SEVEN | his son

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"It's not my fault. I didn't do this."

"Saying that makes you automatically guilty, Tony."

I step off the elevator with a heavy sigh as four agents follow behind, led by the very well known FBI Agent Tobias Fornell.

"Tobias." Gibbs looks up from his keyboard. "What's going on?"

"Gibbs, we're officially on shutdown." I move to Tony's side.

"Few months ago, they pulled a body out of the bay. P.D.'s had him on ice while they were tracking down a DNA match."

The director steps out of her office and makes her way down the open stairwell as Fornell proceeds with his reason.

"Yeah, and?"

"Body's been positively identified as René Benoit."

Unshockingly, Jenny speaks. "La Grenouille. He's dead?"

"Murdered." He confirms with a glance in her direction. "This entire unit is under investigation."

Along with the rest of the NCIS team, Fornell has an agent stationed in evidence lockup as the FBI conducts their investigation.

One by one, the number of interrogations grows as the agents, forensic specialist, and M.E.s are called out of the confined space.

"If you've been interviewed by Agent Fornell, you're free to go."

Tony tightens his grip around my shoulder while I drum my fingers against the top of my knee.

"And just to be clear. . .do not investigate this case."

Assistant director, and as of now acting director, Leon Vance slips a toothpick between his lips before exiting.

The moment the elevator doors shut, Abby lets out a breath of exasperation. "Ugh! That guy. He just, like, puts on a fancy suit and expects everyone to do everything he says."

"It is a pretty nice suit." Tony runs a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands.

"Come on, let's go." Gibbs waves over the dismissed ones. "Work to do."

"On what? We can't investigate the FBI's case."

"So we investigate the FBI."

Abby takes a handful cases from the evidence lockup back to her lab, but not before giving me a deck of cards.

"Another round?"

"We've played Slap Jack seventeen times already, and you've won each time."

"Maybe you'll win this round, Tony."

"Ms. Giudice."

The two of us look back to see Fornell standing with a case file. A breath leaves my parted lips as I turn back to Tony.



He takes me up to one of the interrogation rooms and makes me sit opposite to him, a new perspective for myself.

"So, Tobias. . .do you think you could do me a favor and tell me where Area 51 is?"

This evokes a wry chuckle. "The director mentioned your humor. As well as your close relationship to each other."

"When my mom introduced her to me as my godmother, well. . .four-year-old me was expecting wings and a magic wand." I fold my hands together.

"I'm assuming the director personally selecting you for such a hefty undercover assignment wasn't one of your three wishes?" He cocks a brow.

"Almost destroyed my relationship."

"How did you get so close to La Grenouille's son?"

"Sorry, Tobias, but I didn't come here to talk about his son. Although, you're more than welcome to ask me about the international arms dealer you found dead."

"So, you reported back to the director about the guy?"

"I kind of had to, didn't I?" My lips tighten into a thin line. "Seeing as he's the son of an international arms dealer who was a threat to the world. . .I told her what I knew."

He leans back against the chair. "Did the director order you to sleep with him?"

- - - - - - - - - -

"Has he made contact with you yet?"

Straight to the questions, I see.

I nod my head. "This morning, yeah. We're supposed to have dinner tomorrow night, but with the new case. . .I'll probably have to cancel again."

"And he's not suspicious of you?" Her gaze never leaves her computer.

"I. . .I don't think so." My brows furrow in slight confusion. "He might think I'm not interested since I've canceled so many times, but nothing about N.C.I.S. or his father."

She finally meets my eye. "Good. That's very good, Eva." Her chin tilts down. "And Tony has no clue as to what you're doing?"

"None at all, Jenny. I've been careful."

- - - - - - - - - -

"I never slept with Jaiden, Agent Fornell."

The words form with a deafening growl.

"Do you realize how much it killed me to lie to Tony like that? To whisper sweet nothings into the ear of another man?"

"You didn't have any trouble developing an intimate relationship with him then?"

All I can do is nod.

"But you developed feelings for him? That wasn't very professional, Eva. How'd that happen?"

"Don't put words in my mouth. I never said I loved him."

- - - - - - - - - -

"I can't sleep." My elbows rest against my knees. "I can't sleep at night knowing. . .please let me tell Tony. If I don't. . .the guilt is eating me alive, Jenny."

"You can't tell Tony." She shakes her head firmly.

"For the operation, I know." The words grit through strained teeth. "I should have never accepted this position." I pace over the carpeted floor.

"Break up with him."

My gaze shoots up at the mention of those four dreadful words.

"If it hurts you to look at him even if you know it's only temporary. . .break up with him."

"But I love him."

"If you love him. . .you need to let him go."

"Don't be so cliché." I sit down in one of the chairs.

Her hands rest on my shoulders. "I wasn't being cliché, Eva."

"I took this position for Tony. I accepted help to overcome my eating disorder for Tony. Every fiber in my body exists for Tony." My voice wavers thin as tears stream down my cheeks. "And you expect me to break up with him so as to not ruin your operation?"

"This has been going on much longer than since your involvement." Jenny replies sternly. "If you walk away now, it'll ruin months of work. We'll never be able to recover from it."

"Jenny, I —"

"He'll fight for you. If it was meant to be. . .he won't give up."

- - - - - - - - - -

"You're a really bad interrogator, Tobias." I shake my head lightly. "Have you thought about changing your profession to therapy?"

"I'll look into it." He releases a sigh.

"Anything else I can do for you?"

"Earlier that morning, the day La Grenouille died, you were killed almost twice."

"Thanks for the reminder."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Your friend died bringing you this." I pull the bloody package out of his body. "You really want it, don't you?"

"What the hell do you think?"

So I slice open the bag, letting the white powder spill all over the body.


And while he's distracted, I shove the scalpel into his shoulder. Instinctively, he drops the gun, and Tony is quick to grab it.

Nick removes the scalpel from his body and aims to kill me.

But Tony fires a warning shot.

"Next one's in your ear."

He rises onto his feet, and I slowly step backwards.

"Drop it."

The medical device falls to the floor with a clatter as he falls down to the ground. Tony kicks aside the scalpel, away from his reach.

"You okay?"

"I don't really know."

- - - - - - - - - -

Tony's interrogation comes next, and by the time darkness fills the sky. . .Jaiden and Jeanne sit in the very same interrogation room with Jenny.

"Hey, Trent."


"He wasn't just an operative. He was a father."

Before Trent can repay Tony for the bleeding nose, I approach the two men with a blank expression. His gaze falls on the two of us before he takes his leave.

Then, I notice Tony staring at something off to the side. I follow his line of sight and lock eyes with the very person I never wanted to see again.


"Anything you want to say to him?"

"No. You?"

He shakes his head. "Let's go home."

"Home." I hum against my throat. "You are home."

"God, you're cheesy."

"You've always loved that about me."

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