CH#31: ~Darkness~

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*Warning* Mentions of sexual abuse.

Stefan's Pov:

Last night was totally awesome. Sex with Fade was so different. She is so beautiful, everything about her is amazing. She is so beautiful, even if she doesn't realise it. We still laid in the hotel bedroom booked by me. I never knew the night would end like this at all. It was really amazing.

"Wake up baby," I whispered in her ear as she stirred in my hold groaning. "Isn't it too early?" She spoke lightly in a whisper as well. "Its 9, we should do breakfast and then head back home." I grabbed her waist lightly planting my lips on her. I couldn't resist her, she is just so touchable.

Her hands made their way inside my hair, tugging at the roots making me groan into her mouth. Our naked bodies were still tangled together as my hands rested on her butt.

"I really can't resist you," I confessed pulling away as she giggled making me smile as well.

After a while we both got dressed wearing the same clothes as yesterday's as we made our way outside the bedroom door locking it. We both reached a diner, and decided to eat outside. People gave Fade really weird looks as she just looked down while walking as I squeezed her hand tighter pulling her closer to me. She smiled wrapping her arms around me.

After doing our breakfast, we had ate pancakes and eggs with some hot cocoa. We both enjoyed as I noticed Fade being happiest of all.

"How much did it all cost?" She asked me looking at the bill. "Don't worry about the bill sweatheart," I spoke kissing her cheek. She grinned as we went inside my SUV and drove back to the mansion. As we reached I noticed Julie had come back so she stood with the children in the backyard while they were all playing.

Me and Fade went to our room as we had to change. I didn't want to go to the office so I decided not to go. I ain't in no mood for people's fucks.

I showered, wearing my typical sweater and jeans, opening my phone for some emails. Suddenly I heard a very high pitched scream, it was Fade.

I sprinted towards her room to see her on the floor grabbing her hair and crying her heart out. "What the hell happened Fade?!" I yelled grabbing her as the door opened revealing Julie and the kids. I mouthed 'Go' to them indicating I would take care of her. I noticed she had changed into her normal shirt and sweats.

"Fade!" I yelled grabbing her hands to take them off her face. "Fade?" I asked lightly again as she choked on one of her sobs. She slightly opened her beautiful blue eyes taking in her surroundings looking here and there as she saw me.

"Stefan?" she spoke through puffy eyes as tears rolled down her face. "Princess, what happened?" I asked her really concerned. Suddenly she lept forward startling me a bit as she hugged me.

She rested her face in my neck as I felt her tears there, I picked her up with ease bringing her on the bed, lying down with her. "Fade, tell me what happened, talk to me baby," I asked her yet again knowing she won't tell me but it's worth a try.

"I saw someone in my flashback and I-I swear it was just there and it kept telling me to leave you. That you're not real, you will leave me and I should just leave," she spoke as more tears ran down her already teared cheeks. "No I will not leave you ever. It happened before and I would never. I really love you Fade, I k ew this since the day I had seen you Fade," I said not knowing if it comforts her.

"I don't know why I am not normal. I got raped once, and I hated men. I started getting more nightmares and panic attacks and I had no one with me. I am so fucked up," she spoke as I shook my head.

"No baby, it's not the truth. You are not fucked up. You are amazing. I love you because you're amazing and beautiful", I stopped before I spoke again.

"Do you want to know why I admire you so much?" I asked her as she looked at me before I continued. 

"It's because because I admire your boldness and your love for everyone. I admire that you don't care about anyone's hatred for you and that is why I love you," I cupped her cheek, wiping some of the tears off.

"But I am disgusting because I've already been touched and you wouldn't want me after you'd know what has happened to me before."

I shook my head. "No I do not care if you been touched I only care about you and the fact that you love me. If you have been touched that doesn't mean that it was because you gave them consent, they are fucked up not you," I sighed as I hugged her, as her arms wound around me.

"I love you and I want you to know that I love you so much and I don't know how you want me but it's amazing I still think it's a dream and I don't ever want to wake up if it is even a dream," she said while I smiled kissing her forehead.

We both just laid down in her bed as I knew that nobody would sleep. I constantly looked at her to see if she was fine and she was now asleep that relieved me a bit.

I don't understand why someone would hurt her. She is just so naive, she is never too good for this world, never too good for what people want to do to her. It's amazing that she still cares about those people even if they hurt her. It hurts to see her in this situation, even if I want to to take all of the darkness out of her world but I can't, I don't know why but I just can't.

I hope she understands that I love her and I don't want to ever leave her. I want her to trust me because of the people in this world who want to separate us would do anything bad to her to get her away from me. I sighed and fell into a dreamless sleep with her beside me.


I decided to post again and thank you so much to whoever is reading.

I love you all and don't forget to vote and comment. Anyways cya!



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