Chapter 3: Getting Used To A New Power

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Veronica walked around the empty school halls. Tikki flew out of her pocket, giggling. "I'm so glad I get to have an owner!" She exclaimed. "I'm so glad to have someone like you at all times!" Veronica giggled, making Tikki smile. "So, when do we begin?" She exclaimed, excitedly. "Uh...Tikki, there is no attacks at the moment, so I guess it's mostly school for me and you for now." Veronica responded. Tikki seemed sad, making Veronica regret what she just said. "Hey, I'm sure I'll use my new power at some point, okay?" Veronica reassured.

The school bell rang, making Veronica stop in her tracks. "Hide Tikki!" She said, Tikki flying into her pocket. "Hey, Vera!" Ava exclaimed, running over to her with Rose. Veronica moved some hair out of her face, sweating a little. "Oh hey's it going, how was class?" Ava looked at her curiously while Rose said "It was good, it did get a little boring with Local Ordinances." Veronica nodded and the three walked to the hall to study a little and do their potions homework. They all sat at a table, taking out their notebooks and spell books. "But there's still one thing I don't understand, how come they teach magic here if there are normal subjects?" Rose exclaimed, flipping through one of the books.

"Mythical teaches between the two, normal and magic." Ava explained, while Veronica stayed quiet, taking notes. Ava looked at her, a bit curious. "You okay, sis? You seem off..." Veronica looked up from her note-taking, and nodded to Ava's question, looking back down again. She could see Tikki, holding her stomach, she must be hungry. "I'll be a sec girls, just forgot a potions book in my dorm!" Veronica made up before rushing away, not hearing Rose saying "But we have the correct ones"

Veronica ran to the school's kitchen, and looked around, panicking. "See anything, Tikki?" Veronica cried, still looking around. Tikki peeked out her pocket and spotted some cookies on the counter. "There!" Veronica ran towards the cookie tray and picked up a few, giving one to Tikki. Tikki began to eat as Veronica crept out the kitchen. Veronica walked out, looking behind a few times to make sure that a chef hadn't caught her. "How are you feeling now?" She asked Tikki. Tikki smiled and said "Much better! Thank you for the cookie!" Veronica smiled and nodded at Tikki, walking back into The Great Hall.

"There you are, Vera! Where did you even run off to?" Ava asked, worried a little. "I told you, I went to grab a Potions book but then I realised it was here." Veronica replied, panting a little and sat back down. "I said that to you when you were running out of the hall..." Rose groaned, slamming her head on the table. "Sorry I...couldn't hear you." Veronica lied, trying not to make it oblivious. "Sure, okay then. So where were we? Ah, yes! A Draught Of Peace potion, so what we need to do is add..." Ava said, reading the ingredients off the page. Veronica played with her quill and then wrote down what Ava read. This was not going to be easy, living a double life. Her having to save the world and also do school while keeping her secret.

Veronica nearly fell asleep while note-taking, but Rose shook her awake. "You okay, Vera?" Rose asked. "Yeah, just a bit tired from all this work. Maybe we should take a break..." Veronica yawned, rubbing here eye. "Sure, we'll take a few minutes break." Ava said, closing the potions book. "So, what do you guys wanna talk about?" Ava said. But before Rose could open her mouth, a big bang could be heard from outside and some students running and screaming. Veronica leapt up from her seat to see what looked like a villain roaming around and destroying the school.

"What is that?" Rose yelled over the screaming of students. "I don't know, but we should hide quickly!" Ava screamed. Veronica rushed off as soon as Ava said that and hid in a small room. "Man, guess it is true that they never do clean these rooms..." Veronica said, gagging at the state of the room. "Well, you made the right opportunity to run!" Tikki exclaimed, flying out of Veronica's pocket.

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