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A/n~ Season One finale time!

As Visenya descended upon Braavos on the back of her dragon, the Cannibal, the city below seemed to shrink in comparison to the awe-inspiring creature she rode. The dragon, with scales as black as coal and vibrant green eyes, exuded an air of power

The Sealord of Braavos, accompanied by his household guard, stood waiting at the docks to greet Visenya. As she landed gracefully, the Sealord's initial reaction was one of surprise mixed with arrogance. "How dare the King send a child to negotiate with the Free City of Braavos?" he scoffed in Braavosi, his tone dripping with condescension.

Visenya felt a surge of anger rise within her, the urge to snap back at the insult almost overwhelming. But she knew that she needed to maintain her composure and demand respect. With a deep breath, she pushed aside her wounded pride and responded calmly but assertively.

"I may be young, Sealord, but I come representing the might and authority of House Targaryen. My father, the King, entrusts me with this task, and I assure you that I am more than capable of negotiating on behalf of our great house," she replied back, also in Braavosi, which seemed to shock the Sealord and his advisers.

They didn't need to know it wasn't her father's orders and that he laid in a coma across the Narrow Sea, not yet anyway.

Her voice carried a strength that belied her age, and her eyes met the Sealord's with unwavering determination. She refused to let his words diminish her purpose or undermine her position.

The Sealord, taken aback by Visenya's composed yet forceful response, paused for a moment. He looked at her, truly seeing her for the first time, recognising the fire in her eyes and the power she held as a dragonrider.

"Very well, Princess Visenya," he said in the common tongue, his tone now tinged with respect. "If you have the confidence of your father, then I shall give you the respect you deserve. Let us proceed with the negotiations and discuss the matters at hand."

Visenya nodded, acknowledging the Sealord's change in attitude. She knew that gaining respect in the cutthroat world of diplomacy required both strength and tact. With the Sealord's acknowledgment, she felt a newfound determination to represent her house with grace and skill.

As they began to walk towards the halls of Sealord of Braavos' mansion, Visenya's mind focused on the task ahead. She would not let her youth or gender be obstacles in her quest to safeguard the future of House Targaryen.

Inside the grand halls of the Sealord's mansion, Visenya found herself surrounded by the esteemed advisers of Braavos. They sat around a large table, their faces etched with skepticism as they awaited her negotiations. With a calm confidence, Visenya began to lay out her proposals, discussing trade agreements and alliances that would benefit both Braavos and House Targaryen.

Visenya cleared her throat, addressing the Sealord and his advisors. "Your Excellency, esteemed advisors, I thank you for granting me this opportunity to discuss matters of great importance. House Targaryen seeks to establish a strong alliance with Braavos, one that will bring prosperity and mutual benefit to our great lands."

The Sealord leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Visenya. "Princess Visenya, we are interested to hear what you propose. Speak freely, for we value honesty and transparency in our negotiations."

Visenya nodded, her voice steady and confident. "Firstly, I wish to express the gratitude of House Targaryen for the warm welcome and hospitality I have received in Braavos. I am impressed by the strength and resilience of this city, as well as its vast trading network."

One of the advisors interjected, his tone skeptical. "But what can House Targaryen bring to the table? Your family's power has diminished slightly over the years."

Visenya maintained her composure, meeting the advisor's gaze. "Indeed, our family's power has faced challenges, but we still possess influence and resources that can be of value to Braavos. We offer our military support and strategic alliances, as well as our expertise in dragonlore and governance."

However, before broaching the topic of the marriage alliance, Visenya chose to mention the new marriage law in Westeros that allowed same-sex unions. She spoke of how progressive and inclusive this law was, emphasising that it showcased the changing times and the importance of embracing diversity. Though she was only nearly eleven years old, her words were imbued with a maturity far beyond her age.

As the discussion progressed, Visenya's attention turned to the Sealord's daughter, Lady Aalayna. Upon the Sealord's request, a servant was summoned to fetch her. A few moments later, a girl two years Visenya's senior entered the room. Lady Aalayna had sun-kissed skin, large doe-like brown eyes, and a slender body.

"Princess Visenya, I have heard of the new marriage law in Westeros. It speaks of equality and acceptance. I admire your courage in bringing it up. But tell me, can you truly protect me? Can you ensure my happiness and safety?"

Visenya's eyes softened as she addressed Aalayna. "I swear upon my honor and the blood of House Targaryen that I will protect you with all my strength. I will be your shield, your confidante, and your partner in all endeavors. Your happiness and well-being will always be my priority."

Aalayna nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She turned to her father, the Sealord, and said, "Father, I have listened to your he Princess' assurances, and her answers have pleased me. I believe she is sincere in her intentions. I am willing to become a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms and embrace this union."

The Sealord considered his daughter's words for a moment before nodding approvingly. "Very well. I am satisfied with your proposals and the bond you have formed with Lady Aalayna. May this alliance bring prosperity and harmony to both our lands."

Visenya couldn't contain her relief and joy as she looked at Aalayna. The weight of her mission had been lifted, and the future seemed brighter than ever. She reached out to take Aalayna's hand, a sense of unity and excitement coursing through her.

Aalayna smiled back at her, squeezing Visenya's hand.


The sky was filled with dark, ominous clouds that stretched as far as the eye could see. The winds howled fiercely, whipping through the air with relentless force. Thunder roared in the distance, echoing through the valleys and adding to the sense of foreboding in the air. The stormy weather set the stage for Rhaegar's arrival at Storm's End.

Rhaegar clung tightly to the saddle of Vhagar, his massive dragon, as they soared through the turbulent skies. The dragon's wings beat against the wind, struggling to maintain stability amidst the fierce gusts. Rain poured down in torrents, drenching Rhaegar and Vhagar alike. The storm seemed determined to challenge their journey.

Finally, Vhagar descended, landing gracefully on a hill near Shipbreaker Bay. The dragon's scales glistened with rainwater as Rhaegar dismounted, his legs trembling from the intensity of the flight. He looked out towards the formidable fortress that was Storm's End, its silhouette barely visible through the torrential downpour.

The ground was soaked and muddy, making every step a struggle for Rhaegar. The wind continued to buffet him, threatening to knock him off balance. But he persevered, determination etched on his face as he trudged forward through the harsh conditions. Each step felt like an uphill battle, the weight of the storm pressing against him.

As Rhaegar approached the gates of Storm's End, two Baratheon soldiers appeared, their armor glistening with raindrops. They eyed him warily but recognised the Targaryen sigil on his cloak. They escorted him through the fortress, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls.

In the great hall, Rhaegar was greeted by Lord Borros, a stern and weathered man. Standing beside him was his son and heir, Royce Baratheon, a strong and imposing figure. Four daughters of similar ages stood behind them, their eyes curious and cautious. They were Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn, and Floris Baratheon.

Rhaegar, despite being weary from his journey, stood tall and composed. He acknowledged Lord Borros with a respectful nod and turned his attention to Royce and the Baratheon daughters. He greeted them with a warm smile, hoping to foster a sense of camaraderie amidst the stormy atmosphere.

As the thunder rumbled outside, Rhaegar and the Baratheons came together, their meeting a clash of two powerful houses amidst the tempestuous weather.

Rhaegar and Lord Borros faced each other across the room in the dimly lit hall of Storm's End. The storm outside raged on, lending an air of tension to the negotiations that were about to take place.

Rhaegar began, his voice steady despite the tumultuous circumstances. "Lord Borros, I come here seeking your aid in the war against the usurper, Rhaenyra Targaryen. Together, our houses can bring stability to the realm. I offer you my support and protection, as well as lands and titles for your loyal service."

Lord Borros leaned back in his chair, studying Rhaegar with a discerning gaze. "Titles and lands are tempting, Targaryen, but they are not enough. What else can you offer in exchange for our assistance?"

Rhaegar pondered for a moment, considering his options. He knew Lord Borros was hinting at a marriage pact, but Rhaegar wanted to avoid that at all costs. Moira had nearly killed Baelon when Rhaegar informed her that their marriage had been called off. She begged and she pleaded with her brother and her mother for nearly two straight hours but it was to no avail.

"I understand the importance of family alliances, Lord Borros. However, I cannot bring myself to marry one of your daughters. Instead, I propose a generous dowry for each of them, securing their future and ensuring they marry well. In addition, I offer you a seat on my father's council as the Lord of War, where your voice will be heard and your wisdom valued."

Lord Borros shook his head, his expression resolute. "I appreciate your offers, Targaryen, but they do not sway my decision. My daughters are not mere pawns to be married off for political gain. They deserve more than a dowry. They deserve a secure future and a loving marriage."

Rhaegar's brow furrowed, realising that his previous offers had fallen flat. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. He bit his lip, mentally apologising to his love. "I understand your concerns. In light of our shared goal and the importance of unity, I am willing to make a personal sacrifice. I offer to marry one of your daughters, pledging my loyalty and devotion to both her and House Baratheon."

A hushed silence filled the room as Rhaegar's words hung in the air. Lord Borros stared at him, his expression a mix of surprise and consideration. The storm outside seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the outcome of this crucial negotiation.

Finally, Lord Borros leaned forward, his voice firm yet tinged with a touch of respect. "Very well, Rhaegar Targaryen. Your commitment to your cause is commendable, and I accept your offer. My daughter, Cassandra, shall be your bride. May this union bring strength and prosperity to our houses."

Rhaegar felt a mix of relief and self-loathing wash over him. The storm outside seemed to relent slightly, as if acknowledging the resolution reached within the walls of Storm's End. With his betrothal to Cassandra Baratheon secured, Rhaegar saw a glimmer of hope in the midst of the dark and stormy times that lay ahead.

"My Prince," Cassandra approached him with a shy smile. She curtsied, her eyes facing the floor as she bent her knees.

"My Lady, it's an honour to be your betrothed," Rhaegar put on his most charming smiling, hoping Cassandra would be able to not see the pain he held behind his eyes.

"And it's an honour to be yours," Cassandra's face reddened, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Rhaegar reached out to gently lift Cassandra's chin, his eyes searching hers. "My Lady, there is something I must confess," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of guilt and vulnerability.

Cassandra looked at him, her expression filled with concern. "What is it, my Prince?" she asked softly.

Rhaegar took a deep breath, his grip on her hand tightening slightly. "I... I fear that my heart may not be entirely free," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Cassandra's eyes widened, a mixture of confusion and sadness crossing her features. "What do you mean, my Prince?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Rhaegar's gaze softened as he spoke, his words filled with regret. "There is someone else who has captured my heart, my Lady. I cannot deny the feelings that exist between us," he confessed, his voice filled with both sorrow and sincerity.

Cassandra's eyes welled up with tears, but she nodded, understanding the depth of his honesty. "I appreciate your honesty, my Prince," she said, her voice filled with a bittersweet acceptance. "But what does this mean for us?"

Rhaegar's grip on her hand tightened further, his voice filled with a mix of determination and sadness. "I will honor our betrothal, Cassandra. I will be loyal and fulfill my duty to you and our families. But I cannot promise you a heart that is entirely mine," he said, his voice filled with a heavy weight of responsibility.

Cassandra nodded, a lone tear falling down her cheek which Rhaegar quickly swept away with his thumb. "I understand, Prince Rhaegar. I will stand by your side, even if your heart belongs to another," she said, her voice filled with a quiet strength.

Rhaegar's eyes softened with gratitude as he looked at Cassandra, his betrothed, and friend. "Thank you, Cassandra. Your understanding means more to me than you can ever know," he said, his voice filled with a mix of appreciation and regret.

"Prince Lucerys Velaryon," the voice of the same guard said as the doors opened once more. Thunder clapped loudly as Lucerys walked into the hall, eyeing his cousin wearily as the guards stopped, letting Lucerys stop in front of them. "Son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen."

"Lord Borros... I brought you a message from my mother... the Queen," Rhaegar scoffed, going to unsheathe his dagger but Cassandra's hand on his wrist prevented him from doing so.

"Father doesn't like bloodshed in his halls," she whispered, hugging his arm close to her body. Rhaegar grunted, letting his dagger go as he glared at the traitor.

"Yet earlier this day, I received an envoy from the King and his Regent," Lord Borros snarked, his eyes dancing between Rhaegar and Lucerys. "Which is it? King or Queen?" He asked simply, before adding a joke. "The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it," he laughed, but no one joined in.

"Breathe, my dear," Cassandra whispered to Rhaegar, noticing how tense and rigid he stood.

"What's your mother's message?" Lord Borros asked, entertaining the bastard despite pledging for Rhaegar's father. Rhaegar watched from the side as Lucerys produced a scroll from his pockets, handing it to a guard who in turn passed it to Lord Borros.

"Father still cannot read," Cassandra jested quietly to Rhaegar, the two of them smirking to one another.

Lord Borros sighed, holding the scroll of parchment up. "Where's the bloody maester?" His voice echoed through the hall as the wind whistled.

A Maester rushed forward and took the scroll, quickly reading it before bending down to whisper in Lord Borros' ear.""Remind" me of my father's oath?" Lord Borros chuckled, eyeing the bastard. "My father pledged allegiance to the King, boy, not a spoilt bitch," Lord Borros scoffed, glaring a the boy. "King Maekar at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact," his gaze turned briefly to Rhaegar and Cassandra. "If I do as your mother bids... which one of my daughters will you wed... boy?"

"My Lord... I am not free to marry. I'm already betrothed," Lucerys stammered. Rhaegar smirked to himself.

"So you come with empty hands," Lord Borros summarised. "Go home, pup, and tell your mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes."

"I shall take your answer to the Queen, my Lord," Lucerys bowed his head and turned to leave, but Rhaegar stepped forward, letting Cassandra's hand drop from his arm.

"Wait..." Rhaegar said, stopping a few meters away from the bastard. He wanted to avenge his sister's injury from all those years ago. "My Lord Strong," he smirked, seeing Lucerys stiffen. "Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my father's throne at no cost?"

"I will not fight you," he put on a brave facade, but Rhaegar could see through it with ease. "I came as a messenger, not a warrior."

"A fight would be little challenge," Rhaegar said sarcastically, shrugging as he paced in front of him. "No. I want you to put out your eye, as payment for my sister's. One will serve, I intend not to blind you," he took out the same dagger and twirled it around his fingers. "Mm, plan to make a gift of it to my mother and my sister, maybe it'll end their grievances."

"No," Lucerys shook his head.

"Then you are craven as well as a traitor," Rhaegar sneered, taking a small step forward. "Maybe I should kill you instead and send your head to your mother and your bastard brother. Hmm? Would you like that?!" He yelled, his voice echoing around the hall. "A son for a son! A brother for a brother! A King for a Bastard!" He finished, breathing heavily as he threw his dagger at Lucerys' feet.

"Not here," Lord Borros tried to deescalate the situation but failed.

"Give me your eye!" Rhaegar demanded. "Or I will take it, bastard!"

"Not in my hall!" Lord Borros yelled, gaining their attention at last. "The boy came as an envoy. I'll not have bloodshed beneath my roof," he said sternly, turning towards his guards. "Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon," they nodded, escorting Lucerys out of the hall.

As Lucerys was escorted out of the hall, Rhaegar's anger burned within him. He couldn't let Lucerys escape without consequence for his treachery. Without hesitation, Rhaegar rushed out of the hall, his mind focused on one thing: catching up to Lucerys before he could reach Dragonstone.

Outside, the storm raged fiercely, the wind howling and rain drenching everything in its path. Rhaegar's heart pounded in his chest as he spotted Vhagar, his faithful dragon, waiting for him. With swift movements, he mounted his dragon, the connection between them instantaneous.

Without wasting a moment, Rhaegar urged Vhagar to take flight. The powerful wings of the dragon beat against the stormy winds as they ascended into the sky. The harsh weather began to lighten the further they got from Dragonstone, allowing them to gain speed and close the distance between them and Lucerys.

As they soared above the clouds, Rhaegar's determination grew stronger. He didn't intend to engage in a full-blown battle with Lucerys; he only wanted to strike fear into his heart and make him realize the consequences of his actions. But as they approached Lucerys and Arrax, Vhagar had other ideas.

Vhagar, a massive dragon dwarfing Arrax by five times, let out a powerful roar, challenging the smaller dragon. Without any hesitation, she lunged forward, claws and jaws ready to strike. Rhaegar struggled to rein in Vhagar's aggression, but the dragon seemed intent on engaging in a battle.

"No! Vhagar!" Rhaegar shouted, pulling on the reins. "Obey!"

The clash between the dragons was fierce. Fire vs fire filled the sky as their roars echoed through the air. Rhaegar gripped tightly onto Vhagar's scales, his eyes locked on Lucerys. He wanted to make him understand the consequences of his actions, but he hadn't anticipated this turn of events.

As the battle raged on, Rhaegar's mind raced for a solution. He couldn't let this spiral out of control. With a surge of determination, he called out to Lucerys, his voice carrying over the deafening roars of the dragons.

"Lucerys! Listen to me!" Rhaegar shouted, hoping to reach his bastard cousin amidst the chaos. "My brother doesn't want this to end in bloodshed! Surrender yourself and face the consequences of your treason!"

But Lucerys, fueled by his own arrogance and desperation, refused to listen. He continued to fight back, his dragon fiercely retaliating against Vhagar's onslaught. Rhaegar realised that words alone would not be enough to end this battle.

With a heavy heart, Rhaegar made a difficult decision. He commanded Vhagar to disengage from the fight, to cease her attack on Arrax. The massive dragon reluctantly obeyed, pulling away from the smaller dragon. The battle in the sky came to a momentary halt as the dragons circled each other, each assessing their opponent.

Rhaegar took this opportunity to address Lucerys once again. "Lucerys, please! This fight serves no purpose but to bring more pain and suffering to our families. Surrender now, and my brother promises you mercy! You will live your days on the Wall despite my father's and mother's wishes for your heads!"

Lucerys didn't even consider his words and urged Arrax to fight, but just as Arrax went to breathe fire upon Rhaegar and the older dragon, Vhagar opened her jaws and clamped them around Arrax's head Lucerys, her teeth sinking into the flesh of the dragon and tearing its body in half. Lucerys's fate was sealed. With a deafening roar, Vhagar clamped her mighty jaws around the head of Arrax and Lucerys, swallowing them both in one swift motion. Rhaegar's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he witnessed the gruesome demise of his cousin. He watched the bottom half of Arrax's fall the long way down to the Narrow Sea.

The silence that followed was heavy with a mix of horror and sorrow. Rhaegar's heart sank, knowing that he had failed to prevent this tragedy. The consequences of Lucerys' actions had led to his own demise.

Rhaegar's gaze shifted from the spot where Lucerys had vanished, back to Vhagar. The massive dragon, now stained with blood, hovered in the air for a moment, as if contemplating the outcome of her own actions.

With a heavy heart, Rhaegar patted Vhagar on the neck, his voice filled with a mix of grief and determination. "Vhagar, calm yourself. This battle has taken enough of your energy."

Vhagar, still filled with adrenaline from the battle, hesitated for a moment. They eventually made it back to King's Landing, the harsh weather returning as if it knew the gravity of the situation. Slowly, Vhagar began to descend, her massive wings beating softly against the air.

Despite the bad weather, Otto was waiting for Rhaegar on the edge of the Kingswood. He eyed his grandson closely, noticing his heavy frown.

"Did you accomplish your task?" Otto asked his youngest grandson, placing his hands on both his shoulders so Rhaegar was forced to stay in front of him.

"The Baratheon's are loyal to our cause and I am to marry the Lady Cassandra when father awakens," said Rhaegar over the storm, his voice firm. "Lucerys was there, and I killed the traitor," he added, the remorse he once felt for not following his brother's orders was now replaced with a feeling of sick satisfaction.

Lucerys was dead in the belly of Vhagar. Not only did he avenge the loss of Moira's eye, he sent a message to his aunt. He was the one that avenged the death of his brother and the attack on his father. He was the one that stripped her of one of her bastards. He would be the one that bathed in glory when his father was informed.

"You did well, grandson," Otto smiled, a real smile. "And I wouldn't worry about your brother's orders."

"Why?" Rhaegar asked, his eyebrows furrowing together as he stared at him.

"Your father is awake."

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