xxiii. gross, i feel like throwing up again

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chapter twenty-three.
gross, i feel like throwing up again
tw; mentions of ed, purging
disclaimer: I hope everything in Spanish is accurate!! I used Spanishdict like someone told me too !! Hopefully it's correct :)) but thank you to that person (I forgot their username, my bad)

lowercase intended !

episode six

THE LIGHTS FLICKERED, casting an eerie atmosphere in the room. Will raised his hand to his neck, a scared expression contorting his face. "He's here," he informed them, his voice shaky. The Cortez girl glanced over at El before taking Max's hand, squeezing it tightly. They walked past the front desk lady, ignoring her calls, and headed towards the elevator, propelled by a shared determination to face the looming threat.

Max tapped the elevator button repeatedly, the group of teens standing anxiously and impatiently. Josie, feeling the tension, shoved her hands into her pockets, rocking back and forth on her heels, and blew a raspberry.

The impatience in the air made her briefly consider using her powers to open the elevator, but she quickly realized the futility of that idea. Instead, she scanned the area for an alternative and spotted stairs. Pointing them out, the group ran over, swiftly ascending the stairs, urgency propelling them forward.

Josie's face turned pale as she witnessed Jonathan using a fire extinguisher to try and break the window. Fueled by a burst of adrenaline, she propelled herself towards the door, her eyes glowing with determination. The urgency of the situation pushed Josie to take action, ready to face whatever awaited them on the other side.

As Josie reaches the door, a surge of determination fuels her telekinetic abilities. With precision, she extends her hand, fingers tingling with power. The room seems to vibrate with unseen energy as an invisible force radiates from her fingertips, colliding with the door.

In a dramatic display of her telekinetic prowess, the impact is explosive. The door shatters off its hinges, wood splintering and cracking. The sound echoes through the room, a symphony of destruction. The liberated door hurtles across the space, crashing into the adjacent wall with a resounding thud. Debris scatters in all directions, the aftermath of the door's violent liberation.

Josie stands there, triumphant, the room now open before them. Her eyes reflect the lingering intensity of the moment, a testament to her telekinetic abilities showcased in the trail of destruction left behind. The group, now free to proceed, takes a collective breath, absorbing the transformation of tension into a victorious momentum.

As Josie stands at the entrance door, her heart pounding with adrenaline, she locks eyes with the menacing creature before her. A snarl escapes its twisted lips, sending shivers down her spine. Determined to protect herself, Josie taps into the depths of her telekinetic powers.

With a focused gaze, she extends her hand, and with a flick of her wrist, broken wood in the room comes alive. Splintered remnants soar through the air, guided by her telekinetic prowess. They crash into walls and ceiling with a thunderous cacophony, creating a chaotic symphony that fills the room. The mindflayer is caught off guard, its snarls drowned out by the chaos surrounding it.

Josie's telekinetic display not only protects her but also introduces an element of unpredictability, momentarily disrupting the creature's advance. The room becomes a battleground of wood and debris, an arena where Josie's abilities clash with the malevolent force before her.

But the Cortez girl isn't finished yet. Summoning every ounce of telekinetic energy within her, Josie channels it into one final act of defiance. With a powerful surge, she propels the creature towards the window, its twisted form colliding with the glass. The impact is explosive, causing the window to shatter into a myriad of sparkling shards.

The creature is thrown out into the night, defeated and vanquished. Josie stands there, her chest heaving, a mix of exhaustion and triumph coursing through her veins. She has proven her strength, her telekinetic abilities a force to be reckoned with. The room, now free from the malevolent presence, settles into an uneasy calm, the remnants of the battle scattered around as a testament to Josie's resilience.

Max grabs Josie's shoulders, turning her around, taking her hand, and running back down the steps quickly. Making their way outside, El pushes the exit doors open, and they stop in their tracks, watching the mindflayer slowly dissolve into the drain. The eerie sight unfolds before them, a mixture of relief and lingering unease settling over the group as they witness the creature's retreat.

Josie scrunched her nose up. "Gross, I feel like throwing up again," she remarked. Mike's eyebrows shot up, taking a step away from her. "Please do it in the other direction of me," he pleaded, a mix of concern and mild disgust on his face.

THE NEXT DAY, they all gathered at El's cabin. El locked herself in her room, determined to locate Billy and trace back to the source. Josie, although an option to search for him, was slightly drained from the previous night. Instead, she was sent out to the fair with the task of looking for Billy and gathering any information.

As Josie headed to the fair, the weight of the night's events lingered, her focus on the mission ahead and the potential encounter with the mysterious threat they were determined to uncover.

Josie roams the fairgrounds, her eyes scanning the lively crowd for any sign of Billy. She weaves through the colorful booths and thrilling rides, her anticipation growing with each passing moment. However, to her dismay, Billy is nowhere to be seen. The bustling fair offers no immediate clues, and Josie continues her search, determined to unravel the mystery lurking in the midst of the vibrant festivities.

Josie's brows furrow in frustration, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she bites down hard. A heavy sigh escapes her lips, carrying with it the weight of her exasperation. Frustration bubbles up inside her, threatening to dampen her spirits.

Just as she's about to give up her search, a glimmer of distraction catches Josie's eye. It's a game booth with a captivating challenge — shooting water directly at a target to win a coveted stuffed animal. Determined to momentarily forget her disappointment, Josie steps up to the booth, ready to face the challenge head-on.

As fate would have it, she finds herself pitted against a random little kid, their eyes locked in a friendly yet competitive gaze. The game becomes a welcome diversion, offering Josie a chance to immerse herself in the thrill of the fair and temporarily set aside the frustration of her elusive search for Billy.

With a steely resolve, Josie takes aim, her focus unwavering. She squeezes the trigger, sending a powerful stream of water towards the target. The crowd watches in anticipation as the water hits dead center, triggering a burst of lights and a victorious jingle. The little kid's face lights up with admiration, but Josie's victorious smile shines even brighter.

In that moment, the carnival game becomes a personal triumph, a small victory that manages to lift Josie's spirits amidst the challenges of the night. The cheers of the crowd blend with the sounds of the faiir..

She has triumphed over the challenge, earning herself a fluffy polar bear stuffed animal as her well-deserved prize. Despite not finding Billy, Josie's frustration melts away, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for the unexpected joys the fair has to offer. Holding her prize close, Josie decides to embrace the lighthearted moments the fair provides, allowing the thrill of the carnival to overshadow the lingering mysteries she seeks to unravel.

Josie, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation, bids farewell to the fair and sets off on foot to find her bike. With determination in her stride, she locates her trusted two-wheeler and hops on, putting her stuffed animal in the basket. The familiar thrill of freedom courses through her veins as she pedals away, the night air carrying a sense of both accomplishment and the promise of new adventures.

Navigating through the winding paths of the woods, Josie's heart races with a combination of excitement and trepidation. The anticipation builds as she nears El's cabin, the place where their adventures often begin. As she arrives, she clutches the soft, comforting polar bear close to her chest, finding solace in its presence.

The cabin stands as a familiar haven, and Josie reflects on the countless memories forged within its walls. The soft glow of light from the windows welcomes her, and with each step, she carries the essence of her triumph at the fair into the comforting embrace of their shared sanctuary.

Coming to a sudden halt, Josie's ears perk up at the sound of raised voices in the distance. She strains to catch the words, her curiosity piqued. The voices grow louder, and she recognizes the distinct tones of Max and Mike engaged in a heated argument. Intrigued and concerned, Josie pauses, contemplating whether to intervene or observe from a distance.

"The fact is, she's not yours! She's dating me, Mike! You need to get over yourself," Max yelled at him, her eyes hardened in Mike's direction as he rolled his eyes. "And she's also her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions. She chose me! Not you. And how many times has she rejected you?" Max continued, the tension in the air escalating with each word.

Josie's eyebrows knitted together. They were fighting over her? What did she miss while she was gone? "You having her going to the fair is so risky! She's risking her life for no reason. What if Billy is there? He could snatch her and take her to the Mindflayer! Like Will said, he finds her intimidating," Mike shot back, his concern and frustration evident in his words.

Nancy shot an eyebrow up. "For no reason? Mike, Josie is super strong. More powerful than Eleven. You saw her last night; she blasted that door off the hinges and threw the monster out the window. And the Flayed is out there doing God knows what! She's fully capable of keeping herself safe," Nancy argued, defending Josie's capabilities with a sense of conviction.

Josie felt her stomach flutter with accomplishment. She hadn't realized how powerful she was until now. Lucas nodded. "Killing, flaying..." he listed. "Transforming into monsters," Will added, intervening.

Nancy shook her head. "And El's not stupid. She knows her abilities better than any of us. You need to stop worrying about the both of them," Nancy told her brother as Max nodded. "Exactly, thank you!" she exclaimed, endorsing Nancy's perspective. "And they're their own person," Nancy continued, emphasizing the importance of respecting El and Josie's autonomy in navigating the challenges ahead.

"Exactly," Max agreed. "With their own free will," Nancy continued to list, making Mike scrunch his nose up. "El has saved the world twice, and Josie's been a big help in knowing if the Mind Flayer is close, and Mike still doesn't trust them," Max sneered as Mike huffed. "You wanna talk about trust, really? After you made your girlfriend and Eleven spy on us?" he shouted as Max looked to the side in guilt. "Wait, what?" Lucas spoke up, his confusion mirroring the sentiments of the group.

Mike laughed. "Oh, she didn't tell you this?" he asked, his voice raising as Lucas shook his head. "No."

Mike pointed at Max. "Your best friend used her girlfriend's and El's powers to spy on us!" he informed him. Max scoffed, giving Mike a judgmental look. "No, no, no, I did not make them! It was El's idea. And Josie thought it would be a good chance to try and see if she could do what El could do! And why are we even talking about this, seriously?" she whipped the details at him as Mike rolled his eyes, and Will agreed. "Yeah, who cares?"

Lucas gave him a look. "I care!" he pointed at himself. "Yeah. I guess the girls don't lie; they like to spy on boys!" he exclaimed, making himself the victim. Josie scoffed quietly with an eye roll. He was making himself look like a victim, and it was making her blood rise. Max gave him an offended look. "We were just joking around!" she defended herself. "Wouldn't it have been so funny if I was taking a massive shit or something?" Mike defended, attempting to downplay the situation with humor.

Josie's mind conjured an unpleasant image, causing her to gag quietly. Max, with a disbelieving expression, questioned Mike's revelation. "You weren't?" she said, her tone filled with disbelief. Mike, somewhat nonchalantly, responded, "But what if I was?" Max, now wearing a grossed-out look, retorted, "Then gross!"

Nancy gave her brother a scolding look. "Seriously, Mike?" she said with disbelief. "I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless Max is with Jo and El's powers! In fact, how careless all of you are! You're treating them like some kind of machine when they're not a machine, and I don't want them to die looking for the Flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth. So can we please just come up with a new plan because I care about El so much, and I love her as a friend, and I don't wanna lose her again! But I love Josie, and I just feel like if I lose her from my life, my heart will break in a billion pieces!" Mike rambled, his words reflecting a mix of concern, frustration, and a genuine fear of losing the people he cares about.

Max gave him a jealous glare; if he tries to take Josie from her, her heart will break. Josie's eyes widened in disbelief, her jaw dropping open as she clutched the stuffed animal in her arms, feeling a mix of shock and vulnerability. The weight of Mike's confession hung heavily in the air, filling the cabin with an uneasy tension.

Summoning her courage, Josie took a deep breath and finally closed the cabin door behind her with a firm, resolute click. The sound reverberated through the room, making it abundantly clear to everyone present that she had arrived and had heard every word of Mike's heartfelt admission. The silence that followed was palpable, as all eyes turned to Josie, waiting for her response. The weight of the moment hung in the air, and the group braced for the impact of Josie's reaction to the revelations that had unfolded in her absence.

Mike's eyes widened. "Did you hea—hear all that?" he stammered, a hopeful sound in his tone. He really hoped she didn't. "Wh—what? No, what's going on?" she stuttered, trying to make it seem like she didn't as another click from a door emerged through the room, making their eyes turn to El. "What's going on?" El asked.

Lucas smirked, taking a casual approach as he sat back down in his seat. "Family discussion," he nonchalantly declared, attempting to downplay the intensity of the moment. Josie clutched the stuffed animal tightly, her eyes fixed on the ground, nerves evident in her posture. "Oh," El and Josie said in unison, their voices carrying a mix of confusion and acceptance. Max gasped, her mind racing with worries of potential secrets and hidden feelings.

Obviously, Josie didn't like Mike. She felt like she's been telling Mike over and over again that she doesn't like him, and it just runs past his head. El frowned. "I found him," she informed them as Nancy looked at her confused. "Who?"

Eleven sat in front of the TV, the static channel casting an eerie glow in the dim room. A black blindfold was securely wrapped around her head, emphasizing her intense focus. The Cortez girl's head leaned on Max's shoulder, the slight raspberries breaking the monotony of the room's quiet tension.

El panted, removing the blindfold with a sense of urgency. Her eyes, intense and searching, turned toward her friends. "What's he doing now?" Max questioned, her eyes mirroring a mix of curiosity and concern.

"He's in his room. Staring at nothing," El stated, her words hanging in the air, laden with the weight of uncertainty.

Josie cleared her throat, her eyes subtly conveying concern. "Ellie Bellie, why don't you get a glass of water? You look a little pale," she suggested, choosing a gentle way to redirect Eleven's attention and give her a moment to process away from the tense atmosphere.

As Eleven left the room, Nancy, with a furrowed brow, voiced the unease shared by the group. "Okay, that's not normal, right?" she asked Max, seeking reassurance in her friend's response.

"Billy staying in his room on the fourth of July? No, that's not normal," Max stated, her expression reflecting a mix of worry and confusion. Josie nodded in agreement, her arms folded as she contemplated the unusual departure from Billy's typical behavior. "Yeah, totally. He's usually partying," Josie added, her observation adding to the growing sense that something significant was unfolding around them.

"He wants us to find him," Will says, prompting a thoughtful silence in the room. Nancy folded her arms, her expression conveying a mix of determination and caution. "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. If we go to Billy, then the rest of the Flayed know where we are," she explains, her insight revealing the potential dangers lurking in their pursuit.

Mike nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "It's a trap, I agree. We'll be ambushed," he concurred, underlining the risk involved in blindly following the trail left by Billy. The group grappled with the dilemma, torn between the desire to uncover the truth and the very real threat that awaited them.

"We won't be surprised," Lucas pointed out, injecting a note of optimism into the discussion. "We'll know that they're coming, and we will kick their Flayed butts," he grinned hopefully as Max gave him a knowing look. "You mean El and Josie will kick their butts," she corrected him, acknowledging the formidable abilities that their two friends possessed. Josie bit her cheek anxiously, the weight of the impending confrontation settling in the room.

Mike sighed. "It's too risky," he denied, expressing his concern about the potential dangers associated with confronting the Flayed directly. "yeah, and unnecessary. killing the flayed won't stop the mind flayer. we have to find out where it's spreading from. we have to find the source." Josie nodded in agreement, emphasizing the need to focus on finding the source rather than engaging in a potentially futile battle.

Eleven appeared out of nowhere, her presence adding a layer of urgency to the conversation. "Billy and Heather know it. Billy's been there, and so has Heather. To the source," she explained, providing crucial information that redirected the group's attention. Josie raised an eyebrow, about to voice her concerns, "El, it's a trap—" The air in the room thickened with a sense of impending danger as the group grappled with the difficult decision ahead.

El swiftly interjected, "I acknowledge the impossibility of involving Billy or Heather, yet I've devised an alternative," she directed a hopeful gaze at Josie, continuing, "and I'm counting on your assistance. We need a method to track their movements." El informed Josie, sparking a renewed sense of purpose in the room as the group delved into El's alternative plan, eager to discover a solution that would uncover the town's hidden secrets while mitigating risks.

JOSIE WAS ONLY DOING THIS TO SAVE HER FRIENDS. She had a specific mission – finding Heather's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Eleven took charge of locating Billy. Eleven, sitting criss-crossed on the floor beside Josie, initiated the search by turning on the TV, its screen flickering with static. The Cortez girl, captivated by a karate bandana, carefully wound it around her head, covering her eyes in a determined fashion. The plan was for them to commence their tasks simultaneously, but Eleven got caught up in a conversation with Mike, delaying the synchronized action.

Josie closed her eyes, releasing a breath and easing her shoulders. Heather's image lingered in her mind, recalling a photo from the community pool wall. A sense of detachment enveloped her; the ambient sounds faded away. Unlike others, she couldn't communicate or hear them unless with El, who wasn't with her at the moment. A unique solitude settled in as she navigated this distinct experience.

A delicate trickle of blood from her nose served as an unmistakable sign to her friends. Within the expansive white void, Josie felt the subtle sensation of water beneath her feet as she embarked on her search for Heather. The anticipation hung in the air as she scanned her surroundings.

Suddenly, the sound of panting resonated, and Josie's head swiftly turned. There, alone on a couch, Heather sat, her gaze fixed on the wall. A shiver coursed down Josie's spine, but with determination, she pressed forward, navigating the enigmatic space to approach Heather.

With a tender touch, Josie lifted Heather's hand, their eyes locking in a silent plea. "Show me, Heather. Please," she murmured, the words carrying a delicate urgency. Closing her eyes, Josie embraced the ethereal connection. As she held Heather's hand, a subtle sensation enveloped her – the touch, a gateway to unseen dimensions. The water beneath her feet seemed to evaporate, leaving Josie suspended in a moment of profound transition, teetering on the edge of the unknown.

The sensation of gravel beneath her feet replaced the water, and as Josie opened her eyes, a gentle wind tousled her hair. To her surprise, she stood on a school blacktop, greeted by the familiar surroundings. A soft smile graced her lips as she observed a group of children, including a little girl giggling with her friends, waiting for their parents to arrive. Josie found herself immersed in this nostalgic scene, a moment of unexpected connection in a place that felt both distant and intimately familiar.

Abruptly, Josie's head tilted as a speeding car approached. The window rolled down, revealing Janet Holloway's urgent call, "Heather Mae Holloway, car now!" The little girl, previously seen giggling, dropped her smile and sprinted towards the car, swiftly hopping inside at her mother's command.

Josie, bewildered, materialized within the confines of the Holloway house. Frowning, she observed Janet examining Heather's lunchbox, displeasure etched across her face as she discovered the empty contents. "Heather! Come down here right now!" Janet's voice reverberated through the house, her eyes scanning the staircase, seemingly oblivious to Josie's unexplained presence. The atmosphere thickened with a mix of tension and confusion, offering Josie an intimate view of the familial dynamics within the Holloway household.

The brunette turned and spotted little Heather, around nine years old, approaching her mother with a downcast expression. Janet, hands on hips, fixed a stern glare on her. "Now, Heather, what did I say about eating all your food?" she scolded, and little Heather responded with a frown, "You said eat half..." Janet hummed in acknowledgment. "Yep," she held her hand out, "you know the drill, let's go to the bathroom." The scene unfolded with a mix of discipline and routine, offering Josie a deeper insight into the dynamics of Heather's upbringing.

Heather obediently grabbed her mother's hand, and together they headed towards the bathroom. As Josie glared at Janet, a sense of disbelief washed over her. Scolding a hungry child and then making her vomit seemed incomprehensible. Doubts about Janet's parenting unfolded in Josie's mind.

Just then, the bathroom door burst open, jolting Josie's attention. She sauntered over, and as the door swung wide, a cloud of red filled her vision, accompanied by a rush of memories that unveiled a profound and unsettling layer of Heather's past.

Navigating through the overwhelming noise, Josie focused on Janet's voice. Her glare intensified as she witnessed Janet instructing a twelve-year-old Heather to suck in her stomach for upcoming holiday card photos. Josie, bracing against the wind, shielded her face as she pressed through the storm of memories. Finally emerging, she found herself near a car shop. Reading the name, "Brimborn Steelworks,"

Gasping, Josie threw the blindfold off and exclaimed, "Guys, the source is Brimbor—" Her revelation was abruptly cut off by El's cries, as she witnessed El in Mike's arms, tears streaming down her face. Confused, Josie's eyebrows knitted together. "El?" she turned to Max, who simply shrugged her shoulders, adding another layer of mystery to the unfolding situation.

ash speaks!

we're getting closer to season four...
im not ready.

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