๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ– - Popular Table

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Maisie led Aidan towards the lunch hall; trying to keep him calm after the recent event. However, once entering, all eyes were on Aidan. "So much for food keeping me calm." Aidan sighed, about to walk away but Maisie pulled him back. "Don't even start, Aidy. We need to keep going, otherwise we'll have a worse time for the rest of our time in Viktia." Maisie encouraged. Aidan then agreed to keep going, as he didn't want to be insulted/teased by the event by Cameron, Avery and Delores. "Looks like we're back in the same situation as Viktias." They turned to look at the popular table of Viktia, spotting Serena, Five and Nicky. "Is that Serena?" Aidan whispered to himself. "Is that...Five and Nicky?" Maisie mumbled. The two shook their heads, coming back to reality, they had to focus on where to sit. "We're definitely not allowed on that table." Aidan pointed to the popular group. "Not to mention that Zack is at that table, I don't think we need another brawl." Maisie added and Aidan shot her a glare, but Maisie just shrugged her shoulders.

"We're definitely not Hermionas anymore." They looked over to see Virginia socialising with other Hermionas; Cody and Ricky studying at the table. "And we're not Roxanias or Gracias yet." The two looked over to the tables of the other two houses that they had not entered yet; Maisie seeing some people they had met before. Aidan and Maisie kept scanning the room before noticing that Wednesday's table was empty and she was sitting by herself. They smiled at each other and rushed over to the table, not noticing they were being watched by Zack and Liv. "Still angry at the new girl and boy?" Avery teased him. "Not much with the new girl, more at the new boy." Zack responded. "They do have names, Zack." Serena stated. "Not important, Sere." Cameron raised his eyebrows at her.

Wednesday was sat, scribbling down some notes with a hand on her shoulder, named Thing. "Be careful, that's my cold shoulder." She told him. "Hey!" Maisie smiled as they approached her. Wednesday slowly looks up to them, once she realised they were talking to her. "Hey, Mai and Aidan." She said. "Yep, the one and onlys. You don't mind if we sit here since we're now Viktias, do you? Plus we have a funny story to tell you about Potions!" Maisie questioned. "I guess, Jade was supposed to sit with me but she got lunchtime detention but I'd love to hear that story." Wednesday said, deadpanned. Maisie and Aidan thanked her and sat down opposite her. "Oh, Maisie and Aidan." The moments with their friend didn't last long, once those words came out and behind them, were the three populars. "Did you just call us by our real names?" Maisie questioned, confused as to why they did that since they refused to do it for their first two days in their previous house. "Aw, Maisie, you're so funny!" Delores laughed.

"What are you doing?" Wednesday said, giving a grimace look at Delores' laugh with her accent. "So like, Maisie and Aidan, you want to hang out with us and our guys and girls at our lunch table?" Avery offered, with a "smile". "What?" Aidan questioned. "They would seriously like love to hear about Potions class, where you turned Zack into a duck, Aidan." Cameron chuckled. "You turned Zack into a duck?" Wednesday questioned with a smirk. "I-It was an accident!" Aidan tried to clarify. "But funny, nonetheless." Delores smirked. "Was it? He turned one of Cameron's best friends into an animal." Maisie stated. "And it was hilarious, Zack found it funny too." Aidan and Maisie looked at each other, confused even more. "Even if they fist-fought in the courtyard?"

"Don't worry, he won't be mean. We'll make sure he isn't." Delores said, showing her smirk again. "Uh, that's really nice of you three." Maisie said, nervously. "So, you two wanna hang out with us? You guys are kinda famous, so that means you'd be one of us." Avery asked. "Well-" They tried to say that they wanted to sit with Wednesday but Cameron cut them off. "She meant it as not being a choice, come with us and stop being losers." The two looked at their pig-tailed friend, who just gestured for them to go and follow them. They nodded and knew she preferred solitude. "And look, one of the loners knows what's right." Delores smirked. "Good thing, we didn't have to put you in your place like last time." She then added, in a whisper in her ear. "Neither did I." Wednesday snapped back, glaring right at the three and they glared back.

"So come on, you two!"

"Save us..."

"You're both doomed."

They followed the three to the table, Maisie sitting down near Serena and Aidan sitting next to her which unfortunately placed him next to Zack. "Hey, Aidan and Maisie!" A blond girl, named Emma Ross, waved. "The girls and Cam told us about your potion." She added. "It's like so funny!" Another girl said. "Uh, really? I thought you'd be a bit mad." Maisie questioned, confused. "Nah, it's alright. We're all up for some good fun, right Zack?"ย Delores stated, side eyeing the boy. The said boy just grunted and rolled his eyes. Aidan turned to see another familiar face, the famous heiress of the Tipton Hotel. "London?" He said, agape. "Dimples!" London gasped, as she showed a smile and leaned over the table to hug the boy. "You know London too?" Avery questioned, an eyebrow raising. "Of course we do! Dimples always hung out with Zack and Cody at the hotel, duh!" London explained, giving an obvious glance. "Yeah, used to." Zack mumbled. Aidan looked over to Zack, seeing his glare once again and he turned back to avoid.ย 

The two siblings looked over to see Serena, Five and Nicky and gave them a wave. "Hey, Aidy." Serena smiled. "Hey, witchy." Five smirked and Nicky gave a wave to her. "Oh, so you guys know each other as well? Seems you are quite popular, Potters." Cameron stated. "Well, we've bumped into each other in the hallways a couple of times." Maisie chuckled. "A couple? It's like we're always bumping into each other." Nicky said. "Hm, hilarious." Avery mumbled as she and Delores gave Maisie a small glare, unnoticed. "So, Dimples, how are you finding it in Viktia?" London asked Aidan, ecstatic. "It is, um, a really welcoming house." Aidan tried to say. "Yes, it's full of lovely members, isn't it?" Liv muttered, sarcastically, with a small nod of agreement from Zack. The three populars gave them another side eye, full of anger. "But we don't know if we're really Viktia material." Maisie added to her brother's statement. "Of course you two are! Maisie, your skill in Potions with Liv was amazing. And Aidan, doing that potion on Zack, it was such a devious trick of yours! That's cunning, you're both definetly Viktias."

"That's why we invited you two to our table, to see if you were ACTUAL Viktia material." Delores added to Cameron's sentence. "Oh...but I didn't do that on purpose. It was supposed to give him a more alluring scent, towards women specifically." Aidan tried to explain. He still tried to avoid the topic of the incident in class, which then led to the fist-fight between him and Zack. "And you expect me to believe that, do you?" Zack spat. "You don't have to lie to us, Aidan. I think it's pretty funny, don't you Zack?" Cameron said. "Funny, isn't the word that I would use and neither would Zack." Liv added, in anger. The three stood from their seats, staring the two down hard as the rest of the squad watched in shock, except for the siblings and the other three. "Are you two gonna keep on being such grumps? Or are you going to leave?" Delores spat. "We weren't hungry, anyway." Zack snapped, grabbing Liv's arm and the two stormed away. "Boo! Everyone likes food!" London yelled at them. "Oh, we're sorry, we didn't mean to do that." Maisie apologised. "It's fine, you two. They're always like this." Avery confirmed.ย 

"So, think you're both worthy of Viktia, Aidy?" Serena asked the boy. "We'd like to think so." Aidan responded with a smirk, the two sharing a laugh. "Hey, I've got a question." Maisie asked Five and Nicky, the two gesturing for her to go on. "Why aren't you three sat up there being pretty princesses?" She teased. "Well, we were invited here." Nicky chuckled, the two boys joining in on the fun. The three populars watched them with hate-filled stares; Cameron at Aidan and Serena, while Delores and Avery with Maisie and Five and Nicky.ย "Aw, taking a break from those duties?" Aidan joined in. "Yeah, those crowns were getting a little too heavy for us." Serena laughed, the four joining in with it too. "Aren't you all just cute friends?" Delores piped in, with a fake smile. The five broke up, them all stammering at the statement and agreeing with her. "Really? Cause if I didn't know any better, it'd look like we have two couples here." London pointed out, Emma jabbing her in the arm and gesturing to the three populars. "Don't be so silly, London. It's so obvious they aren't going out, it's not even allowed anyway, right?" Cameron fake laughed, before giving the two siblings a sharp look on his last word. "Right, of course." Aidan mumbled.

"Well, we better get up there before the food is set out, good talking to you guys." Serena pointed out, her and the two boys getting up from their seats and walking up to the heads table. Maisie just watched Five and Nicky walk away, and Aidan did the same with Serena, each sibling giving dreamy looks at their chosen perspective. This caught the attention of Delores, Avery and Cameron who snapped the two out of their visions, jealous. "We're thinking after lunch, you two wanna come to our room and hang out with us?" Delores asked them. "But, doesn't that mean we'd miss class?" Maisie asked them, worried. "That's the thing, we're bunking off, duh. What do you think I always do?" London gave them an obvious look. Maisie and Aidan looked at each other, concerned looks, something told them both that they were entering something they couldn't find their way out of.

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