XXXI. 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲

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۫ ּ  ִ ۫   ˑ ֗ 𓏲˖ 𑁍 ࣪ ִ ۫ ּ  ִ ۫   ˑ ֗
࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ ✩◿𝓝𝓟◸ 🂱 ࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ
can't say no mercy without mercy.

"Emo phase." Demetri braced himself as Bryce got out of his car late that night to meet them. He looked pissed off at the world but also relatively sad. "Hey, Brycey."

"You look kinda upset." Miguel gave him a minor frown. "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." he exhaled, making it clear he absolutely did not want to talk about it. "Why are we here?"

"You know as much as we do. Sam told us to meet here."Miguel shrugged as Bryce seemed like he dreaded having to even hear her name.

"Sam might be mad at you, but at least you guys are somehow being involved together. I can't get a response from-" Robby began, being cut off.

"Tory?" Eli gapped as the pair of girls walked up together. Bryce turned, he really fucking hated fighting with Sam.

"What's, uh.." Miguel was lost and seemingly nervous. It wasn't as if they'd ever seen the two of them act civil. "What's up? Hi."

"What happened to your hand?" Robby looked at Torys wrapped wrist.

"Uh, training accident." she said in return. "I'm okay."

"We think we have a way to prove Silver assaulted Stingray." Sam looked at the group.

"If the attack happened at the old dojo, Silver installed security cameras." Tory agreed with her.

"So maybe he's all on tape." Miguel confirmed, glancing at Robby.

"But that place was cleaned out." Robby shook his head.

"That might not matter." Demetri rose his eyebrows. "I mean, the system that we sell at TechTown all saved the footage to a central server. When Silver moved out, he probably took the whole system."

"I think he did." Tory confirmed. "There is a server in his office at the flagship dojo."

"If we access it, we can find that footage." Eli smiled. "We can even post that Stingray clip to their YouTube channel."

"Get ahold of everyone else." Sam looked around to no one in particular. "Let them know that we're taking down Cobra Kai...tonight."

"If it's the same alarm system I should be able to bypass it." Robby walked toward the new Cobra Kai dojo.

"Spoken like a man that's done this before." Demetri laughed.

"Yeah, well karate wasn't my first hobby." Robby shrugged. "Fractured a law or two before we met."

"Or we could just scan my key card." Tory pulled it from her pocket. "So that those of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it."

"Hey." Bryce used his elbow to knock Sam in the arm. "Can we talk after this?"

Her face softened up. "Yeah, I really-"

"What's happening, folks?" Eli greeted the fello Miyagi-Fangs as they arrived, cutting the pairs conversation short.

"What's up, man?" Chris high-fived him. "Sorry we're late. Someone took forever to get ready."

"It's the middle of the night." Mitch shrugged, eyeing Tory. "What is she doing here?"

"It's fine. She's with us." Sam defended her. "For what we're about to do at least."

"So what are we doing?" Nathan looked at them.

"All your text says is that we're gonna take down Cobra Kai. But, like, how exactly?" Assface rose his eyebrows.

"Gonna show them who their sensei really is. We think we have proof he's a criminal." Miguel informed each of them.

"We're going upstairs to Silvers office. We need downstairs as lookout."

"Be good." Bryce rubbed Nathan and Bert on the heads as he followed after.

They all headed in except the ones that were meant to stay down stairs. Eli took the lead. "Okay, so pulling this Stingray clip off the server is like first day of computer camp shit. Got it?"

"Yeah." Demetri passed it to him.

"And then we just upload the clip to the YouTube Channel and Cobra Kai is out of business." he confirmed, plugging the cord into the tiny ipad.

"Okay, so Stingrays assault happened the morning after prom." Demetri confirmed, taking the chair.

"Any idea how to disconnect one of these?" Tory asked Robby as she looked up at the security camera.

"Yeah." he walked forward and yanked it free from the wall, letting it clatter at his feet.

Bryce had to grin, smacking his hand with Robby's.

"I can't believe it's happening." Tory spoke to Robby as they watched. "We're really gonna take Silver down."

"Yeah." Robby nodded. "What could go wrong?"

Bryce glanced at the pair. His gaze then looked to San next to him. He nudged her a little as she did it back.

"Okay." Demetri braced himself. "I got it!"

He hit play, the clear video of Silver mocking Stingray playing before it started to glitch out. "No!"

"Shit. Shit." Demetri panicked.

"What happened?" Tory matched his tone.

"That's all there is!" he announced. "The rest of it's been erased!"

"What the fuck?" Bryce huffed as he patted the mouse over and over. "What the fuck!"

"Silver covered his tracks." Robby shook his head.

"Of course he did." Sam rolled her eyes.

"Okay. So-so what now?" Miguel searched for some type of good in a horrible situation.

Bryce looked at Robby and Tory. "You two know him better then we do."

Tory nodded to his words. "I think there might be some other footage we can use."

"You wouldn't know the date and time?" Eli looked over at her hopefully.

Tory leaned to the computer, all watching as she typed in the right one and a small video coming up. Eli then cut in as she backed off. "Okay. I think I got it. Is this the clip?"

"Yeah. That's the one." Tory nodded as a loading bar showed up.

"Guys!" Chris shouted from downstairs.

"What was that?" Demetri looked to the door.

"We'll check it out. You guys stay here, we need that footage." Sam spoke quickly as she looked to Bryce. "Stay here, protect them."

"What about the rest of you?" Bryce asked her.

"I do know how to take care of myself, you know?" she rose her eyebrows with a half grin.

"Duh." he shrugged his shoulders. "But, I do it so much better."

Sam had to smile, running off as Bryce joined the pair of computer nerds. He didn't understand anything they'd been saying, and not just because computers weren't his style. He absolutely didn't last very long when the sound of fighting came from down stairs. He shifted his gaze toward his brother. "You two have this, right?"

Demetri looked up. "Oh, what would we do without a strong, handsome man pacing infront of us?"

"True." Bryce hurried to the door. "We support independent young men in this house!"

He sprinting down the steps, being met with the large fight erupting in the dojo. In his head, Bryce kinda hoped Kyler was getting himself into trouble so he could go after him. But, he hadn't seen him. He resulted in helping Robby out with a kick to one of Cobra Kais faces, hearing Tory yell out in pain. His gaze shifted over, but Sam had it covered. Bryce's moment of weakness got him a harsh hit to the face, so hard it rung his ear drums and made his jaw pop. In the minute of distraction, two Cobra Kais grabbed his arms and yanked him bask.

Bryce used his leg to kick the one infront of him away, but that didn't do much as he was held down and gave the boy free access to hit him. Miguel grabbed hold of one of the guys, yanking him away from Bryce so he had a free arm now. That arm looped around, hitting the other one in the face before head butting him harshly.

"Bryce, Miguel!" Eli ran down the stairs with Demetri. "We got it!"

"Okay. Here we go." he nodded quickly, but the pair were attacked from behind, hitting the ground and causing the laptop to go flying across the floor, landing at Anthony's feet.

"Get him!" Kenny yelled, Bryce tackled Kyler to the stairs from where he'd just attacked Eli and Demetri, punching him in the face and making sure he was knocked out good enough before sliding under Kenny's legs, standing up to guard Anthony immediately.

"Protect the egg!" Miguel yelled as they all hurried to huddle together, keeping Anthony and the laptop in the middle. Cobra Kai all surrounded them, jumping forward, but getting it done right back after Robby called it.

"Ais!" Kenny hollered out, sending them into a fight again.

"What are you gonna do?" Bryce shoved Kenny's head some. He felt bad for Kenny, but he also wasn't gonna let anything happen to Anthony either.

"Ninety-Five!" Anthony yelled as he held the laptop.

Miyagi-Fang was getting shoved closer and closer together in the middle of the fighting. Kenny noticed it first. "They're trapped. Don't let them out."

That lead to them trying to break through the hold.

"All right! All right! Knock it off!" Daniel started to push his way through.

The large tv on the wall chimed, making them all look up to see the security footage playing from the youtube channel. It was of Silver and the back of Tory. "Nichols. What's on your mind? Excited to take things to the next level?"

"What's the point?" Tory asked as Bryce held Eli's shoulder to check on him. "You'll just pay to make me champion again."

"So you know about the ref." he nodded slightly. "Have you told anyone else?"

"Not yet." Tory spoke in return. "So you don't deny it?"

"Not at all." those words made Cobra Kai gap and shoulders to shrink. "I paid him off to make sure Cobra Kai won. It was an insurance policy. You still won the fight."

"Did I?" Tory asked.

"That's it?" Silver asked as he walked into the dojo, blood on his face like he'd been in a fight. "That was your big plan, LaRusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?"

"It wasn't his plan." Tory walked forward as all the students spread apart, Bryce reached over and rubbed Sams back. "It was ours."

"And it changes everything." Robby confirmed from next to her. Silver walked forward and looked between the two of them.

"Our enemies..." Silver turned back to the other Cobra Kais. "-think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions. And what does the enemy deserve?"

No one said a thing as Silver looked in disbelief. "You think i'm the only one willing to go to these lengths? Their senseis broke into my home tonight. My home! Attacked me, unprovoked. But here I am. The only one left standing. They think they're entitled to victory because their way is "right" and our way is "wrong." But that's not how it works. There are no morals to the story, no happy endings. Life isn't a fairy tale! It's a competitive sport! Right and wrong, there's no such thing. There are only winners...and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. "

Daniel walked forward as Silver focused fully on him. "Everything you did to try and stop me amounted to nothing but pain. You got your ass kicked, Danny-boy. Now, you can either accept that...or I can kick it again right now."

Amanda walked forward. "We're all with you, Daniel. Do what you have to do."

Bryce rose his eyebrows, he'd seen Daniel fight before but not like this. They started to circle each other. "First, I took care of Chozen. Now you. This is where Miyagi-Do ends."

"Miyagi-Do existed before any of us. It'll be around long after we're gone." Daniel said back calmly . "The roots are strong, so the tree will survive."

Terry swung at him three times, all of which Daniel blocked. Terry kicked over his head, but Daniel ducked to dodge it before giving him a hard kick so he'd hit the ground. He got up nearly immediately and circled him one more time. Silver swung twice, then kicked, but Daniel used his forearms to keep him from actually hitting. He caught his arm, holding onto it as he ducked under and kneeled him hard in the face before shoving him down to the ground, his arm bent like he was going to break it.

Terry swung his fist, but Daniels knee came up and stopped him before punching him right in the face, knocking him down again. He got up again, not as fast, but again. He swung again, then kicked, but had them blocked. Daniel used his tactics against him, punching him right in the chest to knock the wind out of him as Silver fell back and coughed. He grasped onto him, but Daniel used the crane move to kick him in the face and into the trophy's, glass clattering under him.

"Man!" Bryce cheered as he couldn't help but lift Daniel off the ground. "Where has that been hiding this whole time?"

Bryce found Sam sitting on his car as the ambulance and police officers checked everyone out. He got up next to her with an exhale. "Hello, Samantha."

"Im just letting it sink in that it's over." she said honestly, scooting closer. "Bryce, i'm really sorry for what I said. I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay." he promised her. "I'm sorry for giving up so fast. We've just, like, never had a fight and it freaked me out."

He put his arm around her. "But, it freaked me out more knowing we weren't in a good place anymore."

Sam rested her head on her shoulder. "I'll try to not let it happen again."

"Me too." he promised, twirling one of her curls. "Sam?"

"Yeah?" she hummed.

"Wanna go to our house?" he offered with a tiny smile. "Finish painting the dining room and order new counter tops?"

Sma nodded as she felt a wave of relaxation. "Yeah, I really really do."

"All right, get up, girl." he patted her arm, getting up first and leaning in for a kiss. "Gotta pick up Picasso."

"Can't wait." Sams face lit up, grasping his hand and hopping off the car.

kylie speaks

my loves, my babies.
i had such a great time
writing season five and i
can just hope you all
enjoyed it just as much!
bryce is so high up on my
favorite oc's list and letting
him go again sucks, but i'm
also satisfied with how we're
endinh things. while season
six hasn't gotten the confirmation, i'm sure it will
before long. if not and this is
where we part ways forever, i
love you all and i thank you
for everything you've given

bryce and kylie out xx

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