xxi. ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ ๐ซ๐จ๐ฐ

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"Just, do what you want, okay?" Bryce pulled Sam off to the side slightly while Daniel went to convince Johnny to team up again. "Don't think about what your dad wants you to do, or what Johnny wants to do, just do what you wanna do. Win or loose, you got this shit."

Sam nodded with an exhale. "I really wanna use Eagle Fang."

"So, use Eagle Fang." he encouraged her with a grin. "See you after you crush this?"

She exhaled, nodding. "See you after."

Leaning down, he wished her luck with a peak on the lips as she hurried off.

"What better way to cap off this exciting exhibition of karate then with a final match for the ages?" Daryl spoke over the mic as the spot lights shined on the mat. "Repressing Cobra Kai, the Queen Cobra herself, Tory Nichols! Coached by her senseis John Kreese and Terry Silver."

The remaining Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs watched Johnny and Daniel talk to Sam . "And representing Miyagi-Do Karate, the bonsi badass, Samantha LaRusso.Couch by two time champion Daniel LaRusso and, who i've been informed, will be joined by Sensei Johnny Lawrence."

Miyagi-Do and the rest of Eagle Fang cheered for her as Daniel hurried onto the mat for a second.

"Oh! I stand corrected, fellow two-time All Valley champion, Sensei Johnny Lawrence!" Daryl called, Bryce flashed him a half grin. "Let's go!"

"Yeah, thought you said y'all weren't together." Johnny smacked Bryce in the back of the head. "I saw that kiss."

"And I thought you said you had eight followers on your anti-Bryce fan page?" he shot back in questioning. "I saw those numbers."


Tory struck first with an angry kick, Sam blocking it with her own leg. She went at her again, swinging her foot as Tory tried to kick her legs out from under her, the LaRusso girl twisting around and kicking her across the face.

"Yes, Sam!" Bryce cheered with a bright grin, she ran toward Daniel. Tory walk toward Terry and Kreese. Bryce watched slightly as Sams face fell when talking to Daniel, turning around to go back to her marks. Bryce walked over. "Mr.LaRusso?"

"Yeah?" he looked ar her.

"With all the respect in the world-" Bryce began as Daniel looked as him. "-you have to let her grow and be her own person."

"She can be her own person without fighting aggressive." he argued.

"Let me remind you this girl tried to slice her face up at a school fight." Bryce gave a knowing look. "Sam isn't gonna go around fighting aggressive everywhere she goes. You have to trust her too."

They took their marks again, Tory bounced on the mat infront of Sam, kicking forward and swinging a punch backwards when circling her. Sam dodged it, blocking her kick, sending her own, forearms coming up and blocking the string of punches Tory threw at her. Sam kicked to the side, Tory punching her in the stomach and scored the point. "Score, one-one. Fight!"

Sam kicked toward Tory, having it blocked before Tory twisted around, kicking in return to get her right again. "Point! Two-one, Nichols."

Bryce flinched, giving Sam his best thumbs up as she looked back at him.

Sam stood infront of Tory, using balancing hand motions, Daniel gave a proud look. Tory looked oddly before Sam ended it with one fist above her head, the other before her. The ref nodded. "Ready? And fight!"

Tory struck first, kicking as Sam blocked them, Tory side kicking her in the ribs as Sam threw her fist her way, Tory blocking it. The Miyagi-Do tossed her leg over Torys head, taking her original position again as they backed up away from each other for a second. Tory swung around twice, trying to kick her, having each blocked. She blocked Sams hits in return, linking their arms together and yanking her harshly.

Sam broke free, ducking as Tory swung her fist above her head. Sam hit her in the chest, Tory stumbling back over the line. "No point. Out of bounce."

Johnny called out in annoyance. "Come on, Ref! She went out after she got hit!"

"Are you blind!" Bryce yelled at the ref. "Even I saw that and I don't even have 20/20 vision, man!"

The two took their stance again, one of Sams legs rose in her final position. With a full kick forward, she swung her fist as Tory blocked them, kicking at her, Sam blocking it. The two were moving quickly this round. Sam hit Tory in the chest, scoring herself a point, making Bryce and Daniel both give a cheer. "Scores two to two. Next point wins. Ready? Fight!"

Tory threw her legs in Sams direction, hers blocked and hit, but it was blocked. They both rose their hands, each having them blocked above their heads before Sam kicked Tory, being shoved away. Sam kicked her again, Tory grasping under Sams leg and threw her down on the mat, Sam flipping over her and got to her feet, grabbing Torys middle and forward rolling as Torys elbow collided with her eye. Bryce felt himself jolt forward before making himself stop.

"Warning. Elbow to the face. Go to your senseis." the ref called.

"Warning? Should be a point deduction!" Johnny yelled his way.

"I didn't mean to. No, it was an accident." Tory got on her feet and looked down at Sam, who held her eye in pain, squinting and running toward her senseis.

"Hey." Bryce stepped onto the mat to grab Sams chin to look at her eye. "She hit you hard? You seeing spots?"

"Yeah, she got me good but I can still fight." Sam promised, holding her swollen eye a second longer.

"We'll ice it up real good when we get home." he nodded, Sam agreed as he backed off the mat again when she ran back.Sam and Tory took their marks again.


Sam kicked her way, having it blocked. They circled each other slightly, Tory throwing a kick toward Sams head, having it blocked immediately as she sent a punch toward the chest, having it blocked. Sam kicked Tory, her arms blocking it. The Nichols girls was so close to hitting Sams chest, but she was too quick, and too good at blocking.

Sam came close to kicking Tory, having it blocked quickly as Tory landed a kick to her back. Twisting around, she kicked Sam harshly, despite her blocking it, Sams shorter body stumbling back. Tory fell to the floor, giving Sam another kick, scoring herself the point. "Winner!"

Bryce looked to Daniel in fear and disappointment, Sam walking their way as she looked seconds from crying. Bryce shook his head at her. "It's okay."

"It's not okay." she cried then, being high up on the mat made her arms go around his shoulders while he hugged her tightly.


kylie speaks

honestly, and i love daniel,
but i don't think sam would
have been so upset if he hadn't
put so much pressure on her
about winning bc they would
have lost the dojo if not. i realize that a lot of sam's attitude and the moments when all of us are
like ugh seriously girl are mainly because she is doing or
under daniels influence. like especially in season three when she was having ptsd and was very clear she didn't want to do karate anymore and he KEPT ON slowly pushing her and doing everything he could to try and get her to come back. idk i do like daniel, but his parenting style with sam AND anthony just doesn't sit right with me at all.

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