inside trader and dealt with tax evasion and tax fraud or something. Some corporate rich white guy in a suit. Y/N shot him straight in the head as he thought she was going to fuck him, he bled out in his own bed. What a way to die, you're naked in bed, hot girl in front of you and you die with a boner and a hole in your skull.

Michael "Moose" Oliver
Notorious motorcycle gang leader of the Black Bandits. He's a typical fucking uneducated piece of shit who learnt to deal with conflict via violence and not words. I've met him once whilst we were in jail together and he spoke like a fifth grader. He was bludgeoned to death in his cell several weeks back whilst I was in Wakefield. When I asked Y/N how she did it, she said she tipped off a guard with a post-it note after she visited me and she entered the jail as a disguised cleaner. She told me she didn't kill him as part of this elaborate ruse, but because it would get me transferred to maximum security and she wanted me to have a better room with a TV and comfy bed. She's so cute.

Billy Lee-Williams
I hate this cunt. I hate him so fucking much. He always rips me off when I do business deal with him. He's an importer of anything and everything illegal. Cars? Drugs? Animals? He'll get it into the country for you. Y/N said she poisoned him with a ricin; an undetectable chemical that killed him whilst he was on the toilet. To be honest, it was a pretty funny Polaroid photo of him dead taking a shit.

(A/N: Did you guys pick up on any of the hints of Y/N killing people? Each chapter since Tom went to jail I threw in a little hint that she had killed someone)

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