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"This is the man who done it?" Rhaegar asked as he entered the Small Council chambers. It was empty, bar the traitor, Maekar, Evelyn and Lord Larys.

"The very same, my Prince," Lord Larys nodded his head, glancing at Evelyn who was sat closest to the traitor, her feet up on the table as she twirled the blade. She didn't care it was digging into her skin, a small trail of crimson blood falling down her hand.

Rhaegar nodded, his eyes bloodshot as he took a seat opposite Evelyn, glancing at Maekar who was staring out of the window. He glanced at the door when it opened, seeing Visenya.

"You shouldn't be here," Maekar told his youngest child.

"I wished to see the monster that killed my nephew," the eleven year old said confidently, her chin raised.

Maekar sighed, torn between protecting his daughter from the horrors of the situation and understanding her need for closure. "Very well, Visenya," he relented, gesturing for her to take a seat beside him. "But stay silent and observe."

As the interrogation began, Evelyn's eyes burned with a fierce determination. She leaned forward, her voice dripping with venom as she addressed the traitor. "You took away my son, my husband, and my future. You will tell us everything, every detail of who ordered this heinous act."

The traitor's face contorted in pain and fear, his eyes darting between the members of the Targaryen family. He knew that his fate was sealed, and the only chance he had at prolonging his life was to cooperate.

Under Evelyn's relentless questioning and Maekar's cold stare, the traitor broke. He spilled the information they sought, his voice trembling as he revealed the words that Daemon had spoken. "A son for a son," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Rhaegar's fists clenched in anger, his face contorted with a mix of grief and determination. "Daemon," he muttered through gritted teeth. "He will pay for this."

"Rhaenyra's orders, Daemon's actions," said Maekar. Maekar's eyes hardened, his grip on the hilt of his sword tightening. "Bastards," he growled, the name dripping with disdain. "They started this war with their treachery."

Lord Larys, ever the opportunist, saw a chance to exploit the situation. "Your Grace, I agree with the Lord Hand, this revelation could be used to garner support from the other noble houses. They need to see the true face of our enemies and rally behind you."

Maekar considered Lord Larys' words, his mind racing with the possibilities. "You are right, Lord Larys," he conceded. "We will use this knowledge to expose the traitors and rally the realm against them. House Targaryen will prevail."

Evelyn, her eyes still burning with rage, nodded in agreement. "We will not let that Bitch Queen and her allies destroy everything we hold dear. We will fight, and we will avenge our loved ones."

Visenya, though young and innocent, understood the weight of the situation. She looked at her father and sister, determination shining in her eyes. "I will fight by your side, Father. We will bring justice to those who have wronged us."

"You're too young," Maekar bridged her off.

"You was one-and-ten when you took Aegar and sacked the East with an army of Horse Lords," Visenya shook her head.

"Then if you're so desperate to go to war, then you will provide support from the air with the Cannibal," Visenya gave a satisfied nod.


In the quiet solitude of her chambers, Evelyn sat alone, her face stained with tears. She stared into the flickering candlelight, lost in her thoughts, her heart heavy with grief. The loss of Baelon, her beloved husband, still weighed heavily on her soul. She heard a soft knock on the door, and without hesitation, she bid the visitor to enter.

The door creaked open, revealing Rhaegar, his usually stoic face etched with sorrow and anger. He approached Evelyn cautiously, his eyes filled with concern. "Evelyn," he whispered, his voice laced with sadness. "I am so sorry for your loss."

Evelyn forced a smile, though her eyes remained clouded with sorrow. "Thank you, Rhaegar," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate your words."

Rhaegar took a seat beside her, his presence offering a small measure of comfort. "I cannot even begin to fathom your pain," he said softly. "But know that I am here for you, whatever you may need."

Evelyn's gaze met Rhaegar's, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I am fine, Rhaegar," she assured him. "Seeing the traitor receive his just punishment helped me find closure. It reminded me that justice can be served, even in this cruel world."

Rhaegar's brows furrowed in confusion. "But how can you say that, Evelyn?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. "It was the deal with the witch that brought this tragedy upon us. Father's decision... it cost us Aegon, Baelon, and Viserys."

Evelyn remained calm, her voice steady as she spoke. "Rhaegar, I hold no ill-intent towards our father," she said, her eyes filled with a quiet resolve. "I understand the weight of the choices he had to make, the sacrifices he had to endure. The deal with the witch was made out of desperation, a desperate attempt to gain power he was stripped of."

Rhaegar's anger flared, his voice filled with bitterness. "But look at what it has brought us," he exclaimed. "Death and destruction. We are no better off than before."

Evelyn reached out, gently placing her hand on Rhaegar's arm. "Rhaegar, listen to me," she implored. "We cannot change the past, but we can shape our future. Moira holds the key to ending the deal. She is our only hope now, and we must focus on believing she can kill the witch."

Rhaegar's anger subsided, replaced by a flicker of hope in his eyes. He looked at Evelyn, his gaze filled with newfound determination. "You're right," he admitted.


Alicent stood before Evelyn, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. "There's to be a funeral for Baelon and Viserys," she said, her voice heavy with grief.

Evelyn sighed, her shoulders slumping in weariness. "I don't want to," she whispered, her voice filled with sadness.

Alicent nodded, understanding etched on her face. "Neither do I," she admitted. "But when a thing like this happens... a blow to the king is a blow to the realm. When the people share our grief, they draw closer to us."

Evelyn looked at Alicent, her eyes filled with confusion. "I don't want them closer. I don't know them," she said, her voice tinged with frustration.

Alicent placed a comforting hand on Evelyn's shoulder. "Sometimes, we have to pretend," she explained gently. "We are representatives of the throne. We have a duty."

Evelyn's brows furrowed, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "Why?" she asked, her voice soft yet questioning.

Alicent took a moment, her gaze steady as she met Evelyn's eyes. "We have a duty to our family, to our people," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "We must show strength, even in our darkest moments. It is our responsibility to lead, to inspire, and to protect."

Evelyn's gaze softened, a glimmer of understanding shining in her eyes. "But at what cost?" she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and anger.

Alicent's expression softened, her voice gentle yet resolute. "We must find a balance," she said. "We must honor our loved ones and our own feelings, but we must also consider the greater good. Evelyn..." she paused, "what you saw last night when you entered my chambers..."

"This is for my boy and my beloved husband," Evelyn said, her words carrying a weight of love and determination. Evelyn looked at Alicent, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and compassion. "You have betrayed father's love and trust for you, mother," she said, her voice filled with a quiet resolve. "And I do not wish to cause him any more pain than what he is in now."

The two women stood in silence, the weight of their grief and responsibilities hanging heavy in the air.

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