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It had been three months since Maekar returned from war and Alicnet had given birth to Moira and Rhaegar. The parents had vowed to stop producing children for a while, and instead to enjoy each other's and their children's company. The Red Keep had regained its tranquility, and the gardens flourished with life. Under the shade of a magnificent cherry blossom tree, Maekar and Alicent found peace from their royal duties and reveled in the joys of their growing family.

As the gentle breeze rustled the branches, pink petals floated down like confetti, creating a picture perfect scene. Maekar sat with his back against the sturdy trunk, his strong arms encircling Alicent, who nestled against his chest. The love between them radiated, evident in the way their fingers intertwined and their eyes spoke volumes without uttering a word.

Their twin two-year-old sons, Aegon and Baelon, scampered across the garden, their laughter echoing through the air. Donned in miniature armor and wielding wooden swords, they engaged in a game of make-believe, their imaginations transporting them to a world of chivalry and honor.

Maekar's gaze followed the boys, his heart swelling with pride. Alicent's eyes mirrored his adoration, her love for their children shining through.

Meanwhile, their youngest children, three-month-old Moira and Rhaegar, sat on a soft blanket beside their parents, surrounded by an array of toy dragons. Moira's dark curls with a streak of single Targaryen silver bounced as she animatedly made her dragon soar through the air, while Rhaegar's curious gaze absorbed every detail, captivated by his sister's play.

Alicent's voice broke the peaceful silence, her voice filled with wonderment.

"Look at them, my love. Our little ones are growing so quickly," Maekar pressed a tender kiss to Alicent's temple.

Alicent's voice broke the tranquil spell, her words tinged with gratitude.

"These moments, Maekar, they are the essence of what truly matters," she said softly, playing with the ring on her finger that Maekar had gotten her when they first started courting. Maekar had gifted her more than enough jewellery to fill a hall throughout the years of their marriage, yet Alicent was still drawn to the first ring and tiara he had first bought her.

As the sun begin to shine brighter in the air as morning turned to afternoon, Maekar sighed, rubbing his wife's hand with his thumb.

"I believe it is time for lunch, my love," he whispered, and Alicent nodded against his chest. Maekar and Alicent watched their children for a moment longer. Aegon and Baelon, their faces flushed with excitement, collapsed onto the blanket beside their younger siblings, their tiny chests rising and falling with each breath.

Maekar reached over, gently tousling his sons' hair. "You have been valiant knights today, my brave boys," he praised, his voice filled with pride. "Rest now, for later we shall embark on new adventures."

The boys beamed, their eyes still sparkling with the remnants of their imagination-fueled games. With contented sighs, they nestled closer to Moira and Rhaegar, their bond as siblings growing stronger with every passing day.

Alicent leaned her head against Maekar's shoulder, their gazes fixed on their slumbering children. "It warms my heart to see them so united," she whispered, her voice filled with maternal tenderness.

Maekar nodded, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on Alicent's arm. "It seems like only yesterday they were born."

The cherry blossom petals continued to fall, creating a soft carpet of pink around them. Maekar and Alicent sat in comfortable silence, basking in the tranquil beauty of the moment. The fragrance of the blossoms enveloped them, carrying with it a sense of serenity and belonging. Maekar pressed a soft kiss to Alicent's forehead, his voice filled with devotion. "However much I wish we can stay here all day, I'm starving."

As if on cue, Maekar's stomach rumbled. Alicent laughed as she picked up both Moira and Rhaegar, setting them on her hip. Aegon and Baelon set their father a challenge, betting he couldn't catch them.

"You're old!" Aegon said mockingly, and Maekar gasped in mock offence. Maekar caught him first, the sounds of Aegon's squeals echoing around the halls as Maekar threw the young boy over his shoulder. Baelon darted through the garden, his laughter filling the air as he weaved through the cherry blossom trees. Maekar, with Aegon still on his shoulder, pretended to stumble, giving Baelon a head start.

"Run, Baelon, run!" Aegon cheered, his voice filled with excitement.

Baelon's little legs carried him swiftly across the garden, his determination evident in every step. Maekar, a mischievous grin on his face, closed the distance between them with deliberate slowness, allowing Baelon to believe he had a chance.

Finally, just as Baelon felt victory within his grasp, Maekar reached out and scooped him up, lifting him high into the air. Baelon squealed with delight, his face beaming with triumph.

"Gotcha!" Maekar exclaimed, his voice filled with playful triumph. Aegon joined in the laughter, his earlier taunts momentarily forgotten.

As Maekar set Baelon and Aegon down, the family gathered in a circle, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustling of the cherry blossom trees. Alicent, still holding Moira and Rhaegar, watched with a smile as her family.

"Shall we head inside for a feast fit for warriors?" Alicent suggested, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

A chorus of cheers and excited nods followed her suggestion. Maekar, Aegon, Baelon, and even the little ones, Moira and Rhaegar, eagerly made their way back towards the castle, their footsteps echoing through the garden.

As they entered the hall set up for their lunch, the aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air, making their mouths water in anticipation. The long table was adorned with an array of delicacies, from roasted meats to savoury pies, and a variety of sweet treats.

The family settled into their seats, their laughter and chatter filling the hall. Maekar, his heart full of love and gratitude, looked around at his family, their joyous faces illuminated by the warm glow of the flickering candles.

"Come in," said Maekar when there was a lock on the door. Otto walked in, bowing at Maekar and Alicent.

"I am sorry to interrupt your food, my Prince, Alicent, but there is something serious we must discuss," the husband and wife looked at each other for a moment before following Otto out of the door and into a secluded hallway.

"What is it, father?" Alicent asked worriedly, holding her hands in front of her. She hadn't picked or chewed at the skin around her thumb since her marriage to Maekar, and while she had the temptation of doing it during her pregnancy, she refrained from it, just thinking about Maekar.

"I have been looking for you all morning, but one of Maekar's spies came to me during the night," Otto spoke, and that had gotten Maekar's full attention. He had told his network that if Maekar had been busy for any reason to go to Otto. "Princess Rhaenyra was spotted outside the walls of the Red Keep late last night with Prince Daemon, she was spotted in a pleasure house... in an intimate way with the Prince."

"Does my father know, Ser Otto?" Otto nodded. Maekar groaned.

"Thank you, father-in-law," Otto bowed, taking his leave. Maekar and Alicent exchanged worried looks, heading back into the chamber to finish off their meal. Once finished, Alicent called the wetnurses to take the kids back to the gardens while Alicent and Maekar headed back to their chambers, having a servant call Rhaenyra.

"Brother, Alicent," Rhaenyra bowed stiffly when she entered. Maekar had thought they had made progress since Rhaenyra's confession in the Kingswood, yet ever since Moira and Rhaegar had been born it seemed she had gone back to ignoring their existence.

"What happened last night?" Alicent got straight to the point, standing up from her seat at the table.

"What do you mean?" Rhaenyra asked, playing dumb. Maekar had saw right through it.

"My father has made some worrying allegations about you," Alicent said nervously. "Were you with your uncle?"

"Oh, I..." Rhaenyra chuckled nervously, and Maekar's eyes narrowed. "I haven't seen him in years, and ever since he has been back he has been busy with the council. He took me into the city for some fun."

"Tell us the whole of it, Rhaenyra," Alicent demanded.

"Your father accused me of something," said Rhaenyra, smirking. "That I drank wine? Left the castle after dark?"

"That you fucked Daemon in a pleasure house," Maekar spoke up for the first time, both women snapping their heads to face Maekar.

"This is a vile accusation," Rhaenyra spat.

"Is it?" Maekar chuckled coldly. "It was my spy that confirmed it, are you calling them a liar? You haven't made eye contact since you walked in, your posture is tense," he stood up, standing behind his wife. "You are the liar here, Rhaenyra."

"Maekar, Alicent..." Rhaenyra said desperately, grabbing both their hands. "Brother, sister, you must know I would, I would never. You cannot believe such gossip."

"My father- is no gossip," Alicent said coldly.

"And neither are my spies," Maekar said in an equal tone.

"Well, certainly he's been misled by one of them," Rhaenyra said furiously. "He could not have witnessed such a thing."

"And why is that?" Maekar asked skeptically.

"Because it did not happen!" Rhaenyra said desperately, slamming her hands against the table. "I am the Princess! To question my virtue is an act of treason."

"We only want to help you, Rhaenyra," Alicent said softly, pleading with her.

"Okay, we... we drank in a tavern. Several... taverns. It was getting late... and I asked to go home. But Daemon wished to continue," Rhaenyra explained, sighing as she tried to sound convincing. "As he was my escort, I had no real choice."

"Continue"...?" Alicent asked in disgust. "In a brothel?"

"He took me to a show. I... I was only a spectator. I didn't do anything.," Rhaenyra responded quickly. "And then Daemon sank into his cups and, uh... abandoned me for some whore. I should've known better," she finished quietly.

"So you did not?" Alicent asked, and Maekar noted the look on her face, mirroring his wife.

"Must I truly refute that?" Rhaenyra cried. "Daemon never touched me. Okay? I swear this to you upon the memory of my mother and my sister," Maekar's eyes narrowed once more. He gripped the chair tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question," Alicent sighed, speaking softly. "The King has strived
to find you a good match, and so have I. If that Lord were to think that you had been... sullied... it would ruin everything."

"I know..." Rhaenyra said. "I regret it," and with that Rhaenyra left the room after that.

"Do you believe her?" Maekar asked when the door was closed and he was certain no one could overhear them.

"No," Alicent shook her head.

"Good," Maekar nodded, hugging her tightly from behind. He trailed open mouth kisses along Alicent's collar bone, up her neck and behind her ear. "Me neither."

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