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Eleanor hung out with Alex and Harper today, since Charlotte was away on a business trip with her mom; to a fashion company named Donna Cabonna (her best friend promising her to put in a good word for her). "That last multiple-choice question was really hard. I got an A." Harper said. "I'm sure I scored at least a B." Eleanor agreed. "I got a D, and I'm pretty sure I'm right." Alex said. "D wasn't even close. Why are you so sure you're right?" "No, I got a D on the test. I'm sure I'm right about that." She clarified for Harper. As they kept walking, they took notice of Gigi and her posse; handing out invitations to every girl in the hallway. Eleanor found that strange since half of those girls were people that Gigi always made fun of.ย 

She honestly couldn't stand that girl, Gigi was always pretending to like Eleanor since she knew that she had close connections with London Tipton. Eleanor was one of the only real friends that London had, and there was no way that she was going to let someone like Gigi get anywhere near her.ย 

"Look, Gigi's handing out invitations to her annual tea." Eleanor pointed out. "I'm so glad we're not invited," Harper sighed with relief. "because then we'd have to talk like this. 'Hello, Mumsy. Hello, Popsy. Isn't this a lovely tea? Do you think my pinkie's high enough?'" She then said in a British accent. "No, higher like this, because if you're going to a fancy tea, you need to act like you've smelt something terrible." Alex joined in on the joke but Ellie only rolled her eyes. "Not everyone in Britain talks like that." Eleanor sarcastically butted in, with a British accent as well. Alex and Harper gave the girl a look, who arched her eyebrow at them. "How would you know? You ever been to England?" Harper asked. "Of course, I have. London would ask...well, force me or Maddie to go with her. It's nice walking in the rain, although the prince is a bit of an umbrella hog."

"Good afternoon, Alex, Harper, Eleanor. How is this lovely day treating you so far?" Gigi approached them, her two goons following behind her. "Oh, put a sock in it." Eleanor scoffed. "What happened to your faces? Apply your makeup with a hammer?" Alex referred to the two behind Gigi, who looked like they had just been given a makeover from the scientist that made Frankenstein. Well, that's what Eleanor thought.ย 

The three just laughed at Alex's comment; making the trio confused. "That is really funny, Alex, but incorrect." One of them said. "What you see is the result of a method where they inject stuff into your forehead. Then, in a few days, it falls down into your cheekbones." The other one said. "Well, it's more terrifying than beautiful. I guess that's why I saw a baby in a pram, outside, crying at the sight of you two." Eleanor snapped as the three laughed at the comment.ย 

However, Alex also took notice of the confusing behaviour from the three. "Wait a minute, timeout, why aren't you fighting back?" She questioned. "We just bagged on your faces, which should be in a bag." They just laughed again, and the three gave concerned looks. "See, I did it again. Why aren't you insulting me? Remember, we don't like each other." She exclaimed. "Oh, but that was back when we were young and foolish."

"That was yesterday."

"My point exactly."

"That's why I'm inviting you three to my tea this weekend." Gigi handed them each a pink invitation. Eleanor began to debate either throwing it away or keeping it to investigate this tea party further.ย "Ooh, pink. London has said that pink is out." Eleanor teased Gigi. "What?!" Harper and Gigi exclaimed. "I'm kidding! I can't believe you fell for that." Eleanor laughed. "Oh, well, I hope you guys can make it. Come, girls, let's go make fun of Eddie till he cries." The three then walked away from them; off to do what they always do.ย 

"I've always wanted to go to a high tea party. I love the idea of eating tiny sandwiches." Harper said with a bright smile upon her lips. "I'm sorry, what did you say five seconds ago?" Eleanor questioned with a bewildered face. "Eleanor's right! We don't mean to sound unsupportive, but are you out of your mind, woman?! Gigi has terrorized us since we were in kindergarten." Alex spoke alongside Eleanor. Harper wasn't serious about this, was she? "Well, I think Gigi's taking the high road, and I wanna reach out to her. And if you wanna be negative Nellies, then go ahead." Harper responded as agitation entered her tone. "The only Nellie we know is Nellie Rodriguez, and she's a very positive, upbeat person."

"Hi, Nellie. Are you going to Gigi's tea?"

"Yeah, I can't wait! It's gonna be so much fun!"

Harper and the said Nellie walked off together, discussing outfits for the tea party. "There's nothing worse than a positive Nellie." Eleanor grumbled; Alex agreeing with her.


Eleanor and Alex stood by their row of lockers; the Martin girl eyeing Gigi and her two goons closely. She knew something was up with Gigi inviting them to something she did annually. She WAS going to find out what it was. Harper started to approach them, sharing greetings with Gigi. "Hey Harper, what's up?" Alex said to her. "Oh, Gigi invited me to a sleepover." Harper responded. "She wants me to make her little snickerdoodles. You know, the ones with the red-hot candies." She clarified. "Obviously, she really wants to be my friend. It's unbelievable." "Yeah, really unbelievable, as in we don't believe it." Eleanor scoffed. Harper gave her a look of confusion; as if she had no idea what she was talking about.ย 

"Come on," Alex inputed. "have you seen anyone finish one of your spicy snickerdoodles? It's Gigi! She doesn't like us." She continued. "If she invites you to her slumber party, it's just to put whipped cream in your hand while you're sleeping, and then, tickle your nose."

"I thought you two were going to be supportive..." Harper frowned, walking away from the two of them. "We are!" Eleanor and Alex went to catch up with her. "We ate your snickerdoodles the first time you made them." Harper simply just glared at them as Gigi approached them. Harper took notice of the box that she was holding and inquired about it. "It's the crown we're gonna present to the best newcomer at the tea." Gigi said. "Oh, can I see it?" Harper held a hand out to the box. "Oh, no, no, silly! It's a surprise!" Gigi teased as she drew the box away from Harper.ย 

Eleanor and Alex locked eyes. Several thoughts clouded their mind as to what that small box could contain. Was it spiders? Was it an explosive of something repulsive and full of embarrassment? Was it something that would ruin Harper's reputation?

Harper left to continue her day, whilst Alex and Eleanor went to the side; keeping a keen eye on their enemy. Alex took out her pocket spell book, searching for a spell and presented it to Eleanor. Eleanor was like Jerry, when it came to spells, she didn't like using them in public but in a time like this, it was when she broke that golden rule. "Some people are a gem, some people are rats. To learn who's who, give me the ear of a bat." Eleanor casted the spell and her right ear began to form into a bat's ear. As she slightly tuned it, she then heard the conversation of Gigi and her goons.

"Oh my gosh, Harper came so close to seeing the crown."

"I wanna see it."

"Okay," Gigi smirked as she opened the box, taking out a tiara. A tiara would be something that a girl would wear and feel like a princess; something so loved and overjoyed. However, as Alex and Eleanor observed it, they noticed the large pink L on the centre. In an instant, they both knew the whole tea party was one big facade for public humiliation. "Do you see the L? It stands for loser, and it's gonna look so good on Harper when she's crowned the biggest loser."ย "Yeah, at our who-can-bring-the-biggest-loser party." And that public humiliation was going to be served to Harper, on a silver platter. They both knew they had to do something to save their friend.


"No way! Seriously, they're doing that to our Harper?"

It was Charlotte's voice over the phone. Eleanor had spilled the latest events of their friend group to Charlotte, who was sadly missing out on all of this. Alex had informed her to go to the tea party with her and Harper, so that they could settle this humiliate event once and for all. "Gosh, I wish I wasn't on this trip now! I am so spreading a rumour about Gigi when I get back!" Charlotte exclaimed. "You're the only one whose brave enough to do that." Eleanor deadpanned.ย 

Eventually, the best friends ended the call together and Eleanor went back to join Harper and Alex in the tea room. She smoothed out her knee-length, light blue dress as the party started to begin. "Ladies, welcome to tea at the Hotel Fleur-De-Vlade-Vla Flu-Fla De-Vla." The maitre d started. "The Hotel what? How do you spell that?" Alex questioned. "In French. We are proud to present this tea, served to you on the finest china imported from Japan; hosted by young Miss Gigi Hollingsworth." Eleanor crossed her arms with a stern glare, as everyone clapped in reply.ย 

"I know you'll act in the most ladylike fashion. Enjoy your tea here at the Hotelย Fleur-De-Vlade-Vla Flu-Fla De-Vla." The maitre d stated. "Remind me to stop at the gift shop and get a T-shirt with the hotel's name on it." Alex muttered to the girls. Gigi made her way over to the trio, as she complimented them for attending. "I mean, your attendance is gonna make this the most special tea I've ever had." She said. "Thanks, Gigi, I'm so glad you invited me." "Oh, not as glad as I am. Attention, everyone!" Gigi took a tea cup and a spoon, tapping them together to get everyone's attention. Alex tried to do the same, but ended up breaking the tea cup; simply hiding it in a plant. "...okay then. Well, now that we've all had a chance to mingle, I have a huge announcement I'd like to make." That set off a light bulb in Eleanor and Alex's minds.

"Let's go look at the ladies' room." Alex walked over to Harper, and started to pull her away. "I hear it's so fancy, the toilet's filled with bottled water. Plus, the soaps look like little seashells." She said. "Oh, I love those, but I really think I should stay. I think Gigi's gonna say something important; she usually does." Harper denied; walking back over to the other girls. "When has that ever been?" Eleanor muttered. "And now it's time to announce the best newcomer, and present her with the special crown." Alex and Eleanor continued to try and persuade Harper to follow them; so she wouldn't face embarrassment. Harper just wouldn't budge. There was only one solution that they could turn to. Alex pulled out her pocket spell book once again and Eleanor's eyes widened at the spell she was about to use.

"Alex, no!"

"Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind."

Then, everyone was struck with the spell; unfortunately, including Alex and Eleanor. The girl looked around for anything to shut her up so she wouldn't spill anything. She simply found a handkerchief and stuffed her mouth with it. "If my parents could afford the same dermatologist as Gigi, I'd be way prettier than her." One of Gigi's goons said. Everyone looked towards her with shocked faces. Wow, even her goons were repulsed by her. "Oh my gosh, did I just say that?!"ย 

"After I clean my ears, I look."ย The other confessed. "I hope this isn't one of those loser teas; it'll be the fifth one I've been to this year." Eleanor's eyes widened at Nellie; she knew and STILL came to it?! "Jennifer looks way prettier than me! I'm gonna talk her into a bad haircut." Gigi turned her attention to Jennifer. "Hey, Jen, I'm gonna talk you into a bad haircut. Why did I just say that?!" She exclaimed and sat down in a chair. "Oh, this is going better than I thought." Alex stated. "Hey, everybody! Me and Eleanor are wizards!"


Eleanor smacked Alex on the shoulder; giving narrowed eyes. Alex gave wide eyes and now knew what she had just said. "Did you just say you're both wizards?" Harper asked Alex. "I wanna say no...but yes, I did say me and El are wizards." Alex tried to change the subject, however, clearly it wasn't going the way she wanted. She looked at Eleanor and yanked the handkerchief out of her mouth. "You think you're both wizards?" "Yeah, but everybody's saying crazy stuff right now. I would like to see Gigi say some stuff to you now." Eleanor grabbed Harper by the forearm and dragged her over to the others. "The truth is, I hate wearing this dress." One of the goons said, ripping off her dress; thankfully, she was wearing sweats underneath. "You know what I'd like to do? I wanna break this." Eleanor picked up a plate. "Do it." Everyone responded. Eleanor did so, smashing the plate onto the floor. "That...felt...good." was all she muttered. Alex and Harper glanced at her with concerned stares. "I'm scared..." Harper said.

"You know what I've always really wanted to do?" Gigi said and pulled the tablecloth right off the table; all of the silverware smashing. "Great idea, Gigi! That looks like fun!" Her goons copied her, breaking more and tearing more. "Stop, stop! All I wanted was a tea with the sandwiches, and gloves, and small talk that no one would remember when they got home!" Harper yelled with small hesitation. Eleanor felt slightly bad for Harper; this was something that she had been looking forward to for many days, and now that joy was completely torn from her. "That isn't what this tea's about, Harp." Eleanor put an arm around her. "Yeah, we know you won't believe us, but you're gonna have to believe Gigi." Alex added; walking over to the host. "Ladies, ladies!" The maitre d came back into the room. "Finally, someone to restore order." Harper sighed with relief. "No! Here's something I've always wanted to do." She got up on a chair, launching right for the chandelier and swung back and forth on it. "Damn..." Eleanor whispered to herself.

"I feel so free! I hate the Hotelย Fleur-De-Vlade-Vla Flu-Fla De-Vla!"ย 

"Stop it! You have no manners!" Harper exclaimed. "We know this isn't going the way you wanted it to, but this is what had to happen." Eleanor said. The two brought her over to Gigi; Alex questioned her to tell the truth about the tea party. "Okay, that's easy!" Gigi perked up. "See, the truth is that this tea is really a contest to see who can bring the biggest loser, and I brought Harper. She was just about to be crowned winner." She confessed with a smirk on her face. Eleanor inhaled deeply and crossed her arms as Harper broke down inside. "You think I'm the biggest loser? So, all the sleepovers and the snickerdoodles, that was a lie?" Harper asked; a frown upon her lips. "Yeah, we were trying to string you along and get you to come to this loser tea." Harper turned to Alex and Eleanor, and then showed a warm smile. "You both didn't come for the tea. You came to protect me."

"You're our best friend. We'll always protect you."

"She's just lucky Charlotte isn't here to claw her eyes out."

"You know, it's funny. You brought Nellie when Nellie really should've brought you." Gigi said to one of her goons. Everyone's jaws dropped and eyes widened at her words. Sometimes, the truth does hurt but also makes for the best things to happen. "See that? Gigi thinks you're a bigger loser, and you're supposedly her friend." Alex said. "Oh, you think I'm a loser? Well, this is what I think of you." She responded, turning around to grab a chocolate cake off one of the tables. Oh, this ought to be good!ย "Now, what do you wanna do with that cake?" "Eat it." Eleanor facepalmed.ย 

"Okay, what's the second thing you wanna do with that cake?" Alex asked. "Throw it at Gigi!" And with that, she dumped it right into Gigi's face; making all the girls start to laugh. "I don't like Gigi either!" The other goon said; taking the pitcher full of tea, from Alex. She dumped it all over her, then everyone started to cheer and grab food/drinks to join in. However, the three stopped them before they could try anything else.

"Okay, I honestly think Alex may have gone too far." Eleanor stated. "You think?" Gigi scoffed. "But, I know someone who hasn't, Harper." Alex took the crown from the box and handed it to her. "You want me to wear the loser crown? Well, okay." She went to put it on but Alex stopped her, gesturing to Gigi. Harper smiled at the two and did so; placing it atop her head. "Well, it's not exactly the tea I imagined, but I'll never forget it." She said to them. "Don't worry, I plan to make up for it. How'd you like tea with London Tipton?" Harper gasped with excitement and questioned if Eleanor was being serious. Eleanor nodded, pulling out her phone and started a call with London.ย 

"Hey, London!" Eleanor smiled. "Gasp, Ellie! I miss you so much!" London Tipton's voice could be heard over the phone. All of the girls looked at each other with wide smiles. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to have tea next weekend at the French hotel whose name I can't pronounce?" "With you? Yes, yes, yes!" London happily agreed. "Great...uh, could I also bring some friends, perhaps two? They aren't...rich...but-" "Hush, my dear, we are having tea together and I don't care who you bring; as long as you are there."ย 

For the next few moments, the heiress and wizard engaged in a conversation about reservations. "Alright, I'll see you next weekend!" She ended the call and was met with a tight hug from Harper. "Oh, thank you, thank you!" She smiled. Eleanor hugged Harper back with a warm smile. "Oh, Ellie, thank you!" Gigi joined in the hug, and the two looked at her with grimaced stares. "What are you talking about?" "You obviously invited me too, since you wanted to make up for this." Gigi bragged. "Who said we were friends? And, never call me Ellie! You are not my brothers." Eleanor said, arching an eyebrow. All the girls chuckled under their breath. "I meant, me, Harper and Alex."

"Does this mean I have to wear a dress...again?!"

"Yes, now let's go home."

"Not yet, there's something I saw that I kind of wanna do before we leave." Alex said.ย 

Once everyone had left, the three girls held onto the chandelier and swung back and forth on it; enjoying every moment of it. "You guys know you have to clean all this up, right?" The matire d told them, who was still on the chandelier. "We figured." Eleanor said. "And pay for everything you broke." She continued. "That's fair." Alex nodded.

"Can we do two more swings?"


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