CH#19: ~Anxiety Issues~

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Fade's Pov:

I don't believe him, he kissed me last night and I kissed him back. I shouldn't have kissed him but what can I say, he is a good kisser.

I sighed while looking at the clock which read 6am. Fuck I have been awake for an hour. I couldn't sleep, I get weird dreams and they won't let me fall asleep.

As light starting seeping through the curtains, I knew I had to get up and have breakfast with everyone by 8.

I got out the bed around 20 minutes earlier. Taking a warm bath and looking at my bruises, they were better and even soreness in my thighs too, even though Stefan never told me what was wrong with me but I feel a lot better then I was a week ago.

I wore a black sweater and tights with my usual jacket on top.
Pulling my hair up in a messy hun, I wanted to talk to Maisie but how? I don't even have a phone and I don't want Stefan to do that for me. People will act good but then they use it as an advantage on you so no risking.

I got out my door and into the hall. The halls were still dark meaning Julie or Stefan hadn't awoken up to slide the curtains up. I went to the kitchen to see no one there meaning nobody had awoken up? "Hey, what are you doing here?" I quickly turned around at the deep and husky voice knowing exactly who it was.

"Oh Stefan, you scared me. Uh- I was doing nothing, I thought maybe everyone would be here for breakfast. Didn't you have to go to your office?" I asked him while I eyed him noticing he wasn't wearing his usual suit but a casual t-shirt with a red colored hoodie and sweat pants. He looked amazing.

"Don't you remember? It's a party today, some guy in our office has a bachelorette party and everyone's invited so no office today," he spoke while smiling.

Woah and he wants me to go with him? I don't wanna be seen! What if Herberson finds out? "Fade you listening?" Stefan got me out of my thinking while I replied "Oh sorry what did you say again?"

"As I was saying, I'll get you a dress and you'll be wearing that to the party," no no I don't wanna go. Please I have social anxiety and you can't do this to me. "Stefan, I-I don't want to g-go," I told him while looking down and stuttering while thinking what his reply might be. "Princess, you're going and that's final. I don't like someone saying no to me. Got it?" He asked me while having a little anger in his voice.

Not wanting to disobey him I nodded my head and he walked out the kitchen. This man is definitely Bipolar. I sighed running my hands through my wavy hair and going towards the stairs to my room. I shut the door and laid on the bed feeling drowsy and going to sleep taking my jacket off.

A knock sounded on the door and someone came in. It was Julie? "Ms. Fade?" She asked while I rubbed my eyes and sat up. She smiled at me and I saw she was holding a dress but why? Oh shit the party.

"Ms. Fade, Mr. Stefan said to bring you this dress and it's pretty late, you should get ready," She spoke hanging the dress on the cupboard.
I smiled at her and got up while she went out the door closing it softly behind her.

I got up the bed freshening up and coming out the bathroom door to see the dress. It was wrapped up in a cling sheet and I unzipped it taking it out. It was a beautiful golden to silver colored shimmer  knee length dress and it had thin straps which looked amazing.

The dress looked really expensive too and I didn't want to wear it but had to. I wore the dress and went to the dressing table to do my makeup. Julie also gave me some makeup to put on so that's what I did. I put on golden eye shadow, mascara with silver high lighter and pink colored lipstick. I let my shoulder length hair loose because I had already washed them so they looked good.

I wore a long coat with black tights because it was really cold outside and the dress wasn't for it. A knock again sounded on the door and it was Julie again. She looked at me up and down with a smile before saying, "You look gorgeous sweetie."

"Thank you," I replied. She told me that Stefan was waiting for me outside and my breath hitched in my throat. I felt my throat closing but I took a deep breath and left the mansion.

We arrived outside and Julie closed the door while I saw Stefan by his SUV, using his IPhone. He looked really hot, he wore a black and white suit and a sparkly charcoal colored coat on top with a bow as well. The snow fell around us while I made my way towards him. He smiled at me looking up, "You look gorgeous," he complimented smiling.

I blushed nodding and he opened the car door for me and I got in. We drove for around 30 minutes whike Stefan sat at my side. I knew he was looking at me while I looked at the side watching the snow flakes falling and the trees fading by. I looked at him and he smiled at me making me blush again. What the hell is wrong with him?

Arriving at the marquee, I took a deep breath yet again.


Ayo guys, Here is another chapter.

So what do you think? Lemme know:)

I am so happy that this book is nearly on 500 reads, Ahhhh *screams loudly*

Also I will post Ch 20 right now too because I already wrote it so yeah:)

Anyways see ya


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