๐‘ ๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ -2

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The ship docked as close as possible to the island. We continued to head towards the island with small boats. But when we ... stepped into the island.. I looked at Jungkook and said"Hm? There's nothing weird here."
Jungkook asked to Defense minister "Are you sure this is the island?" Minister of Defense replied "Certainly, Your Highness."

Jungkook said "Everything looks normal. What do you think, Yn?" I thought for a while and said "yeah it's looks normal but as we have came so far and we all are suspicious about it so we should investigate it. Maybe we should split and check the island."

Minister of Defense replied "I agree with Your Highness the Princess. Then, I will go check in that direction with the others. Your Highnesses the Prince and Princess shall check the opposite direction." Without further ado, we split up.

I looked around the island with Jungkook, yet we found nothing but a beautiful empty island. In the end, we returned to the place where we got here.

"Hm? What?" I got startled "Where did our boats go?!"

The afternoon waves were calm, it wouldn't be enough to wash away the small boats. Aside from the boats, all the members of the group also disappeared.
The Jeong's ship that sailed near the island, now looked like a dot in the distance.

I looked with worried eyes towards Jungkook and asked "Did they leave us?" Jungkook replied in confused tone "What are they planning?" Jungkook stared shouting loudly in hope the ship will turn back Unfortunately it was already late to do something.

Jungkook and I stared at far away ship. I looked at Jungkook and asked "now How we will go back? Maybe We should wait for them to pick us up. There must be someone who realizes we're missing."

Jungkook replies "What if nobody did?" That possibility didn't cross my mind.At that moment, we found a sword stuck in one of the trees. There was a letter stuck on its end. We hurried to read it. Jungkook took the letter and we read.

"We deeply apologize, Your Highnesses.
But this is all for the future of Jeong kingdom.
Soon, the selection for the next King will begin...We hope Prince Jungkook and Princess Yn can deepen your relationship.
Please take advantage of this opportunity, and don't hesitate.
The ship will pick you up before sunset.
Prince, please do your best to get the Princess' heart!"

Jungkook crumpled the letter And gets flustered and in speaks in angry tone "What are they thinking?"
"They'll pay for this!"
I got flustered and rolled my eyes and said in shy tone "Get my heart, they said?"

So this was the plan they discussed last night.
After the war ended, the topic about the next king was brought up by everyone everywhere.
All the supporting factions of the princes began to do all sorts of things to make the prince they support get crowned. That included bringing their chosen prince closer to me, the Future
Queen of the kingdom.

I took a long sigh and said "Abandoning the Prince and the Future Queen on an empty island... This is their best plan? Compared to the punishment from the King, Dad's reactions would be more terrifying if he found out. May the Lord Almighty protect their fingers."

Jungkook and I sat together as we stared at the waves. It wasn't the first time we were alone together, but it felt different.
Usually, we would still have maids or guards around us.

I broke the silence and said to Jungkook
"It seems that there's no other choice but to wait for them to pick us up later, Jungkook Because of that, let's take a vacation! For now, say goodbye to the royal duties."

I stretched out my arms and laid down on the soft sand of the beach. Jungkook smiled faintly then joined me. Suddenly I heard The growl of my stomach was so loud that it couldn't be covered by the sound of waves.

Jungkook asked to me "Are you hungry?"
It was feeling bit awkward I replied
"I-I was in a hurry this morning, so I didn't had breakfast."

Y/n pov : Because of a weird dream, I forgot to have breakfast. This stomach of mine ruined the mood!

Jungkook stood up and extended his hand. And said "I saw a lake behind this forest. Let's get some fish and grill them." I took Jungkook's hand. And replied "Let's go! I'm already drooling at the thought of grilled fish."

Jungkook took me into the forest. After walking for a while... We arrived at the lake and immediately created some tools to fish. Jungkook showed me a place and said "Let's fish over there. We can rest near the big boulder." I nodded.

The current seemed heavy today. I was worried my dress would get in the way.
Jungkook Saw me struggling with my dress so he asked "Do you want me to carry you across?"

I replied "Crossing the river with this dress does seem like it'd be hard... How about holding hands?" Jungkook looked at me and said "Alright, come here."

Jungkook gently held my hand. We carefully made our way across. On the other side, we started to prepare the fishing tools.

Jungkook took long breathe and said "its Done. Now we just need to wait for the fishes eat the bait. Don't worry. I promise you can have grilled fish this afternoon."

I chuckled in response to his promise.
Then all of a sudden, Jungkook took off his clothes. I automatically turned my blushing face away.
And asked Jungkook in fragile tone "What are you doing, Jungkook?" Jungkook replies "its hot today I want to swim a bit."

But instead of dipping into the lake, Jungkook stared at me deeply And said my name in a deep tone "Y/n"
I looked at him and replied "Yes Jungkook?"

Jungkook was quiet, he seemed to be contemplating on something after thinking for a while he asked "Do you feel Hot too ?" I replied "huh ? What do you mean, Jungkook ?"

Jungkook replied "water of the lake is very refreshing. It'd be a waste to miss it.
This place is big enough for us to enjoy together."

My cheeks were burning once I understood what Jungkook meant.
I thought for a while humm ... swim in the lake with Jungkook. I was bit nervous about it but then I decided and replied to Jungkook "I want to enjoy the beauty of this lake with you."

Jungkook gave me a smile. I stood up and he grabbed my hand. Together we went into the water to enjoy that refreshing lake that afternoon. For a while we were floating in the water.

( โš ๏ธ Warning contains skinship if you're not comfortable you can skip โš ๏ธ )

Jungkook's hands felt warm, a stark contrast to the cool water. Jungkook said "It feels fun to be like this." I asked "like what?" Jungkook looked at me and said "We're alone, enjoying our time together Not as a prince or princess, but as two normal people. Are you happy?"

I shyly replied "Of course. I'm with you right now. How can I not be happy?"
Jungkook smiled and Grabbed my hand. he said "I want to always be like this. I don't mind, Yn."

I blushed shyly and asked "Does that mean you're always going to look like you are right now?"

I was joking but my words seemed to have evoked something in Jungkook. There was a mysterious look in his deep eyes. Jungkook stood up and put his arms around my waist seductively. I got startled by his sudden move. My heart beat increases Now we are facing each other, without any distance between our soaked bodies.

Junkook says seductively "if that's what you want Y/n I don't mind. Anything as long as I wont't loose you." I don't know how to react I was feeling butterflies all over my body.

Jungkook leaned in closer to my ear, his warm breath tickled my neck and sent strange vibes to my body. He gave a peck to my cheek, but it didn't stop there. He asked for my permission to kiss me on my lips. Love was in the Air I shyly nodded.

Jungkook gently kissed the corner of my lips. It felt like butterflies were flying in my heart. With a smirk on his face and seductive eyes, Jungkook asked "... was that enough?"

His touch made me more bolder maybe we both were just in emotions without a second thought I replied "what if I said it wasn't ?" Jungkook said "so I will do it again."

After he said that, he lifted my chin. Jungkook put his lips on mine. The time probably stopped the moment our lips met. It became so quiet around me. There was only the sound of our racing heartbeat. I can only focus to the warmth of his lips and to his intoxicated kisses. It's still feels like a dream.But when Jungkook's fingers tightens his grip around my waist, made me realize it was real. My hand moved to his chest my fingers explored the droplets of water there.

Jungkook said my name "Y/N..." his voice was heavy with passion. I shyly asked "is it okay if I touch You." He smiled and nodded. Jungkook kissed me again while my fingers were roaming around his neck. His kiss was so passionate that I felt shiver all over my body. I opened my mouth a bit the next second I could feel Jungkook's tongue was already invading inside. Robbing all the senses I had to the point I could only feel Jungkook. I felt like I was buzzed with the pleasure he gave.

We were drowning in this wave of feelings. Not as a prince and princess, but as two people who were in love with each other. That afternoon we ventured into intoxicating pleasure. After playing in the lake for a while we started packing up to head back towards beach.

I noticed Jungkook was still wet. I thought if I let him be wet like this then he will get sick. So I gave him a towel and asked Jungkook to get himself dried with it. Jungkook smiled and thanked me. He dried off the droplets of water on his body although I wasn't looking at his eyes I could feel Jungkook's gaze on me.

The silence between us made my heart beat louder. After we packed everything we left the lake. We returned to our starting point before sunset.

Jungkook looked at me with the eyes filled with love and said "thank you Y/n today because of you I had a great time if only we didn't need to go back."
I replied laughingly "That'd be dangerous, Jungkook . Everyone would look for us.What if there were news that I kidnapped the youngest prince of Jeong's kingdom?"

Jungkook holds my hand gently as he said "That's not a problem. How about we send away the people picking us up, and stay here?" To that I replied "What if King punishes me?
I'm not bold enough to for sake my life, Jungkook."

There was a saying, 'Be careful with your words. You never know when it'd come true.'Right after we talked, a thunder stroke hard. I startled and looked at Jungkook and said "what is it happening?"

The clear sky suddenly became dark. Thick black clouds gathered, and the calm waves turned violent. The rain poured hard but only on the sea. Meanwhile the island stayed dry.

Jungkook replies "Storms usually come suddenly.But this is too sudden.:

In front of us, the sea looked like it was raging. The ship of Jeong's was nowhere to be seen. I asked Jungkook in worried tone "What about the boats that's coming to get us?" Jungkook replies "In this weather, it's impossible for them to send anyone. They must be trying to survive in the storm right now."

I look at Jungkook and said "I hope they're alright." But then I realized and became shocked and said "wait... If the boats can't come here, that means..."
I stared at Jungkook. We seemed to think of the same thing.

Jungkook said in comforting tone "sorry Y/n but I think... we will have to stay here overnight." The dream from this morning flashed into my mind. I gave him startled look and said "Staying overnight ... In an uninhabited island?"

Now What's going to happen to me and Jungkook?

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