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A/n: I'm sorry.

In the five days that Maekar had been ruling the Seven Kingdoms much had already changed. The residents of Flea Bottom and King's Landing were given a better lifestyle, with proper plumbing in place and soldiers, stone masons and builders were building proper homes, taverns, shops and brothels for them instead of the wooden ones they had originally, which greatly increased the King's popularity among his people.

The biggest changed he had imposed on the realm was a law which allowed the marriage between a man and a man and a woman and a woman. Maekar had insisted that the Seven Kingdoms were behind on the times when it came to marriage between two people, insisting that it should be like the Free Cities and Dorne.

This law also came with its complications as the Faith of the Seven refused to lead a wedding ceremony between a couple of the same gender. Maekar sat down with the High Septon and threatened the man into obeying.

This law also came about due to Visenya coming to her parents one night of the revelation of her liking of Lady Genevieve Tyrell, who was the handmaiden of her sister-in-law, Evelyn Stark.

Visenya paced nervously in the opulent bedchambers the belonged to her parents. The grandeur of the room seemed to amplify her anxiety, the weight of her secret threatening to crush her. She wiped the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest.

Her parents watched their daughter with concern etched upon their faces. They exchanged a silent understanding, their love for Visenya evident in their eyes.

"Visenya, my dear," Alicent said tenderly, reaching out to place a calming hand on her daughter's arm. "What troubles you?"

Visenya took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage within her. "Mother, Father, there is something I need to share with you," she began, her voice trembling.

Maekar and Alicent listened intently, their eyes fixed on their daughter, ready to embrace whatever truth she was about to reveal.

"I... I like women," Visenya finally confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "More specifically, I have feelings for Genevieve Tyrell."

Visenya's admission hung heavy in the air. She anxiously looked up at her parents, her tear-stained face revealing the fear and vulnerability she had harbored for far too long.

Maekar and Alicent exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions filled with unwavering love and acceptance. Without hesitation, they stepped forward, enveloping their daughter in a warm embrace.

"Visenya, our brave daughter," Maekar said, his voice choked with emotion. "We have always known that you were different. And we have always supported you, no matter what."

Alicent nodded, her eyes shining with compassion. "You are our child, Visenya. Our love for you knows no bounds. Your happiness and well-being are what matter most to us."

Visenya's tears of fear slowly transformed into tears of relief. In that moment, she felt the weight of her parents' acceptance and unwavering support, lifting a burden she had carried for far too long. It was as if a newfound strength surged through her veins.

As they stood there, locked in a tight embrace, Visenya could feel the love and warmth radiating from her parents. And in that moment, she knew that she was not alone.

Now it was time to deal with the treasonous acts of his sister. Maekar wanted to believe that Rhaenyra acted on Daemon's manipulation, knowing that Daemon had no limits, especially when it came to the Iron Throne. Maekar called upon Aegon, wanting his eldest son to be present.

So on the sixth day of his rule, Maekar sent his guards for Rhaenyra.

Maekar watched as Alicent stood in the courtyard of the Red Keep with Baelon and Visenya, greeting Lords and Ladies of the realm as they gathered in the capital of Westeros. The doors opened and Maekar turned around as Rhaenyra was shoved into the room by Ser Criston.

"Unshackle her, she's still my sister," Maekar ordered Ser Criston, who obeyed instantly.

Rhaenyra looked more pale than she normally did, and the weight loss from the week she spent in the black cells was evident as her dress practically hung off her shoulder. She looked around nervously, her eyes landing on Aegon who sat with his feet up on the table and his sword across his lap.

"Sit," Maekar nodded to the only other available chair beside his son. Rhaenyra eyed them both cautiously as she sat.

"Aunt Rhaenyra," Aegon said with a smirk.

"Why am I here?" Rhaenyra's throat was hoarse, she hadn't drank in days. Maekar's gaze hardened as he locked eyes with Rhaenyra. A flicker of disappointment flashed across his face before he spoke, his voice filled with a mix of anger and sorrow.

"You are here, Rhaenyra, to answer for your treasons," Maekar said, his tone cutting through the tense silence. "Your betrayal towards me and my family."

Rhaenyra's eyes widened in shock, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I don't understand."

With a heavy sigh, Maekar leaned forward, his voice dripping with disdain. "Don't play the innocent, Rhaenyra. Your actions have consequences, and it's time for you to take responsibility for them."

Rhaenyra's gaze darted around the room, desperation creeping into her voice. "But it wasn't me, Maekar. I was manipulated. Daemon... Daemon was the one pulling the strings, using me to further his own ambitions."

A wave of realisation washed over those present as Rhaenyra's words hung in the air. Maekar's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of doubt flickering in his eyes. But he quickly regained his composure, refusing to let his guard down.

"You expect me to believe that, Rhaenyra?" Maekar's voice dripped with sarcasm. "You were always so eager to prove yourself, so hungry for power. Now you claim innocence? It's too convenient."

Rhaenyra's eyes filled with a mix of frustration and hurt. "I swear, Maekar, I was a pawn in his game. I never wanted any of this. Please, you have to believe me."

Maekar leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Believe you? After all the pain, the chaos you've caused? I think not, Rhaenyra. Your words hold no weight."

Rhaenyra's face contorted with anger, her voice trembling with suppressed rage. "You're a fool, Maekar! Blind to the truth and consumed by your own righteousness. Just know that one day, you will regret not listening to me."

"You manipulated our father while he was under sedation and threatened the council with treason!" Maekar's voice rose. Aegon looked between them silently, chewing on his bottom lip. "The throne is my birthright as the only son, and you intended to usurp it!"

Rhaenyra's voice dripped with scorn as she pushed back against Maekar's accusations. "Birthright? Don't make me laugh, Maekar. Your claim to the throne is as feeble as your leadership. The realm needs a strong and decisive ruler, not someone who is rumored to be unhinged."

Maekar's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Those are baseless rumors, spread by those who fear the changes I seek to make. I have proven myself on the battlefield and as a wise advisor to the crown. It is my duty to protect the realm from the likes of you."

Rhaenyra's voice grew colder as she stared him down. "Protect the realm? Is that what you call imprisoning your opponents and silencing dissent? Your actions speak louder than your words, Maekar. You are no defender of the realm, but a tyrant in the making."

Maekar's face flushed with rage as he took a step forward. "You dare question my intentions? I will not let you tarnish my name with your lies, Rhaenyra. The people deserve a ruler who will bring stability and prosperity, not someone who is driven by personal ambition."

The room crackled with tension as the two contenders for the throne stood locked in a battle of words and wills.

As the argument escalated, the echoes of their voices grew louder, reverberating through the palace walls. The fate of the realm hung in the balance, and the clash of their opposing ideologies would determine its future.

In that moment, it became clear that this was more than just a battle for the Iron Throne. It was a clash of values and visions for the realm. Rhaenyra and Maekar, both driven by their own beliefs, were unwilling to back down.

And so, they continued to argue, their voices echoing through the halls, each determined to claim the throne as their own. The outcome remained uncertain, but one thing was certain - the realm would never be the same again.

No one had expected Rhaenyra to brandish Viserys' Valyrian steel dagger from underneath her skirts.

"No!" Maekar yelled in anguish but it was too late. Rhaenyra had slit Aegon's throat from end to end before Maekar could stop her. The siblings wrestled for dominance as Aegon tried desperately to stop the bleeding, but the sharp steel had cut to deep and the heir to the Iron Throne could feel his life slipping away as he collapsed to the floor, watching his father.

Maekar, in a fit of rage yet weakened by the emotions of his eldest son, threw Rhaenyra into a nearby bookshelf, the shelf collapsing under the force of the push and sending its contents down on top of Rhaenyra, yet the traitor remained standing.

The air crackled with tension as Rhaenyra and Maekar faced off in the chamber, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Between them lay the coveted Valyrian steel dagger, its gleaming blade reflecting the flickering sunlight.

With a swift and sudden movement, Rhaenyra lunged forward, her hand outstretched towards the dagger. But Maekar was equally quick, his reflexes honed through years of combat. He deftly intercepted her, grabbing her wrist in a vice-like grip, their muscles straining in the struggle for control.

Rhaenyra's eyes blazed with determination as she fought against Maekar's hold, her body twisting and turning with a dancer's grace. She unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches, aiming for Maekar's vulnerable spots. But he was no easy opponent to subdue, his strength matched only by his strategic prowess.

In a swift motion, Maekar twisted Rhaenyra's arm behind her back, forcing her to drop to her knees. The Valyrian steel dagger lay just inches away, tantalisingly close yet agonisingly out of reach. Rhaenyra's mind raced, searching for an opening, a chance to turn the tables.

Summoning every ounce of her willpower, Rhaenyra summoned a burst of energy, using her free hand to deliver a powerful strike to Maekar's abdomen. Caught off guard, he staggered back, his grip momentarily loosening. It was the opening Rhaenyra needed.

With a surge of determination, she dove towards the dagger, her fingers brushing against the cool metal. But Maekar was not one to be easily outmaneuvered. He swiftly recovered, lunging forward to seize the dagger before she could claim it.

Their hands closed around the hilt simultaneously, their strength matched in a contest of wills. The room seemed to hold its breath as they strained against each other, their eyes locked in a battle of fierce determination.

In a desperate bid for victory, Rhaenyra summoned her inner fire, channeling her passion and resolve. With a sudden surge of strength, she kicked Maekar between the legs and punched him in the nose before she wrenched the dagger from Maekar's grip, sending him stumbling backward.

Breathing heavily, Rhaenyra held the Valyrian steel dagger aloft, her eyes ablaze with triumph. She had claimed the prize, securing a symbol of power and authority.

Before Maekar could regain his bearings, Rhaenyra slammed the knife down into Maekar's back. The King let out a grunt of pain and shock as he fell to his knees in front of his son, the blood from Aegon's wound pooling around the two men.

Rhaenyra stepped away from her brother, her hands coming up to cover her mouth as tears fell freely from her eyes. She hadn't meant for this to happen. To kill her nephew and potentially kill her brother. The Targaryen Madness had blinded her once more.

"Aeg..." Maekar muttered weakly, falling forward so he laid in the pool of Aegon's blood. "Aegon... please," he crawled forward, wrapping his arm around Aegon's shoulders and pulling his limp body close to him. "Wake up, son... please," he cried. Maekar hadn't cried since the death of Aemma Arryn, yet here he laid with a dagger in his back and his eldest son dead in his arms, crying like a newborn babe.

As Maekar clung to Aegon's lifeless body, his voice cracked with desperation. Tears mingled with the blood on his face as he pleaded with his son to wake up.

"Please, Aegon," Maekar whispered, his voice choked with grief. "Don't leave me like this. You're strong, my boy. You can't give up now. Wake up, I beg you."

He gently shook Aegon's shoulders, his hands trembling with a mix of fear and anguish. "You have so much ahead of you, Aegon. Your destiny is not to die here. I need you, son. Your mother needs you. You wife and children need you. Wake up, please."

But Aegon remained motionless, his vacant eyes staring back at his father. Maekar's heart shattered as he realised the truth, that his son was gone. A guttural cry of anguish escaped his lips, echoing through the chamber.

"No, this can't be happening," Maekar choked out through sobs. "I failed you, Aegon. I failed to protect you, to keep you safe. I'm so sorry," he clutched Aegon's lifeless body to his chest, his grip tightening as if willing life to return. "I should have been there for you, my son. It should have been me, not you. I would give anything to trade places with you."

Tears flowed freely down Maekar's face as he continued to cradle Aegon, his voice barely audible as he whispered to his departed son.

As Maekar desperately tried to wake Aegon, Rhaenyra slumped down against the wall, her tears streaming down her face. The weight of her actions bore heavily upon her, regret and guilt consuming her heart. She had let her anger and ambition blind her, leading to this tragic outcome that would forever haunt her.

In the midst of her sorrow, Rhaenyra's eyes caught sight of a statue of the Mother nestled in a corner of the chamber. An idea sparked within her mind, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. Rising to her feet, she stumbled towards the statue, her trembling hands fumbling as she pushed and prodded at it.

With a resounding click, a hidden passageway was revealed, concealed behind the statue. Rhaenyra's heart raced as she glanced back at Maekar, still desperately trying to revive his son. She knew she had to escape, to flee the consequences of her actions, but her heart ached with the weight of the lives she had shattered.

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