Chapter 14: The Battle Pt.1

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"My, my, my..."

The gang turned to the three figures. One came out of the shadows, with a sword in his hand. "XANDER!" Rose and Emma ran forward but Xander hit them back with his sword. The gang took a few steps back as Alaric and Rodger grabbed Rose and Emma. "Ah, ah, ah...bad kids. You should really learn some manners..." Xander chuckled. "What's your deal with us, anyway, Xander?" Ava exclaimed. "It's not just me..." Xander said as the two other figures stepped forward.

"I am Count Olaf..."

"And I am Unwen..."

"So what's all of your deals with us?" Ava responded. "Your parents, of course..." The triplets looked at each other with confusion. "What about their parents?" Vlad said, tightening his grip on his sword. "We were once friends, but due to a certain 'accident', we became enemies fast and now we're going to destroy the Bella bloodline!" Olaf cackled. "Well, you can try but we're not going to let that happen! We are quite powerful!" Ava exclaimed. "Really, are you now? If you three are so powerful, then why couldn't you defend yourselves at the ball Xander crashed and had to have your little boyfriends rescue you?" Unwen scowled. The triplets froze up together and thought back to when Xander was nearly about to hit them until the boys helped them. Ava nearly teared up, but held the urge back. "ENOUGH!" Simon yelled, pouncing in front of Ava, and protecting her in a cat-like pose, which Ava found super cute. "Don't let them get to you three! There's another Bella around and that's me! Your big sister, Vallery Millison!" Vallery said, winking. Rose smiled at the older brunette and the triplets turned to glare at the villains in front of them. "Your days of terrorising will soon be over! Charge!" The gang charged towards the three villains and the villains pounced towards them.

Alaric, Rodger, Vlad and Simon were attacking Unwen. Klaus, Emma, and Vallery were attacking Xander and the triplets were attacking Olaf. Olaf threw Ava off him and onto the stone floor, cracking her glasses a little. Rose lunged forward and grabbed him by the neck, almost chocking him. Olaf let out a bit of blood from his mouth but punched Rose in the face. "ROSE!" Alaric cried. "AVA!" Simon screamed. Veronica was the only triplet that hadn't been hurt yet, and she was thinking if to go in at all. "Come on, little Bella, you scared?" Olaf taunted. "I'm not a scared child, I'm a Bella!" Veronica exclaimed, charging towards Olaf. Veronica began to fight Olaf, with karate and using her magic the best way she could.

Olaf somehow overpowered her and took away her summoned blast, and threw her onto the stone floor. Veronica wiped the blood away from her damaged lip, and began to feel weary, causing her head to hit the floor. Rose and Ava went thrown beside her and began to feel weary too.

As their eyes began to close, the last thing they heard was "VERONICA!" from Klaus, "AVA!" from Simon, "ROSE!" from Alaric, "BELLAS!" from Emma and a evil cackle from Olaf, Xander and Unwen.

Veronica blinked her eyes open a few moments later to see her friends on the floor, all beaten and had bits of blood on them. "Guys!" She exclaimed. She looked to see Rose by Alaric and Ava by Simon. "Are they okay?" She asked them. "They're okay. We checked their pulse and they all still have it..." Ava replied, breathing heavily. Veronica went beside Klaus and caressed his cheek, almost crying. "We're gonna fix this and destroy those miscreants!" Veronica growled. Rose and Ava nodded in reply. The three stood up, side by side, and walked ahead and looked at their friends. They felt pain when seeing the guys, they had always been there for them and the girls didn't want to lose them. What was this feeling they had?

The triplets shook the thought out of their heads and continued to walk further down the tunnel.

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