Chapter 17: The Animal Tamers Part 2

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"The Animal Tamers..."

The heroes turned to each other, confused. "Animal Tamers? Do they tame animals for a living or something?" Rose questioned, causing the others to laugh a little. Just then, the sand storm disappeared to reveal a band of animal themed heroes, like them. Two looked familiar to them, but the others didn't. "Emmaline?!" Ava exclaimed. "Excuse me but how do you know her?" Mary asked her. "W-We saved you from an akuma, remember? Tarazna? Daenerys, the super hero you became?" Rose questioned. "Daenerys is the name of her dragon, how could you know that?" Jendy said. "What's going on?!" Veronica yelled. Cuphead landed in between the two teams with a smile. "Cuphead, who are they?" Emmaline said.Β 

"Animal Tamers, this is the team of Miraculous, they save people from being evil and capturing the akuma. Miraculous, this is the Animal Tamers! They have saved people from peril by using powers from aqua, animals or ice age. One and me have the power of surface." Cuphead explained. "Is that you, Klaus?" Simon questioned. "Oh great, we have two Klaus'." Rose groaned. "And what's wrong with that?!" Veronica and Emmaline exclaimed together. "Well, the thing is it's going to be hard to tell them apart and how to talk to them!" Rose explained. "Okay is, first of, it won't be hard to tell them apart, considering one is in a mask and one isn't. Second, yes it will be hard to talk to them..." Veronica grunted. "Cut the chat, what are we doing here, Cuphead?" Sans said.

"Well, I thought it would be nice to have two teams working together." Cuphead said, sheepishly. "But I sense a new evil has risen..." All the heroes eyes widened as they looked at each other. "Who is it?" Andy asked. "I can't know the name but I do know that it is the owner of the peacock miraculous..." Cuphead replied. "What's a miraculous?" Amara questioned. "A miraculous is a magical piece of jewlery that we each have to make us into a superhero. For example, my headband helps me turn into Girl Bug." Veronica explained.

"My ring helps me turn into Cat Noir."

"My fox necklace helps me turn into Vulxen."

"My bee hair comb helps me turn into Lady Bee."

"My turtle bracelet helps me turn into Carapace."

"My silver bracelet helps me turn into Viperion."

"There isn't just these, there is severalΒ more of them..." Rose added. "Could we try them?" Philip asked eagerly. "Philip!" Emmaline exclaimed. "Unfortunately, you can't. The guardian of the Miracle Box choose the heroes, exceptΒ for Veronica, who chose our Emma to be Daenerys." Ava said. "So, you're saying that the peacock miraculous is being used?" Alaric said. Cuphead nodded in response. "The guardians told me about that miraculous, their power is to make an amock to create a senti-monster that can be shaped by it's owner." Veronica said. "But if the peacock miraculous is in the wrong hands..." Simon gasped. "Oh no..." Veronica muttered.

"They could be siding with the Three Hawkmoth's!" Klaus yelled. "Who are the Three Hawkmoth's?" Toriel asked. "The Three Hawkmoth's are a trio of villains we have been fighting for ages now, but we have never seen them in person. We only fight the villains they make." Simon explained. "Cowards..." Alex grunted. "Exactly, we just need to make sure we get those four miraculous back, safe and sound." Alaric said.Β 

-At The Three Hawkmoth's Lair-

"There's other heroes besides miraculous heroes?" The middle Hawkmoth questioned. "Yes, I believe they had defeated villains themselves." Mayura smirked. "Then, we'll summon akumas-"

"No, this time, we will use an amock. Give me your cane." Mayura said before the middle Hawkmoth gave her his cane and then Mayura ran out the lair. "I hope she knows what she is doing." The left Hawkmoth muttered.

-Back At Mythical High-

"So, there has been no amock attacks?" Ned questioned. "None at all, I wonder why they are bringing it out now..." Ava mumbled. Mayura leapt near the heroes and hid somewhere before putting the blue feather, known an amock, in the cane.

"Did you guys say something about a senti-monster?" Rodger asked. "Yes, why?" Ava responded. "Is that one?" Rodger asked, pointing at something with a shaky hand. Everyone turned to see a butterly-like senti-monster, that almost made Rose fall off the roof.Β 

"What the hell is that?!" AT KlausΒ yelled. "A senti-monster shaped like a butterfly!" Ava exclaimed. The two teams ran in the other direction as the senti-monster followed them. "We need to find where the amock is!" Veronica yelled. "I'll fly back and see if I can spot anything!" Toriel exclaimed before flying upwards and a bit further back to only spot Mayura smirking at the two teams. "Emma, there's a woman in a blue, peacock like suit behind us, she must be the one controlling the monster!" Toriel exclaimed, joining back with the teams. "The owner of the peacock miraculous!" Klaus exclaimed.

Veronica back-flipped back towards where Toriel saw the figure, as everyone stopped and watched her.Β "Since when could she do that?!" Rose questioned. Veronica looked around and then saw Mayura behind her. "Well, Girl Bug, how selfish of you to abandon your team and the Animal Tamers..." Mayura smirked. "I did not abandon them, my team knows I can handle myself and the Animal Tamers trust me!" Veronica spat, taking out her yo-yo. "Tell me where the feather is!" The brunette kept her glare with stern in it. "You're quite stupid to ask that, the hero never asks the villain...seems you learned nothing about being a hero..." Mayura sneered.

Veronica ignored Mayura's insult and looked to the left and saw a cane, lying on the ground. She smirked and looked the villain dead in the eyes. "You might be right, but one thing about a hero, is they always get it right in the end. Something you'll never understand since villains always get it wrong in the end." Veronica grinned. She jumped over Mayura and grabbed the cane. "Wait! No!" Mayura yelled but Veronica didn't listen as she snapped the cane and the blue feather came flying out.

"No more evil doing for you, little feather...time to de-evilise! Gotcha!"

"No!" Mayura yelled. "Bye-bye, little feather..." Veronica smiled before looking at Mayura. "What's your move now...Mayura, is it?" She smirked. Mayura backed up but stopped when spotting the Animal Tamers and the rest of Veronica's team behind her, trapping her. Mayura turned to Veronica and furrowed her eyebrows. "This isn't over, Girl Bug, one day we will have your miraculous and we will win..." She spat before leaping away. "She's getting away!" Jendy exclaimed. "Let her go, anyway, she'll be back soon." Veronica said. "You're letting her go?!" Sans yelled. "If we follow her, there is no chance of coming back with a miraculous on for us and then this land will no longer be safe." Veronica replied. "Same with us, we're currently facing someone who is trying to take our powers." AT Klaus said.Β 

"We better be on our way then. The world isn't going to save itself!" Emmaline giggled. "Do we have to go?" Toriel groaned. "Yes, we need to! It was lovely meeting you all, maybe we'll meet again." Emmaline responded. "Yeah, maybe we will..." Rose said. Cuphead returned with a leap and summoned back up the sand storm. The heroes watched as the sand storm sucked up the Animal Tamers and he lead it away, him following along.

"We better get some sleep..." Alaric said. "Why?" Ava questioned. "We only got 4 hours of night left before sunrise." Alaric responded. The heroes smiled at the moon before the girls leapt back to their dorm and the boys made their way back to their school.

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