Needing some help, please! (For my WoF fanfic)

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Okkkkkkkkkkkay so long story short-

Meet Opal! He's a Rainwing-Icewing hybrid and the older brother of the protagonist from my WoF fanfiction.

He's an adult (or has just become one, at the least), and he needs a love interest/wife. :D

Opal is charismatic, physically strong, impulsive, tries to make a joke out of everything, constantly is in trouble, likes to play pranks, mischievous, slightly greedy, untrustworthy, but loyal to a fault when it comes to his loved ones. He's a little bit stupid, but really knowledgeable when it comes to anything involving light because he had to learn about positioning to hide his white scales when he turns invisible (his Rainwing scales can shift colors but all the white spots can only fade ever so slightly).

I've settled on three options, and I've already designed possible dragonets for all of the choices:

Fruit bat- Because she is actually quite pretty (giving room for Opal's flattery side to take place), but is a bit clumsy so there might be a slightly lovable trait to her too.

Fruit Bat Pro: She's really pretty but vain, which would be useful to show up Opal's charismatic side.

Fruit Bat Con: There hasn't been much personality shown for her, which could be annoying to adapt.


Exquisite- She's a slightly more likable character, seeing as she isn't too selfish, and she's a lot less lazy. She would also make a good match for Opal I think because she's strong too and has a weird little obsession which could be a conversation point.

Exquisite Pro- She's much kinder, has a cute obsession, and is more similar to Opal strength-wise. This means that there would be many ways they could meet, such as on a sloth watching duty, or being a guard, or some other job.

Exquisite Con: She seems to be older, maybe a bit too old for Opal.


Dazzling- She's probably my second-to-last choice, tied with Splendor, but her age appears to be much closer to what Opal's would be so...? She's not particularly intelligent, which Opal might not actually notice, and she's quite greedy too- but not that bad, I guess. 

Dazzling Pro- She appears to be a lot younger than the others and closer to Opal's age.

Dazzling Con- She hasn't got many admirable personality traits.


Splendor- Because she has no set personality, seeing as she was barely in the books, and she also has no set appearance.

Splendor Pro: She has no set personality or appearance.

Splendor Con: She's a canon character who I'd need to design and adapt.


I really, REALLY wanted to use Magnificent but she is definitely too old... I could totally choose Splendor, seeing as she hasn't appeared in the graphic novels (yet) and wasn't fully described in the books... which means I would get to choose her personality, age, and appearance... but I want to use a character that already HAS that done for me, and that people will recognize straight up. So I'm thinking either Fruit Bat, Exquisite, or Dazzling. They will all be older than Opal by a few years, but not by TOO much.

I am holding a vote. Going by this information, and no bias, I would really appreciate if you guys could put in the comments who you think would be the best match. Thankkkkkkk you!!!

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