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As Maekar and Rhaenyra walked arm in arm through the halls of the Red Keep, the atmosphere was tinged with a sense of apprehension. The torchlight flickered, which casted eerie shadows on the stone walls. Their conversation took a serious turn as they discussed Rhaenyra's decision to select Ser Criston for the Kingsguard.

Rhaenyra, her eyes shining with determination, spoke first. "Maekar, I have made up my mind. Ser Criston will be a member of the Kingsguard."

Maekar's brows furrowed, a slight hint of concern crossing his face. "Are you certain, Rhaenyra? While he may be a skilled knight, his reputation also carries a certain... intensity. I fear his loyalty might be too singularly focused."

Rhaenyra tightened her grip on Maekar's arm, her voice filled with conviction. "I understand your concerns, dear brother. But I believe Ser Criston's unwavering loyalty is exactly what we need in these uncertain times. He has pledged himself to me and our family, and I trust him implicitly."

Maekar's apprehension lingered, and he paused for a moment before responding. "Rhaenyra, the Kingsguard is an order that demands not only skill with a sword, but also unwavering loyalty to the crown, the whole crown. Ser Criston's loyalty may be unquestionable towards you, but I worry that it may blind him to other important matters."

Rhaenyra's gaze softened, and she reached out to gently touch Maekar's cheek. "I understand your reservations, brother. But we must remember that the Kingsguard serves to protect the royal family above all else. Ser Criston knows this, his dedication and prowess on the battlefield are unmatched towards the others, and I believe he will be a loyal and formidable protector."

Maekar sighed, his concern still evident in his voice. "Very well, Rhaenyra, but we must remain vigilant and ensure that his loyalty does not overshadow the greater good of the realm."

Rhaenyra nodded, a determined expression on her face. "I promise you, Maekar, I will keep a close eye on Ser Criston and make sure he serves the realm faithfully."

As they continued their walk through the Red Keep, Maekar and Rhaenyra discussed the potential challenges and safeguards surrounding Ser Criston's appointment. Their voices carried a mixture of apprehension and determination, reflecting the weight of their responsibilities.

"What of your plans to reclaim Dragonstone from Daemon and the Gold Cloaks?" Rhaenyra asked as they continued their walk arm in arm, entering the gardens as the sun beat down on them.

"Alicent and I-" Maekar began but was cut off by Rhaenyra.

"Alicent?! What does she have to do with this?!" The Princess asked with anger evident in her voice. She was jealous of how close her best friend and her older brother was, she knew it was wrong to want her brother in a romantic way, but she couldn't help it. Targaryen's had wed brother and sister for generations.

Rhaenyra's sudden outburst caught Maekar off guard, and he paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"Rhaenyra, please, let me explain," Maekar said, his voice calm but concerned. "Alicent and I have been discussing the situation at Dragonstone, she has been aiding me in my plans."

Rhaenyra's expression softened slightly, but her curiosity was evident. "But why did you not include me in these discussions? I am your sister, your blood."

Maekar reached out and placed a comforting hand on Rhaenyra's arm. "Rhaenyra, I understand your feelings of exclusion, and I apologise for not involving you. It was not my intention to make you feel left out or overshadowed."

Rhaenyra's eyes searched Maekar's face for sincerity. "Then why did you discuss it with Alicent instead of me?"

Maekar took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Alicent has been observing the situation at Dragonstone closely, and she has insights that could be valuable to our cause. I thought her perspective could provide us with a different angle to consider. But I want you to know that your role and importance in our family's future are unquestionable."

Rhaenyra's expression softened further as she listened to Maekar's explanation. "I understand that, Maekar. But it still hurts to feel like I'm not as involved as I should be."

Maekar nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "I apologise for that, Rhaenyra. I should have known better and included you from the beginning. You are my sister, and your opinions matter greatly to me."

Rhaenyra's gaze shifted to the ground, her voice filled with vulnerability. "I appreciate your words, Maekar. It's just... I sometimes struggle with our complicated family history and the expectations placed upon us."

Maekar gently lifted Rhaenyra's chin, meeting her eyes with compassion. "Rhaenyra, I understand the weight of our family's legacy, but we have the power to shape our own destinies."

Rhaenyra's lips curved into a small smile, a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Maekar. I needed to hear that."

Maekar nodded, pulling Rhaenyra into a comforting embrace.


The sun had just begun to set over the Red Keep as Maekar and Visneya stood on the balcony, overlooking the bustling courtyard below. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement, as the noble ladies and their fathers made their way into the fortress, each hoping to catch the eye of Maekar, the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Maekar leaned against the stone railing, his eyes scanning the crowd below. His strong jawline was set with a mix of determination and unease. Visneya stood beside him, her silvery hair cascading down her back, mirroring the intensity in her eyes.

"I still can't believe father wants to find me a bride," Maekar said, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "The whole idea seems so... forced."

Visneya nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the procession below. "I understand your reluctance, brother. But father's intentions are noble."

Maekar sighed and ran a hand through his braided hair. "I know, Visneya, but must it be done like this? It feels like a spectacle, a parade of women being paraded before me as if I'm an object to be traded."

Visneya placed a comforting hand on her brother's arm. "I know it's not ideal, Maekar. But remember, these ladies are also daughters of noble houses. They have dreams and ambitions of their own. Perhaps, among them, you might find someone who shares your values and can become a true partner in ruling the Seven Kingdoms."

"Maybe I have found someone already," Maekar muttered. Visenya rose her eyebrows, leaning closer to her brother.

"Oh?" She asked, thinking it could be their youngest sister, in tradition of their house.

"Lady Alicent has caught my eye," Maekar admitted, his calloused hands clammy as he wouldn't meet his sister's eye. A pit of sadness formed in Visenya's stomach as she thought of how heartbroken Rhaenyra would be. "She has helped me with the plan to reclaim Dragonstone."

"And you trust her? Fully?" Visenya asked, looking up at her brother. Maekar met her eyes for the first time since admitting his feelings for Alicent.

"I do."

"Then I wish you the best in courting her," Visenya smiled warmly, resting her hand on her brother's bicep. "Her father is a cunt."

"That's no language for a lady," Maekar teased.

"Oh shush," Visenya chuckled.

Maekar looked down at his sister, a small smile playing on his lips. "You always see the best in people, sweet sister. I envy your optimism."

Visneya chuckled softly. "It's not about optimism, brother. It's about finding the silver lining in every situation."

Maekar's gaze softened as he looked at his sister, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Visneya. Your words bring me some comfort."

Visneya squeezed her brother's arm gently.

As the sun rise behind the Red Keep, casting a warm golden glow over the courtyard, Maekar and Visneya continued to watch the procession of noble families entering the fortress. Their conversation had given Maekar a new perspective, a glimmer of hope amidst the apprehension. And as the evening progressed, he couldn't help but wonder if, among the ladies below, he might find a bride who would not only fulfill his duty but also capture his heart.

"Come, brother," Visenya motioned him forward, linking their arms together. "The ladies of the realm are waiting for their future husband."

"Please be quiet," Maekar groaned.

As they entered the throne room, all eyes seemed to be on him. Maekar smiled charmingly, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible. The ladies came from noble houses such as Stark, Tyrell, Tully, and Arryn, each adorned in their finest attire, trying to outshine the others.

Maekar noticed how their fathers never seemed to care about their daughter's age, as Lord Tully brought forward his twelve year old daughter as did Lord Coryls with Lady Leana, which made Maekar greatly uncomfortable.

Among the ladies was Alicent, who crept into the throne room behind Lord Stark and his two daughters. Her father had forbid her from coming to the event, still under the impression that Alicent had been going to see Viserys instead of Maekar.

Alicent stood in a dark corner shielded by a pillar, that was until she noticed Isla Stark approaching her which made Alicent want to sink deeper into the shadows.

Alicent and Isla had a sort of rivalry since Alicent had been twelve. It was the wedding of Visenya to Ser Martyn, and Lord's and Ladies of the realm were gathering together in Kings Landing. Alicent, as clumsy as she was back then, tripped on the steps walking up to the Sept of Baelor, and Isla, a year her senior, had been in front of her. Alicent had pushed her over, ruining Isla's dress.

Lady Isla Stark, known for her beauty and grace, couldn't contain her excitement as she approached Alicent.

Isla, with a self-assured smile, sauntered over to Alicent, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Oh, Alicent, you won't believe what happened earlier," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a hint of triumph.

Alicent forced a polite smile, nodding her head, her eyes betraying her true emotions. She was well aware that Maekar, being the ever pleasing gentleman he was, had given Isla time out of his day.

Isla continued, relishing in the opportunity to gloat. "Prince Maekar sought me out during the feast. He was captivated by my beauty and charm. We shared a delightful conversation, and I could tell he was quite taken with me."

Alicent's heart sank as she listened to Isla's words. Jealousy coursed through her veins, but she maintained her composure, refusing to let Isla see her vulnerability.

She's just trying to hurt me, Alicent thought to herself as she picked viscously at the skin around her thumb.

Isla, oblivious to Alicent's inner turmoil, continued to boast. "He even asked me to accompany him for a walk in the moonlight. I must say, dear Alicent, the prince's attention is quite flattering."

Alicent's facade began to crack, her envy becoming more apparent. She clenched her fists, desperately trying to hide her pain. It was clear that Isla was relishing in Alicent's discomfort, reveling in the fact that she had captured the attention of the man Alicent desired.

Isla, enjoying the power she held over Alicent, leaned in closer, her voice laced with arrogance. "Oh, Alicent, you should have seen the way Prince Maekar looked at me. His eyes were filled with admiration and desire. It's a shame he didn't notice you in the same way."

Alicent's eyes welled up with unshed tears, her heart breaking with each word Isla spoke. Alicent relished those moments with Maekar in his chambers, the secret glances they would share as they read in silence, or the delicate touches of their hands. Alicent knew deep down that Maekar was hers, but her inner thoughts were telling her otherwise, that she couldn't complete with Isla.

Isla, satisfied with the effect her words had on Alicent, turned and walked away, leaving Alicent alone behind the pillar. As Alicent watched Isla's retreating figure, her jealousy turned into determination. She vowed to herself that she would not let Isla have Maekar without a fight. Alicent would find a way to capture his attention and prove that she was more than worthy of his affections.

With newfound determination, Alicent stepped out from behind the pillar, wiping away her tears. She would not let Isla's bragging and Maekar's apparent favoritism crush her spirit.

As the evening progressed, the ladies maneuvered their way through the crowded halls, engaging the prince in polite conversation and showcasing their charms. They spoke of their families' wealth, their lineage, and their lands, all in an effort to impress the prince and convince him to choose them as his future bride.

Alicent, with a subtle smile on her face, observed the interactions from a distance. She knew she had to stand out amidst the competition. With a quick glance around the room, she spotted a harp sitting unattended in one corner. An idea formed in her mind, and she gracefully made her way towards it.

As the other ladies continued to fight for the prince's attention, Alicent positioned herself next to the harp. Taking a deep breath, she began to play a hauntingly beautiful melody, her fingers gliding effortlessly over the strings. The sound filled the hall, capturing the attention of everyone present.

As the notes echoed through the air, Maekar's eyes turned towards Alicent. A look of curiosity and intrigue crossed his face, and he slowly made his way towards her. The other ladies watched in envy as the prince approached, captivated by Alicent's musical prowess.

Alicent continued to play, her eyes locked with Maekar's. With each note, she poured her heart into the performance, hoping to touch his soul. The other ladies, sensing their chances slipping away, tried to regain the prince's attention, but it was futile.

Finally, as the last note resonated through the hall, Maekar stood before Alicent, his eyes filled with admiration. "Lady Hightower," he said formally, his voice filled with genuine appreciation, "your talent is truly remarkable. I have been enchanted by your music."

Alicent's heart swelled with joy as she realised her plan had succeeded. The other ladies watched in defeat as Maekar and Alicent engaged in a conversation, their connection growing stronger with each passing word.

"I thought you said your father forbid you from attending?" Maekar asked teasingly in a whisper.

"And let Isla Stark steal you away?" Alicent replied coldly as she glanced at the Stark girl who was standing a few feet behind Maekar. "Please."

"I thought she was rather sweet," Maekar said with a teasing expression, laughing as Alicent's head whipped towards him so fast he thought her head may break. "Relax, sweet girl," Alicent shivered as Maekar whispered the pet name in her ear. "Though be prepared for your father's wrath, people talk."


After the events in the throne room, Maekar was summoned by his father to have supper. Maekar sat at the end of the table as his father sat opposite him, Rhaenyra and Visenya flanking Maekar with Tommen and Myrcella sat between their mother and grandfather.

"Ser Martyn will not be joining us?" Viserys broke the uncomfortable silence, looking towards his eldest daughter.

"My husband has rode back to Casterly Rock to be with his brothers as Lord Tyland's wife readies to give birth," Visenya said, an uncomfortable look on her face as she looked to her two children who were pushing around the food on their plates.

"How lovely," Viserys smiled. "And how was the event, Maekar?"

"It went well, father," Maekar nodded. "I think I have found myself a bride," Maekar noticed how Rhaenyra's face dropped at his words. Viserys beamed happily, clapping his hands together.

"Wonderful!" Viserys smiled, before it went back to uncomfortable silence. Maekar hoped that his family wouldn't be like this. That they weren't comfortable enough to talk to each other over dinner.


"It occurred in the blackness of night, my lords, during the Hour of the Bat," the Dragonkeeper said in High Valyrian as the Small Council gathered. Visenya sat to Maekar's left, while the King sat to his right at the head of the table. "The thief eluded our pursuit."

"How is it possible that a dragon's egg was stolen out from beneath more than fifty Dragonkeepers?" Maekar asked the Dragonkeeper, seeing his father and sisters too stunned to speak.

"It was Prince Daemon who was the culprit, my Prince," said the Dragonkeeper, and Visenya put her hand over her brothers to keep him from lashing out.

"Daemon," Viserys muttered.

"The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain," the Hand of the King spoke up.

Grand Maester Mellos unraveled a scroll, "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen,  the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen."

"The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace," Grand Maester said when he was finished reading. "It is in two days' time."

"Gods be good," Lord Beesbury said in shock, drinking his cup of wine.

"Father, I ask permission to take leave and reclaim my home, get justice for my men and bring you Daemon's head back as a gift," Maekar pleaded desperately with his father.

"You may set sail on the morrow," Viserys granted. "But no harm shall come to Daemon," Maekar's thankful smile turned into a frown of anger as he turned to look at Ser Otto, who shook his head, telling the Prince to calm himself. Maekar huffed in annoyance.

"Who is Lady Mysaria?" Lord Corlys voiced.

"We believe--" Mellos began, but was cut off by both Otto and Maekar.

"Daemon's whore," they both spat. "This is nothing less than sedition," Otto said to the King. "You named your heir and your brother wishes to usurp him," he pointed at Maekar.

"I strongly agree, sire," said Lord Strong.

"My brother wishes to provoke me," Viserys tried to defuse.

"Your brother wishes to usurp us," Maekar corrected.

"To answer is to give him what he wants," Viserys scolded his heir.

"The realm is watching, Your Grace," said Lord Corlys.

"What would you have me do?" Viserys asked his council rhetorically. "Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike."

"Daemon has seized my birthright, killed my men, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon," Maekar said, shaking with anger as he stood from the table, walking a few yards away.

"And I have granted you permission to retake it, but without bloodshed," Viserys eyed his son, before turning to his Hand. "Assemble a detachment, Otto. You will accompany Maekar with his men and your guard and you will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice."

"I am the Khal of the Narrow Sea, I am the heir to Dragonstone and the Iron Throne!" Maekar said in outrage. "I do not need a babysitter!"

"I am your King and you will do as I say!" Viserys exclaimed, slamming his fist into the table.

"Any man who must say "I am the King" is no true King," Maekar spat back coldly, and Viserys recoiled at the insult. Maekar stormed out of the chambers, going to prepare himself for the journey ahead.

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