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The sun began to set over the horizon, casting an orange glow upon the bustling docks of King's Landing. The air was filled with anticipation as Alicent Moira, Visenya and Evelyn, stepped off their ship onto the wooden planks. They noted the grave and distant expressions on the men's faces. Maekar, Baelon, and Rhaegar, along with Lord Stark, waited anxiously on the dock, but in that moment, their love and longing for their family outweighed any concerns.

Unable to contain their excitement any longer, the women rushed forward, their hearts beating with a mixture of joy and worry. Alicent, her fiery spirit undiminished by the passing years, reached Maekar first. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around him, their bodies coming together in a passionate embrace. As their lips met in a fervent kiss, it was as if time stood still. In that moment, all their worries and doubts faded away, replaced by the sheer bliss of being reunited.

Meanwhile, Baelon, his eyes shining with adoration, approached Visenya, his beloved sister. With a smile that reached his eyes, he lifted her off her feet and spun her around in a joyous display of affection. Her laughter echoed through the air, filling the space between them with a warmth that transcended any unspoken concerns.

Moira and Rhaegar, their love once estranged due to Baelon's, now back as they wrapped their arms around one another . Their bodies pressed together, seeking solace and reassurance in each other's arms. In that moment, they found comfort and strength, a silent promise to always be there for one another.

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world around them faded into the background. The distance between the men may have been apparent, but in the arms of their loved ones, they found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.


The moon cast a soft glow through the windows of Maekar's chambers as the family gathered for dinner. The room was filled with an awkward tension that hung heavily in the air. Otto, Alicent's father and the Hand of the King, joined them at the table, his presence only adding to the unease. As they settled into their seats, an invisible barrier seemed to form, separating Maekar from Rhaegar, Baelon, and Otto.

Sensing the palpable tension, Alicent mustered the courage to break the silence. She looked at Maekar, her eyes filled with concern, and asked the question that had been weighing on her mind, "What is happening between you all?"

Rhaegar, ever the sarcastic one, couldn't resist making a cutting remark. With a smirk playing on his lips, he replied, "Why don't you ask our dear father? He seems to be keeping all the secrets."

Maekar's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with a hint of anger as he began to explain the truth. He revealed the truth of the deal with a Maegi, trading his future power and success for their lives. The Maegi had promised to grant him a great family and power, but at a cost. According to the curse, one day, the Maegi would strip Maekar of his newfound power by killing his family. It was this curse that had ultimately led to the untimely death of Aegon.

Alicent, Moira, and Visenya sat there, horrified by the revelation. The weight of the curse and its implications settled upon them like a dark cloud. Their once blissful reunion now tainted by the knowledge that their lives were at stake.

After a moment of stunned silence, Moira spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "I understand why you did it, Father. You wanted to protect us, to give us a better future."

Her words sparked an uproar from Rhaegar and Baelon, who were unable to comprehend Moira's acceptance of their father's actions. The heated argument that ensued filled the chamber with raised voices and bitter accusations. Accusations of betrayal, selfishness, and the consequences of pursuing power at the expense of their family's safety.

As the argument escalated, the family's unity began to crumble before their very eyes. The once unbreakable bond now strained under the weight of their conflicting emotions and the burden of the curse that threatened to tear them apart.

"ENOUGH!" Maekar's voice boomed, and at once they fell silence. "Enough."

In that tense and awkward moment, the room seemed to shrink, suffocating them with the weight of their own secrets and regrets. The flickering candlelight danced on their faces, reflecting the turmoil within their hearts.

It was a night that would forever be etched in their memories, a night of shattered illusions and painful revelations. As they sat there, the air thick with tension, they realised that the path they had chosen was fraught with danger and sacrifice.

In the midst of the silence, Maekar, his voice filled with regret, pleaded for their understanding and forgiveness. He sought to mend the bonds that had been strained, to find a way forward in the face of an uncertain future.

And so, they sat there, surrounded by silence and broken dreams, each grappling with their own emotions and the weight of their choices. The once joyful reunion had become a stark reminder of the fragile nature of their familial ties, and the price they were willing to pay in the pursuit of power and love.

Visneya looked at her father with tears welling up in her eyes. "Father, how could you? How could you make such a deal, knowing what it would cost us?"

Maekar's face hardened as he met her gaze. "I believed it was the only way to secure a future for our family. I thought I could outsmart the Maegi, but it seems I was wrong."

Rhaegar scoffed, his voice dripping with bitterness. "And now we all have to suffer for your foolishness. Aegon is dead because of your greed."

Baelon's face twisted with anger as he leaned forward. "You've put us all in danger, Father. We trusted you, and now we're paying the price."

Moira, unable to bear the tension any longer, spoke softly but firmly. "I understand why he did it. We were nothing before, and now we have power and influence. But at what cost? Are we willing to sacrifice everything for this?"

"Maekar was grandfather's heir! When he ran away to play Horse Lord!" Rhaegar's eyes blazed with fury as he shot back, "We shouldn't have to sacrifice our lives for his mistakes. We deserve better."

"Grandfather made that traitor bitch his heir even if it was unofficially," Moira replied coldly, leaning back in her seat. "The council wanted to strip father of his birthright, that's why he ran."

"They called him unhinged, and they were right!" Rhaegar said coldly, watching Maekar's hand tighten around his knife. "How could you sit there and defend him after he traded our lives?"

"And if he hadn't do you think you'd be sat here now? Marrying Cassandra? Loved me? Trained and laughed with your brothers?" Moira asked, watching as Rhaegar's anger deflated. "Father did what he did, am I happy about it? No. He did what he had to do, and for that, I will stand by his side, even if the rest of you won't."

Visenya, the youngest of the siblings, sat silently, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. She couldn't comprehend the depth of the situation, but she could feel the weight of the family's turmoil.

Maekar, his voice filled with regret and desperation, pleaded with them all. "I never wanted any of this for you. I only wanted to give you a better life, a life of power and influence. But now, I see the consequences of my actions, and I'm truly sorry."

Alicent, her voice trembling, spoke through her tears. "Sorry won't bring our son back. We trusted you, and now we're left to face the consequences of your deal."

The room filled with the echoes of their heated voices, each family member struggling to make sense of their conflicting emotions. The weight of their words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating.

As the argument continued, the once tight-knit family seemed to drift further apart. The bond that had held them together for so long now strained under the weight of betrayal and fear.

In that moment, they realised that they were not just fighting against an ancient curse, but against the fractures that threatened to tear their family apart. The path ahead was uncertain, and the road to forgiveness and healing seemed long and arduous.

"Did you know?" Baelon's accusations turned towards his mother, who looked up from her plate, tears threatening to fall.

Alicent's voice trembled as she responded, "Baelon, I swear I had no knowledge of your father's deal. I am as shocked as you are."

Rhaegar chimed in, his voice filled with frustration. "Mother, it's hard to believe that you had no idea. You were always by Father's side, supporting him in everything."

Alicent's eyes filled with tears as she pleaded, "Rhaegar, I understand why you feel that way, but I truly had no knowledge of the deal. Your father kept it a secret from me too."

Moira, their daughter, interjected softly, "Maybe we should give Mother the benefit of the doubt. It's possible that Father kept her in the dark to protect her."

Maekar, feeling the weight of his family's accusations, spoke up with remorse. "I'm sorry, Alicent. I never wanted to put our family in this position, but I see now that I was wrong."

A/n~ Things are starting to fall apart for the Targaryen family...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the new chapter and are prepared for the fallout series two will bring! And you like the new cover made by the incredible sybilish

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