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Once again, the four were sat for another magic lesson. "Question, if you're faced with a situation and time is running out, what do you do?" Jerry asked. "Let one rip and blame whoever else is in the room." Max answered with confidence. Eleanor and Mirage looked towards him with concern. "Ok...we're talking about magic. More specifically, the freeze frame spell. Now, you can freeze people around you without freezing yourself. It was developed by Dr. Jay Giles." Jerry explained. "Justin, why don't you give it a try? All you have to do is say 'Gilesjay Timesday' and time will be frozen." "For how long?" "For as long as you can hop on one leg."

"That's stupid."

"Yeah, well, Mirage, you're a cat."


"That's it."

Eleanor only stroked the white cat, after his exchange with Jerry. "Why would you need to hop on one leg?" She questioned. "Oh, because Dr. Jay Giles only had one leg." The father stated. She shrugged with an understanding nod, just as Justin casted the spell.ย 

"Gilesjay Timesday!"ย 

Just like that, everyone froze in time except for Justin; hopping on one leg. He flicked Alex's hair with his wand, with a giggle. Justin then hopped over to Eleanor, and started to caress her whilst trying to stay hopping one leg. "You're so much more pretty up close." He whispered. He then spotted a cup of water on the table and an idea came to his head. The boy hopped over to it, taking it into his hand, and went over to Alex. Placing it on top of her head, he then felt a cramp in his leg. "Oh! Charley Horse! Charley Horse!" Once he landed on the floor, time went back to normal. Alex turned her head and the glass fell onto Justin. "Hey, I like this spell." She smirked at Jerry.


Eleanor was serving tables with Alex, as the Russo girl served a quite fancy-looking man. However, the girl wasn't in a good mood about the dish; probably Jerry and Theresa taking the credit again. As she served a table, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation. "What are those?" Alex questioned. "Oh my god, you're relentless. If you must know, I work for a fashion magazine." Fashion. Eleanor LOVED that word. "Well, not a good one." Alex groaned in sarcasm. The Martin quickly came over, and took a peek at these designs. "Is this place full of nosy waiters?" The man complained.ย 

"Really? All these outfits are trying way too hard to be different." Eleanor stated. "Well, you're unusually opinionated." "No, it's pretty usual for us two." Alex backed up her best friend. Eleanor took the two pictures in her hands. "I'll tell you what I like." She teared the two pictures in half, and mixed them up. "This one, and this one." She then presented it to the prissy man. "Uh-huh, I like your panache, brunette." He agreed with Eleanor. "Oh, we don't have panache, but we do have quiche. It's kind of like a pie." Alex butted in. The brunette only sighed and patted her best friend's shoulder. "Sweetie, don't try to think, you only hurt yourself."

"Would you be interested in an internship this summer with 'Fashion Fatale Magazine'?" He offered Eleanor. She stood up from her chair, with a gasp. "'Fashion Fatale'?! I've read probably every column on that!" She exclaimed. "So?" "YES! YES!" Eleanor was practically jumping for joy. Alex then joined in, joining hands and jumping with squeals. The rest of the customers and family only watched with confusion.ย 


After the next few days, Eleanor had been interviewed and was now made a new intern. She could hardly contain her excitement! Finally, a chance to shine in the fashion industry; she couldn't wait! The man, now learned to be named Jeffrey, led her onto a floor so modern that Eleanor felt like she had entered another dimension; it was like she was in the future. He clapped his hands, gathering the attention of several others. "Before we start, I'd like to introduce you to our new intern, Eleanor Martin! Air kisses!" Everyone, except the wizard, started to do air kisses; to which she gave a confused expression.ย 

"Ok, that was really weird."

"Kiss back..."


Eleanor mentally groaned and did the gesture. Everyone only just went back to what they were doing, as if the previous event didn't happen. Jeffrey then led the girl to what was probably his office, and a guy was sitting on a silk couch. "Hi, I'm Eleanor. What's your name?" She asked the guy, next to her. "Paul." He replied, doing a weird accent with his name. "So, how'd you spell it?" "P-A-U-L." "Isn't that just Paul?" Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows.ย 

"Ok, people!" Jeffrey summoned several employees into his office. "I don't like those ideas for the Fall Fling issue. I want different; what different ideas do you have?" He asked them all. "Eve, you're up."


"You have panicked. We're done with you. Jack, you're up."

"Wearable yogurt, huh?"

"...you have got to stop pitching that."

Slowly rising up from the sofa, Eleanor raised her hand as she had a suggestion. "No, you don't. Interns don't pitch ideas, they get coffee." Paul, snarkly, piped up. "Sure, Eleanor, whatcha got?" Jefferey considered her offer, anyway. "Um, well...something different would be finding a way to make summer colours work in the fall." There was a slight silence for a few moments. Eleanor gulped; had she been as bad as the others? An end to her dreams?ย 

"Love it!" She then sighed with relief. "Pushing the envelope without bursting the envelope. Ok, I need research on it. I need editorial on it, I need photography on it,"ย Jeffery quickly dismissed them from his office. "and Pa-ul, I need some coffee. Eight sugars, dash of cream." He stated. "And I'll have a cappuccino, and a chocolate biscotti, Pa-ul." Eleanor smirked.


The next day, and Eleanor had been doing greatly with her internship. She invited the girls to her place of work; the four walking out of the elevator. "So, this is where it all happens?" Alex questioned. "Mhmm, over there is photography, where they show beautiful girls so other girls feel inferior. Over there is editorial, where they write articles that make girls feel inferior." Eleanor pointed out to the three. "Ooh, what's over there?" Charlotte questioned. "Oh, that's the kitchen where people are too self-conscious to eat."

"Wow! It's just like I imagined it would be, lots of cool people not making eye contact with me." Harper smiled. The three girls just gave confused looks, as she waved hello to one of the workers. "See? She didn't even look up." Eleanor only shook her head and patted the girl's shoulder. "Eleanor, this is not show-and-tell time. Ms. Angela will be here any minute." Jeffrey called out to her. "Ms. Angela's the publisher of the magazine; she's gonna come by to approve my 'Bringing Summer Colours Into Fall' idea." Eleanor explained to the three.

The elevator bell dinged, and a woman that appeared to be a quite famous designer came through; able to push people out of the way with no physical movement. "Jefferey, where are the treats for my doggie?" Ms. Angela questioned. "Ms. Angela! You don't have a dog." He responded. "Run down to Petland and get me a dog." Angela told one of the people behind her. The woman then took a look at Eleanor, and the girls; turning to Jeffrey with a disgusted look. "Jeffrey? Who are these people?" She asked him. "Oh, hi, I'm Eleanor; the new intern." "No, no, not you. I was talking about the girl who's dressed like a giant preschooler." She gestured to Harper.ย 

The girls all looked at each other in concern. "That was rude." Charlotte muttered. "Don't worry, I've rewired my brain so they come across as compliments." Harper reassured. Charlotte only put an arm around the girl and only patted her shoulder.ย 

ย "Jeffrey, I need to see the new issue." Ms. Angela asked him. He handed her the column, and clicked his fingers, to which an employee came running over with a chair. As she sat down, another employee came over to act as a footrest. Eleanor and Charlotte shared a confused look, and then looked back. It was silence as she looked through; giving pleased hums and compliments.ย 

"I like it. I like it a lot." She said to Jeffrey. "Great idea, Jeffrey. You are not fired today." Eleanor's jaw dropped at those words; did he seriously take credit for HER idea? "Oh, thank you Ms. Angela. I try to come up with the best ideas possible for you." Jeffrey smugly replied. Alex started to catch on, as well. "Well, just keep those ideas coming, Jeffrey. I have big plans for you."

Oh hello no, Eleanor wasn't letting that weasel get away with that. "Hey! You totally took credit for MY idea. What was that about?" She confronted him. "That's about you being an intern and me being the next editor-in-chief of 'Fashion Fatale Magazine'." Jeffrey simply responded. "Wow, you are so self-absorbed. I can't believe you stole my idea." Eleanor scowled. "Don't worry, kid. You'll have your time to shine, in the meantime, how about some coffee?" He replied. "I don't do coffee." "You don't have to drink it to get it. Everyone, Eleanor is going on a coffee run." Jeffrey pinched her cheek, as everyone came over to place their orders.ย 

Eleanor inhaled sharply, and grabbed him by the tie before he could run off. Jeffrey slightly yelped at the sharp grasp. "Look me in the eyes as I say this." She demanded. "Ooh, this is my favourite version of Eleanor." Alex whispered to Charlotte and Harper. "If you think that stealing my ideas is going to stop me, then you have seriously underestimated who you've just hired." She sneered at him. "Watch your back these next few days, because I'll be watching and I will gut you like a fish." She then let go of him, pushing him back slightly, then stormed off and ignored everyone yelling out coffee orders.


No one had spoken to Eleanor for the next few hours. It was a rule that had been self-implanted into everyone's brains. If you hear, thought or saw Eleanor in a rage, DO NOT TALK TO HER OR TOUCH HER! As her mind swirled with anger, it gave her time to think of a plan. If Jeffrey was going to take credit for ideas, all she needed to do was an idea that would destroy him...if not, there was always Plan B.

She straightened herself out, composing herself to a happy state; knocking on Jeffrey's glass doors. "Who is it?" He asked. Eleanor mentally facepalmed. He could clearly see her. "Eleanor." "Oh, I didn't see you. My door's closed, come on in." Eleanor pushed the door open, and swiftly sat in the empty chair. "I have a new idea for you. I do apologise for my outburst yesterday, after all I am new into this industry." "Glad you came to your senses, so whatcha got?" "Fashion for people who are not into fashion." She suggested with a coy smile. "Isn't that just any clothing store with the word 'Barn' in the name?"

"No, it's for those people who are after a totally completely unique look." Eleanor giggled. "It's a look so outrageous that only people who have rewired their brain could feel good about wearing it." I bet you're all wondering who her inspiration was. All Eleanor needed was one good look at Harper's clothes, and it came to her. "Mm, tasty. Why don't you give me some sketches?" Jeffrey suggested. "I can do you one even better, by this time tomorrow, I could organise a fashion show right here in the office." "Fashion show? Extra tasty. And you know, I could get Ms. Angela to come and almost be interested." Perfect, this was going exactly to her plan.

"Aren't you full of good ideas?" She sarcastically stated. "We are bursting with flavour." Jeffrey exclaimed. "Yes, we are." Eleanor smirked as she left the office. He had played this right into her hands; she didn't expect Angela to be part of it, but that was the cherry on top for her.ย 


"Alright, keep your dad on standby, in case we need to go Plan B." Eleanor ended her phone call. "El, are you sure about this?" Charlotte questioned, as she looked to the outfits with disgust. Eleanor could only smile and nod; she had tasked Harper and Charlotte with making several outfits that were Harper-like. Of course, one side of Eleanor was happy that her friend could show off her style, but the other side was feeling a little guilty of using her as bait. She was angry though, and needed a taste of revenge.

"Harper, thank you for creating the most horrible clothes I've ever seen." Alex stated; Eleanor slapping her on the shoulder. "You're welcome. What are best friends for?" Harper simply replied. "Are you going down the runway too?" Charlotte gestured to Harper's outfit. Harper only looked down at her outfit, and shook her head. Eleanor gave a tight-lip smile, and led her friend to another place in the room. "Alex, stall Jeffrey. I know he'll try and destroy something again." Alex nodded, and ran out to the office area.

A few moments later, Eleanor went out to see Alex and Jeffrey conversing with Angela. "I was reading my horoscope, and it's very important that I do one good thing today." Jeffrey stated. "I am giving credit where credit is due, and what you're about to see is entirely our intern Eleanor Martin's idea." Alex and Eleanor's eyes widened and they shared a look. That little snake! He knew this was going to be a bad thing to happen, and now was playing the embarrassment right onto her. "Now, he gives me credit? This wasn't part of the plan." She whispered, and walked over to them. "I couldn't help to overhear, Ms. Angela. We're all a big team here; ideas bounce around, and which one lands in whose head you never do know. This one is all Jeffrey's." She tried to persuade the woman.ย 

"Eleanor, stop. You were right, when you talked to me earlier. That, plus my horoscope, equals this is Eleanor's idea; 100%!"

"Oh, would somebody please show me something?" Ms. Angela demanded. "Oh, this'll be something, alright." Eleanor crossed her arms; keeping a hard gaze on Jeffrey. Alex then grabbed her friend by the arm, and the two ran backstage. "Harper, Char, change of plans. We need a change of models!" Alex exclaimed. "Wait, what?" Charlotte arched an eyebrow. "Jeffrey decided to give me credit." Eleanor answered. "Wait! That's good, then. Isn't that what you wanted all along?" "Yes, but I want to take credit for something Ms. Angela would like!" She told Harper. "God, you're right. She's gonna hate these!"ย 

Eleanor threw her hands into her hair in frustration. "And now, something that was Eleanor Martin's idea." Jeffrey could be heard announcing, from the other side. Eleanor groaned in anger, and quickly took out her phone. "Stall the models, quick!" She told Harper. As the phone rang, Eleanor took in sharp breaths. "London? You were right, we'll need to go Plan B. Just wait for the signal." She said over the phone, and then placed it in her jean pocket. Eleanor moved to the side, and pulled her wand from her satchel. "Gilesjay Timesday!" She casted and everyone froze in place, whilst she hopped on one leg.

"Ugh! How can anybody think with that junk on?" Eleanor hopped over to the speaker, and turned it off. "At least, put on Starstruck! They're better!" She scowled. Eleanor looked to the clock; contemplating how much she had to fix this before her reputation in the fashion industry was ruined. She then came to realize; she was a wizard, she could have as much time as she wanted. The girl hopped over to models, taking off large necklaces, atrocious hats and some terrible jackets. "Oh! Charley horse, Charley horse!" Cramps began to work into her leg, and she tripped over. Eleanor turned with a gasp, as everything went back to the normal time zone. Therefore, all the models were walking out with the Harper-like designs.ย 

The four ran over to watch the models, with jaw drops. "I just made outfits more terrible!" Eleanor groaned, as Alex gasped. "You used magic selfishly?" She whispered to her. "I'm so proud of you!" Alex side-hugged her with a prideful smile. Eleanor simply shook Alex off, and walked over to come face-to-face with Jeffrey. "What is this? It looks like they're half-dressed." He commented, with disgust. "It's fashion for the non-fashionable. It's so unfashionable, it brings out your under-beauty." Eleanor tried to reason. "Yes..." Ms. Angela piped in. "...it's exactly what it does. I love it." The two looked to the woman with surprise. "Wait, you do?" Eleanor questioned. "Well, yes. Can't you tell? Why, I'm bursting." She responded, with absolutely NO emotion on her face. The brunette simply nodded in agreement; not wanting to disappoint the woman.

"Oh, great job, Eleanor. I'm going to give you the highest possible praise. You are not fired from your unpaid internship." The boss told her. "Oh, Eleanor, I have big plans for you." "Actually...I have my own plans. Girls!" She called out to her best friends; the three coming out to join arms with her. "My future brand is not to be associated with the likes of this business. After being here, I am disgusted of the treatment. When I run my own empire, it'll be nothing like this. In fact, it'll be more improved and have utmost respect for anyone and anything." She explained to the crowd watching. "And because of this, I quit." "Pff, yeah, right. As if you'll make it anywhere." Jeffrey commented.ย 

"Oh, very true, Jeff; after all, I am only a teenager and you're a well-paid, high status leader here. It's a shame you're fired."

"Yeah, that's...wait, what?"

"I told you that I'd gut you like a fish. Right, London?"

"Yes, indeedy!"

"So, London contacted her father and he is now the owner of this establishment, along with several others...but the point is, he's the new owner and you're fired on misconduct. Don't worry, Angela, you've still got a job."

"Well, thank you, dearie."

"You can't be serious?! This isn't fair!"

"All's fair in love and war, Jeffrey."

The three girls looked to Eleanor with prideful smirks/proud expressions. "So, we're gonna go eat." Alex joined in; the crowd and models gasping. "In the kitchen." Charlotte added. "And, we don't care who watches." Harper finished. Eleanor looked at them, with a sincere smile. As the girls all walked to the kitchen, arms linked together, Eleanor swept a lingering hand on Jeffrey's shoulders with a boastful smirk. "If there's anything you've learned today, sweetie, is that...you never mess with Eleanor Martin." Hey, Eleanor Martin may have been known as a sweet, loyal and caring friend, but when it came to family, friends and even her own life's work, she'd be quite the menacing person.

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