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(A/N: I'M BACK!!! And...yeah, I'm hitting you with this straight away, ^^^^)


Charlotte stood with Harper; watching as Alex attempted again, and again to try and get Dean's attention. She would've been in a conversation with Eleanor, but for some reason, she was missing this morning. Something was up with Eleanor, considering that she doesn't miss a chance to have a conversation with Charlotte. "How am I gonna figure out if he likes me?" Alex asked them. "Why is this so hard for you?" Charlotte questioned. "Because he knows I like him, and I don't know how he feels about me. I've never been in this position before." She answered. "That's why I play it cool around Justin. I don't want him to know I like him." Harper bragged to them. Justin came from behind, to which it set off the girl into a frenzy, and Alex and Charlotte watched her with concerned expressions.ย 

Justin simply ignored her, and turned to Charlotte. "Hey, have you seen Eleanor by any chance? I wanted to take a daily snap of her by her locker." The three girls looked at him with confusion. "You what?" Alex questioned. Just then, Hunter came over to them; much to Justin and Charlotte's distaste. They both looked at him, with hatred in their eyes. "Sup, Russo, and...others. Have you seen Ellie today?" Hunter asked them. The four looked at the heartthrob with confusion. Eleanor never let someone else call her Ellie; that was only for Zack, Cody or her dad. Why was Hunter calling her by her sacred nickname?

"Not sure." Alex replied. "We've been trying to contact her, all morning, but she hasn't returned any of our calls." She went on. Hunter nodded, understanding. "So, beat it." Justin then spoke up; his tone bitter. The girls stared at him with shock. They had never heard Justin speak that way before, for as long as each of them knew him. Charlotte could clearly see that he was jealous, given how Eleanor's devoted attention had been on Hunter for the last few weeks. It was sending Justin into a blinded rage. Sometimes, it worried her that something bad was going to happen, and Justin would regret his actions because of it. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Hunter questioned Justin, as if he didn't hear him. "Was I not clear? Beat. It." Justin spat in his face; the two standing closer to each other. Alex, Harper and Charlotte could only watch as the tension thickened.ย 

"Five bucks on Hunter."

"I'll take that bet."

Before any guy could lay a hand on each other, a squeal came from the hallway. It was revealed to be Eleanor, running straight up to Hunter. He held out his arms open, to which she jumped in them; holding each other close. The four watched with shock in their expressions. However, nothing could prepare the eldest Russo for what came next. It was a sight that he never wanted to live to see again, as he watched the two...lock lips. Alex covered her mouth in surprise, along with Harper; Charlotte tightening her fists in disgust.

Justin was the most angriest he had ever been. His expression lowered to the face of a madman. His eyes, darkened with a mix of longing and fury, right on Eleanor Martin, the girl who had captivated his thoughts for months. She stood there, radiant and effortlessly beautiful, but that feeling turned sour as he watched her lips brushing against Hunter's in a kiss that felt like a dagger to his heart. His chest tightened, a storm of emotions swirling within him. Justin had always admired Eleanor from afar, each glance fuelling his obsession. He knew every detail about her; the way her hair danced in the wind, the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about her passions, and the kindness she showed to everyone around her.ย 

To him, she was perfect, someone that inspired dreams and fantasies that spiraled out of control in his mind. How could she choose him? The jealousy morphed into a possessive longing; he believed that Eleanor belonged with him, that they were meant to be together.

Charlotte cleared her throat; not being able to stand the sight of the two anymore. Eleanor pulled away, slightly, and looked over to her best friends. The red-head was giving her an annoyed stare, whilst Alex and Harper still presented shocked expressions. Justin had his arms crossed and was glaring daggers towards Hunter. "So, uh, what's this all about?" She asked Eleanor. "Oh, I forgot! Me and Hunter started dating a few days ago!" Eleanor replied, with a squeal. Alex went over, and put an arm around her; congratulating her, along with Harper. Meanwhile, Charlotte and Justin just stood there. This was not how it was supposed to go! Charlotte expected her arms to be around Justin, not this smooth-talker! He, in no way, was compatible with Eleanor!

"Oh, there's Dean. See ya, babe." Hunter planted a kiss on Eleanor's head, walking away to his friend group. Eleanor wiggle-waved goodbye to Hunter, whilst Alex followed him; wanting to get into Dean's entourage and have a chance to speak with Dean. Charlotte looked at Justin and his expression hadn't changed in the slightest. "Feeling okay?" She asked him. "Feeling okay?" Justin mocked her tone, sarcastically. "I just had to watch the woman of my dreams, the girl I've fallen in love with since first sight, the goddess I want to marry, lock lips with Hun-" He pretended to nearly throw up. Charlotte stared with confusion. "With Hu-" He did it again. "With Hu-" Justin did a third time, but now with a lot of weird noises. "Hunter?" Charlotte finished for him. "Yes, thank you." Justin composed himself.ย 

"That...that..." He pointed a finger towards Hunter. "It's okay; you've got it, big guy." Charlotte patted his shoulder. "That idiot with his smug...smug...smugness!" Justin came up with that, to which Charlotte sighed and patted his shoulder again. "You'll get there." She told him. Justin shook his head, and walked away.

Charlotte noticed Eleanor by her locker, and went over to her. "The hell was that?" She confronted her. The brunette only stared at her best friend with confusion. It was as if she had no idea what she was getting on about. "You...and Hunter?!" "I know! Isn't it great?" Eleanor said with delight. "Uh, no, not great!" Charlotte scoffed. Eleanor's eyes presented shock. This was the guy that she had a crush on for nearly a few months now! Why wasn't Charlotte encouraging her or appreciating that she was finally in a relationship?ย 

"Wow, nice to know that my best friend approves." Eleanor scoffed, crossing her arms and turning away. Charlotte mentally facepalmed at her response. "It's not that. It's just..." She trailed. "Just what?" Eleanor stepped closer to her. "Just...didn't expect this to happen. I figured it was going to be one of those crushes that are a phase, you know." Her friend admitted. The Martin girl sighed at her best friend, only staring deeper into her eyes. "Look, El, you know my feelings about Hunter." "That he's nothing more than an eye-candy leech." She said. Charlotte hummed in agreement. "However...if he makes you happy, then it makes me happy. My feelings towards him are and will always be hatred, but I'll push it down if it'll make you happy. Just...know I'll be there if things go south." The red-head then stated. Eleanor smiled warmly, and the two best friends shared a longing, friendly embrace.


Eleanor and Alex sat together at the Sub Station counter; looking over to Harper by the stairs. She was dressed in a hat and dress that was themed right after a car. Whilst Harper's creations did surprise Eleanor to an extent, she wished it could sometimes be for the right reasons. "Wow, thank you, Harper," Alex stated. "for going through all that trouble to make a themed outfit for when we hang out with Dean and Hunter, but you're not a part of that, right?" "This isn't for you and your guys. This is for my first day of Driver's Education, it can't hurt to put your best foot forward." She pressed the wheel on her head, which made a beeping noise. Eleanor stared with confusion, before excusing herself away.ย 

As they made their way back to the counter, Dean and Hunter made their way in. "Oh my gosh, El, he's here! He's here!" Alex slightly exclaimed and hit Eleanor on the shoulder a few times. The Martin girl gave a look, which made her stop. "Okay, um, he likes salad." She responded. Alex turned around, and took a whole lettuce into a bowl; stabbing a fork into it. Eleanor facepalmed at her best friend's actions. "That's not a salad." She explained. Alex caught on, taking some sauce and placing it onto the tray. The brunette shook her head, leaving her sketchbook with Mirage as she followed Alex.ย 

Just before they could approach them, their entourage came in the Sub Shop as well; completely covering any way to them. "How am I going to talk to him and find out if he likes me now?" Alex asked Eleanor. "Hey, that's a you problem. I've already got a boyfriend." Eleanor mischievously smiled, going over to the group. Hunter caught her eyes, and the two shared a chuckle together. He held his arms out to her and let Eleanor sit in his lap; her arms around him. Justin and Zeke came down, just as she did. The Russo boy caught sight of the couple together, and only made his heart shrivel in anger and jealousy more. Her arms were supposed to be around HIM! That was supposed to be them, laughing and talking together! All Mirage did was hiss at the sight of them.ย 

"I'm gonna tell him that I wanna talk to him alone." "Whoa, you never tell a guy you want to talk to him alone." Thankfully, Alex's words was able to wake Justin back up from his murderous glares and obsessive heart. "You know what that sounds like? He's in trouble. Or, that a girl wants to talk about her feelings, which is also trouble." Justin told his sister. "Why would I ever listen to you two?" Alex sarcastically asked. "Don't you want a guy's point of view?" Zeke questioned. "Yeah, sure. Why don't you nurses find one and send him over?" "Ooh, five-point-four percent of nurses are men. It's a noble profession."

"You know what else is a noble profession? Continuing to speak to Alex like she's on a tenth grade level when we know she can't comprehend most words."


"Comprehend means understand."

"Total burn, and I would have treated that burn, if you hadn't talked smack about nurses."ย 

"Big talk coming from someone, who isn't with quote-on-quote 'the love of their life'." Alex snapped at her brother. Justin gasped audibly at that comment. If Mirage could talk in that situation, he'd say "Oh, snap!". Zeke winced at the comment, as well, before showing himself back upstairs. Harper just watched in confusion.ย 

Justin shrugged the feeling off, joining the girls at the counter. He needed to do something to distract him from the tragedy, just behind him. "Look, Alex, if you wanna talk to a guy, you gotta find an object of common interest." He started. "For example, Dean's into cars and roaming the halls without a pass." "Na-uh! He does have a pass. I make them for him." Alex replied. "Oh! Why don't you talk to him about that car Mom and Dad are always fighting about? Dean's into cars, you got a car...here's your object of common interest; take it." Justin continued. Alex just stared at him with concern, before shaking her head, walking away to where Eleanor and the guys were.

Mirage licked his paw, beginning to bathe himself on the counter. Justin looked towards the white kitty, and gave a concerned expression. Mirage stopped licking his leg; making eye contact with the Russo. "It's only weird if you make it weird." was all the cat said. The boy shook his head, turning around to be faced with the horrific sight again.ย 

He couldn't stand looking at them! Justin had so many conflicting feelings inside, that he didn't know how to feel. A part of him felt his heart breaking slowly, every time he watched Eleanor and Hunter smile together or anytime he watched them exchange such heartfelt words. It was the fantasy he always wanted, except he'd be in Hunter's place. However, the other part of him was full of boiling anger. It was getting to the limit where Justin wished to pull out his wand, and end Hunter right then and there, make Eleanor Martin all his. He couldn't though...if he tried anything with the boy, all he would do, would end up hurting the one woman he adores the most in the progress. So, in times like this, he knew he had to step aside.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Mirage spoke. All Justin did was nod in reply. He felt that if he uttered a word, it would end in either a breakdown or a hussy fit. "Just know, I'm on your side in this. Something about this Hunter doesn't sit right with me." He told Justin. The Russo boy looked down at the cat, giving him a sincere smile. He leaned forward and gave the cat scratches around his head, and on his chin.ย 


Eleanor, Harper and Charlotte were sat at the counter, whilst Alex was stomping around in a fit of rage. Charlotte and Harper watched her with concern. All Eleanor did was constantly giggle at her phone. Charlotte scoffed at the sight; knowing for a fact that Hunter was the one she was laughing at. "It's not like they ditched you, Alex." Harper stated. "Harper's right. You did ride with Dean." Charlotte agreed. "Yeah, on my mom's lap with Justin and Zeke signalling truckers to blow their horn." The girls winced at the sound of the scenario. Eleanor only giggled at her phone again.ย 

"So, I'm sorry you didn't get to find out if he likes you." Charlotte said. "Maybe it wouldn't even matter if I was alone with Dean. Maybe he's the kind of guy who just doesn't tell people if he likes them." Alex replied, with a dejected sigh in there. Jerry came down the steps, expressing words to the four about Dean, in the most happiest way. "You know what he told me? He likes me." The man chuckled. Alex slowly dropped the pieces of food in her hands; an expression of annoyance. "I'm giddy for you, Dad, but did he happen to mention anything about me?" Alex questioned. "Why would he do that?"

"This is so frustrating. I've tried everything, what am I gonna do now?" She complained to her friends. "Too bad you can't read his mind." Charlotte stated. The two wizard friends perked up; sharing a look of knowing. "Yeah...too bad." Alex trailed. "See, right there. If I knew how to read minds, I would know exactly what you meant by the way you said, 'Yeah, too bad'." Harper piped in. Alex shook her head, jerking her head towards the back as she made eye contact with Eleanor. The Martin girl placed her phone in her tiny satchel, before the two snuck off to the back.

As they entered the lair, Justin was sat in the single chair; a look of slight anger upon his face. Eleanor and Alex snuck on their tip-toes, as the Russo girl grabbed a macaroni-decorated toilet roll. It had been an item that Max had foolishly bought from those wizard-scam magazines; funny enough, it came in handy for Alex's situation. Alex leaned in very closely to the back of Justin's head; using the tube to hear Justin's thoughts.

"I can't believe Eleanor is going out with Hunter. What does he have that I don't? What has he done to make himself better than me? I was the one that was there for her since she arrived in New York! I was the one that took her in...and I guess, my family too."

"I know EVERYTHING about her; her favourite colour, her preferred type of sandwich, her favourite song, book, type of fabric! He's known her for what? A few months? And HE'S the better choice? I SHOULD BE ELEANOR'S ONE AND ONLY!"

Alex listened very closely to her brother's thoughts between his sick love for her best friend, along with his deep hatred for Hunter. As she continued to listen, Alex couldn't help but feel slightly bad for her brother. True, she couldn't stand her big brother to an extent. However, she felt bad that he had been pining after Eleanor for such a long time and just now got that chance stolen from him.ย 

Eleanor's phone sounded, which made the siblings jump at the sound. The brunette took it out, looked, and let out another giggle. "Okay, you've been doing that for ages now." Alex pointed out. "You're talking to Hunter, aren't you?" She then chuckled. Justin's eye twitched at the mention of his name. "Pff, what? No!" Eleanor tried to deny. Alex crossed her arms and smirked, knowingly. Another beep came from the phone. "Alright, look at that text, and try not to giggle." Justin told her. "Piece of cake." Eleanor held up her phone to her face, and couldn't hold back her giggle. "Dang it."

Eleanor just shot her best friend a look, and left the lair. Alex caught notice of Justin's tightened fists, as well as, his change in breathing. "Are you okay?" She asked her brother. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm totally fine." Justin responded. "I'm SO happy that Eleanor and Hunter are together."

"It worked! You're a liar!"


The family and friends were now at the stadium, to encourage Dean in his race. Eleanor was sat with Charlotte, with Mirage in his pet carrier. She would occasionally send wiggles waves to Hunter, who gave a smirk back at her. However, the elder Russo sibling couldn't stand the sight of it.

"I gotta go." Alex turned to the three. "I figured out a place where I can get Dean alone and see if he likes me, during a pit stop. No one can interrupt us there." She continued to explain. "Girl, that's not gonna work. His posse is his pit crew." Charlotte clarified. "They'll be all over him." "They'll be all over his car. It's the only time they won't focus on him." Harper stood up with Alex, but the Rodriguez just pushed her back into her seat.

"The whole 'Alex and Dean alone time', remember? What part do you not get?"

"Right, I'll stay here." Harper looked away, a slight bit of shame.ย 

Sometime went by, and Mirage howled from his pet carrier, catching Eleanor's attention. The brunette opened the cage door, and took out the white kitty. "Alright, alright. You can look; quit having a fit." Eleanor told Mirage. Just as the duo looked back, they noticed Dean's car driving in multiple ways; catching the attention of people in the stands. Eleanor narrowed her eyes at the dangerous situation, and it only took a few moments for her to realise this was an Alex situation. She knew, since she caught a flick of red in the racing car.ย 

"This isn't gonna end well, is it?"

As soon as Mirage muttered that to her, the car ended up swerving into a large-scale Sloppy Joe; allowing for a range of meat to launch into the front screen. The crowd gasped in surprise, and the cat and girl duo winced at the sight of the state. "Yep...it never does with Alex."


(A/N: Updated, I'm backkk! So, yep...Hunter and Eleanor are together...)

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