xxxii. the magic of kate bush and madonna

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chapter thirty-two.
the magic of kate bush and madonna
disclaimer: I hope everything in Spanish is accurate!! I used Spanishdict like someone told me too !! Hopefully it's correct :)) but thank you to that person (I forgot their username, my bad)

episode five

JOSIE WOKE UP TO YELLING for Nancy to come back. Josie let out a groan as she slowly rose from her bed, her tiredness weighing heavily on her. Unbeknownst to her, Max, Nancy, and Dustin had already left. It had been weeks since Josie had experienced a restful night's sleep without being plagued by nightmares, so waking up without any disturbances was a welcome relief. With a raspy morning voice, she reached for the supercomm and pulled up the Intena, her curiosity piqued. She directed her question to Eddie, "Hey, what's the deal?"

"Where's Nancy? Who is this?"

Josie couldn't help but roll her eyes at Eddie's sarcastic tone. "Come on, Eddie, you know it's me. Josefina Cortez," she said, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. Eddie let out a laugh and greeted her, "Josie! How you doin'?" Her lips curled into a small smile as she responded, "Well, actually, I'm doing pretty good—"

Josie blinked, her eyes slowly adjusting to the morning light as she tried to wake up. Eddie's request caught her off guard, and she let out a sigh, her annoyance evident in her tone. "Depends, Eddie. What do you need?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of irritation. Eddie hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Can you please do me a solid and grab me a six pack—"

Josie let out an exasperated huff, her frustration evident in her body language, as she reached over and switched off the comms. Ignoring Eddie's question, she plopped herself onto the couch, feeling the exhaustion wash over her. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she found herself drifting off back to sleep. As she descended into slumber, Eddie's voice pierced through the haze, "Josie! Josefina! Hello!?" Frustrated by the lack of response, Eddie muttered a frustrated "goddamn it" to himself, his annoyance palpable in his tone.

MAX INSISTED ON GOING to the Creel House. They ascended the steps, their eyes fixed on the looming house. The stairs emitted a creaking sound, a testament to their age. Steve couldn't help but comment, "Yeah, that's not creepy." Victoria, unfazed, rolled her eyes and boldly declared, "I love creepy stuff. It's my favorite." Josie, taken aback, gave her a wide-eyed look. Trying to stifle a laugh, she managed to say, "I think you're freaking crazy." Victoria playfully punched her shoulder, exclaiming, "Hey!"

As Nancy and Steve approached the door, anticipation and skepticism filled the air. They exchanged glances before attempting to pry the stubborn door open. Steve's frustration was palpable as he let out an exasperated sigh. "I mean, seriously, what the hell are we even supposed to find in this shithole?" he questioned, his voice laced with doubt and skepticism. Nancy, determined and undeterred, shared a knowing look with Steve.

"We're not entirely sure," Nancy replied, her tone tinged with uncertainty. Victoria chimed in, adding, "We just know this house is significant to Vecna." With a tired sigh, she leaned her head on Josie's shoulder. Josie couldn't help but suppress a smile at Victoria's playful whining. "Couldn't we just sleep in until eleven? I need my ten hours of beauty sleep!" Victoria complained. Josie chuckled softly.

"Wait, so you think this is important because Max saw it in Vecna's trippy mind world?"



"We're hoping that this place holds some valuable clues about Vecna's whereabouts, why he's resurfaced, why he targeted the Creels, and most importantly, how we can stop him from coming after Max," Dustin explained with a sense of urgency.

Lucas glanced at his friends, a mix of concern and determination in his eyes. "But we don't actually believe Vecna is hiding inside, right?" he asked, seeking reassurance. Max's response was tinged with dry humor as she replied, "Well, I guess we're about to find out." As Steve and Nancy successfully pried open the door, the wooden blockade crashed to the ground, revealing the mysterious darkness that awaited them inside.

Leaves swirled through the air, causing everyone to take a step back in surprise. Victoria's reaction was immediate as she began spitting uncontrollably, convinced that a leaf had found its way into her mouth. "Ugh, gross! I can't believe a leaf flew right into my mouth," Victoria exclaimed, her hand gripping Josie's shoulder for support as she continued to spit, desperately trying to remove the unwanted intruder from her mouth.

Victoria let out an exasperated huff, her eyes meeting Josie and Lucas who exchanged a knowing glance. "I... I think I finally managed to spit it out," she mumbled, a sheepish smile spreading across her face. As Steve approached the door with determination, he soon realized that it was locked, causing him to take a step back in frustration. "It's locked."

"I can handle this," Josie asserted, striding forward with a determined look on her face and her hands confidently placed on her hips. Locking her gaze onto the door, she summoned all her strength and focused her powers. With a burst of energy, the door was forcefully torn off its hinges, causing Josie and her friends to stare in awe and amazement. Their eyes widened as they witnessed the incredible display of Josie's abilities.

They took a collective step back, their attention drawn to Cassidy, who had a trickle of blood coming from her nose. "Oops," she said with a nervous smile and a casual shrug. Max playfully rolled her eyes and let out a gentle laugh. Victoria caught the sound of that laugh as Josie confidently walked in ahead of them. Victoria couldn't help but smirk, thinking that maybe it was a sign that Max missed Josie.

They stepped into the eerie house, their movements slow and deliberate, taking in their surroundings with a mix of caution and curiosity. Lucas couldn't resist injecting some humor into the tense atmosphere. "Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill," he joked, a playful grin spreading across his face. Victoria couldn't hold back her amusement and blurted out, "You got that right," Their lighthearted banter provided a brief moment of levity in the otherwise eerie setting.

As the group prepared to explore the dark house, each person pulled out their trusty flashlights, ready to illuminate their path. However, Josie had a unique trick up her sleeve. Instead of relying on a conventional flashlight, she tapped into her inner energy and conjured a mesmerizing glowing orb to light their way. The others looked at her in awe and curiosity, their eyes widening with surprise. Steve, with a puzzled expression, couldn't help but voice his question. "Where did everyone get those?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Hey, guys? You all see that, right?" Max asked, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The rest of the group gathered behind her, their eyes fixated on the Grandfather Clock illuminated by her flashlight. Victoria, her voice shaky, replied, "Yeah," her words barely escaping her trembling lips. As Max bit her lip, she could feel her cheeks flush red, a combination of nerves and anticipation. Steve and Dustin chimed in, their voices echoing with agreement, "Yeah." The group stood there, united in their shared curiosity and the eerie presence of the mysterious clock.

"Is that what you saw? In your visions?" Nancy asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of concern. Max nodded slowly, confirming the connection between her visions and the mysterious clock. Robin, trying to make sense of it all, chimed in, "I mean, it's... just a clock?" Josie, feeling a lump in her throat, gulped before responding, "Yeah, it's just a clock, right?" Her words carried a mixture of hope and uncertainty, as she looked towards Max, seeking reassurance in their shared experience.

Robin confidently stepped forward, her hands reaching out to wipe away the layers of dust that had settled on the surface of the clock. "Like a normal old clock," she declared, a hint of disbelief in her voice. As her fingers glided over the intricate details, she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and intrigue. The rest of the group watched, their eyes fixed on Robin's actions, wondering if there was more to this seemingly ordinary timepiece than met the eye.

"Why does this wizard have a obsession with clocks?" Steve asked, his curiosity evident in his tone. Victoria stood beside Lucas, giving Steve a playful, sarcastic look. "Maybe he's secretly a clockmaker!" she suggested, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. Steve nodded, finding the idea amusing.

Victoria squinted her eyes at him, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "I was just pulling your leg," she informed him with a playful tone. Steve's eyes widened slightly, catching on to her playful banter. "All I know is that we've got to find the answers, they're hidden somewhere," he declared, his determination shining through. He turned to Dustin, placing his hands on his hips, ready to continue their search for the truth.

"Okay, everyone stay in groups of two. Robin, upstairs."

"Vic!" Josie called out, a hint of excitement in her voice as she reached out to lock her arm with Victoria's. However, Victoria swiftly shrugged off Josie's arm, a determined expression on her face. "No, you're going with Max, and I'm going with Lucas," Victoria informed her, her tone firm and unwavering. Before Josie could even utter a response, Lucas and Victoria had already begun walking away, leaving Josie standing there, slightly taken aback.

Josie couldn't help but suppress a smile, recognizing this as an opportunity for her and Max. Max's lips curved into a smile as well, mirroring Josie's excitement. "Shall we take a look around?" Josie suggested, her voice filled with anticipation. Max nodded eagerly, ready to explore alongside Josie.

JOSIE AND MAX BOTH HAD THEIR HEADPHONES ON. Josie and Max understood the gravity of the situation, not wanting to risk falling under Vecna's curse. As they cautiously stepped into the room, the pulsating beats of Madonna's "Angel" filled Josie's ears, adding an eerie yet strangely fitting ambiance to their exploration.

The room was in a state of disarray, covered in layers of dust and cobwebs. Despite the neglect, remnants of furniture could still be seen, giving the room a hauntingly nostalgic feel. As Max's tape came to an end, Josie couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. "I wish we had a longer loop," she murmured, yearning for more music to accompany their adventure through the unknown.

Max nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, forty-six minutes isn't too bad," she remarked with a playful tone. Her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and humor as she continued, "But hey, what if I listen to it on repeat and suddenly it's not my favorite anymore? Will Kate Bush lose her enchanting power?" Max's words carried a sense of lightheartedness, highlighting her playful nature and her knack for finding humor even in the most unlikely scenarios.

Josie's smile widened, a melodic laugh escaping her lips. Max's gaze flickered down to Josie's lips and then back up to her eyes, a hint of longing in their expression. Josie took a confident step forward, her voice filled with affectionate reassurance. "Well, darling," she began, her eyes locked with Max's. "The magic of Kate Bush and Madonna will never lose their power. And you and I? We'll not only survive, but thrive."

Max's breath hitched as she felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her. She struggled to find the right words, her voice trembling as she looked up into Josie's eyes. Josie's hand gently brushed against Max's jawline, a tender gesture that made Max's heart skip a beat.

They were so close, their lips mere inches apart, when suddenly Max's attention was drawn to a flickering light. With a mix of curiosity and concern, Max turned her head and asked Josie, "I keep seeing that, right?" Her eyes searched Josie's face for reassurance, and Josie nodded slowly, confirming what Max had noticed.

They cautiously followed the trail of twinkling lights, their steps guided by the ethereal glow. As they made their way back to the group, they gathered around a table, their eyes still drawn to the chandelier above. Its intermittent flashes created an almost hypnotic effect, capturing their full attention and leaving them transfixed in its captivating dance of light.

THE CHANDLIER FLASHED. "It's just like those Christmas lights," Nancy whispered, her words filled with a mix of awe and concern. Robin furrowed her brows, curious about Nancy's reference. "The Christmas lights?" she asked, seeking clarification. Nancy nodded, her voice tinged with urgency as she explained, "Yeah, remember when Will was trapped in the Upside Down? The lights... they came alive, just like this." Lucas chimed in, his tone serious, "Vecna is here." Victoria's anxiety grew, her lip bitten anxiously, as she questioned, "In this house?" Lucas nodded, maintaining eye contact with her, confirming her fears. "Just on the other side."

The chandelier abruptly ceased its flashing. "I think he's gone," Robin exhaled, relief evident in her voice. Max turned to Steve and Josie, her eyes filled with concern. "Did he hear us?" she asked anxiously. Steve echoed her worries, questioning, "Can he see us?" Suddenly, a noise caught Victoria's attention, causing her to swiftly turn her head towards Max and Josie. "Headphones," she whispered urgently, conveying the need for caution.

Max and Josie wasted no time in sliding their headphones back onto their ears, eager to block out any potential noise. Josie noticed that her walkman had unexpectedly stopped playing, so she quickly fumbled to turn it back on, ensuring that she wouldn't miss a beat. As the group gathered in the dimly lit room, Nancy took charge, her voice filled with a sense of urgency. "Hold on, everyone," she whispered, her words barely audible. "Let's turn off our flashlights and spread out. We need to stay quiet and stay together."

The room fell silent as they followed Nancy's instructions, their hearts racing with anticipation and fear.

They cautiously stumbled upon a stairway, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Step by step, they ascended the stairs, each movement filled with trepidation. Max, the brave one, took the lead, turning back to exchange a nervous glance with her friends before slowly pushing open the creaky door.

The group entered the room, their movements deliberate and deliberate, as if afraid to disturb the silence that hung in the air. They formed a tight circle, their eyes drawn to a single lightbulb suspended from the ceiling, its intermittent flickering casting eerie shadows on the walls. With a collective breath held, they aimed their flashlights at the flickering bulb, their beams of light intertwining in a mesmerizing dance, revealing the mysteries that awaited them in the darkness.

The room was enveloped in an eerie silence, the tension thick in the air. Suddenly, their flashlights began to flicker, casting eerie shadows on the walls. But then, with a startling burst, each flashlight exploded in a cascade of sparks and shattered glass. Startled, they instinctively covered their heads or took a step back, their hearts racing with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

And just when they thought things couldn't get any stranger, the lightbulb above them flickered one last time before completely extinguishing, followed by a dramatic explosion that echoed through the room. The group of friends exchanged wary looks, their eyes wide with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. They knew they were in for an unforgettable, and possibly dangerous, adventure.

ash speaks!

this is a boring chapter. bleh.

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