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The dining hall was adorned with exquisite decorations, but the atmosphere within was far from celebratory. Maekar sat at the head of the long table, his stern gaze fixed ahead. To his left, his daughter Visenya sat nervously, her eyes darting around the room, unsure of where to look.

On Visenya's left, her two brothers, Baelon and Aegon, with Evelyn beside Baelon. They all sat with somber expressions. They avoided each other's gaze, as if an invisible barrier separated them. Next to them, their mother, Alicent, fidgeted with her silverware, her eyes downcast, and next to her was Ser Otto.

To Maekar's right sat two familiar faces, Lucerys and Jacaerys, his nephews, between them their newly betrothed, Baela and Rhaena. They exchanged uneasy glances, their discomfort evident. Daemon sat beside them, his eyes lost in his wine glass. And finally, Rhaenyra sat at the end of the table, her demeanor guarded and distant.

The tension in the room was palpable, suffocating every breath. No one dared to make eye contact, as if doing so would expose their vulnerabilities. Rhaenyra and Daemon, burdened by their guilt, sought solace in their cups of wine, their hands trembling as they lifted them to their lips.

The silence was broken only by the distant sound of footsteps approaching. The family collectively held their breath, their eyes turning towards the entrance of the dining hall.

As they waited for the King's arrival, the weight of their estrangement loomed over the room. Years of bitterness and resentment had torn them apart, their bond shattered like a fragile glass. The fight at Driftmark had left scars both physical and emotional, especially for Moira, who had lost her eye in the tragic incident.

But now, a new layer of estrangement had been unveiled. The discovery of Rhaenyra's true intentions, her manipulative schemes to replace Maekar as the heir to the Iron Throne. This revelation had deepened the chasm between them, making the dinner scene even more awkward and strained.

As the footsteps got closer, the family members shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their eyes briefly meeting before quickly averting. The stage was set for a dinner filled with unease, secrets, and the remnants of a shattered family.

Visenya leaned in closer to her father, her voice barely a whisper. "Do you think grandfather knows about Aunt Rhaenyra's true intentions? About what she's been plotting?"

Maekar's gaze flickered towards Rhaenyra for a brief moment before he replied, his words laced with caution. "I cannot say for certain, my dear, he's not been himself."

Baelon, unable to contain his curiosity, leaned towards his father, Maekar, his voice barely above a whisper like his sisters. "Father, what will happen if he finds out? If he learns the extent of Rhaenyra's betrayal?"

Maekar's stern expression softened slightly. "We will deal with it, Baelon. We will ensure that justice is served, but for now, we must stay composed and focus on tonight's dinner."

Aegon, seated between his twin and his mother, glanced between them before speaking up, his voice tinged with bitterness. "It's hard to believe that we were once a somewhat united family. How did it come to this?"

Alicent's eyes welled up with unshed tears as she replied, her voice quivering. "I don't know, Aegon."

Meanwhile, across the table, Lucerys and Jacaerys exchanged worried glances. Lucerys, unable to contain his anxiety, leaned towards his uncle Daemon, his voice barely audible. "Uncle, do you think there's any hope for reconciliation? Can our family ever be whole again?"

Daemon's eyes, filled with nothing, met Lucerys' gaze. "I wish I had an answer for you, nephew. But healing wounds that run deep takes time, forgiveness, and a willingness to set aside pride."

Rhaenyra, sitting at the end of the table, overheard snippets of the whispered conversation. Her heart weighed heavy with guilt, knowing the pain she had caused. She knew that she was in too deep. That the pain and suffering she had already caused in the last few years would solidify her execution among her treachery.

In the midst of their whispered dialogues, the tension in the room only grew thicker, each family member grappling with their own emotions and the uncertain future that lay before them. Little did they know that King Viserys' entrance would soon amplify the already palpable unease, setting the stage for a dinner filled with revelations and confrontation.

The door opened and the family rose to their feet as four servants carried in a chair holding the King, who still had his golden mask.

"How good it is... to see you all tonight... together," Viserys weakly smiled as he leant back in his chair. His one good eye looked around the room full of his family. Not all of them. Moira and Rhaegar were missing along with Aliandra, Evelyn, Daenerys, Oberyn and Viserys II were missing from Maekar's side, as was Joffrey, Viserys III and Aegon III, which Rhaenyra so spitefully named her own children.

"Prayer before we begin?" Alicent asked, glancing around the room hopefully. She had taken to religion more in these past months, with the threat of a civil war brewing and her children being old enough to fight in it.

"Yes," Viserys wheezed.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long," Alicent led the prayer as the family bowed their heads with their hands clasped in front of them. "And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest."

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems," said Viserys happily. "My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes... and their betrothed."

"Hear, hear!" Daemon said happily as the family raised their glasses.

"Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman," Aegon whispered, not being able to resist a snarky comment, only to be pulled back by his sleeve. His eyes met his father's who held a firm stare.

"Let us toast as well Prince Jacaerys... the future Lord of the Tides," Viserys spoke up again. Maekar's family had to resist the eye roll they so wanted as once again they lifted their cups.

"You do know how the act is done, I assume?" Aegon whispered again to him. "At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that."

"Let it be, cousin," Baela said firmly.

"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed," Jacaerys threatened.

"Mm-hm," Aegon breathed a quiet laugh as he sat back in his seat.

The uncomfortable silence returned as Viserys weakly rose to his feet with the support of his cane. The cutlery clattered as he used the table for support, breathing heavily as he looked upon his family.

"It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table," Viserys said, looking around. "The faces most dear to me in all the world... yet grown so distant from each other... in the years past," the family looked down at the table as Viserys took off the mask, revealing the gruesome nature of his illness.

Alicent's, like many, felt the need to be sick again at the sight of her father-in-laws face.

"My own face... is no longer a handsome one... if indeed it ever was," Viserys joked weakly. "But tonight... I wish you to see me... as I am. Not just a King... but your father. Your brother and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... walk for much longer among you," Viserys confirmed what they all knew. "Let us no longer hold
ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided," Maekar and Rhaenyra's eyes locked from across the room before quickly turning away. "But set aside your grievances. If not for the sake of the crown... then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly."

"I wish to raise my cup to the Princess Rhaenyra," said Alicent, standing from her chair and raising her cup. Makers and her family looked at her with wide eyes, Aegon choking on his cup as he looked at his mother. "I love my father-in-law. But I must admit that no one has stood... more loyally by his side than his own daughter," the family caught on to what she was doing and raised their cups. "She and her husband have tended to him with... unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has mine and my husband's gratitude... and my apology."

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, sister," Rhaenyra's smile was small, the guilt continuing to eat away at her. Perhaps if she confessed to her crimes, her and her family could live in exile?

"We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow," Alicent reasoned.

"I raise my cup to you... and to your house," Rhaenyra stood up with her own cup. "You will make a fine Queen Consort for my brother."

Maekar's eyes followed Aegon as he stood from his chair. The eldest child walked between Jacaerys and Baela, pouring himself and the girl a goblet wine as he cleared his throat.

"I, um... I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer," said Aegon, and Maekar clenched his fist around his own goblet. "But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask, my wife and I like to keep Dornish customs," Jacaerys slammed his hands on the table as he stood up. Baela calmed him down before he grabbed his own goblet.

"To Prince Aegon, Prince Baelon and Princess Visenya," the latter two looked at their cousin with anger. Why were they being dragged into Aegon's childish teasings. "We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men and young women, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear cousins," everyone raised their glasses in a toast. Again.

Maekar and Alicent's looked at each other. This was only going to end one way.

"To you as well," Aegon replied bitterly as Jacaerys grabbed his shoulder before giving it a light punch.

"Well done, my boy," said Viserys.

"I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena," Evelyn spoke up in front of the Targaryen family for the first time since her arrival in the capital. "They'll be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's been drinking with his father," it wasn't a lie that Evelyn's and Baelon's marriage wasn't a truly happy one. They had their moments, and Evelyn was truly happy when had Viserys.

Daemon, Maekar and Viserys couldn't help but laugh at Baelon's red face. Evelyn let out a small laugh as she sat back down.

"Let us have some music," said Viserys, and the group of bards that sat in the corner began to play a lively tune.

"Excuse me," Jacaerys whispered to Baela. He stood up and offered his hand to Evelyn, which caused a group of surprised looks. Evelyn took his outstretched hand and Baelon scoffed, finishing the rest of his wine.

"Shall we?" Maekar asked Alicent with that same charming smile he used all those years ago when he first asked her to dance on their wedding night.

"How charming you still are in your old age, my darling," Alicent accepted with a tease, getting a round of laughter from the table as she took his outstretched hand. They bowed to each other once before dancing beside Jacaerys and Evelyn.

"Vis-" Lucerys tried to say but was cut off by her.

"I don't dance," Visenya interjected before he could finish. The boy flushed red and returned to his seat and watched his aunt and uncle dance gracefully.

As the lively tune filled the air, Alicent and Maekar took to the center of the dining hall, their graceful movements captivating the attention of everyone present. They twirled and swayed, their steps perfectly synchronised, as if they were the only two people in the room.

Alicent's eyes sparkled with joy as she followed Maekar's lead, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The tension and unease that had hung heavy in the air seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of warmth and nostalgia.

Their dance was a beautiful display of their love for each other, a reminder of the bond they had forged when they first married. With each graceful turn and gentle touch, they seemed to transcend the troubles of the present and return to a time when their love was untainted by the conflicts that had torn their family apart.

As they glided across the floor, the rest of the family watched in awe. The tension that had plagued them moments ago began to melt away, replaced by a flicker of hope. Perhaps, in witnessing Alicent and Maekar's dance, they could find a way to heal the wounds that had divided them.

The room was filled with a mixture of emotions—admiration, longing, and a glimmer of forgiveness. Alicent and Maekar's dance served as a gentle reminder that beneath the layers of resentment and betrayal, there was still love and unity within their family.

And so, they danced, their movements speaking volumes of their enduring love and their unwavering commitment to each other. The dining hall was transformed into a sanctuary of love and forgiveness, if only for a fleeting moment.

As the music reached its crescendo, Alicent and Maekar shared one final, tender embrace, their eyes locked in a silent promise. As the applause filled the air, Alicent and Maekar found themselves in the center of the dining hall, their hands still intertwined. The room buzzed with a palpable energy, a mix of admiration and hope.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Alicent looked deep into Maekar's eyes, her heart overflowing with love. Without a word, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, passionate kiss.

The room fell silent, the clapping fading into the background as the family watched in awe. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a testament to their enduring love.

And as their lips finally parted, Alicent and Maekar stood there, their foreheads pressed against each other. The room erupted once again, this time in a chorus of cheers, wolf-whistles and applause.

In that moment, as Alicent and Maekar embraced amidst the clapping. Viserys' heart was full as he looked towards his son and his son's wife. The love they held for one another made him happy. Then, a searing pain his chest made him groan, and Rhaenyra motioned for the guards to take him out of the room and into the privacy of his own chambers.

"Final tribute," Baelon slammed his hands against the table once his parents, his wife and his cousin retook their seats. He grabbed his goblet, downing the contents before refilling it. He was drunk. "To the health of my cousins: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm..." he paused for a moment, looking between the bastards. "Strong."

"Baelon," Alicent warned, not wanting the memory of her dance with her husband tarnished by her son's drunken stupidity.

"Come..." Baelon ignored her, and his father's desperate attempts to force him into his seat. "Let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys."

"I dare you to say that again," Jacaerys snapped in anger.

"Why? 'Twas only a compliment," Baelon shrugged, turning towards his cousin. "Do you not think yourself Strong?" Jacaerys punched Baelon and Lucerys tried to aid his brother, but was intercepted by Aegon who twisted his arm behind his back and slammed his head into the table.

"That is enough!" Maekar barked, and the children flinched as they were taken back to that night in Driftmark. He roughly grabbed Baelon by the collar and dragged him across the room as the guards split the bastards apart.

"Why would you say such a thing before these people?" Maekar scolded him, holding Baelon in front of him with both hands.

"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Father," Baelon slurred, a smirk on his face. "Mm, though it seems my cousins aren't quite as proud of theirs."

"Your Aunt was on the cusp of admitting her treasons, and now you do this," Maekar spat, shoving him against the pillar. "You insult her lover and the father of her children!"

"So now you don't care that they're bastards?!" Baelon spat, shoving his father back. "After raising us to hate them?"

"I merely wish to end this over a century long dispute peacefully, that means without bloodshed," Markar whispered. "Or are you too fucking drunk to remember that you will be one day Hand of the King? You are embarrassing your parents, your brother and your lady wife."

Baelon looked at the ground.

"Get to bed, Baelon," Maekar spat once more. "I don't wish to see you right now."

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