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warning: smut // English is not my first language please excuse any mistakes 😅


taehyung calling
answer | decline

,,na baby boy your touching ur pretty
cock and moaning for me hm?"

,,mhh yes daddy "

,, listen to my voice baby boy,
u want to make daddy proud
then be a good boy and listen "

,, yes yes daddy I'm a good boy"

his phone laying on his chest, breathing getting harder minute by minute.The though of taehyung on the other side of the phone telling him what to do turned jeongguk on even more.

He moved his hand a bit faster, flicking his wrist just how he likes it letting out little moans directly above his phone speaker.

Taehyung on the other side enjoyed it the fullest, the pretty noises coming out of the phone speaker getting directly to his already painfully hard dick.

,, I want you to put 3 fingers
in ur pretty mouth and suck on them,
make them wet baby boy"

the sound of sucking and slurping came right after his words. Jeongguk obedient immediately without a word, making him proud and putting a smirk on his face. Taehyung slowly pulled his zipper down and pulled his pants off, palming his hard-on through his boxers.

,, daddy they're wet enough, what now?"

,, I want you to rub ur pretty hole with
one of them and tell me how it feels"

jeongguk slowly rubbed his index finger on the tight ring of muscle, his spit covering the little hole and sending shivers down his spine. A little whine escapes his mouth as he slowly sunk one in without thinking about it, making taehyung palming himself faster.

,, now slowing put ur finger in ur pretty hole, take ur time baby boy"

,, ahh daddy I already did"

,,u did? what a little whore u are then put a second in if ur so greedy baby boy"

,, yes daddy"

jeongguk started moving his finger slowly reaching deep inside him, he shut his eyes trying to decide if he likes it or not, on taehyungs request he slowing put the second one in moaning at the stretch and the slight discomfort.

Taehyung pulled his boxers off as well, stroking himself to the noises jeongguks making on the other side of the phone. His big and long cock laying heavy between his thighs, precum all over the slit, whimpering at the sensitivity of not touching himself for a while.

,, you sound so sexy baby boy, making daddy so hard with ur pretty moans, use all three baby"

Jeongguks moans getting louder every time, he had now all three fingers knuckles deep inside his hole pushing them in and out, brushing over the bundles of nerves with his fingertips, thighs shaking from the overwhelming feeling.

,, oh god fuck daddy! So good! so deep"

,, yes baby u like it? Imagine if I would be doing it, my fingers deep in u, roughly pushing them in. Hitting ur prostate dead on and making u a moaning and whiny mess. I bet u look so pretty right now, cheeks flushed red ur pretty cock red and leaking and fucking yourself on ur fingers, just the image makes me cum baby boy"

Loud moans and the sound of his wet fingers pounding in his tight hole rang through the phone, he was leaking so much precum and his cock laying untouched on his tummy. Jeongguk wanted to cum from his fingers only and taehyungs deep voice speaking to him through his phone.

,, daddy it's so good! Bet ur cock would be so much better, making me so full and getting so much deeper fuck!"

,, I would baby boy, so deep in ur tight little hole pounding u so hard u only scream my name. Daddy is near baby "

,,m-me too daddy!"

he fucked himself harder and faster, moved his fingers directly on his prostate, moaning and whining the whole time sometimes taehyungs name slip past his lips. Making Taehyungs dick twitch every time. Both could feel they Orgasmus nearing, tae stroke himself faster, massaging his balls and spreading the precum all over his big veiny cock.

,, fuck daddy I'm cumming!!"

The sound of his breath fastens, even more, the moans getting louder and more high pitched, sounding so so slutty.

,, baby me too!"

A low grunt, a moan following and taehyung came hard on his chest and tummy. Breathing heavily and trying to calm down listening to jeongguks pretty noises.

a high pitched scream rang through the phone. Jeongguk came so hard over himself, his thighs shaking violently and every part of him was sensitive now. He never came so hard in his life and he never came untouched before.

,, daddy so so good ggukie made a mess, ggukie came so much.."

,,u did so so good my baby such a good boy for daddy. Now rest well baby and clean yourself"

,,ggukie will thank u so much daddy"

With a sweet goodnight they both ended the call. Taehyung cleaned his stomach and put his boxer and pants back on. He was smirking the whole time thinking about what happened.

The poor boy came so hard he got a little dumb and talked about himself in the third person. This was definitely something new.

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