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Maekar stood upon the battlements of Dragonstone. In the distance he could make out the Isle of Dragons where the majority of his men were stationed, and just further than that he could make out five dragons that were flying around.

As Maekar lost himself in the magnificent view, he was interrupted by the soft voices of his daughters-in-law, Evelyn and Aliandra, approaching him with their arms linked.

"Father-in-law," Aliandra's voice was gentle yet filled with warmth. "Evelyn and I hope you are well."

Maekar's eyes crinkled with affection as he looked at the two women who had become an integral part of his family. "I am well, thank you," he replied, his voice carrying a mix of pride and fondness. "It is always a pleasure to see both of you."

Evelyn's smile beamed with gratitude. "We are grateful for your kind words, Father," she said. "Dragonstone is truly remarkable."

Aliandra nodded in agreement. "The sight of the dragons soaring through the sky is nothing short of awe-inspiring."

Maekar's chest swelled with pride as he regarded his daughters-in-law. "Dragonstone holds a special place in our family's history," he explained. "It is a symbol of our strength and power, a testament to the legacy of House Targaryen."

Aliandra's eyes sparkled with admiration. "We are proud to be a part of this legacy, Father," she declared, her voice filled with determination.

Evelyn's gaze met Maekar's, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. "We strive to uphold the honor and traditions of our houses," she said.

Maekar's expression softened with affection. "Your dedication and commitment are commendable, my daughters," he praised them. "I have no doubt that you will continue to bring honor to House Targaryen."

Aliandra's voice was filled with gratitude as she responded, "Thank you, Father. Your words mean the world to us."

Evelyn nodded, her eyes shining with appreciation. "Indeed, we are fortunate to have you as our father-in-law and mentor."

The three of them stood together on the battlements, the dragons soaring overhead, their wings casting shadows upon the ancient stones.

"I have no doubt about your loyalty and dedication to House Targaryen," Maekar spoke with conviction, his voice carrying across the wind.

Aliandra's gaze met Maekar's, her resolve unyielding. "We stand united, Father. House Targaryen will endure."

Evelyn's voice joined in, her tone filled with unwavering determination. "And thrive, Father. We will ensure its prosperity for generations to come."

Maekar's heart swelled with pride as he looked at the two women who had become his daughters. "That is my wish as well," he said, his voice filled with hope.

And so, they stood on the battlements of Dragonstone, their eyes fixed on the dragons that soared through the sky—a symbol of House Targaryen's power, resilience, and the legacy they were determined to protect.

The sound of hurried footsteps broke them from their trance. The three turned to see Ser Brandon, Evelyn's uncle, rushing towards him. Brandon was four years older than Maekar, and already his hair had more grey than it did Stark brown, and the creases on his forehead made him look beyond his years.

"What is it, Ser Brandon?" Maekar asked, concern etched on to his features.

"A missive arrived for you, my Prince," Ser Brandon panted, gasping for air as he tried to catch his breath. Maekar took the missive from Brandon's outstretched hand and frowned when he saw the sigil of House Velaryon. It was from Ser Vaemond.


Alicent's smiled as she walked into the chamber of the painted table, the sea air filling her nose as she looked lovingly at her eldest son and youngest daughter. While Baelon, Moira and Rhaegar were out flying, Aegon was determined to learn High Valyrian and Visenya, the smartest child of the five, wanted to help him.

"The Conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army," Aegon translated the scrolls and whatever Visenya said into the common language, leaning on the table. Visenya sat opposite her brother, her feet on the table as she sat lazily in her seat.

"Se Blakuata Rasho dranot vilinio viartis," the ten year old said in High Valyrian.

"And landed at the Blackwater Rush," Aegon exhaled.

"Dranot," Visenya said simply, smirking as she watched her brother's face fall.

"Dranot. Dranot, Dranot," Aegon repeated, his eyes wide with fear. "At the end?" He guessed.

"The mouth," Alicent announced her presence.

"Mouth! Ah, come on, Aeg, you knew that," the eldest son berated himself.

"It took me ten years to learn High Valyrian, my sweet boy," Alicent said sympathetically, running her hand through his hair. "Your father was a great teacher. Perhaps that's enough for this morning?" She suggested, looking between both her children.

"No, no. I-I want to keep going," Aegon stammered, looking at his younger sister.

"Guesi misenakson Aegon undas," Visenya spoke up.

"Aegon... ordered that the trees should be... killed?"

"Felled," Alicent corrected with a smile and a reassuring squeeze of her son's hand. "It is a related word," she frowned as Aegon threw himself in a chair, his head in his hands. "Your father doesn't expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day, Aeg."

"A King should honor the traditions of his forbears," Aegon sighed.

"Well... unless you're planning to depose your own father, you have plenty of time to study," Alicent smiled. The door opened and in walked Maekar with a frown on his face. "Leave us," Alicent told her children. She placed a kiss to Aegon's forehead and Visenya came around and kissed her mother on cheek. Both children greeted their father as they left.

"The Maesters believe Lord Corlys is dying," Maekar informed his wife. "Ser Vaemond in turn called into question Jacaerys' legitimacy, and by extension Lucerys and Joffrey."

"Vaemond cares only about Driftmark and the Velaryon line. Not about our politics," Alicent reminded her husband.

"I received word from your father that Rhaenys has flown to court, I am to return to King's Landing with Aegon and Baelon and hold court in place of my father," Maekar watched as Alicent's face fell. She had grown to love Dragonstone and the family it had given her.

"Surely, she must be planning to back Vaemond?" Alicent put the thought of King's Landing to the back of her mind.

"No, whatever disagreements she may have had with Rhaenyra, she's stupid enough to do that," Maekar closed his eyes as Alicent's hugged him.

"She believes Rhaenyra and Daemon had her son killed so that they might marry, yet she intends to back the bastard to inherit Driftmark?" Alicent's asked, more to herself than Maekar as she rested her head where his heart was. "I'll come with you."

"What?" Maekar asked, stepping back to hold his wife at arms length.

"To King's Landing with you and the boys," said Alicent as if it was simple.

"No, you'll stay here and help Rhaegar rule in my stead," Maekar shook his head. Alicent scoffed, shaking her head. "It's not safe."

"Rhaegar is perfectly capable of ruling without me," Alicent responded, gripping the collar of Maekar's collar. "Sixteen years ago I watched you fly off to war in the Stepstones, two years later you nearly died on that beach with arrows sticking out of you and my heart nearly broke when I saw how vulnerable you was walking into that throne room," Alicent's eyes welled up with tears as she searched Maekar's face. "Everyday since then I have been at your side, playing the loving, concerning wife. So, yes, I am coming with you to King's Landing."

Maekar looked into Alicent's eyes, his heart filled with love and admiration for the strong woman standing before him.

He reached up and gently brushed away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "Alicent, you are my rock, my strength. I cannot imagine facing this storm without you by my side," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I just didn't wanted to bring you into that snake pit, not knowing what strings my sister was pulling in my father's steed."

Alicent's grip on his collar tightened, her resolve unwavering. "My love, we are a team. We have faced hardships together, and we will face this one too."

Maekar smiled, overcome with a sense of reassurance. "Very well, my love," he said softly. "We will face the challenges ahead together, as we always have."

And with that, Maekar and Alicent embraced, their love and determination intertwining, ready to take on whatever awaited them in the treacherous halls of King's Landing. They knew that their bond was unbreakable, and with their united front, they would navigate the dangerous political landscape with grace and resilience.

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