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I STOOD at the doorstep of Aretta's house.

We agreed I was going to pick her up for our visit to the museum and so I had to go to her house.

Her house was painted a light shade of grey. The exterior was so pretty, with flowers all around.

I stood as fear gripped me, making it hard for me to do a simple act of knocking on the door. The fear came from my thoughts about all situations.

What if her dad answered the door? How would I explain myself?

I am at your house. I texted her.

After 5 minutes, I received no reply. So I knocked.

Anxiety piled up slowly, filling my belly with the most unpleasant feeling. I was hoping her father would not answer.

"Hey, what do you want?" An older woman who resembled Aretta asked.

A wave of relief hit me and I smiled at her."I am here to pick Aretta up. We are going to the Museum together."

A smile formed on her face."I didn't know Aretta has a boyfriend."

"I am--- "

"You're very handsome. No wonder Aretta chose you. It's nice to meet you. I am her mom. You can call me Mrs. Okorie or Priscilla if you want to be specific." She said, interrupting me.

"I am honored to meet you, Mrs. Okorie. My name is Luca." I would explain to her I am not her boyfriend, but I was loving the compliments. So I decided not to.

"Aww, your name is so pretty. Lemme call her. You know how long girls can take to prepare for their dates."

My smile increased in wideness. "I understand. She can take her time."

"Aretta, your boyfriend is here!" She screamed, and I could hear Aretta ramble something from her room.

She quickly came to the door all dressed up and I must admit she looked very good with a simple purple dress and some purple converse. Her boobs were lightly exposed, and I was disappointed in myself for glancing in that direction, so I shifted my gaze immediately.

"I thought this is the part where the boyfriend stares at the girl and says 'wow you look amazing'. " Her mom said causing both of us to laugh.

I gaped at Aretta and she winked at me, which I took to be a signal that I should play along.

"You look amazing," I said actually meaning it.

"T... thank you," Aretta responded, smiling slightly.

"Wow, you guys are so cute. I am done with being in between all this. Have a great time on your date. Luca, bring her home safely." Mrs. Okorie beamed.

"Yes, I will. See you later ma'am, it was nice meeting you."

"Aren't you guys gonna hold hands? There is no need to be shy around me, you know. I won't scold you."

My eyes widened. She was not a typical Nigerian mom. I then understood why Aretta would allow me to come to her house. Other girls would get scolded by their parents if a boy came to their house.

Aretta immediately grabbed my hand. That caught me off guard. Why didn't she just tell her mom we weren't really dating?

I walked with her to my car while she held my hand. It was so weird; I didn't understand what exactly was happening, but I played along.

"What exactly just happened?" I asked Aretta when we were seated in my car.

She giggled. "My mom has always wanted me to have a boyfriend and I guess I am sorry for making you play along."

"No need to apologize, but why does she want you to get one?" I placed the keys inside and started the engine.

"She is always excited to see me all grown up and she can't stop asking me if I will bring a boyfriend."

"But you're young?" I giggled.

"Exactly, but she really wants to see me in love and stuff."

"Your mom is weirdly cool."

"I bet she is. So is it fine if you act like my boyfriend when she is around? I just want to keep her from talking."

I smiled. It would have been cooler if she asked me to be her actual boyfriend. "I guess it would be a kind thing of me to do, so I don't mind."

"Thanks. That removes one burden."

"I am just curious. Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"At the moment, I am taken by Jesus." She laughed.

I chortled. "I guess you are."

"So, have you been to the museum before?" She asked softly.

"I know where it is, but I have never really been there. How about you?"

"Me too. I am super excited to see what's in there."


The moment I entered the museum, my eyes caught sight of a weirdly-looking black sculpture. I glanced at it and it looked like a woman with a crocodile tale. The sculpture was lithe and arched towards the sky. It sure looked weird to me.

"Oh my gosh, that must be the Anyanwu!" Aretta exclaimed in so much excitement.

"What is that?" I asked, wondering how she knew the sculpture's name.

"It's a sculpture that depicts the female Goddess Chi-Ukwu. It was made by my favorite Nigerian artist, Ben Enwonwu. He used bronze to make it."

"Wow, I want to ask how you know all that, but I am guessing it must be in my school notes."

"No, it isn't. I just love to research Nigerian art. You'd be shocked how interesting it is." She smiled.

I furrowed my brows. "I guess it is, but I am too unartistic to even understand it. Right now, I am seeing a sculpture of a woman with a crocodile tale. It looks weird to me. Don't see why it is deemed so highly."

She laughed. "Wow, Luca, I am shocked. Okay, then what do you like?"

"I prefer sciences and math," I smirked.

Her eyebrows knitted together." I guess we are complete opposites then. I love art, English, and sports."

"Looks like you will do more work for this project." I winked.

She giggled slightly. "As long as you take part, it's okay."

I laughed at her willingness and then we checked out all the other works and my untalented self saw them all as very weird.

"What is artistic about this car?" I said, glancing at an old black car that had some holes in it.

"I think some dude died in this car. I heard he was shot." Aretta answered.

"That's true. That dude was the former president of Nigeria. He was assassinated in this car in 1976. Notice those holes? Those are gunshots." The tour guide said, and I couldn't help but raise my brows in shock.

"This is the only thing that has really interested me," I said honestly.

Aretta glanced at me and laughed. " I am not shocked. It impresses me to know they kept such a thing."


Driving can be exhausting, so the moment I arrived home, I entered my room to rest.

I sat on my bed and opened my phone. I wanted to check if Aretta texted me on anything. A part of me wanted her to send a text telling me she had a great time with me. I had a great time with her, but I felt it would be weird for me to tell her.

The moment I opened my phone, I received a video call from an unknown number. I answered it and I was shocked to see who called.

"Hey, bro, so how was your date?" James wiggled his brows and smiled deviously.

"How did you get my phone number?" I asked, laughing.

"So you only give your phone number to girls. Is it an issue if someone without boobs calls you?"

"Chill bro, I was just wondering. I don't mind if you call." I giggled slightly. "Why did you call, by the way?"

"I was wondering how your date went. I want all the details and yes, I have popcorn with me." He said, grabbing a bowl filled with popcorn and he began chewing it.

I chortled, gently hitting my forehead." It wasn't a date, and it's not like anything interesting happened."

"You're lying. You know, kissing is considered interesting." He winked and a playful smile formed over his face.

"We didn't kiss, neither did we hug. It wasn't a date, so we did nothing date-related," I replied, and James kept chewing his popcorn like he just listened to the most exciting news ever.

"That's amazing news!" He exclaimed with some bits of popcorn in his mouth.

"How is that amazing?" I answered, astonished at his words.

"Can't you see it? There is a love story that's slowly taking place here." He laid a hand over his heart and snorted in laughter.

My face scrunched up. "Nothing is going on between us and I don't know why you're so interested."

"Nothing is going on between you guys yet! That's the right way of saying it and I am only interested because I am bored as hell."

"I noticed. If you are so bored, why don't you talk to your invisible girlfriend?"

"Wait, that's such a great idea. Why didn't I think of it?" He chuckled." Talking about kissing, I need to go do just that. See you later." He immediately cut the call and that instantly left me puzzled.

I went back to what I initially intended to do, so I rested on my bed.

"Can't you see it? There is a love story that's slowly taking place here." I remembered his words, and it sent me laughing.

James can be very delusional.

________Authors note________

Quick question.

Have you ever been to a museum in your country?

If so, what was the most memorable thing you saw?

In mine, I enjoyed seeing the largest painting I have ever seen in my life.

If you haven't ever visited one,you should totally visit. Museums are pretty nice and interesting from my own experience.

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